- Fix some issues for 64bit instructions in z0mbie dislen
* Fix EOF, ^D and terminal resize
- Do not understand terminal resize as EOF
* Display rpathstrip lines to identify segfaults
* Implement 'ao' command to analyze opcodes
* Merge r_trace into r_debug (RDebugTrace)
- Implement 'dt' command to manage debugging traces
- TODO: Track register values and memory changes
- Added dbg.trace and dbg.trace.tag
* Added r_sys_now() to retrieve ut64 value of current time
- Must check endianness issues
* Initial work trying to implement RPATH support to ELF
* Less flat command tree
- 'dt' is now 'dbt'
- 'dk' is now 'dpk'
* Some more random syntax cleanup fixes
* Say 'yes/no' instead of 'ok/fail' in check-langs script
- Add CFLAGS+=-DCORELIB in libr/cmd/Makefile
- Add target all in r2rc/Makefile
* r_core
- Add dummy command ac (stands for analyze code)
* r_anal
- Reorganize code
- Add function r_anal_bbs (not working yet)