- Fix uninitialized variables and other GCC warnings
- Remove unused variables, fix invalid heap ops
- ?p print error if VA is not
- Fix invalid write in r_io_cache_read().
* add support for 'mov reg, [addr]' in x86.nz[32]
* Added r_list_foreach_prev()
* Add RSyscallPort to handle Hardware I/O ports
* Remove libr/TODO and refactor /TODO
* Link with 'ld' in rarc2-tool for nasm
* Merge r_trace into r_debug (RDebugTrace)
- Implement 'dt' command to manage debugging traces
- TODO: Track register values and memory changes
- Added dbg.trace and dbg.trace.tag
* Added r_sys_now() to retrieve ut64 value of current time
- Must check endianness issues
* Initial work trying to implement RPATH support to ELF
* Less flat command tree
- 'dt' is now 'dbt'
- 'dk' is now 'dpk'
* Some more random syntax cleanup fixes
* Say 'yes/no' instead of 'ok/fail' in check-langs script