- dro is working again
* Dummy agt command (analyze graph to destination)
- Still wip, requires some changes in r_anal api
* Handle ap? command
* Use core->dbg->bits in core_reg
* dbt - backtrace accepts an argument to redefine ebp
* Use r_core_seek_delta in visual (fix Vh = 0xFFFFF..)
* Add p= command to show the statistics graph
* Rename Vw to Vi (write->insert)
* Add dummy base85.c
* Various binding fixes (add test3.js)
* Fix socket.vala
* Add support for wide string dump in r_bin
* Fix detection of data section in PE
* Show error if temporary seek flag does not exists
* Fix wrong disassmbly with 'pd' (invalid)
* Properly detect end of functions in visual
* Apply rudi_s patches for cache
* Show push flag information if available as a comment
* Clear screen after quiting Visual
* Remove unused function
* Do not prompt or clear screen when using V in batch mode
* Optimization in r_config_get_i
* Show expression in r_num_calc errors
* Fix parsing of $$+2 in r_num_calc
- Fix uninitialized variables and other GCC warnings
- Remove unused variables, fix invalid heap ops
- ?p print error if VA is not
- Fix invalid write in r_io_cache_read().
* add support for 'mov reg, [addr]' in x86.nz[32]
- Problem in r_io_desc_free called twice
* Compact ??? help
* Random indentation fixes
* Added support for binmask searches
- /x 123456 ffc0e3
* Added BLOCK and BYTES in r_core_sysenv_begin()
* Hacky fix for autoblocksize with pw
* Enhacements for the r_cons_hud
- double-ESC to quit menu
- tab and up/down arrows select row
- first row is executed if enter is pressed
* Add ?y[ynkm] to
- ?iy ?in ask user with yesno dialogs
- ?im msg show message
- ?ik press any key
* Add hud.once eval var to run hud forever
* CC != CC*
* Use '_' key in visual mode to enter in hud mode
* Support mach0 files with multiple sections with same name
* Fix parsing of commands with nested quotes
* rename ?z to ?l
* added new command ?y to get and set yank buffer contents to stdout
* ?i stores the input into the yank buffer now
* ?I accepts a file name as argument which is loaded as hud
* ?k used as key=value temporal storage
* Add calc.c .. plans are:
- support proper parenthesis in math.c
- support floating point arithmetics
- Fix static build
- Fix dupped symbols
* Fix all errors reported by clang-analyzer
- Some null dereferences
- Some uninitialized variable uses
* Fix all important warnings from the farm
- Remove *all* uses of alloca
- Fix many %llx format string portability issues
* Fix manpage typos reported by lintian (thanks sre)
- Clear the whole screen, do not trash
- Refactorize code from RCons into RConsW32
* Apply @earada's patch with minor fix for undo seek
* Ignore */+- in non-cursor visual and autoblock enabled
* Add notepad as windows editor by default
* Add 'T' menu at visual mode to show comments and anal info
* Make 'fd' work without arguments
* Added r_flag_get_at () to handle deltas
- Show it in visual title
- Used by 'fd'
* Colorize trap instructions in bright red
- Do not find strings in binaries with no data sections
- Add program header section underlaying the rest of sections
* Do not newline when gotoxy'ng
- visual mode is now smarter
* New ? commands
- ?p = show physical address
- ?S = show section name for given address
* Initial refactoring in r_io to make section overlaps happy
- Those changes are experimental and can lead to problems
- Do not iterate prev
- Do not sort by offset
* Use pw instead of px in debugger stack view
* Disable stackptr by default
* Add OSX-32bit debugger register map
- Fix support for debugging 32bit bins in 64bit OSes
* Implement r_egg_run() -- just in time execution
* Fix r_egg string construction and argument passing
- Still needs more work, but at least some hello worlds work
* p= command is now an alias for !rahash2 -a entropy -b 512 $FILE
* Some work in the 'G' key in visual
* Fix zoom on io.va=1
* r_sys_getcwd now returns a heap ptr and its named to r_sys_getdir()
* Show invalid instructions in 'pd'
* Fix prompt for 'w' key in visual
* More work with RPair
- Looks like it's finally usable. Let's use it from r_syscall
- Update sdb from hg
- Enhace test program
* Show newlines in 'ps' command
* Add dummy 'dca' command. needs to be implemented
* Reload all symbol information when io.va changes
* Only print jumpkey references in visual mode
* Reduce the autoblocksize in visual for disassembly
* Remove -u flag in r2 (was not implemented, but not needed)
* Added ?v command
* Check if file exists in rarun2
* Fix cmd.vprompt
* Some fixes in io.undo
- Two test cases to check undo and redo ops
* Added 2 bugs in testsuite
* Split core/cmd.c into disasm.c and core/visual.c into vmenus.c
* Fix some warnings reported by valgrind
* Chop instructions disassembled by udis86
* Fix visual prompt display in debugger mode
* Added 'pdi' and 'pdf' commands
- Used to print just instructions or lengths
- Documented via 'pd?'
* Added initial work on a test suite for r2
- Spot a crash!