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2016-02-03 08:52:51 +01:00
addi=add immediate
addiw=add immediate to 32-bit word
addw=add 32-bit words
amoadd.d=atomic memory operation, add (64 bits)
amoadd.w=atomic memory operation, add (32 bits)
amoand.d=atomic memory operation, bitwise AND (64 bits)
amoand.w=atomic memory operation, bitwise AND (32 bits)
amomax.d=atomic memory operation, signed integer maximum (64 bits)
amomax.w=atomic memory operation, signed integer maximum (32 bits)
amomaxu.d=atomic memory operation, unsigned integer maximum (64 bits)
amomaxu.w=atomic memory operation, unsigned integer maximum (32 bits)
amomin.d=atomic memory operation, signed integer minimum (64 bits)
amomin.w=atomic memory operation, signed integer minimum (32 bits)
amominu.d=atomic memory operation, unsigned integer minimum (64 bits)
amominu.w=atomic memory operation, unsigned integer minimum (32 bits)
amoor.d=atomic memory operation, bitwise OR (64 bits)
amoor.w=atomic memory operation, bitwise OR (32 bits)
amoswap.d=atomic memory operation, swap (64 bits)
amoswap.w=atomic memory operation, swap (32 bits)
amoxor.d=atomic memory operation,
amoxor.w=atomic memory operation,
and=bitwise and
andi=bitwise and with immediate
auipc=add upper immediate to PC
beq=branch if equal
bge=branch if greater than
bgeu=branch if greater than, unsigned
blt=branch if less than
bltu=branch if less than, unsigned
bne=branch if not equal
c.add=add (compressed instruction)
c.addi16sp=add signed immediate*16 to stack pointer (compressed instruction)
c.addi4spn=add unsigned immediate*4 to stack pointer (compressed instruction)
c.addi=add immediate (compressed instruction)
c.addiw=add immediate to 32-bit word (compressed instruction)
c.addw=add 32-bit words (compressed instruction)
c.and=bitwise AND (compressed instruction)
c.andi=bitwirse AND with immediate (compressed instruction)
c.beqz=branch if equal to zero (compressed instruction)
c.bnez=branch if not equal to zero (compressed instruction)
c.ebreak=environment breakpoint (compressed instruction)
c.fld=floating-point load, double precision (compressed instruction)
c.fldsp=floating-point load, double precision, SP relative (compressed instruction)
c.flw=floating-point load, single precision (compressed instruction)
c.flwsp=floating-point load, single precision, SP relative (compressed instruction)
c.fsd=floating-point store, double precision (compressed instruction)
c.fsdsp=floating-point store, double precision, SP relative (compressed instruction)
c.fsw=floating-point store, single precision (compressed instruction)
c.fswsp=floating-point store, single precision, SP relative (compressed instruction)
c.j=jump (compressed instruction)
c.jal=jump and link (compressed instruction)
c.jalr=jump and link, register relative (compressed instruction)
c.jr=jump, register relative (compressed instruction)
c.ld=load double word (64 bits) (compressed instruction)
c.ldsp=load double word (64 bits), SP relative (compressed instruction)
c.li=load immediate (compressed instruction)
c.lui=load upper immediate (compressed instruction)
c.lw=load word (32 bits) (compressed instruction)
c.lwsp=load word (32 bits), SP relative (compressed instruction)
c.mv=move (compressed instruction)
c.or=bitwise OR (compressed instruction)
c.sd=store double word (64 bits) (compressed instruction)
c.sdsp=store double word (64 bits), SP relative (compressed instruction)
c.slli=logical left shift by immediate (compressed instruction)
c.srai=shift right arithmetically by immediate (compressed instruction)
c.srli=shift right logically by immediate (compressed instruction)
c.sub=subtract (compressed instruction)
c.subw=subtract words (32 bits) (compressed instruction)
c.sw=store word (32 bits) (compressed instruction)
c.swsp=store word (32 bits), SP relative (compressed instruction)
c.xor=exclusive OR (compressed instruction)
csrrc=atomic read and clear bit in CSR
csrrci=atomic read and clear immediate bit in CSR
csrrs=atomic read and set bit in CSR
csrrsi=atomic read and set immediate bit in CSR
csrrw=atomic read/write CSR
csrrwi=atomic read/write CSR with immediate
div=signed division
divu=unsigned division
divuw=unsigned division of words (32 bits)
divw=signed division of words (32 bits)
ebreak=environment breakpoint
ecall=environment call
eret=environment return
fadd.d=floating-point add, double precision
fadd.s=floating-point add, single precision
fclass.d=classify floating point number, double precision
fclass.s=classify floating point number, single precision
fcvt.d.l=convert to double from long (64 bits)
fcvt.d.lu=convert to double from unsigned long (64 bits)
fcvt.d.s=convert to double from single
fcvt.d.w=convert to double from word (32 bits)
fcvt.d.wu=convert to double from unsigned word (32 bits)
fcvt.l.d=convert to long (64 bits) from double
fcvt.l.s=convert to long (64 bits) from single
fcvt.lu.d=convert to unsigned long (64 bits) from double
fcvt.lu.s=convert to unsigned long (64 bits) from single
fcvt.s.d=convert to single from double
fcvt.s.l=convert to single from long (64 bits)
fcvt.s.lu=convert to single from unsigned long (64 bits)
fcvt.s.w=convert to single from word (32 bits)
fcvt.s.wu=convert to single from unsigned word (32 bits)
fcvt.w.d=convert to word (32 bits) from double
fcvt.w.s=convert to word (32 bits) from single
fcvt.wu.d=convert to unsigned word (32 bits) from double
fcvt.wu.s=convert to unsigned word (32 bits) from single
fdiv.d=floating-point division, double precision
fdiv.s=floating-point division, single precision
fence=memory fence
fence.i=instruction cache fence
feq.d=floating-point "equals", double precision
feq.s=floating-point "equals", single precision
fld=floating-point load double
fle.d=floating-point "less or equal", double precision
fle.s=floating-point "less or equal", single precision
flt.d=floating-point "less than", double precision
flt.s=floating-point "less than", double precision
flw=floating-point load word
fmadd.d=floating-point multiply-add, double precision
fmadd.s=floating-point multiply-add, single precision
fmax.d=floating-point maximum, double precision
fmax.s=floating-point maximum, single precision
fmin.d=floating-point minimum, double precision
fmin.s=floating-point minimum, single precision
fmsub.d=floating-point multiply-subtract, double precision
fmsub.s=floating-point multiply-subtract, single precision
fmul.d=floating-point multiply, double precision
fmul.s=floating-point multiply, single precision
fmv.d.x=move double to integer register
fmv.s.x=move single to integer register
fmv.x.d=move integer register to double
fmv.x.s=move integer register to double
fnmadd.d=floating-point negated multiply-add, double precision
fnmadd.s=floating-point negated multiply-add, single precision
fnmsub.d=floating-point negated multiply-subtract, double precision
fnmsub.s=floating-point negated multiply-subtract, single precision
fsd=floating-point store double
fsgnj.d=floating-point sign-injection, double precision
fsgnj.s=floating-point sign-injection, single precision
fsgnjn.d=floating-point negated sign-injection, double precision
fsgnjn.s=floating-point negated sign-injection, single precision
fsgnjx.d=floating-point XOR sign-injection, double precision
fsgnjx.s=floating-point XOR sign-injection, single precision
fsqrt.d=floating-point square root, double precision
fsqrt.s=floating-point square root, single precision
fsub.d=floating-point subtract, double precision
fsub.s=floating-point subtract, single precision
fsw=floating-point store word (single precision value)
hrts=hypervisor redirect trap to supervisor
jal=jump and link (call)
jalr=jump and link (call); register-based
lb=load byte
lbu=load byte, unsigned
ld=load double word (64 bits)
lh=load half-word (16 bits)
lhu=load half-word (16 bits), unsigned
lr=load reserved
lr.d=load reserved (64 bits)
lr.w=load reserved (32 bits)
lw=load word (32 bits)
lwu=load word (32 bits) unsigned
mrth=machine redirect trap to hypervisor
mrts=machine redirect trap to supervisor
mulh=multiply, high half
mulhu=multiply unsigned, high half
mulhsu=multiply signed*unsigned, high half
mulw=multiply word (32 bits)
or=bitwise OR
ori=bitwise OR with immediate
rdcycle=read cycle counter
rdcycleh=read cycle counter, high half
rdinstret=read "instructions retired" counter
rdinstreth=read "instructions retired" counter, high half
rdtime=read real-time clock
rdtimeh=read real-time clock, high half
rem=remainder of division
remu=remainder of unsigned division
remuw=remainder of unsigned division (32 bits)
remw=remainder of division (32 bits)
sb=store byte
sc=store conditional
sc.d=store conditional (64 bits)
sc.w=store conditional (32 bits)
sd=store double word (64 bits)
sfence.vm=supervisor-mode fence for virtual memory
sh=store half-word (16 bits)
sll=shift left logically
sllw=shift left logically (32 bits)
slli=shift left logically by immediate
slliw=shift left logically by immediate (32 bits)
slt=set if less than
slti=set if less than immediate
sltiu=set if less than immediate, unsigned
sltu=set if less than, unsigned
sra=shift right arithmetically
srai=shift right arithmetically by immediate
sraiw=shift right arithmetically by immediate (32 bits)
sraw=shift right arithmetically (32 bits)
srl=shift right logically
srli=shift right logically by immediate
srliw=shift right logically by immediate (32 bits)
srlw=shift right logically (32 bits)
subw=subtract word (32 bits)
sw=store word (32 bits)
wfi=wait for interrupt
xor=exclusive or
xori=exclusive or with immediate
lui=load upper immediate