r2r: Use Needleman-Wunsch to diffchar (#17248)

This commit is contained in:
Khairul Azhar Kasmiran 2020-07-17 20:58:06 +08:00 committed by GitHub
parent 0955b27c9e
commit 47c774ad0e
No known key found for this signature in database

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@ -19,6 +19,8 @@
#define Color_DELETE Color_BRED
#define Color_BGINSERT "\x1b[48;5;22m"
#define Color_BGDELETE "\x1b[48;5;52m"
#define Color_HLINSERT Color_BGINSERT Color_INSERT
#define Color_HLDELETE Color_BGDELETE Color_DELETE
typedef struct r2r_state_t {
R2RRunConfig run_config;
@ -532,15 +534,251 @@ static RThreadFunctionRet worker_th(RThread *th) {
return R_TH_STOP;
typedef enum {
} R2RCharAlignment;
typedef enum {
} R2RPrintDiffMode;
static void print_diff(const char *actual, const char *expected, bool diffchar) {
RDiff *d = r_diff_new ();
#ifdef __WINDOWS__
d->diff_cmd = "git diff --no-index";
const size_t len_expected = strlen (expected);
const size_t len_actual = strlen (actual);
if (diffchar) {
// Use NeedlemanWunsch to diffchar.
// This is an O(mn) algo in both space and time.
// Note that 64KB * 64KB * 2 = 8GB.
// TODO Discard common prefix and suffix
const size_t len_long = len_expected > len_actual ? len_expected : len_actual;
const size_t dim = len_long + 1;
ut8 *dup_expected = malloc (len_long);
ut8 *dup_actual = malloc (len_long);
st16 *align_table = malloc (dim * dim * sizeof (st16));
ut8 *align_expected = malloc (2 * len_long);
ut8 *align_actual = malloc (2 * len_long);
if (dup_expected && dup_actual && align_table && align_expected && align_actual) {
// Copy strings (note that strncpy does pad with nulls)
strncpy (dup_expected, expected, len_long);
expected = dup_expected;
strncpy (dup_actual, actual, len_long);
actual = dup_actual;
// Fill table
size_t row, col;
*align_table = 0;
for (row = 1; row < dim; row++) {
// TODO Clamping [ST16_MIN + 1, .]
*(align_table + row) = *(align_table + row * dim) = -(st16)row;
const st16 match = 1;
const st16 match_nl = 2;
const st16 mismatch = -2;
const st16 gap = -1;
for (row = 1; row < dim; row++) {
for (col = 1; col < dim; col++) {
// TODO Clamping [ST16_MIN + 1, ST16_MAX]
const ut8 expected_ch = expected[col - 1];
const ut8 actual_ch = actual[row - 1];
const st16 tl_score = *(align_table + (row - 1) * dim + col - 1)
+ (expected_ch == actual_ch ?
(expected_ch == '\n' ? match_nl : match) :
const st16 t_score = *(align_table + (row - 1) * dim + col) + gap;
const st16 l_score = *(align_table + row * dim + col - 1) + gap;
st16 score;
if (tl_score >= t_score && tl_score >= l_score) {
score = tl_score;
} else if (t_score >= tl_score && t_score >= l_score) {
score = t_score;
} else {
score = l_score;
*(align_table + row * dim + col) = score;
#if 0
// Print table (Debug)
char char_str[3] = { ' ' };
printf ("%4s ", char_str);
for (col = 0; col < dim; col++) {
if (col && expected[col - 1] == '\n') {
char_str[0] = '\\';
char_str[1] = 'n';
} else {
char_str[0] = col ? expected[col - 1] : ' ';
char_str[1] = 0;
printf ("%4s ", char_str);
printf ("\n");
for (row = 0; row < dim; row++) {
if (row && actual[row - 1] == '\n') {
char_str[0] = '\\';
char_str[1] = 'n';
} else {
char_str[0] = row ? actual[row - 1] : ' ';
char_str[1] = 0;
printf ("%4s ", char_str);
for (col = 0; col < dim; col++) {
printf ("%4d ", *(align_table + row * dim + col));
printf ("\n");
// Do alignment
size_t idx_expected = len_long - 1;
size_t idx_actual = len_long - 1;
size_t idx_align = 2 * len_long - 1;
size_t pos_row = dim - 1;
size_t pos_col = dim - 1;
while (pos_row || pos_col) {
const st16 tl_score = (pos_row > 0 && pos_col > 0) ?
*(align_table + (pos_row - 1) * dim + pos_col - 1) :
const st16 t_score = pos_row > 0 ?
*(align_table + (pos_row - 1) * dim + pos_col) :
const st16 l_score = pos_col > 0 ?
*(align_table + pos_row * dim + pos_col - 1) :
const bool match = expected[idx_expected] == actual[idx_actual];
if (t_score >= l_score && (!match || t_score >= tl_score)) {
align_expected[idx_align] = 0;
align_actual[idx_align] = actual[idx_actual--];
} else if (l_score >= t_score && (!match || l_score >= tl_score)) {
align_expected[idx_align] = expected[idx_expected--];
align_actual[idx_align] = 0;
} else {
align_expected[idx_align] = expected[idx_expected--];
align_actual[idx_align] = actual[idx_actual--];
const size_t start_align = idx_align;
#if 0
// Print alignment (Debug)
for (; idx_align < 2 * len_long; idx_align++) {
const ut8 ch = align_expected[idx_align];
if (align_actual[idx_align] == '\n' && ch != '\n') {
printf (ch ? " " : "-");
if (ch == 0) {
printf ("-");
} else if (ch == '\n') {
printf ("\\n");
} else {
printf ("%c", ch);
printf ("\n");
for (idx_align = start_align; idx_align < 2 * len_long; idx_align++) {
const ut8 ch = align_actual[idx_align];
if (align_expected[idx_align] == '\n' && ch != '\n') {
printf (ch ? " " : "-");
if (ch == 0) {
printf ("-");
} else if (ch == '\n') {
printf ("\\n");
} else {
printf ("%c", ch);
printf ("\n");
// Print diff
R2RPrintDiffMode cur_mode = R2R_DIFF_MATCH;
R2RCharAlignment cur_align;
idx_align = start_align;
while (idx_align < 2 * len_long) {
const ut8 expected_ch = align_expected[idx_align];
const ut8 actual_ch = align_actual[idx_align];
if (expected_ch && !actual_ch) {
cur_align = R2R_ALIGN_BOTTOM_GAP;
} else if (!expected_ch && actual_ch) {
cur_align = R2R_ALIGN_TOP_GAP;
} else if (expected_ch != actual_ch) {
eprintf ("Internal error: mismatch detected!\n");
cur_align = R2R_ALIGN_MISMATCH;
} else {
cur_align = R2R_ALIGN_MATCH;
if (cur_mode == R2R_DIFF_MATCH) {
if (cur_align == R2R_ALIGN_MATCH) {
if (expected_ch) {
printf ("%c", expected_ch);
} else if (cur_align == R2R_ALIGN_BOTTOM_GAP) {
printf (expected_ch == '\n' ?
"%c"Color_HLDELETE :
Color_HLDELETE"%c", expected_ch);
cur_mode = R2R_DIFF_DELETE;
} else if (cur_align == R2R_ALIGN_TOP_GAP) {
printf (actual_ch == '\n' ?
"%c"Color_HLINSERT :
Color_HLINSERT"%c", actual_ch);
cur_mode = R2R_DIFF_INSERT;
} else if (cur_mode == R2R_DIFF_DELETE) {
if (cur_align == R2R_ALIGN_MATCH) {
printf (Color_RESET);
if (expected_ch) {
printf ("%c", expected_ch);
cur_mode = R2R_DIFF_MATCH;
} else if (cur_align == R2R_ALIGN_BOTTOM_GAP) {
printf (expected_ch == '\n' ?
Color_RESET"%c"Color_HLDELETE :
"%c", expected_ch);
} else if (cur_align == R2R_ALIGN_TOP_GAP) {
printf (actual_ch == '\n' ?
Color_RESET"%c"Color_HLINSERT :
Color_HLINSERT"%c", actual_ch);
cur_mode = R2R_DIFF_INSERT;
} else if (cur_mode == R2R_DIFF_INSERT) {
if (cur_align == R2R_ALIGN_MATCH) {
printf (Color_RESET);
if (expected_ch) {
printf ("%c", expected_ch);
cur_mode = R2R_DIFF_MATCH;
} else if (cur_align == R2R_ALIGN_BOTTOM_GAP) {
printf (expected_ch == '\n' ?
Color_RESET"%c"Color_HLDELETE :
Color_HLDELETE"%c", expected_ch);
cur_mode = R2R_DIFF_DELETE;
} else if (cur_align == R2R_ALIGN_TOP_GAP) {
printf (actual_ch == '\n' ?
Color_RESET"%c"Color_HLINSERT :
"%c", actual_ch);
printf (Color_RESET"\n");
free (dup_expected);
free (dup_actual);
free (align_table);
free (align_expected);
free (align_actual);
d->diff_cmd = "git diff --no-index --word-diff=porcelain --word-diff-regex=.";
char *uni = r_diff_buffers_to_string (d, (const ut8 *)expected, (int)strlen (expected), (const ut8 *)actual, (int)strlen (actual));
char *uni = r_diff_buffers_to_string (d, (const ut8 *)expected, (int)len_expected, (const ut8 *)actual, (int)len_actual);
r_diff_free (d);
RList *lines = r_str_split_duplist (uni, "\n", false);