-n: Bare load. Do not load executable info as the entrypoint
-c'cmds': Run r2 and execute commands (eg: r2 -wqc'wx 3c @ main')
-p: Creates a project for the file being analyzed (CC add a comment when opening a file as a project)
-: Opens r2 with the malloc plugin that gives a 512 bytes memory area to play with (size can be changed)
Similar to r2 malloc://512
## Configuration properties
They can be used in evaluations:`? ${asm.tabs}`
e: Returs configuration properties
e <property>: Checks a specific property:
e asm.tabs => false
e <property>=<value>: Change property value
e asm.arch=ppc
e? help about a configuration property
e? cmd.stack
You will want to set your favourite options in `~/.radare2rc` since every line there will be interpreted at the beginning of each session. Mine for reference:
# Show comments at right of disassembly if they fit in screen
*`!!` Escapes to shell, run command and pass output to radare buffer
* Note: The double exclamation mark tells radare to skip the plugin list to find an IO plugin handling this command to launch it directly to the shell. A single one will walk through the io plugin list.
*`?s from to [step]`: Generates sequence from <from> to <to> every <step>
*`?p`: Get physical address for given virtual address
*`?P`: Get virtual address for given physical one
*`?v` Show hex value of math expr
?v 0x1625d4ca ^ 0x72ca4247 = 0x64ef968d
?v 0x4141414a - 0x41414140 = 0xa
*`?l str`: Returns the length of string
*`@@`: Used for iteractions
wx ff @@10 20 30 Writes ff at offsets 10, 20 and 30
wx ff @@`?s 1 10 2` Writes ff at offsets 1, 2 and 3
wx 90 @@ sym.* Writes a nop on every symbol
## Positioning
s address: Move cursor to address or symbol
s-5 (5 bytes backwards)
s- undo seek
s+ redo seek
## Block size
The block size is the default view size for radare. All commands will work with this constraint, but you can always temporally change the block size just giving a numeric argument to the print commands for example (px 20)
b size: Change block size
## JSON Output
Most of commands such as (i)nfo and (p)rint commands accept a `j` to print their output in `json`
XOR the current block with 0x90. Equivalent to wox 0x90 $$!$b (write from current position, a whole block)
wox 67 @4!10
XOR from offset 4 to 10 with value 67
wf file: Writes the content of the file at the current address or specified offset (ASCII characters only)
wF file: Writes the content of the file at the current address or specified offset
wt file [sz]: Write to file (from current seek, blocksize or sz bytes)
Eg: Dump ELF files with wt @@ hit0* (after searching for ELF headers: \x7fELF)
woO 41424344 : get the index in the De Bruijn Pattern of the given word
## Flags
Flags are labels for offsets. They can be grouped in namespaces as `sym` for symbols ...
f: List flags
f label @ offset: Define a flag `label` at offset
f str.pass_len @ 0x804999c
f -label: Removes flag
fr: Rename flag
fd: Returns position from nearest flag (looking backwards). Eg => entry+21
fs: Show all flag spaces
fs flagspace: Change to the specified flag space
## yank & paste
y n: Copies n bytes from current position
y: Shows yank buffer contentent with address and length where each entry was copied from
yp: Prints yank buffer
yy offset: Paste the contents of the yank buffer at the specified offset
yt n target @ source: Yank to. Copy n bytes fromsource to target address
## Visual Mode:
`V` enters visual mode
q: Exits visual mode
hjkl: move around (or HJKL) (left-down-up-right)
o: go/seek to given offset
?: Help
.: Seek EIP
<enter>: Follow address of the current jump/call
:cmd: Enter radare commands. Eg: x @ esi
d[f?]: Define cursor as a string, data, code, a function, or simply to undefine it.
dr: Rename a function
df: Define a function
v: Get into the visual code analysis menu to edit/look closely at the current function.
p/P: Rotate print (visualization) modes
hex, the hexadecimal view
disasm, the disassembly listing
Use numbers in [] to follow jump
Use "u" to go back
debug, the debugger
words, the word-hexidecimal view
buf, the C-formatted buffer
annotated, the annotated hexdump.
c: Changes to cursor mode or exits the cursor mode
select: Shift+[hjkl]
i: Insert mode
a: assembly inline
A: Assembly in visual mode
y: Copy
Y: Paste
f: Creates a flag where cursor points to
<tab> in the hexdump view to toggle between hex and strings columns
V: View ascii-art basic block graph of current function
W: WebUI
x, X: XREFs to current function. ("u" to go back)
t: track flags (browse symbols, functions..)
gG: Begging or end of file
_ Show HUD
backspace: Exits HUD
We can add new commands to HUD in: radare2/shlr/hud/main
;[-]cmt: Add/remove comment
m<char>: Define a bookmark
'<char>: Go to previously defined bookmark
## ROP
/R opcodes: Search opcodes
/R pop,pop,ret
/Rl opcodes: Search opcodes and print them in linear way
/Rl jmp eax,call ebx
/a: Search assembly
/a jmp eax
pda: Returns a library of gadgets that can be use. These gadgets are obtained by disassmbling byte per byte instead of obeying to opcode length
Search depth can be configure with following properties:
e search.roplen = 4 (change the depth of the search, to speed-up the hunt)
## Searching
/ bytes: Search bytes
Example: Searching function preludes:
push ebp
mov ebp, esp
Opcodes: 5589e5
/x 5589e5
[# ]hits: 54c0f4 <0x0804c600hits =1
0x08049f70 hit0_0 5589e557565383e4f081ec
0x0804c31a hit0_1 5589e583ec18c704246031
0x0804c353 hit0_2 5589e583ec1889442404c7
0x0804c379 hit0_3 5589e583ec08e87cffffff
0x0804c3a2 hit0_4 5589e583ec18c70424302d
pi 5 @@hit* (Print 5 first instructions of every hit)
Its possible to run a command for each hit. Use the `cmd.hit` property:
e cmd.hit=px
## Comments and defines
Cd [size]: Define as data
C- [size]: Define as code
Cs [size]: Define as String
Cf [size]: Define as struct
We can define structures to be shown in the disassmbly
CC: List all comments or add a new comment in console mode
C* Show all comments/metadata
CC <comment> add new comment
CC- remove comment
## Magic files
pm: Print Magic files analysis
[0x00000000]> pm
0x00000000 1 ELF 32-bit LSB executable, Intel 80386, version 1
Search for magic numbers
/m [magicfile]: Search magic number headers with libmagic
Search can be controlled with following properties:
search.from (0 = beginning)
search.to (0 = end)
## Yara
Yara can also be used for detecting file signatures to determine compiler types, shellcodes, protections and more.
:yara scan
## Zignatures
Zignatures are useful when dealing with stripped binaries. We can take a non-stripped binary, run zignatures on it and apply it to a different binary that was compiled statically with the same libraries.
## rarun2 - Launcher to run programs with different environments, args, stdin, permissions, fds
r2 -b 32 -d rarun2 program=pwn1 arg1=$(ragg2 -P 300 -r) : runs pwn1 with a De Bruijn Pattern as first argument, inside radare2's debugger, and force 32 bits
r2 -d rarun2 program=/bin/ls stdin=$(python exploit.py) : runs /bin/ls with the output of exploit.py directed to stdin