- Registers for which version of core was compiled
* Use tar --format=posix when GNU tar
- Fixes the dependency on BSD systems
* Fix in doc/fortunes
* Fix this class pointer in asm_java
* Re-Fix uglily the bin_elf strtab issue (needs more work)
* Fix Vala regression in r_asm.vapi
- filedescriptor is only defined by r_io_set()
- the rest of functions just take one argument less
- there are not enought filedescriptor changes to force fd resolution all the time
* Fix memory leak in r_io_open
- Better error management
- Fix Makefile warnings in libr/io/p
* Added read_at and write_at helper functions
* Random indentation fixups
* Added shm.mk and malloc.mk
* More useless work for r_iter