mirror of
synced 2025-02-21 23:01:03 +00:00
Remove shlr/www/t, installable from r2pm -i www-t
This commit is contained in:
@ -1,2 +0,0 @@
r2 -e http.ui=t -e http.root=$$PWD -qc=H /bin/ls
@ -1,23 +0,0 @@
Tiled r2 webui
widgets required
notes: notepad with textarea to put your notes there
disasm: proper disasm widget
hexdump: proper hexdump widget
assemble: assemble instructions
floating/modal frame. invalidating the rest.
follow in ->
Frames must have the following properties:
- update() -> refresh the contents (run r2 command again, generate html, etc.)
- seek(off) -> used by follow in...
- selected
- name -> we need a method to rename frames
@ -1,37 +1 @@
<meta charset="utf-8"> </meta>
<meta name="viewport" content="width=device-width, user-scalable=no, initial-scale=1">
<meta name="apple-mobile-web-app-capable" content="yes"/>
<link rel=Stylesheet href="style.css" type="text/css" />
<script src="tiled.js"></script>
<script src="r2.js"></script>
<script src="main.js"></script>
<body id=body>
<div id="canvas" class='canvas'>
<div style="right:15px;position:absolute">
<a class='minibut' href='#' id='settings'>[#]</a>
<a class='minibut' href='#' id='refresh'>[@]</a>
<a class='minibut' href='#' id='maximize'>[^]</a>
<a class='minibut' href='#' id='add-column'>[|]</a>
<a class='minibut' href='#' id='add-row'>[-]</a>
<a class='minibut' href='#' id='open-not'>[n]</a>
<a class='minibut' href='#' id='open-con'>[c]</a>
<a class='minibut' href='#' id='open-dis'>[d]</a>
<a class='minibut' href='#' id='open-hex'>[x]</a>
<a class='minibut' href='#' id='open-fla'>[f]</a>
<a class='minibut' href='#' id='open-dbg'>[D]</a>
<a class='minibut' href='#' id='open-hlp'>[?]</a>
<a style='text-decoration:none' href='#' id='maximize'>[^]</a>
<a style='text-decoration:none' href='#' id='maximize'>[v]</a>
<a href=".."><img height="16" src="../enyo/rlogo-tr.png"></a>
<a id="" href='#'>Menu</a>
r2pm -i www-t
@ -1,421 +0,0 @@
function findPos(obj) {
var curleft = curtop = 0;
if (obj.offsetParent) {
curleft = obj.offsetLeft
curtop = obj.offsetTop
while (obj = obj.offsetParent) {
curleft += obj.offsetLeft
curtop += obj.offsetTop
return [curleft,curtop];
window.onload = function() {
var position = "right";
var t = new Tiled ('canvas');
var ctr = 0;
function newHelpFrame() {
var n = t.defname ("help");
function newthing(name) {
// TODO: disas_code id
setTimeout (function () {
document.getElementById("randomcolors").onclick = function() {
r2.cmd ("ecr", function () {
t.update_all ();
}, 1);
const hlpmsg = "This is the new and experimental tiled webui for r2\n\n"
+"Press the 'alt' key and the following key:\n\n"
+" hjkl - move left,down,up,right around\n"
+" x - spawn an hexdump\n"
+" d - spawn an disasfm\n"
+" f - spawn an flags panel\n"
+" c - close current frame\n"
+" . - toggle maximize mode\n"
+" - - horizontal split\n"
+" | - vertical split\n"
//+"Blocksize <input type=''></input><br />"
+"<input type='button' id='randomcolors' value='randomcolors'></input>"
return "<h2>Help</h2>"
+"<div id='"+name+"_help' style='background-color:#304050;overflow:scroll;height:100%'><pre>"+hlpmsg+"</div>";
t.new_frame (n, newthing (n), function(obj) {
var flags = _(n+'_help');
if (flags) {
var top = flags.style.offsetTop;
var pos = findPos (flags);
flags.style.height = obj.offsetHeight - pos[1]+20;
flags.style.width = obj.style.width - pos[0];
function newConsoleFrame() {
var n = t.defname ("console");
function newthing(name) {
return "<div><input id=\""+name+"_input\"></input></div>"
+"<div id='"+name+"_output' class='frame_body'>"
t.new_frame (n, newthing (n), function(obj) {
var flags = _(n+'_console');
if (flags) {
var top = flags.style.offsetTop;
var pos = findPos (flags);
flags.style.height = obj.offsetHeight - pos[1]+20;
flags.style.width = obj.style.width - pos[0];
}, position, function () {
var input = _(n+"_input");
input.onkeyup = function (ev) {
if (ev.keyCode == 13) {
r2.cmd (input.value, function(x) {
_(n+"_output").innerHTML = "<pre>"+x+"</pre>";
input.value = "";
function newDebugFrame() {
var name = "debug";
var n = t.defname (name);
var fillFrame = function () {
// TODO: list breakpoints with `dbj`
r2.cmdj ("drj", function (regs) {
r2.cmd ("pxQ@rsp", function (pxQ) {
r2.cmd ("dbt", function (dbt) {
r2.cmd ("dm", function (maps) { // TODO: use dmj
var _ = function (x) { return document.getElementById(x); }
setTimeout(function() {
function updateAll() { t.update_all (); }
_('dbg-step').onclick = function() {
r2.cmd ("ds;.dr*", updateAll ());
_('dbg-over').onclick = function() {
r2.cmd ("dso;.dr*", updateAll ());
_('dbg-skip').onclick = function() {
r2.cmd ("dss;.dr*", updateAll ());
_('dbg-cont').onclick = function() {
r2.cmd ("dc;.dr*", updateAll ());
_('dbg-until').onclick = function() {
var until = prompt ("Until");
if (until) {
r2.cmd ("dcu "+until+";.dr*", updateAll ());
var str = '';
str += " <a id='dbg-step' href='#'>[step]</a>";
str += " <a id='dbg-over' href='#'>[over]</a>";
str += " <a id='dbg-skip' href='#'>[skip]</a>";
str += " <a id='dbg-cont' href='#'>[cont]</a>";
str += " <a id='dbg-until' href='#'>[until]</a>";
str +="<hr />Registers</hr>";
str += '<table>';
for (var r in regs) {
var v = "0x"+(+regs[r]).toString (16);
str += "<tr><td>"+
"<a href=#>"+v+"</a></td></tr>";
str += '</table>';
str += "<hr />Backtrace:<pre>"+dbt+"</pre>";
str += "<hr />Stack:<pre>"+pxQ+"</pre>";
str += "<hr />Maps:<pre>"+maps+"</pre>";
function newthing() {
return "<h2>Debug</h2>"
+"<div id='"+name+"_frame' class='frame_body'></div>";
t.new_frame (n, newthing (n), function(obj) {
var flags = _(n+'_frame');
if (flags) {
var top = flags.style.offsetTop;
var pos = findPos (flags);
flags.style.height = obj.offsetHeight - pos[1]+20;
flags.style.width = obj.style.width - pos[0];
}, position, function (){
try {
fillFrame ();
} catch (e) {
function newFlagsFrame () {
var n = t.defname ("flags");
function newthing(name) {
// TODO: disas_code id
setTimeout (function () {
r2.cmd ("fs *;f", function (x) {
}, 1);
return "<h2>Flags</h2>"
+"<div id='"+name+"_flags' class='frame_body'></div>";
t.new_frame (n, newthing (n), function(obj) {
var flags = _(n+'_flags');
if (flags) {
var top = flags.style.offsetTop;
var pos = findPos (flags);
flags.style.height = obj.offsetHeight - pos[1]+20;
flags.style.width = obj.style.width - pos[0];
}, position);
function newHexdumpFrame () {
var n = t.defname ("hexdump");
var msgbody = "<div id='"+n+"_hexdump' class='frame_body'></div>";
t.new_frame (n, msgbody, function(obj) {
var code = _(n+'code');
if (code) {
var top = code.style.offsetTop;
var pos = findPos (code);
code.style.height = obj.offsetHeight - pos[1]+20;
code.style.width = obj.style.width - pos[0];
}, position, function(frame, nf) {
//frame = frame.curframe[0];
frame = nf;
function calc() {
var off = frame.offset || 0;
r2.cmd ("px 1024 @ "+off, function (x) {
var id_prev = n + '_hexdump_hex_prev';
var id_next = n + '_hexdump_hex_next';
var id_goto = n + '_hexdump_hex_goto';
"<br /><center><a class=link href='#' id="+id_prev+">[PREV]</a>"
+"<a class=link href='#' id="+id_goto+">[GOTO]</a>"
+"<a class=link href='#' id="+id_next+">[NEXT]</a></center>"
//var q = document.getElementById(n+'_hexdump_hex_prev');
var q = document.getElementById(id_prev);
q.onclick = function() {
frame.offset = frame.offset | 0;
frame.offset -= 512;
frame.refresh ();
var q = document.getElementById(id_next);
q.onclick = function() {
frame.offset = frame.offset | 0;
frame.offset += 512;
frame.refresh ();
var q = document.getElementById(id_goto);
q.onclick = function() {
var newoff = prompt ("Goto");
if (newoff) {
r2.cmd ("?v "+newoff, function(val) {
frame.offset = +val | 0;
frame.refresh ();
if (!frame.offset) {
r2.cmd ("?v entry0", function(val) {
frame.offset = +val;
calc (frame);
} else {
calc (frame);
function newNotesFrame() {
var n = t.defname ('notes');
var disasmbody = "<div id='"+n+"_notes' class='frame_body'><textarea style='width:100%;height:100%'></textarea></div>";
t.new_frame (n, disasmbody, function(obj) {
var code = _(n+'_notes');
if (code) {
var top = code.style.offsetTop;
var pos = findPos (code);
code.style.height = obj.offsetHeight - pos[1]+20;
code.style.width = obj.style.width - pos[0];
}, position, function () {
/* nothing */
function newSettingsFrame() {
var n = t.defname ('settings');
var settbody = "<div id='"+n+"_settings' class='frame_body'>"
+"<input type=button value=RandomColors>"
t.new_frame (n, settbody, function(obj) {
var code = _(n+'_settings');
if (code) {
var top = code.style.offsetTop;
var pos = findPos (code);
code.style.height = "100%"; //obj.offsetHeight - pos[1]+20;
code.style.width = obj.style.width - pos[0];
}, position, function () {
r2.cmd ("e??", function (x) {
function newDisasmFrame() {
var n = t.defname ('disas');
var disasmbody = "<div id='"+n+"_code' class='frame_body'></div>";
t.new_frame (n, disasmbody, function(obj) {
var code = _(n+'_code');
if (code) {
var top = code.style.offsetTop;
var pos = findPos (code);
code.style.height = "100%"; //obj.offsetHeight - pos[1]+20;
code.style.width = obj.style.width - pos[0];
}, position, function (frame, nf) {
frame = frame.curframe[0];
frame = nf;
var off = frame.offset || "entry0";
r2.cmd ("pd 200 @ "+off, function (x) {
var id_prev = n + '_code_prev';
var id_next = n + '_code_next';
var id_goto = n + '_code_goto';
"<br /><center><a class=link href='#' id="+id_prev+">[PREV]</a>"
+"<a class=link href='#' id="+id_goto+">[GOTO]</a>"
+"<a class=link href='#' id="+id_next+">[NEXT]</a></center>"
var q = document.getElementById(id_prev);
q.onclick = function() {
frame.offset = frame.offset | 0;
frame.offset -= 512;
frame.refresh ();
var q = document.getElementById(id_next);
q.onclick = function() {
frame.offset = frame.offset | 0;
frame.offset += 512;
frame.refresh ();
var q = document.getElementById(id_goto);
q.onclick = function() {
var newoff = prompt ("Goto");
if (newoff) {
r2.cmd ("?v "+newoff, function(val) {
if (val) {
frame.offset = newoff;
frame.refresh ();
function addPanel (pos) {
position = pos;
t.new_frame ('window_'+ctr, "<div id='div_"+ctr+"'><a href='#' id='cmd_"+ctr+"'>cmd</a><input></input></div>", pos);
t.run ();
t.update = function() {
r2.cmd (t.cmd, function(x) {
_(t.key).innerHTML =
"<div class='frame_body'><pre>"+x+"</pre></div>";
_('cmd_'+ctr).onclick = function() {
t.key = 'div_'+ctr;
t.cmd = prompt ();
t.update ();
_('settings').onclick = function() { newSettingsFrame (); }
_('refresh').onclick = function() { t.update_all(); }
_('maximize').onclick = function() { t.maximize = !!!t.maximize; t.run(); }
_('open-hex').onclick = function() { newHexdumpFrame(); }
_('open-dis').onclick = function() { newDisasmFrame(); }
_('open-fla').onclick = function() { newFlagsFrame(); }
_('open-dbg').onclick = function() { newDebugFrame(); }
_('open-hlp').onclick = function() { newHelpFrame(); }
_('open-con').onclick = function() { newConsoleFrame(); }
_('open-not').onclick = function() { newNotesFrame(); }
_('add-column').onclick = function() {
addPanel ("right");
_('add-row').onclick = function() {
position = "bottom";
t.new_frame ('window_'+ctr, "<div id='div_"+ctr+"'><a href='#' id='cmd_"+ctr+"'>cmd</a></div>", "bottom");
// t.frames[0].push (t.frames.pop ()[0]);
t.update = function() {
r2.cmd (t.cmd, function(x) {
_(t.key).innerHTML =
"<div class='frame_body'><pre>"+x+"</pre></div>";
_('cmd_'+ctr).onclick = function() {
t.key = 'div_'+ctr;
t.cmd = prompt ();
t.update ();
newHexdumpFrame ();
newDisasmFrame ();
t.run ();
window.onresize = function() {
t.run ();
document.t = t;
_('body').onkeyup = function (e) {
var key = String.fromCharCode(e.keyCode);
//if (!key.altKey) return;
if (!e.altKey)
key = e.keyCode;
switch (key) {
case 67:/*c*/ if (t.curframe) {t.oldframe = t.curframe; }
t.del_frame(); t.run();break;
case 189: // chrome
case 173:/*-*/ addPanel ("bottom"); break;
case 220: // chrome
case 49:/*|*/ addPanel ("right"); break;
case 190:/*.*/ t.maximize = !!!t.maximize; t.run(); break;
case 72:/*h*/ t.other_frame('left'); break;
case 74:/*j*/ t.other_frame('down'); break;
case 75:/*k*/ t.other_frame('up'); break;
case 76:/*l*/ t.other_frame('right'); break;
case 88:
case 'x': newHexdumpFrame (); break;
case 68:
case 'd': newDisasmFrame (); break;
case 'h': t.move_frame ('left'); break;
case 'j': t.move_frame ('down'); break;
case 'k': t.move_frame ('up'); break;
case 'l': t.move_frame ('right'); break;
case 'i':
r2.cmd ("pi 2", function(x){alert(x);});
case '!':
r2.cmd (prompt("Command to execute"), function(x){alert(x);});
//r2.cmd ("pi 2", alert);
@ -1,593 +0,0 @@
/* radare2 Copyleft 2013-2014 pancake */
var r2 = {};
// TODO: avoid globals
var backward = false;
var next_curoff = 0;
var next_lastoff = 0;
var prev_curoff = 0;
var prev_lastoff = 0;
var hascmd = false;
// async helper
function asyncLoop(iterations, func, callback) {
var index = 0;
var done = false;
var loop = {
next: function() {
if (done) {
if (index < iterations) {
} else {
done = true;
iteration: function() {
return index - 1;
break: function() {
done = true;
return loop;
if (typeof (module) !== 'undefined') {
module.exports = function(r) {
if (typeof (r) == 'function') {
hascmd = r;
} else {
hascmd = r.cmd;
return r2;
r2.project_name = "";
r2.plugin = function() {
console.error ("r2.plugin is not available in this environment");
try {
if (r2plugin) {
r2.plugin = r2plugin
} catch ( e ) {}
r2.root = ""; // prefix path
/* helpers */
function dump(obj) {
var x = "";
for (var a in obj) x += a + "\n";
if (typeof ('alert') != 'undefined') {
alert (x);
} else {
console.log (x);
r2.analAll = function() {
r2.cmd ("aa", function() {});
r2.analOp = function(addr, cb) {
r2.cmd ("aoj 1 @ " + addr, function(txt) {
try {
cb(JSON.parse (txt)[0]);
} catch ( e ) {
console.error (e)
cb (txt);
r2.varMap = [];
r2.argMap = [];
function objtostr(obj) {
var str = "";
for (var a in obj)
str += a + ": " + obj[a] + ",\n";
return str;
function Ajax(method, uri, body, fn) {
if (typeof (XMLHttpRequest) == "undefined")
return false;
var x = new XMLHttpRequest ();
if (!x)
return false;
x.open (method, uri, false);
x.setRequestHeader ('Accept', 'text/plain');
x.setRequestHeader ('Accept', 'text/html');
x.setRequestHeader ("Content-Type", "application/x-ww-form-urlencoded; charset=UTF-8");
x.onreadystatechange = function(y) {
if (x.status == 200) {
if (fn) {
fn (x.responseText);
} else {
console.error ("ajax " + x.status)
x.send (body);
return true;
r2.assemble = function(offset, opcode, fn) {
var off = offset ? "@" + offset : '';
r2.cmd ('"pa ' + opcode + '"' + off, fn);
r2.disassemble = function(offset, bytes, fn) {
var off = offset ? "@" + offset : '';
var str = 'pi @b:' + bytes + off;
r2.cmd (str, fn);
r2.get_hexdump = function(offset, length, cb) {
r2.cmd ("px " + length + "@" + offset, cb);
r2.get_disasm = function(offset, length, cb) {
// TODO: honor offset and length
r2.cmd ("pD " + length + "@" + offset, cb);
r2.get_disasm_before = function(offset, start, cb) {
var before = [];
r2.cmd("pdj -" + start + "@" + offset, function(x) {
before = JSON.parse(x);
r2.get_disasm_after = function(offset, end, cb) {
var after = [];
r2.cmd("pdj " + end + "@" + offset, function(x) {
after = JSON.parse(x);
r2.get_disasm_before_after = function(offset, start, end, cb) {
var before = [];
var after = [];
r2.cmd("pdj " + start + " @" + offset, function(x) {
before = JSON.parse(x);
r2.cmd("pdj " + end + "@" + offset, function(x) {
after = JSON.parse(x);
var opcodes = before.concat(after);
r2.Config = function(k, v, fn) {
if (typeof v == 'function' || !v) { // get
r2.cmd ("e " + k, fn || v);
} else { // set
r2.cmd ("e " + k + "=" + v, fn);
return r2;
r2.sections = {};
r2.load_mmap = function() {
r2.cmdj("iSj", function(x) {
if (x !== undefined && x !== null) {
r2.sections = x;
r2.get_address_type = function(address) {
var offset = parseInt(address, 16);
for (var i in r2.sections) {
if (offset >= r2.sections[i].addr && offset < r2.sections[i].addr + r2.sections[i].size) {
if (r2.sections[i].flags.indexOf("x") > -1) {
return "instruction";
else {
return "memory";
return "";
r2.settings = {};
r2.load_settings = function() {
r2.cmd ("e asm.arch", function(x) {r2.settings['asm.arch'] = x.trim();});
r2.cmd ("e asm.bits", function(x) {r2.settings['asm.bits'] = x.trim();});
r2.cmd ("e asm.bytes", function(x) {r2.settings['asm.bytes'] = toBoolean(x.trim());});
r2.cmd ("e asm.flags", function(x) {r2.settings['asm.flags'] = toBoolean(x.trim());});
r2.cmd ("e asm.offset", function(x) {r2.settings['asm.offset'] = toBoolean(x.trim());});
r2.cmd ("e asm.lines", function(x) {r2.settings['asm.lines'] = toBoolean(x.trim());});
r2.cmd ("e asm.xrefs", function(x) {r2.settings['asm.xrefs'] = toBoolean(x.trim());});
r2.cmd ("e asm.cmtright", function(x) {r2.settings['asm.cmtright'] = toBoolean(x.trim());});
r2.cmd ("e asm.pseudo", function(x) {r2.settings['asm.pseudo'] = toBoolean(x.trim());});
// console.log("Loading settings from r2");
// console.log(r2.settings);
r2.flags = {};
r2.update_flags = function() {
r2.cmd ("fs *;fj", function(x) {
var fs = JSON.parse (x);
if (fs !== undefined && fs !== null) {
r2.flags = {};
for (var f in fs) {
var addr = "0x" + fs[f].offset.toString(16);
addr = address_canonicalize(addr);
if (addr in r2.flags) {
var fl = r2.flags[addr];
fl[fl.length] = { name: fs[f].name, size: fs[f].size};
r2.flags[addr] = fl;
} else {
r2.flags[addr] = [{ name: fs[f].name, size: fs[f].size}];
r2.get_flag_address = function(name) {
for (var f in r2.flags) {
for (var v in r2.flags[f]) {
if (name == r2.flags[f][v].name) return f;
return null;
r2.get_flag_names = function(offset) {
var names = [];
for (var i in r2.flags[offset]) {
names[names.length] = r2.flags[offset][i].name;
return names;
r2.set_flag_space = function(ns, fn) {
r2.cmd ("fs " + ns, fn);
r2.get_flags = function(fn) {
r2.cmd ("fj", function(x) {
fn (x ? JSON.parse (x) : []);
r2.get_opcodes = function(off, n, cb) {
r2.cmd ("pdj @" + off + "!" + n, function(json) {
cb (JSON.parse (json));
r2.get_bytes = function(off, n, cb) {
r2.cmd ("pcj @" + off + "!" + n, function(json) {
cb (JSON.parse (json));
r2.asm_config = {};
r2.store_asm_config = function() {
config = {};
r2.cmd ("e", function(x) {
conf = x.split("\n");
for (var prop in conf) {
var fields = conf[prop].split(" ");
if (fields.length == 3) {
// TODO: Dont know why byt e~asm. is not working so filtering here
if (fields[0].trim().indexOf("asm.") == 0) config[fields[0].trim()] = fields[2].trim();
r2.asm_config = config;
r2.restore_asm_config = function() {
cmd = "";
for (var prop in r2.asm_config) {
cmd += "e " + prop + "=" + r2.asm_config[prop] + ";";
r2.cmd (cmd, function(x) {});
r2.get_info = function(cb) {
r2.cmd ("ij", function(json) {
cb (JSON.parse (json));
r2.bin_relocs = function(cb) {
r2.cmd ("irj", function(json) {
cb (JSON.parse (json));
r2.bin_imports = function(cb) {
r2.cmd ("iij", function(json) {
cb (JSON.parse (json));
r2.bin_symbols = function(cb) {
r2.cmd ("isj", function(json) {
cb (JSON.parse (json));
r2.bin_sections = function(cb) {
r2.cmd ("iSj", function(json) {
cb (JSON.parse (json));
r2.cmds = function(cmds, cb) {
if (cmds.length == 0) return;
var cmd = cmds[0];
cmds = cmds.splice (1);
function lala() {
if (cmd == undefined || cmds.length == 0) {
cmd = cmds[0];
cmds = cmds.splice (1);
r2.cmd (cmd, lala);
if (cb) {
cb ();
r2.cmd (cmd, lala);
function _internal_cmd(c, cb) {
if (typeof (r2cmd) != 'undefined') {
hascmd = r2cmd;
if (hascmd) {
// TODO: use setTimeout for async?
if (typeof (r2plugin) != "undefined") {
// duktape
cb (r2cmd(c));
} else {
// node
return hascmd (c, cb);
} else {
Ajax ('GET', r2.root + "/cmd/" + encodeURI(c), '', function(x) {
if (cb) {
cb (x);
r2.cmd = function(c, cb) {
if (Array.isArray (c)) {
var res = [];
var idx = 0;
asyncLoop (c.length, function(loop) {
_internal_cmd (c[idx], function(result) {
idx = loop.iteration();
res[idx] = result.replace(/\n$/, "");
loop.next ();
}, function() {
// all iterations done
cb (res);
} else {
_internal_cmd (c, cb);
r2.cmdj = function(c, cb) {
r2.cmd (c, function(x) {
try {
cb (JSON.parse(x));
} catch ( e ) {
cb (null);
r2.alive = function(cb) {
r2.cmd ("b", function(o) {
var ret = false;
if (o && o.length () > 0) {
ret = true;
if (cb) {
cb (o);
r2.getTextLogger = function(obj) {
if (typeof (obj) != "object") {
obj = {};
obj.last = 0;
obj.events = {};
obj.interval = null;
r2.cmd ("Tl", function(x) {
obj.last = +x;
obj.load = function(cb) {
r2.cmd ("Tj " + (obj.last + 1), function(ret) {
if (cb) {
cb (JSON.parse (ret));
obj.clear = function(cb) {
// XXX: fix l-N
r2.cmd ("T-", cb); //+obj.last, cb);
obj.send = function(msg, cb) {
r2.cmd ("T " + msg, cb);
obj.refresh = function(cb) {
obj.load (function(ret) {
//obj.last = 0;
for (var i = 0; i < ret.length; i++) {
var message = ret[i];
obj.events["message"] ({
"id": message[0],
"text": message[1]
if (message[0] > obj.last) {
obj.last = message[0];
if (cb) {
cb ();
obj.autorefresh = function(n) {
if (!n) {
if (obj.interval) {
obj.interval.stop ();
function to() {
obj.refresh (function() {
//obj.clear ();
if (r2ui.selected_panel === "Logs")
setTimeout (to, n * 1000);
else console.log("Not in logs :(");
return true;
obj.interval = setTimeout (to, n * 1000);
obj.on = function(ev, cb) {
obj.events[ev] = cb;
return obj;
return obj;
r2.filter_asm = function(x, display) {
var curoff = backward ? prev_curoff : next_curoff;
var lastoff = backward ? prev_lastoff : next_lastoff;
var lines = x.split (/\n/g);
r2.cmd ("s", function(x) {
curoff = x;
for (var i = lines.length - 1; i > 0; i--) {
var a = lines[i].match (/0x([a-fA-F0-9]+)/);
if (a && a.length > 0) {
lastoff = a[0].replace (/:/g, "");
if (display == "afl") {
//hasmore (false);
var z = "";
for (var i = 0; i < lines.length; i++) {
var row = lines[i].replace (/\ +/g, " ").split (/ /g);
z += row[0] + " " + row[3] + "\n";
x = z;
} else if (display[0] == 'f') {
//hasmore (false);
if (display[1] == 's') {
var z = "";
for (var i = 0; i < lines.length; i++) {
var row = lines[i].replace (/\ +/g, " ").split (/ /g);
var mark = row[1] == '*' ? '*' : ' ';
var space = row[2] ? row[2] : row[1];
if (!space) continue;
z += row[0] + " " + mark + " <a href=\"javascript:runcmd('fs " +
space + "')\">" + space + "</a>\n";
x = z;
} else {
} else if (display[0] == "i") {
//hasmore (false);
if (display[1]) {
var z = "";
for (var i = 0; i < lines.length; i++) {
var elems = lines[i].split (/ /g);
var name = "";
var addr = "";
for (var j = 0; j < elems.length; j++) {
var kv = elems[j].split (/=/);
if (kv[0] == "addr") {
addr = kv[1];
if (kv[0] == "name") {
name = kv[1];
if (kv[0] == "string") {
name = kv[1];
z += addr + " " + name + "\n";
x = z;
} //else hasmore (true);
function haveDisasm(x) {
if (x[0] == 'p' && x[1] == 'd') return true;
if (x.indexOf (";pd") != -1) return true;
return false;
if (haveDisasm (display)) {
x = x.replace (/function:/g, "<span style=color:green>function:</span>");
x = x.replace (/;(\s+)/g, ";");
x = x.replace (/;(.*)/g, "// <span style='color:#209020'>$1</span>");
x = x.replace (/(bl|goto|call)/g, "<b style='color:green'>call</b>");
x = x.replace (/(jmp|bne|beq|js|jnz|jae|jge|jbe|jg|je|jl|jz|jb|ja|jne)/g, "<b style='color:green'>$1</b>");
x = x.replace (/(dword|qword|word|byte|movzx|movsxd|cmovz|mov\ |lea\ )/g, "<b style='color:#1070d0'>$1</b>");
x = x.replace (/(hlt|leave|iretd|retn|ret)/g, "<b style='color:red'>$1</b>");
x = x.replace (/(add|sbb|sub|mul|div|shl|shr|and|not|xor|inc|dec|sar|sal)/g, "<b style='color:#d06010'>$1</b>");
x = x.replace (/(push|pop)/g, "<b style='color:#40a010'>$1</b>");
x = x.replace (/(test|cmp)/g, "<b style='color:#c04080'>$1</b>");
x = x.replace (/(outsd|out|string|invalid|int |int3|trap|main|in)/g, "<b style='color:red'>$1</b>");
x = x.replace (/nop/g, "<b style='color:blue'>nop</b>");
x = x.replace (/(sym|fcn|str|imp|loc)\.([^:<(\\\/ \|)\->]+)/g, "<a href='javascript:r2ui.seek(\"$1.$2\")'>$1.$2</a>");
x = x.replace (/0x([a-zA-Z0-9]+)/g, "<a href='javascript:r2ui.seek(\"0x$1\")'>0x$1</a>");
// registers
if (backward) {
prev_curoff = curoff;
prev_lastoff = lastoff;
} else {
next_curoff = curoff;
next_lastoff = lastoff;
if (!prev_curoff) {
prev_curoff = next_curoff;
return x;
@ -1,81 +0,0 @@
img {
border: 0px;
p {
textarea {
background-color: #203040;
a {
color: #a06000;
a:hover {
color: white;
.link {
html, body {
iframe {
border: 1px solid black;
.frame {
font-family: monospace;
border: 1px solid black;
color: #e0e0e0;
.frame_title {
font-family: monospace;
.frame_body {
.canvas {
input {
border: 1px solid black;
background-color: rgba(0,0,0,0.3);
color: white;
font-family: monospace;
h2 {
.minibut {
text-decoration: none;
font-weight: bold;
font-family: monospace;
color: #a0a0f0;
@ -1,447 +0,0 @@
function _(x) { return document.getElementById (x); }
var Tiled = function(id) {
var obj = document.getElementById (id);
this.curframe = undefined;
this.frames = [];
var topmargin = 20;
var w = 3;
var h = 0;
this.update_size = function (width, height) {
w = width || window.innerWidth;
h = height || window.innerHeight;
this.max_width = function (set) {
var col = this.curframe[1];
for (var col in this.frames) {
for (var row in this.frames[col]) {
this.frames[col][row].mw = false;
this.curframe[0].mw = set;
this.max_height = function (set) {
if (this.curframe) {
var col = this.curframe[1];
for (var row in this.frames[col]) {
var f = this.frames[col][row];
f.mh = false;
this.curframe[0].mh = set;
this.ctr2 = 0;
this.tile = function () {
if (this.maximize && this.curframe) {
var mtop = topmargin;
var left = 0;
var width = w;
var height = h-mtop;
var f = this.curframe[0];
f.obj.style.position = 'absolute';
f.obj.style.top = mtop;
f.obj.style.left = left;
// always on top.. or hide all the frames
f.obj.style.zIndex = 99999+this.ctr2++;
// TODO: add proportions
f.obj.style.width = width;
f.obj.style.height = height;
//f.obj.style.backgroundColor = "green";
//f.obj.innerHTML =" FUCK";
if (f.update)
f.update (f.obj);
function getmaxh (self,col) {
if (self.frames[col]) {
for (var row in self.frames[col]) {
var f = self.frames[col][row];
if (f && (f.mh||f.selected))
return true;
return false;
function getmaxw () {
for (var col in this.frames) {
for (var row in this.frames[col]) {
var f = this.frames[col][row];
if (f && f.mw) return true;
return false;
var cols = this.frames.length;
var left = 0;
var hasmaxw = true; //getmaxw ();
for (var col in this.frames) {
var rows = this.frames[col].length;
var mtop = topmargin;
var cols = this.frames.length;
var hasmaxh = getmaxh (this, col);
var width = w/cols;
var height = (h-topmargin)/rows;
if (this.curframe && hasmaxw && this.frames.length>1) {
if (col==this.curframe[1]) {
width = w/2;
} else {
width = (w/2)/(cols-1);
for (var row in this.frames[col]) {
var f = this.frames[col][row];
if (hasmaxh && this.frames[col].length>1) {
if (f.selected) {
height = 1.7* ((h-topmargin)/(rows));
} else {
var a = 1.7*(h-topmargin)/(rows);
height = (h-a)/(rows-1);
} else {
height = (h-topmargin)/rows;
height = 0|height;
f.obj.style.position = 'absolute';
f.obj.style.top = mtop;
f.obj.style.left = left;
// TODO: add proportions
f.obj.style.width = width;
if (row==0) {
f.obj.style.height = height;
//f.obj.style.backgroundColor = "green";
if (f.update)
f.update (f.obj);
mtop += height;
left += width;
this.num = 0;
this.defname = function (name) {
name = name || "noname";
return name+"_"+this.num;
this.unselect_frames = function (name) {
for (var col in this.frames) {
for (var row in this.frames[col]) {
var f = this.frames[col][row];
f.selected = false;
this.move_frame = function (dir) {
if (!this.curframe)
var col = this.curframe[1];
switch (dir) {
case 'up':
// move to new column
case 'down':
// remove from column
// remove column if empty
// append to previous column
case 'right':
if (col==this.frames.length-1)
return false;
alert ("moveright Col is "+col);
var b, c, d;
b = this.frames[col];
c = this.frames.splice (col);
d = c.splice (1).slice (1);
alert ("AAAA "+this.frames.length);
alert ("C "+c.length);
alert ("D "+d.length);
if (b) this.frames.push (b);
if (c.length>0) {
alert ("SET COL "+this.frames.length);
this.frames.push (c);
for (var i = 0; i<d.length; i++)
this.frames.push (d[i]);
this.tile ();
case 'left':
this.other_frame = function (dir) {
if (!this.curframe)
switch (dir) {
case 'up':
var col = +this.curframe[1];
var row = +this.curframe[2];
if (row>0) {
var f = this.frames[col][row];
this.select_frame (f.name);
this.curframe = [f,col,row];
case 'down':
var col = +this.curframe[1];
var row = +this.curframe[2];
if (row<=this.frames[col].length) {
var f = this.frames[col][row];
if (f) {
this.select_frame (f.name);
this.curframe = [f,col,row];
case 'left':
var col = +this.curframe[1];
if (col>0) {
var f = this.frames[col][0];
if (f) {
this.select_frame (f.name);
this.curframe = [f,col,0];
case 'right':
var col = +this.curframe[1];
if (col>=this.frames.length-1)
col = -1;
if (col<this.frames.length) {
var f = this.frames[col]
if (f) f = f[0];
if (f) {
this.select_frame (f.name);
this.curframe = [f,col,0];
this.select_frame = function (name) {
var ret = undefined;
if (!name && this.curframe) {
name = this.curframe[0].name;
this.oldframe = this.curframe;
for (var col in this.frames) {
for (var row in this.frames[col]) {
var f = this.frames[col][row];
if (f.name === name) {
_('frame_'+f.name).style.backgroundColor = "black";
f.selected = true;
f.mw = true;
ret = this.curframe = [f,col,row];
} else {
_('frame_'+f.name).style.backgroundColor = "#c0c0c0";
f.mw = false;
f.selected = false;
this.tile ();
return ret;
this.new_frame = function(name, body, update, pos, cb) {
var nf = {};
nf.name = name = name || this.defname ();
var obj_title = document.createElement ('div');
obj_title.className = 'frame_title';
obj_title.id = 'frame_'+name;
var d = document.createElement ('div');
d.style.backgroundColor = '#c0c0c0';
d.style['overflow-x'] = 'hidden';
var x = document.createElement ('a');
x.innerHTML = "[x]";
(function (self,name) {
x.onclick = function() {
//alert ("clicked "+name);
self.del_frame (name);
d.appendChild (x);
var b2 = document.createElement ('a');
b2.innerHTML = "[r]";
b2.ival = null;
var self = this;
b2.onclick = function (x) {
// TODO : toggle auto refresh
if (b2.ival) {
clearInterval (b2.ival);
b2.ival = null;
b2.innerHTML = "[r]";
} else {
b2.innerHTML = "[R]";
if (cb) {
cb (self, nf);
b2.ival = setInterval (function () {
cb (self, nf);
}, 1000);
d.appendChild (b2);
var b = document.createElement ('a');
b.innerHTML = "[@] ";
b.onclick = nf.refresh = function (x) {
if (cb) {
cb (self, nf);
d.appendChild (b);
//nf.offset = "entry0"; //0x404981;
var a = document.createElement ('a');
a.innerHTML = name;
d.appendChild (a);
var inp = document.createElement ('input');
inp.value = "entry0";
d.appendChild (inp);
obj_title.appendChild (d);
(function (self,name) {
a.onclick = function() {
//alert ("clicked "+name);
var newname = prompt ("title");
// self.del_frame (name);
if (typeof (update) === 'string') {
pos = update;
update = undefined;
nf.update = update;
nf.obj = document.createElement ('div');
var title = obj_title.outerHTML;
nf.obj.id = nf.name;
nf.obj.appendChild (obj_title);
var x= document.createElement ('p');
x.innerHTML = body;
nf.obj.appendChild (obj_title);
nf.obj.appendChild (x);
obj.appendChild (nf.obj);
switch (pos) {
case "bottom":
// TODO: append right above the selected row
var cc = this.curframe? this.curframe[1]: 0;
this.frames.push ([nf]);
this.frames[cc].push (this.frames.pop ()[0]);
case "right":
var col = this.curframe? this.curframe[1]: 0;
var a = this.frames.slice (0, col+1);
var b = this.frames.slice (col+1);
a.push ([nf]);
this.frames = a.concat (b);
this.frames.push ([nf]);
this.select_frame (name);
if (cb) {
cb (self, nf);
(function (self, name) {
var f = _('frame_'+name);
f.onmouseup = function() {
var f = self.select_frame (name);
if (f) {
// f[0].obj.innerHTML = f[0].obj.innerHTML+"<br />"; //"pop";
//alert (f[0].obj.style.backgroundColor);
} else alert ("Cant find frame for "+name);
})(this, name);
return nf;
this.update_all = function() {
for (var col in this.frames) {
for (var row in this.frames[col]) {
this.frames[col][row].refresh ();
this.del_frame = function (name) {
var prev = undefined;
if (!name && this.curframe) {
name = this.curframe[0].name;
for (var col in this.frames) {
for (var row in this.frames[col]) {
var x = this.frames[col][row];
if (x.name==name) {
if (x != this.curframe[0])
if (this.curframe[0] != this.oldframe[0])
if (this.frames[col].length>1) {
// remove row
var a = this.frames[col].splice (row).slice (1);
for (var i = 0;i<a.length;i++)
this.frames[col].push (a[i]);
} else {
// remove column
var a = this.frames.splice (col).slice (1);
for (var i = 0; i<a.length; i++)
this.frames.push (a[i]);
obj.removeChild (x.obj);
if (!prev) {
for (var col in this.frames) {
for (var row in this.frames[col]) {
prev = this.frames[col][row]
// select next frame
this.select_frame (prev);
//this.tile ();
return x;
prev = x.name;
this.tile ();
this.run = function () {
this.update_size ();
obj.style.position = 'absolute';
obj.style.top = 0;
obj.style.left = 0;
obj.style.width = w;
obj.style.height = h;
obj.style.backgroundColor = '#202020';
this.tile ();
Reference in New Issue
Block a user