This commit is contained in:
Duncan Ogilvie 2016-05-30 04:21:02 +02:00 committed by radare
parent 021a3ea8b2
commit 216de66e68

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@ -259,42 +259,42 @@ invvpid=invalidate translations based on vpid
iretd=interrupt return
iretq=interrupt return (64 bit)
iret=return from interrupt
jae=jump short if above or equal (cf=0)
ja=jump short if above (cf=0 and zf=0)
jae=jump short if above or equal (cf=0)
jb=jump short if below/not above nor equal/carry (cf=1)
jbe=jump short if below or equal/not above (cf=1 and zf=1)
jb=jump short if below/not above or equal/carry (cf=1)
jc=jump short if carry (cf=1)
jcxz=jump short if ecx register is 0
jecxz=jump short if ecx is 0
je=jump short if equal (zf=1)
jge=jump short if greater or equal (sf=of)
jecxz=jump short if ecx is 0
jg=jump short if greater (zf=0 and sf=of)
jle=jump short if less or equal/not greater ((zf=1) or (sf!=of))
jge=jump short if greater or equal (sf=of)
jl=jump short if less/not greater (sf!=of)
jle=jump short if less or equal/not greater (zf=1 or sf!=of)
jmpe=jump to ia-64 instruction set
jnae=jump short if not above or equal/below (cf=1)
jna=jump short if not above/equal (cf=1 and zf=1)
jnbe=jump short if not below or equal/above (cf=0 and zf=0)
jnae=jump short if not above nor equal/below (cf=1)
jnb=jump short if not below/above or equal/not carry (cf=0)
jnbe=jump short if not below or equal/above (cf=0 and zf=0)
jnc=jump short if not carry (cf=0)
jne=jump short if not equal (zf=0)
jng=jump short if not greater/less or equal (zf=1 or sf!=of)
jnge=jump short if not greater/less (sf!=of)
jng=jump short if not greater/less or equal ((zf=1) or (sf!=of))
jnle=jump short if not less nor equal/greater ((zf=0) and (sf=of))
jnl=jump short if not less/greater or equal (sf=of)
jnle=jump short if not less nor equal/greater (zf=0 and sf=of)
jno=jump short if not overflow (of=0)
jnp=jump short if not parity/parity odd
jnp=jump short if not parity/parity odd (pf=0)
jns=jump short if not sign (sf=0)
jnz=jump short if not zero/not equal (zf=1)
jnz=jump short if not zero/not equal (zf=0)
jo=jump short if overflow (of=1)
jpe=jump short if parity even/parity (pf=1)
jp=jump short if parity/parity even (pf=1)
jpo=jump short if parity odd/not parity
jpe=jump short if parity even/parity (pf=1)
jpo=jump short if parity odd/not parity (pf=0)
jrcxz=jump short if rcx register is 0
js=jump short if sign (sf=1)
jz=jump short if zero/equal (zf=0)
jz=jump short if zero/equal (zf=1)
lahf=load status flags into ah register
lar=load acces right byte
lddqu=load unaligned integer 128 bits