* Seems to work, but there are many things to improve and fix
* Fixed some bugs (overflow, sandbox bypass, ..)
* Exposes some memleaks and bad api usages.
* Refactor all the things! \o/
* Fix z80, tms320 disasm and x86.as
* Care about memleaks
* Support meson
* And fix more tests related to pda and pdj and m68k
- rasm2 -k to select kernel like ragg2 does
- rasm2 -k linux -b32 'mov eax, $sys.write'
- Implement x86-64bit INC and DEC
- Add x86-8 and x86-64 bit calling conventions in r_syscall
- r_asm now depends on r_db (uses r_pair aka sdb)
- r_asm_describe()
- install opcode descriptions
- Use ?d to get description of opcode (uses asm.arch)
* Add 'fl' command to get length of flag
* Fix some warnings in anal.sparc plugin
* Add new assembler directives
- .int8 (alias of .byte)
- .int16 (alias of .short)
- .int32 and .int64
* Fix memory leak in r_core_disasm()
* Add accessors for RAnalFcn.{refs,xrefs,vars,bbs}
- Updated bindings
- Experimental.. not yet ready for release
- Add rasm2 -F flag to specify input and output filters
$ rasm2 -F att2intel
* Add new att2intel r_parse plugin
- make mrproper required
* Initial implementation of RBinClass
- Only experimental and Java-specific atm
- Add rabin2 -C to display classes
* Optimize some r_str functions
- CC-* removes all comments
- Many bugfixes in comment handling code
- comments are now turqoise and have no ';'
* Added r_cons_column -- add support for columned text
- Added r_cons_justify to align text to right
- Added r_cons_memset as a helper
- Vv menu displays options and list in left and disasm at right
- Allow to rename functions
- Added ':' prompt in Vv menu
* Initial implementation for s/ command (search+seek)
* Use core->num->value for 'p' command (number of bytes used)
* Implement /i to search ignoring case
* Help for e scr.fkey=?
* Added r_core_editor() helper
* Fix use-after-free in r_anal/meta
- It's like r_vm, but using r_anal
- r_vm is going to be deprecated
* Added r_mem_set_num()
* Remove deprecated asm/t/fastcall example
* Fix warnings in r_syscall_regs
- Integrated with r_syscall_use()
- Fix r_syscall_reg() out of bound bug
rename : libr/syscall/regs.c => libr/syscall/fastcall.h
* Refactoring in r_anal API for _aop() with addr and length
- Added ppc code analysis plugin
- sync in r_core
* cfg.ffio->io.ffio
* Add CMD type in r_lib
* Added SR register type
* More stuff is now working in osx-ppc debugger
* Random code cleanup
with .dll and .exe for w32
* Do not build libr.${LIB_AR} by default (problematic in some platforms)
* Lot of more fixes for building on w32 - Yeah i got the first build done!
- Check radare.org/get/radare2-w32*
- So many things are still broken for windows
- Fixes some recursive and missing dependencies
- LINK and LDFLAGS must be after $OBJ
- r_debug_ptrace is now static by default
* Some code cleanup and warnings removal
* Added hg-utils.mk and MKPLUGINS directive in user-config
* Initial implementation of dbg_gdb r_debug plugin
- Import ERESI's libgdbwrap from r1
* Add some missing files (asm/p/fastcall_mips.h, core/t/ragrep2.c)
* Added r_str_bool helper to get "true"/"false" from int
* Make rabin2 support 'arm' instead of 'asm_arm' for -a (autoprefix 'asm_')
* Some build fixtures
* Static plugins are configurable in libr/config.mk and libr/config.h