Fix invalid wide string identification in 'ad' command
Temporal blocksize syntax ':' has changed to '!'
- x @ 1024!33
Fix overlapped IO sections handling
Add support for segmented address in temporal seek
Fix disassemlby to print more lines than blocksize
Enhacements in the new webui
Fix r_socket_block_time()
Implement assembler for the 1bit arch RAR (wip)
Fix pdf, pdb and pD (print_disasm)
Implement http.timeout and http.sandbox
Reference of RNum in RAsm (use flags in 'wa/pa'!)
Use RNum in plugin
Rename scr.segoff to asm.segoff
Fixes for segmented addressing resolution
Honor lineswidth in disasm
Remove rabin2 -p flag in help and manpage
Fix disasm.c loop for small blocksizes and invalid ops
* Analyze IO opcodes on x86
* Fix 0x0x in olly disasm
* Fix segfault in objc mangling
* Support for writing nibbles with 'wx'
* If optype is IO, use 'ports' flagspace
* Add support for flagspaces in RParse
* Use RList in RParse instead of list.h
* asm.pseudo handles for in/out x86 opcodes
* Random code cleanup
* Fix udis86 64bit disasm bug
Show xrefs before comments
cmtright is false by default
Fix ehdr virtual section on mach0 files
Addr 'Vdr' command to rename functions in visual
Add $S and $SS variables (section offset, section size)
New commands: fx and fxd to show contents of flags
Fix pZ-pz help message and stuff
fF in visual is now nN
nN in visual has been deprecated
sfF also renamed to snN
sn renamed to so
e scr.fkey is now scr.nkey
Beautify the disasm loc functions
Toggle breakpoints with 'b' in visual
Fix r_core_system pipes after scr.interaction
Fix 'ao N' (parse argument)
Fix segfault in p= N >blocksize
Split BBs in pdr with '--'
Add help for ps?
Do not show invalid rahash2 -a entropy at the end of p=e
pz is now psz
pZ is now pz
Changes in the disasm loop to support continuous fun
Fixes disasm after opcode payload
Added RConstr code in r_util (not yet used)
RBinSize implemented for elf, mach0 and plan9
Fix build
* Add support for wide string dump in r_bin
* Fix detection of data section in PE
* Show error if temporary seek flag does not exists
* Fix wrong disassmbly with 'pd' (invalid)
* Properly detect end of functions in visual
* Apply rudi_s patches for cache
* Show push flag information if available as a comment
* Clear screen after quiting Visual
* Remove unused function
- Fix uninitialized variables and other GCC warnings
- Remove unused variables, fix invalid heap ops
- ?p print error if VA is not
- Fix invalid write in r_io_cache_read().
* add support for 'mov reg, [addr]' in[32]
- e asm.offseg=true : show in disasm
- ? f000:1345 : calculate value
- s c000:1400 : seek to segment:address
- also supports 0xf000:0x123
- segment is 32 bit instead of 16 #fun
* Add rudi_s patch to pass write_cache test
* Fix crash in r_io_free
* Move r_core_yank_to into yank.c
* Make 'fd' work without arguments
* Added r_flag_get_at () to handle deltas
- Show it in visual title
- Used by 'fd'
* Colorize trap instructions in bright red
- Select arch/bits with r2 -a and -b (old -b is now -B)
- Kinda hacky, but works for osx-x86/32/64
- Export offset information of fat bins
* Show flags in search output
* Disable interactive console in rabin2
* Do not comment int3 opcodes
- r_asm now depends on r_db (uses r_pair aka sdb)
- r_asm_describe()
- install opcode descriptions
- Use ?d to get description of opcode (uses asm.arch)
* Add 'fl' command to get length of flag
* Fix some warnings in anal.sparc plugin
* Add new assembler directives
- .int8 (alias of .byte)
- .int16 (alias of .short)
- .int32 and .int64
* Fix memory leak in r_core_disasm()
* Add accessors for RAnalFcn.{refs,xrefs,vars,bbs}
- Updated bindings
- Imported code from OpenBSD trunk
- Remove the elf part (-1KLOC)
- Some refactoring in order to be more r2-like
- fixed warning messages
- readdir one can be dangerous /cc @vect01
- Remove libmagic dependency
* Rename into asm.ucase
* p= command is now an alias for !rahash2 -a entropy -b 512 $FILE
* Some work in the 'G' key in visual
* Fix zoom on
* r_sys_getcwd now returns a heap ptr and its named to r_sys_getdir()
* Show invalid instructions in 'pd'
* Fix prompt for 'w' key in visual
* More work with RPair
- Looks like it's finally usable. Let's use it from r_syscall
- Update sdb from hg
- Enhace test program
* Show newlines in 'ps' command
* Add dummy 'dca' command. needs to be implemented
* Reload all symbol information when changes
* Only print jumpkey references in visual mode
* Reduce the autoblocksize in visual for disassembly