
213 lines
7.3 KiB
Raw Normal View History

include ../global.mk
include config.mk
include ../config-user.mk
include ../mk/platform.mk
include ../mk/${COMPILER}.mk
PWD=$(shell pwd)
LIBS0=util hash
2016-06-17 12:14:39 +02:00
LIBS1=socket reg cons magic bp search config
LIBS2=syscall lang io crypto flags
LIBS3=fs anal bin
2012-10-04 01:49:04 +02:00
LIBS5=asm debug
2012-10-04 01:20:00 +02:00
LIBS=$(LIBS0) $(LIBS1) $(LIBS2) $(LIBS3) $(LIBS4) $(LIBS5) $(LIBS6) $(LIBS7)
${MAKE} $(LIBS0)
${MAKE} $(LIBS1)
${MAKE} $(LIBS2)
${MAKE} $(LIBS3)
${MAKE} $(LIBS4)
${MAKE} $(LIBS5)
${MAKE} $(LIBS6)
${MAKE} $(LIBS7)
ifeq (${WITHNONPIC},1)
${MAKE} libr.a
# looks hacky :D
2013-04-12 02:39:46 +02:00
2013-09-07 02:20:38 +02:00
rm -rf .libr
mkdir .libr
for FILE in */libr_*.a ../shlr/*/*.a ; do \
mkdir -p .libr/$$FILE ; \
cp -f $$FILE .libr/$$FILE ; \
(cd .libr/$$FILE ; ${AR} x *.a ; rm -f *.a ) ; \
cd .libr ; ${AR} qv libr.a `find * -iname *.o`
mv .libr/libr.a libr.a
${RANLIB} libr.a
rm -rf .libr
__AR=xcrun --sdk iphoneos ar
__RANLIB=xcrun --sdk iphoneos ranlib
2013-09-07 02:20:38 +02:00
rm -rf .libr
mkdir .libr
for FILE in */libr_*.a ; do \
mkdir -p .libr/$$FILE ; \
cp -f $$FILE .libr/$$FILE ; \
(cd .libr/$$FILE ; ${__AR} x *.a ; rm -f *.a ) ; \
2013-09-07 02:20:38 +02:00
cd .libr ; ${__AR} qv libr.a `find * -iname *.o`
mv .libr/libr.a libr.a
${__RANLIB} libr.a
lipo -info libr.a
2013-09-07 02:20:38 +02:00
rm -rf .libr
gnu_libr.a: $(shell ls */libr_*.a 2>/dev/null)
rm -f libr.a
echo CREATE libr.a > libr.m
for FILE in */libr_*.a ; do echo ADDLIB $$FILE >> libr.m ; done
echo SAVE >> libr.m
# ar -M is a gnu-ism .. try to find a proper portable way to do that
${CC_AR} -M < libr.m
rm -f libr.m
2012-10-04 01:20:00 +02:00
@echo "DIR $@"
@${MAKE} -C $@
@for lib in ${LIBS}; do ( cd $${lib} && ${MAKE} pkgcfg ); done
cd asm && ${MAKE} pkgcfg NAME=libr DEPS="r_`echo ${LIBS}|sed -e 's, , r_,g'`"
# TODO: Magically generate libr.pc.acr here using LIBS and so :)
${INSTALL_DIR} "${DESTDIR}${LIBDIR}/pkgconfig"
for FILE in ../pkgcfg/*.pc ; do \
rm -f "${DESTDIR}${LIBDIR}/pkgconfig/$$FILE" ; \
${INSTALL_DATA} $$FILE "${DESTDIR}${LIBDIR}/pkgconfig" ; done
@-rm -f "${DESTDIR}${INCLUDEDIR}/libr/sflib"
@-rm -f "${DESTDIR}${INCLUDEDIR}/libr"
(cd include && for FILE in *.h ; do ${INSTALL_DATA} $$FILE "${DESTDIR}${INCLUDEDIR}/libr" ; done)
(cd include/sflib && for DIR in * ; do \
${INSTALL_DIR} "${DESTDIR}${INCLUDEDIR}/libr/sflib/$$DIR" ; \
for FILE in $$DIR/*.h ; do \
2011-12-01 20:17:40 +01:00
done ; \
(cd include/sdb && for FILE in * ; do \
2012-10-11 10:44:22 +02:00
2016-07-10 00:04:38 +03:00
(cd include/r_util && for FILE in * ; do \
symstall install-symlink:
mkdir -p "${DESTDIR}${BINDIR}" \
"${DESTDIR}${LIBDIR}/pkgconfig" \
rm -rf "${DESTDIR}${INCLUDEDIR}/libr" && ln -fs "${PWD}/include" "${DESTDIR}${INCLUDEDIR}/libr"
cd ../pkgcfg && for FILE in *.pc ; do \
if [ -e "${PWD}/../pkgcfg/$${FILE}" ] ; then \
ln -fs "${PWD}/../pkgcfg/$${FILE}" \
"${DESTDIR}${LIBDIR}/pkgconfig/$${FILE}" ; \
fi ; \
@$(foreach lib,${LIBS}, \
ln -fs "${PWD}/$(lib)/libr_$(lib).${EXT_SO}" \
"${DESTDIR}${LIBDIR}/libr_$(lib).${EXT_SO}" ; \
ln -fs "${PWD}/$(lib)/libr_$(lib).${EXT_SO}" \
"${DESTDIR}${LIBDIR}/$(call libname-version,libr_$(lib).${EXT_SO},${LIBVERSION})" ; \
ln -fs "${PWD}/$(lib)/libr_$(lib).${EXT_AR}" "${DESTDIR}${LIBDIR}/libr_$(lib).${EXT_AR}" ; \
$(foreach module,$(wildcard $(lib)/p/*.${EXT_SO}), \
ln -fs "${PWD}/$(module)" "${DESTDIR}${LIBDIR}/radare2/${VERSION}/" ; \
) \
cd "${DESTDIR}${LIBDIR}/radare2" ; rm -f last ; ln -fs "${VERSION}" last
install: install-includes install-pkgconfig
# TODO :Use INSTALL_DATA_DIR instead of mkdir
# libraries
@$(foreach lib,$(shell find * -type f | grep -e '\.${EXT_SO}$$' | grep -Ev '(lib|parse)/t/' | grep lib | grep -v /bin/ | grep -v /p/), \
echo " ${DESTDIR}${LIBDIR}/$(call libpath-to-name-version,$(lib),${LIBVERSION})"; \
rm -f "${DESTDIR}${LIBDIR}/$(call libpath-to-name-version,$(lib),${LIBVERSION})"; \
${INSTALL_LIB} "$(lib)" "${DESTDIR}${LIBDIR}/$(call libpath-to-name-version,$(lib),${LIBVERSION})"; \
( cd "${DESTDIR}${LIBDIR}" ; ln -fs "$(call libpath-to-name-version,$(lib),${LIBVERSION})" "$(call libpath-to-name,$(lib))" ) ; \
# object archives
@for FILE in `find * -type f | grep -e '\.a$$' | grep -v fs/p` ; do \
# plugins
@for FILE in `find */p -perm -u+x -type f | grep -v exe | grep -v dll | grep ${EXT_SO}`; \
do echo " ${DESTDIR}${LIBDIR}/radare2/${VERSION}/$$FILE"; \
${INSTALL_LIB} "$$FILE" "${DESTDIR}${LIBDIR}/radare2/${VERSION}" ; done
cd "${DESTDIR}${LIBDIR}/radare2" ; ln -fs "${VERSION}" last
#@echo "lang/p/radare.* ${DESTDIR}${DESTDIR}${PREFIX}/${LIBDIR}/radare2/${VERSION}"
#${INSTALL_DATA} lang/p/radare.* ${DESTDIR}${LIBDIR}/radare2/${VERSION}
2013-12-14 02:23:20 +01:00
deinstall uninstall:
# libraries
-@for FILE in `find * | grep -e '\.${EXT_SO}$$' | grep -v 'lib/t' | grep lib` ; do \
FILE=`echo $$FILE | awk -F / '{ print $$NF; }'`; \
echo "${DESTDIR}${LIBDIR}/$$FILE" ; rm -f "${DESTDIR}${LIBDIR}/$$FILE" ; done
# object archives
-@for FILE in `find * | grep -e '\.a$$'` ; do \
FILE=`echo $$FILE | awk -F / '{ print $$NF; }'`; \
echo "${DESTDIR}${LIBDIR}/$$FILE" ; rm -f "${DESTDIR}${LIBDIR}/$$FILE" ; done
# includes
-if [ -h "${DESTDIR}${INCLUDEDIR}/libr" ]; then \
rm -f "${DESTDIR}${INCLUDEDIR}/libr" ; \
else \
(cd include && for FILE in * ; do rm -f "${DESTDIR}${INCLUDEDIR}/libr/$$FILE" ; done) ; \
# programs
-@for FILE in `find */t -perm -u+x -type f | grep 2`; do \
FILE=`echo $$FILE|awk -F / '{ print $$NF; }'`; \
echo "${DESTDIR}${BINDIR}/$$FILE" ; rm -f "${DESTDIR}${BINDIR}/$$FILE" ; done
# plugins
-@for FILE in `find */p -perm -u+x -type f`; do \
FILE="${DESTDIR}${LIBDIR}/radare2/${VERSION}/`echo $$FILE|awk -F / '{ print $$NF; }'`"; \
echo $$FILE ; rm -f $$FILE ; done
rm -rf "${DESTDIR}${LIBDIR}/radare2/${VERSION}"
rm -f "${DESTDIR}${LIBDIR}/pkgconfig/libr.pc"
rm -f "${DESTDIR}${LIBDIR}/pkgconfig/r_"*.pc
# test programs
rm -rf "${DESTDIR}${BINDIR}/libr-test"
# TODO: use for FILE in LIBS (like in binr/Makefile)
rm -rf "${DESTDIR}${INCLUDEDIR}/libr"
rm -rf "${DESTDIR}${LIBDIR}/libr_*.so.${LIBVERSION}"
rm -rf "${DESTDIR}${LIBDIR}/libr_*.so.0"
rm -rf "${DESTDIR}${LIBDIR}/libr_*.so"
rm -rf "${DESTDIR}${LIBDIR}/libr_*.a"
rm -rf "${DESTDIR}${LIBDIR}/libr2.so"*
rm -rf "${DESTDIR}${LIBDIR}/libr2.a"
rm -rf "${DESTDIR}${LIBDIR}/libr.so"*
rm -rf "${DESTDIR}${LIBDIR}/libr.a"
rm -rf "${DESTDIR}${DATADIR}/doc/radare2"
@echo libr aka radare2 has been uninstalled from PREFIX=${DESTDIR}${PREFIX}
for LIB in ${LIBS}; do ( cd $${LIB} && ${MAKE} clean ); done
2009-06-15 02:44:05 +00:00
2010-07-13 11:59:55 +02:00
for LIB in ${LIBS}; do ( cd $${LIB} && ${MAKE} mrproper ); done
* Initial import of the 'configure-plugins' script - accepts --static and --shared to setup which plugins you want to build statically in the library or dynamically - normalize .mk and plugin file names to adopt a single standard - WARNING: huge commit * Added 'mk/sloc.mk' with 'sloc' target to count lines with sloccount everywhere (yeah!) --HG-- rename : libr/asm/p/x86bea.mk => libr/asm/p/x86_bea.mk rename : libr/asm/p/x86nasm.mk => libr/asm/p/x86_nasm.mk rename : libr/asm/p/x86olly.mk => libr/asm/p/x86_olly.mk rename : libr/config.h => libr/config.h.head rename : libr/config.mk => libr/config.mk.head rename : libr/debug/p/dbg_gdb.c => libr/debug/p/debug_gdb.c rename : libr/debug/p/dbg_ptrace.c => libr/debug/p/debug_ptrace.c rename : libr/debug/p/dbg_libgdbwrap/Makefile => libr/debug/p/libgdbwrap/Makefile rename : libr/debug/p/dbg_libgdbwrap/README => libr/debug/p/libgdbwrap/README rename : libr/debug/p/dbg_libgdbwrap/client.c => libr/debug/p/libgdbwrap/client.c rename : libr/debug/p/dbg_libgdbwrap/gdbwrapper.c => libr/debug/p/libgdbwrap/gdbwrapper.c rename : libr/debug/p/dbg_libgdbwrap/include/gdbwrapper-internals.h => libr/debug/p/libgdbwrap/include/gdbwrapper-internals.h rename : libr/debug/p/dbg_libgdbwrap/include/gdbwrapper-stddef.h => libr/debug/p/libgdbwrap/include/gdbwrapper-stddef.h rename : libr/debug/p/dbg_libgdbwrap/include/gdbwrapper.h => libr/debug/p/libgdbwrap/include/gdbwrapper.h rename : libr/debug/p/dbg_libgdbwrap/include/libaspect.h => libr/debug/p/libgdbwrap/include/libaspect.h rename : libr/debug/p/dbg_libgdbwrap/include/libe2dbg.h => libr/debug/p/libgdbwrap/include/libe2dbg.h rename : libr/debug/p/dbg_libgdbwrap/include/revm.h => libr/debug/p/libgdbwrap/include/revm.h rename : libr/debug/p/dbg_libgdbwrap/interface.c => libr/debug/p/libgdbwrap/interface.c rename : libr/io/p/dbg.mk => libr/io/p/debug.mk rename : libr/io/p/io_dbg.c => libr/io/p/io_debug.c
2010-01-13 23:42:49 +01:00
.PHONY: sloc mrproper clean pkgcfg install deinstall uninstall libr
.PHONY: install-includes install-pkgconfig install-symlink all