- Propagate @VERSION@ from ACR
- All *2 apps are now supporting a -V flag to show the version
* Fix .dr* command in r_core debugger
- dr now supports [regtype] [bitsize] arguments
- Check dr? for help
* Added some 8, 16 bit registers to the dbg.ptrace backend
- Just for testing :)
* Check build of the whole source tree
- test programs are now in ${prefix}/bin/libr-test
* Fix lot of warnings and bugs
* Simplify some code
* Some rapification
* Fix segfault in r_reg related to unallocated arenas
- New function r_reg_type_by_name() resolves string->id
* Fix help of rax2
- Remove plugin prefixes
- It was unnecessary complicated
- Remove unused code
- Some RAPIfication
- Rename _set( methods into _use(
- Simplify some string processing
- r_parse is working again
- Sync all those api changes in r_core
- External static plugin lists moved to .c
- Fix some cast-related segfaults in core
* Review the r_search API
- RAPIfication
- Allow to pass NULL as binmask
- Added TODO with some more ideas
- r_debug_ptrace is now static by default
* Some code cleanup and warnings removal
* Added hg-utils.mk and MKPLUGINS directive in user-config
* Initial implementation of dbg_gdb r_debug plugin
- Import ERESI's libgdbwrap from r1
* Add some missing files (asm/p/fastcall_mips.h, core/t/ragrep2.c)
* Added r_str_bool helper to get "true"/"false" from int
- Use the new 'asm-like' build system for r_parse plugins
- Added new callback to 'assemble' parseable expressions
into compilable asm code
- Refactorize and remove warnings in parse_mreplace
* Added r_str_char_count() in r_util
* Some fixups in the fastcall code in r_asm
rename : libr/parse/p/mreplace/mmemory.c => libr/parse/p/parse_mreplace/mmemory.c
rename : libr/parse/p/mreplace/mmemory.h => libr/parse/p/parse_mreplace/mmemory.h
rename : libr/parse/p/mreplace/mreplace.c => libr/parse/p/parse_mreplace/mreplace.c
rename : libr/parse/p/mreplace/mreplace.h => libr/parse/p/parse_mreplace/mreplace.h
- Added pseudoinstruction .asciz
- asm_x86_olly assembles the shorter opcode
* rasm2
- Minor fixups and refactoring
* Misc
- Added new quote into fortunes
- Plugins needs to be synced
* Added x86nasm assembler backend to handle x86-64
- Not yet working. Pretty buggy :)
* Fix support of building static plugins for r_bp
- Statically link r_bp_x86 by default
* Implement ugly r_sys_cmd_str() command in r_util
- Managing breakpoints for the core
- Initial work on the support for breakpoints
for the r_debug plugins
* Adding some dummy work for context support in r_anal
* Make asm_set_bits check per-plugin supported bit sizes
- Now asm plugins have 'arch' and 'bits' attributes
- Used to setup default callbacks for undefined 'assemble' callback
- Also used to avoid setting asm.bits eval variable to invalid values
- We need a way to display all this data
* Added DEFAULT_ARCH in config.h to setup default arch to asm and anal
* Added r_config_set_i_cb()
- Make r_config_set restore value when callback is called and fails
- asm.bits now has a config callback
* Added _LAST in some r_anal enums
* Implement write support to r_io plugin dbg_ptrace
* Fix libtcc lang plugin compilation problem
* Use r_core_write_at instead of r_io_seek+r_io_write
* Implement 'wa' command.
- Integrated with visual mode (bind to 'a' key)
- Added 'x' key in visual to write hexpair strings
* Fix signature of 'assemble' function in r_asm (const u8 *)
- Added -B and -l flags for binary input/output
- Added support for assembling several instructions (separated by ;)
e.g.: $ rasm2 "push eax; push ebx"
* r_asm
- Fixed bug in asm_x86_olly
- Make proper use of the config-user.mk
- Accelerate build by manually checking timestamps of bin/lib to objs/srcs
- Use '-MD' by default
- Lot of minor fixups done in multiple places
- Fix PREFIX/LIBDIR installation/loading problems for plugins
- Some segfaults has been fixed
- Use R_API in r_core and r_lib
* Add 'vm' to be build by libr by default
* Add 'libs.c' in core/ to manage plugins from core
- Added 'dir.plugins'
- Make '-e' and '-L' radare2 flags work
- Plugins are not loaded multiple times now
* Added r_lib_types string array containing plugin types strings
* Minor fixups in r_debug
- Properly check 'contsc' delegate
- Separate r_debug_wait()
* Rename dbg-ptrace into dbg_ptrace
rename : libr/debug/p/dbg-ptrace.c => libr/debug/p/dbg_ptrace.c
- Extend API to get file and line numbers from a virtual address
- Added addr2line-like test program 'rabini'
- Added 'addr2line' plugin
* Add r_file_slurp_line helper in r_util
* Added initial work to support multiple compilers (gcc only atm)
- tcc support under development
- Make HAVE_REGEXP be optional
* Properly installation of vapi files
- Lot of fixtures to build a external hello world in gtk+vala+r_asm
- default staticplugins for r_asm are:
mips, java and x86_olly by default
- Add r_util.vapi and make .pc file point to -lr_util
- Use .deps to generate dependencies between vapi files
- Fix r_asm.vapi (Added Asm.Aop struct)
- add set(string) method
- asm/disasm -> assemble/disassemble
* Fix warning + build in sign.c
- Included in default build
* Fix segfault in r_lib with NULL in opendir()
* More fixtures for r_asm_plugin_*
- use #ifndef CORELIB
- drop 'static'
* Update README
* Make rabin2 support 'arm' instead of 'asm_arm' for -a (autoprefix 'asm_')
* Some build fixtures
* Static plugins are configurable in libr/config.mk and libr/config.h