* R_APIze r_config
- Added r_config_swap
- Fix a bug in r_config_set for bool types
* Some more rules in doc/syntax
* Some integration from r_core to r_meta
- CC command is now working to add and remove comments
- Make 'C' show help and 'C*' list metadata
- CF is semi working
* Show comments in disassembly 'asm.comments'
* Added 'e!' command to toggle a eval variable value
- e!asm.bytes ; for example
* Drop arrow-debugging in r_core_visual
- Added key ';' to add comments
- Do not 's eip' on debug
* Fix build of flags test program (thanks graz!)
* Added r_str_chop_ro (read-only string chopping)
* More stuff in doc/release
* Added 'dk' for sending signals to processes in the debugger
- A bit hacky, but funny enought for testing
* Initial draft of the process-related API
- For handling tree's of processes with threads
* Fix a bug in dietline ('supr' key is working now
- Properly load all LIBR_PLUGINS from rabin2 too
- Maybe we will have to add a common stub for this
* Add r_bin_plugin_elf in the STATIC_PLUGINS list
* Add ii, iI, ie, is, iS, iz commands (accepts a * at the end)
- Wrappers to run rabin2 over the opened file
* Add -l flag to radiff2 (line diffing)
- Added -s flag to radiff2 (string distance)
- Move linediff test program into the test.c
- Use R_API for r_diff
- Use double for buffers_distance
- Fix -c flag (now we have modes and 'showcount' toggles)
* Properly installation of vapi files
- Lot of fixtures to build a external hello world in gtk+vala+r_asm
- default staticplugins for r_asm are:
mips, java and x86_olly by default
- Add r_util.vapi and make .pc file point to -lr_util
- Use .deps to generate dependencies between vapi files
- Fix r_asm.vapi (Added Asm.Aop struct)
- add set(string) method
- asm/disasm -> assemble/disassemble
* Fix warning + build in sign.c
- Included in default build
* Fix segfault in r_lib with NULL in opendir()
* More fixtures for r_asm_plugin_*
- use #ifndef CORELIB
- drop 'static'
* Update README
* Make rabin2 support 'arm' instead of 'asm_arm' for -a (autoprefix 'asm_')
* Some build fixtures
* Static plugins are configurable in libr/config.mk and libr/config.h