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adc=add with carry register pair
add=add value n to accumulator.
and=logical AND of operand s to accumulator.
bit=test bit b of location.
call=call subroutine at location nn if condition CC is true.
ccf=complement carry flag.
cp=compare operand s with accumulator.
cpd=comapre location (HL) and acc., decrement HL and BC,
cpdr=perform a CPD and repeat until BC
cpi=compare location (HL) and acc., incr HL, decr BC.
cpir=perform a CPI and repeat until BC
cpl=complement accumulator (1's complement).
daa=decimal adjust accumulator.
dec=decrement operand m.
di=disable interrupts.
djnz=decrement B and jump relative if B
ei=enable interrupts.
ex=exchange the location and register.
exx=exchange the contents of BC,DE,HL with BC',DE',HL'.
halt=halt computer and wait for interrupt.
im=set interrupt mode 0,1 or 2.
in=load the accumulator with input from device n or (C).
inc=increment location.
ind=input from port (C). Decrement HL and B.
indr=perform an IND and repeat until B
ini=input from port (C). HL
inir=perform an INI and repeat until B
jp=unconditional jump to location (HL IY or IX).
jr=c,e Jump relative to PC+e if carry
jr=e Unconditional jump relative to PC+e.
jr=nc,e Jump relative to PC+e if carry
jr=nz,e Jump relative to PC+e if non zero (Z
jr=z,e Jump relative to PC+e if zero (Z
ld=Load accumulator, register or location .
ldd=load location (DE) with location (HL), decrement DE,HL,BC.
lddr=perform an LDD and repeat until BC
ldi=load location (DE) with location (HL), incr DE,HL; decr BC.
ldir=perform an LDI and repeat until BC
neg=negate accumulator (2's complement).
nop=no operation
or=logical OR of operand and accumulator.
otdr=perform an OUTD and repeat until B
otir=perform an OTI and repeat until B
out=(c),r Load output port (C) with register r.
out=(n),a Load output port (n) with accumulator.
outd=load output port (C) with (HL), decrement HL and B.
outi=load output port (C) with (HL), incr HL, decr B.
pop=load IX or IY with top of stack or Load register pair qq with top of stack.
push=load IX or IY or Load register pair qq onto stack.
res=b,m Reset bit b of operand m.
ret=return from subroutine. with cc Return from subroutine if condition cc is true.
reti=return from interrupt.
retn=return from non-maskable interrupt.
rl=rotate left through operand m.
rla=rotate left accumulator through carry.
rlc=(hl,ix+d or IY+d) Rotate location left circular.
rlca=rotate left circular accumulator.
rld=rotate digit left and right between accumulator and (HL).
rr=rotate right through carry operand m.
rra=rotate right accumulator through carry.
rrc=rotate operand m right circular.
rrca=rotate right circular accumulator.
rrd=rotate digit right and left between accumulator and (HL)
rst=restart to location p.
sbc=a,s or HL,ss Subtract operands from accumulator with carry.
scf=set carry flag (C
set=b,(hl or IX+d or IY+d) Set bit b of location.
sla=shift operand left arithmetic.
sra=shift operand right arithmetic.
srl=shift operand right logical.
sub=subtract operand from accumulator.
xor=exclusive OR operand and accumulator.