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synced 2025-02-21 14:50:49 +00:00
Fix spelling errors (#15904)
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@ -65,7 +65,7 @@ You can verify that the binary is properly signed and verified by using the code
$ codesign -dv binr/radare2/radare2
Additionally, you can run the following command to add the non-priviledge user (username) to the Developer Tools group in macOS, avoiding the related Xcode prompts:
Additionally, you can run the following command to add the non-privileged user (username) to the Developer Tools group in macOS, avoiding the related Xcode prompts:
$ sudo dscl . append /Groups/_developer GroupMembership <username>
@ -529,7 +529,7 @@ static int riscv_op(RAnal *anal, RAnalOp *op, ut64 addr, const ut8 *data, int le
// branch/jumps/calls/rets
if (is_any ("jal")) {
// decide wether it's ret or call
// decide whether it's ret or call
int rd = (word >> OP_SH_RD) & OP_MASK_RD;
op->type = (rd == 0) ? R_ANAL_OP_TYPE_RET: R_ANAL_OP_TYPE_CALL;
op->jump = EXTRACT_UJTYPE_IMM (word) + addr;
@ -51,7 +51,7 @@ static const char *const fp_reg_names[] =
typedef unsigned int CORE_ADDR;
/* Get at various relevent fields of an instruction word. */
/* Get at various relevant fields of an instruction word. */
#define MASK_5 0x1f
#define MASK_10 0x3ff
@ -183,7 +183,7 @@ print_insn_xtensa (bfd_vma memaddr, struct disassemble_info *info)
an 80-column screen.) The value of bytes_per_line here is not exactly
right, because objdump adds an extra space for each chunk so that the
amount of whitespace depends on the chunk size. Oh well, it's good
enough.... Note that we set the minimum size to 4 to accomodate
enough.... Note that we set the minimum size to 4 to accommodate
literal pools. */
info->bytes_per_line = MAX (maxsize, 4);
@ -82,7 +82,7 @@
If defined, this file defines only __cxa_demangle() and
__gcclibcxx_demangle_callback(), and no other publically visible
__gcclibcxx_demangle_callback(), and no other publicly visible
functions or variables.
@ -99,7 +99,7 @@ static const char *help_msg_ab[] = {
static const char *help_msg_abt[] = {
"Usage:", "abt", "[addr] [num] # find num paths from current offset to addr",
"abt", " [addr] [num]", "find num paths from current offset to addr",
"abte", " [addr]", "emulate from begining of function to the given address",
"abte", " [addr]", "emulate from beginning of function to the given address",
"abtj", " [addr] [num]", "display paths in JSON",
@ -8723,7 +8723,7 @@ static void cmd_anal_abt(RCore *core, const char *input) {
int n = 1;
char *p = strchr (input + 1, ' ');
if (!p) {
eprintf ("Usage: abte [addr] # emulate from begining of function to the given address.\n");
eprintf ("Usage: abte [addr] # emulate from beginning of function to the given address.\n");
ut64 addr = r_num_math (core->num, p + 1);
@ -1327,7 +1327,7 @@ static void ds_show_xrefs(RDisasmState *ds) {
if (!xrefs) {
// only show fcnline in xrefs when addr is not the begining of a function
// only show fcnline in xrefs when addr is not the beginning of a function
bool fcnlines = (ds->fcn && ds->fcn->addr == ds->at);
if (r_list_length (xrefs) > ds->maxrefs) {
ds_begin_line (ds);
@ -290,7 +290,7 @@ static const char *help_msg_visual[] = {
"??", "show this help",
"$", "set the program counter to the current offset + cursor",
"%", "in cursor mode finds matching pair, otherwise toggle autoblocksz",
"^", "seek to the begining of the function",
"^", "seek to the beginning of the function",
"!", "enter into the visual panels mode",
"TAB", "switch to the next print mode (or element in cursor mode)",
"_", "enter the flag/comment/functions/.. hud (same as VF_)",
@ -1199,7 +1199,7 @@ static void w32_list_heaps(RCore *core, const char format) {
pj_kN (pj, "address", (ut64)heap.Base);
pj_kN (pj, "count", (ut64)heap.BlockCount);
pj_kN (pj, "allocated", (ut64)heap.Allocated);
pj_kN (pj, "commited", (ut64)heap.Committed);
pj_kN (pj, "committed", (ut64)heap.Committed);
pj_end (pj);
@ -509,7 +509,7 @@ static void _write_flag_bits(char *buf, const gdbr_xml_flags_t *flags) {
// To avoid duplicates. This skips flags if first char is same. i.e.
// for x86_64, it will skip VIF because VM already occured. This is
// for x86_64, it will skip VIF because VM already occurred. This is
// same as default reg-profiles in r2
c = tolower (flags->fields[i].name[0]) - 'a';
if (fc[c]) {
@ -250,7 +250,7 @@ ptid_t qnxr_run (libqnxr_t *g, const char *file, char **args, char **env) {
errors += !nto_send_env (g, *env);
if (errors) {
eprintf ("%s: error(s) occured while sending environment\n", __func__);
eprintf ("%s: error(s) occurred while sending environment\n", __func__);
nto_send_init (g, DStMsg_env, DSMSG_ENV_CLEARARGV, SET_CHANNEL_DEBUG);
@ -271,7 +271,7 @@ ptid_t qnxr_run (libqnxr_t *g, const char *file, char **args, char **env) {
errors |= !nto_send_arg (g, *argv);
if (errors) {
eprintf ("%s: error(s) occured while sending args\n", __func__);
eprintf ("%s: error(s) occurred while sending args\n", __func__);
@ -689,7 +689,7 @@ int nto_send_env (libqnxr_t *g, const char *env) {
if (!nto_send (g, offsetof (DStMsg_env_t, data) +
1)) {
/* An error occured. */
/* An error occurred. */
return 0;
@ -25,4 +25,4 @@
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@ -194,7 +194,7 @@ Changes in (17 Dec 2011)
- Add a transparent write mode to gzopen() when 'T' is in the mode
- Update python link in zlib man page
- Get inffixed.h and MAKEFIXED result to match
- Add a ./config --solo option to make zlib subset with no libary use
- Add a ./config --solo option to make zlib subset with no library use
- Add undocumented inflateResetKeep() function for CAB file decoding
- Add --cover option to ./configure for gcc coverage testing
- Add #define ZLIB_CONST option to use const in the z_stream interface
@ -627,7 +627,7 @@ prl 1~[0]
NAME=pib from begining of bb
NAME=pib from beginning of bb
push rbp
@ -38,7 +38,7 @@ EXPECT=<<EOF
NAME=radiff2 string comparsion
NAME=radiff2 string comparison
CMDS=!!radiff2 -z ../bins/elf/elf_one_symbol_shdr ../bins/elf/elf_one_symbol_shdr1
@ -46,7 +46,7 @@ EXPECT=<<EOF
NAME=radiff2 unified string comparsion
NAME=radiff2 unified string comparison
CMDS=!!radiff2 -quz ../bins/elf/elf_one_symbol_shdr ../bins/elf/elf_one_symbol_shdr1
@ -55,7 +55,7 @@ EXPECT=<<EOF
NAME=radiff2 gnu unified string comparsion
NAME=radiff2 gnu unified string comparison
CMDS=!!radiff2 -Uz ../bins/elf/elf_one_symbol_shdr ../bins/elf/elf_one_symbol_shdr1 | tail -n 2
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