- Kinda smart (150LOC)
- Fork it for 64bit hash keys (make ht64 in libr/util)
* Make RConfig use the RHashTable to resolve by name
- Code cleanup resulting in -30LOC
- O(1) access to config variables (speedup!)
- Make r_list_free and r_list_destroy take sense
* Some random warning fixups
* extern plugins defined in handle.c for asm, bin, .. cleaner
* RAPIfy the r_bininfo
* Initial implementation of Rarray Iterator
- Needs some tuning in core Vala..but it is ok for demos
- r_bin API is now using the Rarray iterator
- Added Vala test program for it
* Fix build of some test programs
* Added r_diff and r_bininfo VAPI files
- The APIs are inconsistent and untested. Proposals welcome
- Fix possible overflow in r_bininfo
* Initial implementation of pool.c
- Implements Memory.Pool class (Extracted from 'alt')
- Added test program
- Added vala example using r_db (db.vala)
* Fix segmentation fault in db.c when adding nodes with
no keys defined. (-1)
* Added vala example
* Added r_db to the default build list
* Added r_th, r_bp and r_db in pkgconfig