
220 lines
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/* radare - LGPL - Copyright 2009 nibble<.ds@gmail.com> */
#include <stdio.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <getopt.h>
#include <r_types.h>
#include <r_asm.h>
#include <r_util.h>
#include <r_lib.h>
static struct r_lib_t l;
static struct r_asm_t a;
static int rasm_show_help()
printf ("rasm2 [-e] [-o offset] [-a arch] [-s syntax] -d \"opcode\"|\"hexpairs\"|-\n"
" -d Disassemble from hexpair bytes\n"
" -o [offset] Offset where this opcode is suposed to be\n"
" -a [arch] Set architecture plugin\n"
" -b [bits] Set architecture bits\n"
" -s [syntax] Select syntax (intel, att)\n"
" -B Binary input/output (-l is mandatory for binary input)\n"
" -l [int] input/output length\n"
" -L list supported asm plugins\n"
" -e Use big endian\n"
" If '-l' value is greater than output length, output is padded with nops\n"
" If the last argument is '-' reads from stdin\n");
return R_TRUE;
static int rasm_disasm(char *buf, u64 offset, u64 len, int ascii, int bin)
struct r_asm_aop_t aop;
u8 *data;
char *ptr = buf;
int ret = 0;
u64 idx, word = 0, clen = 0;
if (bin) {
clen = len; //XXX
data = (u8*)buf;
} else if (ascii) {
clen = strlen(buf);
data = (u8*)buf;
} else {
while(ptr[0]) {
if (ptr[0]!= ' ')
if (0==(++word%2))clen++;
ptr += 1;
data = alloca(clen);
r_hex_str2bin(buf, data);
if (!len || clen <= len)
len = clen;
for(idx=ret=0; idx < len; idx+=ret) {
r_asm_set_pc(&a, offset + idx);
if (!(ret = r_asm_disassemble(&a, &aop, data+idx, len-idx)))
return 0;
printf("%s\n", aop.buf_asm);
return (int)idx;
static int rasm_asm(char *buf, u64 offset, u64 len, int bin)
struct r_asm_aop_t aop;
int ret, idx, i;
#if 0
/* TODO: Arch, syntax... */
if (!r_asm_set(&a, "asm_x86_olly")) {
fprintf(stderr, "Error: Cannot find asm_x86 plugin\n");
return 1;
r_asm_set_pc(&a, offset);
idx = r_asm_massemble(&a, &aop, buf);
if (bin)
for (i = 0; i < idx; i++)
printf("%c", aop.buf[i]);
else printf("%s\n", aop.buf_hex);
for (ret = 0; idx < len; idx+=ret) {
ret = r_asm_assemble(&a, &aop, "nop");
if (ret) {
if (bin)
for (i = 0; i < ret; i++)
printf("%c", aop.buf[i]);
else printf("%s", aop.buf_hex);
} else {
fprintf(stderr, "invalid\n");
return 0;
if (!bin && idx == len) printf("\n");
return idx;
/* asm callback */
static int __lib_asm_cb(struct r_lib_plugin_t *pl, void *user, void *data)
struct r_asm_handle_t *hand = (struct r_asm_handle_t *)data;
//printf(" * Added (dis)assembly handler\n");
r_asm_add(&a, hand);
return R_TRUE;
static int __lib_asm_dt(struct r_lib_plugin_t *pl, void *p, void *u) { return R_TRUE; }
int main(int argc, char *argv[])
char *arch = NULL;
u64 offset = 0x8048000;
int dis = 0, ascii = 0, bin = 0, ret = 0, c;
u64 len = 0, idx = 0;
r_lib_init(&l, "radare_plugin");
r_lib_add_handler(&l, R_LIB_TYPE_ASM, "(dis)assembly plugins",
&__lib_asm_cb, &__lib_asm_dt, NULL);
r_lib_opendir(&l, getenv("LIBR_PLUGINS"));
if (argc<2)
return rasm_show_help();
r_asm_set(&a, "asm_x86");
while ((c = getopt(argc, argv, "a:b:s:do:Bl:hL")) != -1)
switch( c ) {
case 'a':
arch = optarg;
case 'b':
ret = r_asm_set_bits(&a, r_num_math(NULL, optarg));
if (!ret) fprintf(stderr, "cannot set bits\n");
case 's':
if (!strcmp(optarg, "att"))
r_asm_set_syntax(&a, R_ASM_SYN_ATT);
else r_asm_set_syntax(&a, R_ASM_SYN_INTEL);
case 'd':
dis = 1;
case 'o':
offset = r_num_math(NULL, optarg);
case 'B':
bin = 1;
case 'l':
len = r_num_math(NULL, optarg);
case 'L':
case 'e':
r_asm_set_big_endian(&a, R_TRUE);
case 'h':
return rasm_show_help();
if (arch) {
char *str = malloc(strlen(arch)+10);
sprintf(str, "asm_%s", arch);
if (!r_asm_set(&a, str)) {
fprintf(stderr, "Error: Unknown plugin\n");
free (str);
return 1;
free (str);
if (!strcmp(arch, "bf"))
ascii = 1;
} else if (!dis) {
if (!r_asm_set(&a, "asm_x86_olly")) {
fprintf(stderr, "Error: Cannot find asm_x86_olly plugin\n");
return 1;
} else if (!r_asm_set(&a, "asm_x86")) {
fprintf(stderr, "Error: Cannot find asm_x86 plugin\n");
return 1;
if (argv[optind]) {
if (!strcmp(argv[optind], "-")) {
char buf[1024];
for(;;) {
fgets(buf, 1024, stdin);
if ((!bin || !dis) && feof(stdin))
if (!bin || !dis) buf[strlen(buf)-1]='\0';
if (dis) {
ret = rasm_disasm(buf, offset, len, ascii, bin);
} else {
ret = rasm_asm(buf, offset, len, bin);
idx += ret;
offset += ret;
if (!ret || (len && idx >= len))
return idx;
if (dis) return rasm_disasm(argv[optind], offset, len, ascii, bin);
else return rasm_asm(argv[optind], offset, len, bin);
return 0;