Fix bb overlap bug causing wrong graphs and enhace 'a2f'

This commit is contained in:
pancake 2014-12-14 01:49:04 +01:00
parent 83b9b1fdb5
commit 984afca05c
3 changed files with 53 additions and 20 deletions

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@ -667,15 +667,23 @@ R_API int r_anal_fcn_add_bb(RAnalFunction *fcn, ut64 addr, ut64 size, ut64 jump,
mid = 0;
} else
if ((addr > bbi->addr) && \
(addr < bbi->addr+bbi->size))
if ((addr > bbi->addr) && (addr < bbi->addr+bbi->size))
mid = 1;
if (mid)
return R_FALSE;
if (mid) {
//eprintf ("Basic Block overlaps another one that should be shrinked\n");
if (bbi) {
/* shrink overlapped basic block */
bbi->size = addr - (bbi->addr);
//return R_FALSE;
if (bb == NULL) {
bb = appendBasicBlock (fcn, addr);
if (!bb) return R_FALSE;
if (!bb) {
eprintf ("appendBasicBlock failed\n");
return R_FALSE;
bb->addr = addr;
bb->size = size;

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@ -378,9 +378,14 @@ static int anal_fcn_add_bb (RCore *core, const char *input) {
case 1: // get fcnaddr
fcnaddr = r_num_math (core->num, r_str_word_get0 (ptr, 0));
if ((fcn = r_anal_get_fcn_in (core->anal, fcnaddr, 0)) == NULL ||
!r_anal_fcn_add_bb (fcn, addr, size, jump, fail, type, diff)) {
//eprintf ("Error: Cannot add bb\n");
fcn = r_anal_get_fcn_in (core->anal, fcnaddr, 0);
if (fcn) {
int ret = r_anal_fcn_add_bb (fcn, addr, size, jump, fail, type, diff);
if (!ret) {
eprintf ("Cannot add basic block\n");
} else {
eprintf ("Cannot find function at 0x%"PFMT64x"\n", fcnaddr);
r_anal_diff_free (diff);
free (ptr);

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@ -17,21 +17,25 @@ static ut64 sdb_array_get_closer_num (Sdb *db, const char *key, ut64 addr) {
num = sdb_atoi (str);
if (addr == num)
return closer;
if (addr<num)
if (closer > (addr - num))
closer = num;
if (addr>=num) {
if (closer > (addr - num))
closer = num;
ptr = next;
} while (next);
return closer;
#define Fbb(x) sdb_fmt(0,"bb.%"PFMT64x,x)
#define FbbTo(x) sdb_fmt(0,"bb.%"PFMT64x".to",x)
#define Fmin(x) "min"
#define Fmax(x) "max"
static int bbAdd (Sdb *db, ut64 from, ut64 to, ut64 jump, ut64 fail) {
ut64 last, addr = sdb_array_get_closer_num (db, "bbs", from);
ut64 addr_end, addr = sdb_array_get_closer_num (db, "bbs", from);
int add = 1;
if (addr == UT64_MAX) {
// add = 1;
@ -40,16 +44,27 @@ static int bbAdd (Sdb *db, ut64 from, ut64 to, ut64 jump, ut64 fail) {
eprintf ("basic block already analyzed\n");
add = 0;
} else {
last = sdb_num_get (db, Fbb(addr), NULL);
if (last) {
if (from >= addr && from < last) {
from = start address of new basic block
to = end address of new basic block
jump = destination basic block
fail = fallback jump of basic block
addr = previous closer basic block start address
addr_end = previous closer basic block start address
addr_end = sdb_num_get (db, Fbb(addr), NULL);
if (addr_end) {
if (from >= addr && from < addr_end) {
eprintf ("OVERLAPS MUST SPLIT\n");
add = 0;
/* reduce current basic block to from */
eprintf ("Shrink basic block 0x%08"PFMT64x" to %d\n", addr, (int)(from-addr));
sdb_num_set (db, Fbb(addr), addr + from-addr, 0);
sdb_num_set (db, FbbTo(addr), from, 0);
//to = addr_end; // ???
if (add) {
eprintf ("ADD NEW BB %llx\n", from);
sdb_array_add_num (db, "bbs", from, 0);
sdb_num_set (db, Fbb(from), to, 0);
if (jump != UT64_MAX)
@ -62,7 +77,7 @@ eprintf ("ADD NEW BB %llx\n", from);
return 0;
int analyzeIterative (RCore *core, Sdb *db, ut64 addr) {
ut64 analyzeIterative (RCore *core, Sdb *db, ut64 addr) {
#define addCall(x) sdb_array_add_num (db, "calls", x, 0);
#define addUcall(x) sdb_array_add_num (db, "ucalls", x, 0);
#define addUjmp(x) sdb_array_add_num (db, "ujmps", x, 0);
@ -204,6 +219,8 @@ static int analyzeFunction (RCore *core, ut64 addr) {
char *c, *cjmps = sdb_get (db, "cjmps", NULL);
sdb_aforeach (c, cjmps) {
ut64 addr = sdb_atoi (c);
if (r_cons_singleton ()->breaked)
analyzeIterative (core, db, addr);
sdb_aforeach_next (c);
@ -247,7 +264,7 @@ static int analyzeFunction (RCore *core, ut64 addr) {
// list bbs
ut64 min, max;
ut64 min = 0, max = 0;
char *c, *bbs = sdb_get (db, "bbs", NULL);
int first = 1;
sdb_aforeach (c, bbs) {
@ -264,6 +281,9 @@ static int analyzeFunction (RCore *core, ut64 addr) {
if (addr_end>max)
max = addr_end;
if (addr >= addr_end) {
//addr_end = addr + 1; /// XXX recalculate the new addr_end
// check if call destination is inside the function boundaries
eprintf ("BB 0x%08"PFMT64x" - 0x%08"PFMT64x" %d\n",
addr, addr_end, (int)(addr_end-addr));