- Does not link on OSX. maybe in Linux it does..
- Requires valabind-hg
* Add mp.py to get python module path (magic!)
- Fixes install-python target in
- Add purge-python makefile target
* Check for */*cxx to autodetect support
* Fix uninitialized shstrtab segfault in r_bin_elf
* Do not create new objects unnecesarily in r_core_magic
* Handle length argument in pb command
* Fix ps command
* @@ now prefixes each line with the offset (useful for search)
- can be problematic when used with macros
> / lib
> ps @@ lib*
* Huge refactoring in r_magic, now using the r2 coding standards
- Use r_magic_new() and _free() instead of open/close
- Reduced -1KLOC
- Imported code from OpenBSD trunk
- Remove the elf part (-1KLOC)
- Some refactoring in order to be more r2-like
- fixed warning messages
- readdir one can be dangerous /cc @vect01
- Remove libmagic dependency
* Rename asm.case into asm.ucase