- r_debug_reg and r_debug_regset
- Handles dbg->newstate to force register sync
- Only dbg.reg.read() for x86-32 and 64
* Added dummy copy of manpages (from old radare1)
- Make r_bp_enable return bp_item
- dbh: breakpoint handler plugins can now be listed and selected
- Added 'dbe' and 'dbd' commands to enable and disable breakpoints
* Added $s for filesize (like in r1)
* Added ? $? for help and ?$ alias
* Add r_bp as dependency for r_core in test programs (fix build)
* Use limits.h in io-ptrace to determine x86-32 or 64
* Fix a building bug in rules.mk
* Fix div0 bug in r_bp_getbytes()
* Show 'enabled' / 'disabled' attribute of breakpoints
* Implement dbg_read and dbg_write callbacks for r_debug
- Added r_debug_set_io() to setup the IO for r_debug
* 'db' command can now add and remove breakpoints
- Not yet written into memory. only managed
- Integrated with r_debug module
- Hardware breakpoints will be handled by the debug backend
- Breakpoints support software/hardware, lil/big endian, trace, enable/disable
- Plugin infrastructure adding software breakpoint templates
- Added x86 and arm software breakpoint plugins
* Some work on the 'db' command to manage debugger breakpoint
* Added empty dH to transplant process between debugger backends
- Managing breakpoints for the core
- Initial work on the support for breakpoints
for the r_debug plugins
* Adding some dummy work for context support in r_anal
* Make asm_set_bits check per-plugin supported bit sizes
- Now asm plugins have 'arch' and 'bits' attributes
- Used to setup default callbacks for undefined 'assemble' callback
- Also used to avoid setting asm.bits eval variable to invalid values
- We need a way to display all this data
* Added DEFAULT_ARCH in config.h to setup default arch to asm and anal
* Added r_config_set_i_cb()
- Make r_config_set restore value when callback is called and fails
- asm.bits now has a config callback
* Added _LAST in some r_anal enums
* More stuff in doc/release
* Added 'dk' for sending signals to processes in the debugger
- A bit hacky, but funny enought for testing
* Initial draft of the process-related API
- For handling tree's of processes with threads
* Fix a bug in dietline ('supr' key is working now
- Make proper use of the config-user.mk
- Accelerate build by manually checking timestamps of bin/lib to objs/srcs
- Use '-MD' by default
- Lot of minor fixups done in multiple places
- Fix PREFIX/LIBDIR installation/loading problems for plugins
- Some segfaults has been fixed
- Use R_API in r_core and r_lib
* Add 'vm' to be build by libr by default
* Add 'libs.c' in core/ to manage plugins from core
- Added 'dir.plugins'
- Make '-e' and '-L' radare2 flags work
- Plugins are not loaded multiple times now
* Added r_lib_types string array containing plugin types strings
* Minor fixups in r_debug
- Properly check 'contsc' delegate
- Separate r_debug_wait()
* Rename dbg-ptrace into dbg_ptrace
rename : libr/debug/p/dbg-ptrace.c => libr/debug/p/dbg_ptrace.c
- Some minor hacks everywhere to glue
- 'dr' command runs '|reg' io-ptrace command (reg dbg stuff needs more work)
- '|reg' is a temporal command that prints x86-ptrace-linux registers
* Added debug visual print mode using && :)
- 's' key steps in debugger
* Added m and ' keys in visual (mark and goto mark) like in vim or r1 :)
- store/use seek addresses
* Make use of the cmd.prompt and cmd.vprompt magic
* Added debug handlers list with 'dh'
- dh ptrace called at init
- dp pid called at init too (hacky style)
* Added debug->wait method for the debug handlers
* Add 'fb' command to set base for flags
* Fix flag redefinition (f foo && f foo @ 33) now works
* Added s64 type (signed 64 bit integer)
* Fixed && and '"' special chars in commnad parsing
rename : libr/debug/p/ptrace.c => libr/debug/p/dbg-ptrace.c
* Add 'var' in build liblist and 'vapi/t' for make clean
* Add ^C handler for r_cons. support for callbacks
* Add support for ./m ELF for example to interpret the output of commands
* Fix a bug in the regexp algorithm that can get into infinite loop
* Binmask can now contain non hexpair values
* Add '/m' search regexp matches using the new R_SEARCH_REGEXP algorithm
- Handle ^C in search loop..needs to use callback method
* Properly cleanup the flag names
* Added asm.bits and asm.os eval vars
* Added some random tips for debug in README
- Stupid snippets for import/export data between modules
- Register support requires a rethink
* Initial work on the integration of r_io_undo() api
- Previous commits has been reported in the ChangeLog file
- hg log has been lost (moved inside ChangeLog)
- Old radare1 repository has removed all the libr