#ifndef _INCLUDE_UTIL_R_ #define _INCLUDE_UTIL_R_ #include #include #include #include // radare linked list #include // radare fixed pointer array iterators #include // kernel linked list /* profiling */ #include #ifdef HAVE_LIB_GMP #include #endif #if HAVE_LIB_SSL #include #endif // TODO: use lowercase here? #define R_REFCTR_CLASS int refctr;void (*ref_free)(x) #define R_REFCTR_INIT(x,y) x->refctr=0;x->ref_free=y #define R_REFCTR_REF(x) x->refctr++ #define R_REFCTR_UNREF(x) if (--x->refctr<=0) x->ref_free(x) #if 0 typedef struct { R_REFCTR_CLASS; } Foo; Foo *r_foo_new () { Foo *f = R_NEW(Foo) R_REFCTR_INIT (f, r_foo_free); ... return f; } Foo *foo = r_foo_new (Foo) R_REFCTR_REF (foo) R_REFCTR_UNREF (foo) #endif /* empty classes */ typedef struct { } RSystem; //typedef struct { } RStr; typedef struct { } RLog; #define RStr char* typedef struct r_mem_pool_t { ut8 **nodes; int ncount; int npool; // int nodesize; int poolsize; int poolcount; } RMemoryPool; typedef struct r_mem_pool_factory_t { int limit; RMemoryPool **pools; } RPoolFactory; typedef struct r_mmap_t { ut8 *buf; int len; int fd; int rw; #if __WINDOWS__ HANDLE fh; HANDLE fm; #endif } RMmap; typedef struct r_buf_t { ut8 *buf; int length; int cur; ut64 base; RMmap *mmap; } RBuffer; /* r_cache */ // TOTHINK: move into a separated library? typedef struct r_cache_item_t { ut64 addr; char *str; struct list_head list; } RCacheItem; typedef struct r_cache_t { ut64 start; ut64 end; struct list_head items; } RCache; typedef struct r_prof_t { struct timeval begin; double result; } RProfile; /* numbers */ typedef struct r_num_t { ut64 (*callback)(struct r_num_t *userptr, const char *str, int *ok); // RNumCallback callback; ut64 value; double fvalue; void *userptr; } RNum; typedef ut64 (*RNumCallback)(RNum *self, const char *str, int *ok); typedef struct r_range_item_t { ut64 fr; ut64 to; ut8 *data; int datalen; } RRangeItem; typedef struct r_range_t { int count; int changed; RList *ranges; } RRange; /* bitsize */ enum { R_SYS_BITS_8 = 1, R_SYS_BITS_16 = 2, R_SYS_BITS_32 = 4, R_SYS_BITS_64 = 8, }; /** hashtable **/ typedef struct r_hashtable_entry_t { ut32 hash; void *data; } RHashTableEntry; typedef struct r_hashtable_t { RHashTableEntry *table; ut32 size; ut32 rehash; ut32 max_entries; ut32 size_index; ut32 entries; ut32 deleted_entries; } RHashTable; typedef struct r_hashtable64_entry_t { ut64 hash; void *data; } RHashTable64Entry; typedef struct r_hashtable64_t { RHashTable64Entry *table; ut64 size; ut64 rehash; ut64 max_entries; ut64 size_index; ut64 entries; ut64 deleted_entries; } RHashTable64; /* r_mixed */ #define RMIXED_MAXKEYS 256 typedef struct r_mixed_data_t { int size; union { RHashTable *ht; RHashTable64 *ht64; } hash; } RMixedData; typedef struct r_mixed_t { RList *list; RMixedData *keys[RMIXED_MAXKEYS]; ut64 state[RMIXED_MAXKEYS]; // used by change_(begin|end) } RMixed; /* TODO : THIS IS FROM See libr/anal/fcnstore.c for refactoring info */ typedef struct r_list_range_t { RHashTable64 *h; RList *l; //RListComparator c; } RListRange; /* graph api */ typedef struct r_graph_node_t { RList *parents; // RList *children; // ut64 addr; void *data; int refs; RListFree free; } RGraphNode; typedef struct r_graph_t { RList *path; // RGraphNode *root; RList *roots; // RListIter *cur; // ->data = RGraphNode* RList *nodes; // int level; } RGraph; #ifdef R_API R_API RGraphNode *r_graph_node_new (ut64 addr, void *data); R_API void r_graph_node_free (RGraphNode *n); R_API void r_graph_traverse(RGraph *t); R_API RGraph * r_graph_new (); R_API void r_graph_free (RGraph* t); R_API RGraphNode* r_graph_get_current (RGraph *t, ut64 addr); R_API RGraphNode* r_graph_get_node (RGraph *t, ut64 addr, boolt c); R_API void r_graph_reset (RGraph *t); R_API void r_graph_add (RGraph *t, ut64 from, ut64 addr, void *data); R_API void r_graph_plant(RGraph *t); R_API void r_graph_push (RGraph *t, ut64 addr, void *data); R_API RGraphNode* r_graph_pop(RGraph *t); R_API int r_file_size(const char *str); R_API boolt r_file_is_directory(const char *str); R_API RMmap *r_file_mmap (const char *file, boolt rw); R_API void r_file_mmap_free (RMmap *m); // TODO: find better names and write vapis #define ut8p_b(x) ((x)[0]) #define ut8p_bw(x) ((x)[0]|((x)[1]<<8)) #define ut8p_bd(x) ((x)[0]|((x)[1]<<8)|((x)[2]<<16)|((x)[3]<<24)) #define ut8p_bq(x) ((x)[0]|((x)[1]<<8)|((x)[2]<<16)|((x)[3]<<24)|((x)[4]<<32)|((x)[5]<<40)|((x)[6]<<48)|((x)[7]<<56)) #define ut8p_lw(x) ((x)[1]|((x)[0]<<8)) #define ut8p_ld(x) ((x)[3]|((x)[2]<<8)|((x)[1]<<16)|((x)[0]<<24)) #define ut8p_lq(x) ((x)[7]|((x)[6]<<8)|((x)[5]<<16)|((x)[4]<<24)|((x)[3]<<32)|((x)[2]<<40)|((x)[1]<<48)|((x)[0]<<56)) R_API RNum *r_num_new(RNumCallback cb, void *ptr); R_API ut64 r_num_calc (RNum *num, const char *str, const char **err); R_API const char *r_num_calc_index (const char *p); #define R_BUF_CUR -1 R_API RBuffer *r_buf_new(); R_API RBuffer *r_buf_mmap (const char *file, int rw); R_API int r_buf_set_bits(RBuffer *b, int bitoff, int bitsize, ut64 value); R_API int r_buf_set_bytes(RBuffer *b, const ut8 *buf, int length); R_API int r_buf_append_buf(RBuffer *b, RBuffer *a); R_API int r_buf_append_bytes(RBuffer *b, const ut8 *buf, int length); R_API int r_buf_append_nbytes(RBuffer *b, int length); R_API int r_buf_append_ut32(RBuffer *b, ut32 n); R_API int r_buf_append_ut64(RBuffer *b, ut64 n); R_API int r_buf_append_ut16(RBuffer *b, ut16 n); R_API int r_buf_prepend_bytes(RBuffer *b, const ut8 *buf, int length); R_API char *r_buf_to_string(RBuffer *b); R_API int r_buf_read_at(RBuffer *b, ut64 addr, ut8 *buf, int len); R_API int r_buf_fread_at(RBuffer *b, ut64 addr, ut8 *buf, const char *fmt, int n); R_API int r_buf_write_at(RBuffer *b, ut64 addr, const ut8 *buf, int len); R_API int r_buf_fwrite_at (RBuffer *b, ut64 addr, ut8 *buf, const char *fmt, int n); R_API void r_buf_free(RBuffer *b); R_API ut64 r_mem_get_num(ut8 *b, int size, int endian); /* MEMORY POOL */ R_API RMemoryPool* r_mem_pool_deinit(struct r_mem_pool_t *pool); R_API RMemoryPool *r_mem_pool_new(int nodesize, int poolsize, int poolcount); R_API RMemoryPool *r_mem_pool_free(struct r_mem_pool_t *pool); R_API void* r_mem_pool_alloc(RMemoryPool *pool); /* FACTORY POOL */ R_API RPoolFactory *r_poolfactory_instance(); R_API void r_poolfactory_init (int limit); R_API RPoolFactory* r_poolfactory_new(int limit); R_API void *r_poolfactory_alloc(RPoolFactory *pf, int nodesize); R_API void r_poolfactory_stats(RPoolFactory *pf); R_API void r_poolfactory_free(RPoolFactory *pf); R_API int r_mem_count(const ut8 **addr); R_API RCache* r_cache_new(); R_API void r_cache_free(struct r_cache_t *c); R_API char *r_cache_get(struct r_cache_t *c, ut64 addr); R_API int r_cache_set(struct r_cache_t *c, ut64 addr, char *str); R_API int r_cache_validate(struct r_cache_t *c, ut64 from, ut64 to); R_API int r_cache_invalidate(struct r_cache_t *c, ut64 from, ut64 to); R_API void r_prof_start(struct r_prof_t *p); R_API double r_prof_end(struct r_prof_t *p); R_API int r_mem_protect(void *ptr, int size, const char *prot); R_API int r_mem_set_num (ut8 *dest, int dest_size, ut64 num, int endian); R_API int r_mem_eq(ut8 *a, ut8 *b, int len); R_API void r_mem_copybits(ut8 *dst, const ut8 *src, int bits); R_API void r_mem_copyloop (ut8 *dest, const ut8 *orig, int dsize, int osize); R_API void r_mem_copyendian (ut8 *dest, const ut8 *orig, int size, int endian); R_API int r_mem_cmp_mask (const ut8 *dest, const ut8 *orig, const ut8 *mask, int len); R_API const ut8 *r_mem_mem (const ut8 *haystack, int hlen, const ut8 *needle, int nlen); #define r_num_abs(x) x>0?x:-x R_API void r_num_minmax_swap(ut64 *a, ut64 *b); R_API void r_num_minmax_swap_i(int *a, int *b); // XXX this can be a cpp macro :?? R_API ut64 r_num_math(RNum *num, const char *str); R_API ut64 r_num_get(RNum *num, const char *str); R_API int r_num_to_bits(char *out, ut64 num); R_API int r_num_rand(int max); R_API void r_num_irand(); /* TODO ..use as uppercase maybe? they are macros! */ #define R_BETWEEN(x,y,z) (((y)>=(x)) && ((y)<=(z))) #define r_offsetof(type, member) ((unsigned long) &((type*)0)->member) #define strnull(x) (!x||!*x) #define iswhitechar(x) ((x)==' '||(x)=='\t'||(x)=='\n'||(x)=='\r') #define iswhitespace(x) ((x)==' '||(x)=='\t') #define isseparator(x) ((x)==' '||(x)=='\t'||(x)=='\n'||(x)=='\r'||(x)==' '|| \ (x)==','||(x)==';'||(x)==':'||(x)=='['||(x)==']'|| \ (x)=='('||(x)==')'||(x)=='{'||(x)=='}') #define ishexchar(x) ((x>='0'&&x<='9') || (x>='a'&&x<='f') || (x>='A'&&x<='F')) { R_API int r_name_check(const char *name); R_API int r_name_filter(char *name, int len); R_API void r_base64_encode(ut8 *bout, const ut8 *bin, int len); R_API int r_base64_decode(ut8 *bout, const ut8 *bin, int len); /* strings */ R_API int r_str_write (int fd, const char *b); R_API void r_str_ncpy(char *dst, const char *src, int n); R_API void r_str_sanitize(char *c); R_API const char *r_str_casestr(const char *a, const char *b); R_API const char *r_str_lastbut (const char *s, char ch, const char *but); R_API int r_str_split(char *str, char ch); R_API char* r_str_replace(char *str, const char *key, const char *val, int g); R_API void r_str_cpy(char *dst, const char *src); R_API int r_str_bits (char *strout, const ut8 *buf, int len, const char *bitz); R_API int r_str_rwx(const char *str); R_API void r_str_subchr (char *s, int a, int b); R_API const char *r_str_rwx_i(int rwx); R_API void r_str_writef(int fd, const char *fmt, ...); R_API char **r_str_argv(const char *str, int *_argc); R_API void r_str_argv_free(char **argv); R_API char *r_str_new(char *str); R_API char *r_str_newf(const char *fmt, ...); R_API const char *r_str_bool(int b); R_API const char *r_str_ansi_chrn(const char *str, int n); R_API int r_str_ansi_len(const char *str); R_API int r_str_ansi_filter(char *str, int len); R_API int r_str_word_count(const char *string); R_API int r_str_char_count(const char *string, char ch); R_API int r_str_word_set0(char *str); R_API const char *r_str_word_get0(const char *str, int idx); R_API char *r_str_word_get_first(const char *string); R_API char *r_str_chop(char *str); R_API const char *r_str_chop_ro(const char *str); R_API char *r_str_trim(char *str); R_API const char *r_str_trim_head(const char *str); R_API char *r_str_trim_tail(char *str); R_API char *r_str_trim_head_tail(char *str); R_API ut32 r_str_hash(const char *str); R_API ut64 r_str_hash64(const char *str); R_API char *r_str_clean(char *str); R_API int r_str_nstr(char *from, char *to, int size); R_API char *r_str_lchr(char *str, char chr); R_API int r_str_nchr(const char *str, char chr); R_API char *r_str_ichr(char *str, char chr); R_API int r_str_ccmp(const char *dst, const char *orig, int ch); R_API int r_str_cmp(const char *dst, const char *orig, int len); R_API int r_str_ccpy(char *dst, char *orig, int ch); R_API const char *r_str_get(const char *str); R_API char *r_str_dup(char *ptr, const char *string); R_API char *r_str_dup_printf(const char *fmt, ...); R_API void *r_str_free(void *ptr); R_API int r_str_inject(char *begin, char *end, char *str, int maxlen); R_API int r_str_delta(char *p, char a, char b); R_API void r_str_filter(char *str, int len); R_API int r_str_re_match(const char *str, const char *reg); R_API int r_str_re_replace(const char *str, const char *reg, const char *sub); R_API int r_str_escape(char *buf); R_API char *r_str_unscape(char *buf); R_API char *r_str_home(const char *str); R_API int r_str_nlen (const char *s, int n); R_API char *r_str_concat(char *ptr, const char *string); R_API char *r_str_concatf(char *ptr, const char *fmt, ...); R_API char *r_str_concatch(char *x, char y); R_API void r_str_case(char *str, int up); R_API void r_str_chop_path (char *s); R_API int r_str_glob (const char *str, const char *glob); R_API int r_str_binstr2bin(const char *str, ut8 *out, int outlen); R_API int r_hex_pair2bin(const char *arg); R_API int r_hex_str2binmask(const char *in, ut8 *out, ut8 *mask); R_API int r_hex_str2bin(const char *in, ut8 *out); R_API int r_hex_bin2str(const ut8 *in, int len, char *out); R_API char *r_hex_bin2strdup(const ut8 *in, int len); R_API int r_hex_to_byte(ut8 *val, ut8 c); R_API st64 r_hex_bin_truncate (ut64 in, int n); R_API int r_file_chmod (const char *file, const char *mod, int recursive); R_API char *r_file_temp (const char *prefix); R_API char *r_file_path(const char *bin); R_API const char *r_file_basename (const char *path); R_API char *r_file_abspath(const char *file); R_API char *r_file_slurp(const char *str, int *usz); //R_API char *r_file_slurp_range(const char *str, ut64 off, ut64 sz); R_API char *r_file_slurp_range(const char *str, ut64 off, int sz, int *osz); R_API char *r_file_slurp_random_line(const char *file); R_API ut8 *r_file_slurp_hexpairs(const char *str, int *usz); R_API boolt r_file_dump(const char *file, const ut8 *buf, int len); R_API boolt r_file_rm(const char *file); R_API boolt r_file_exist(const char *str); R_API char *r_file_slurp_line(const char *file, int line, int context); R_API int r_file_mkstemp(const char *prefix, char **oname); R_API char *r_file_tmpdir(); R_API ut64 r_sys_now(); R_API int r_sys_run(const ut8 *buf, int len); R_API int r_sys_crash_handler(const char *cmd); R_API const char *r_sys_arch_str(int arch); R_API int r_sys_arch_id(const char *arch); R_API RList *r_sys_dir(const char *path); R_API void r_sys_perror(const char *fun); #if __WINDOWS__ #define r_sys_mkdir(x) (CreateDirectory(x,NULL)!=0) #define r_sys_mkdir_failed() (GetLastError () != ERROR_ALREADY_EXISTS) #else #define r_sys_mkdir(x) (mkdir(x,0755)!=-1) #define r_sys_mkdir_failed() (errno != EEXIST) #endif R_API int r_sys_rmkdir(const char *dir); R_API int r_sys_sleep(int secs); R_API int r_sys_usleep(int usecs); R_API char *r_sys_getenv(const char *key); R_API int r_sys_setenv(const char *key, const char *value); R_API char *r_sys_getdir(); R_API int r_sys_chdir(const char *s); R_API int r_sys_cmd_str_full(const char *cmd, const char *input, char **output, int *len, char **sterr); #if __WINDOWS__ R_API char *r_sys_cmd_str_w32(const char *cmd); #endif R_API int r_sys_cmd(const char *cmd); R_API int r_sys_cmdf (const char *fmt, ...); R_API char *r_sys_cmd_str(const char *cmd, const char *input, int *len); R_API char *r_sys_cmd_strf(const char *cmd, ...); //#define r_sys_cmd_str(cmd, input, len) r_sys_cmd_str_full(cmd, input, len, 0) R_API void r_sys_backtrace(void); R_API int r_alloca_init(); R_API ut8 *r_alloca_bytes(int len); R_API char *r_alloca_str(const char *str); R_API int r_alloca_ret_i(int n); /* LOG */ R_API void r_log_msg(const char *str); R_API void r_log_error(const char *str); R_API void r_log_file(const char *str); R_API void r_log_progress(const char *str, int percent); /* Ranges */ R_API RRange *r_range_new(); R_API RRange *r_range_new_from_string(const char *string); R_API RRange *r_range_free(RRange *r); R_API struct r_range_item_t *r_range_item_get(RRange *r, ut64 addr); R_API ut64 r_range_size(RRange *r); R_API int r_range_add_from_string(RRange *rgs, const char *string); R_API struct r_range_item_t *r_range_add(RRange *rgs, ut64 from, ut64 to, int rw); R_API int r_range_sub(RRange *rgs, ut64 from, ut64 to); R_API void r_range_merge(RRange *rgs, RRange *r); R_API int r_range_contains(RRange *rgs, ut64 addr); R_API int r_range_sort(RRange *rgs); R_API void r_range_percent(RRange *rgs); R_API int r_range_list(RRange *rgs, int rad); R_API int r_range_get_n(RRange *rgs, int n, ut64 *from, ut64 *to); R_API RRange *r_range_inverse(RRange *rgs, ut64 from, ut64 to, int flags); R_API int r_range_overlap(ut64 a0, ut64 a1, ut64 b0, ut64 b1, int *d); #if 0 /* big */ #if HAVE_LIB_GMP #define RNumBig mpz_t #elif HAVE_LIB_SSL #define RNumBig BIGNUM #else #define R_BIG_SIZE 10000 typedef struct r_num_big_t { char dgts[R_BIG_SIZE]; int sign, last; } RNumBig; #endif R_API RNumBig *r_big_new(RNumBig *b); R_API void r_big_free(RNumBig *b); R_API void r_big_sub(RNumBig *a, RNumBig *b, RNumBig *c); R_API void r_big_print(RNumBig *n); R_API void r_big_set(RNumBig *a, RNumBig *b); R_API void r_big_set_st(RNumBig *n, int v); R_API void r_big_set_st64(RNumBig *n, st64 v); R_API void r_big_set_str(RNumBig *n, const char *str); R_API void r_big_add (RNumBig *c, RNumBig *a, RNumBig *b); R_API void r_big_sub(RNumBig *c, RNumBig *a, RNumBig *b); R_API int r_big_cmp(RNumBig *a, RNumBig *b); R_API int r_big_cmp_st(RNumBig *n, int v); R_API void r_big_shift(RNumBig *n, int d); R_API void r_big_mul (RNumBig *c, RNumBig *a, RNumBig *b); R_API void r_big_mul_ut (RNumBig *c, RNumBig *a, ut32 b); R_API void r_big_div(RNumBig *c, RNumBig *a, RNumBig *b); R_API void r_big_div_ut(RNumBig *a, RNumBig *b, ut32 c); R_API int r_big_divisible_ut(RNumBig *n, ut32 v); R_API void r_big_mod(RNumBig *c, RNumBig *a, RNumBig *b); #endif R_API RHashTable* r_hashtable_new(void); R_API void r_hashtable_free(RHashTable *ht); R_API void *r_hashtable_lookup(RHashTable *ht, ut32 hash); R_API boolt r_hashtable_insert(RHashTable *ht, ut32 hash, void *data); R_API void r_hashtable_remove(RHashTable *ht, ut32 hash); R_API RHashTable64* r_hashtable64_new(void); R_API void r_hashtable64_free(RHashTable64 *ht); R_API void *r_hashtable64_lookup(RHashTable64 *ht, ut64 hash); R_API boolt r_hashtable64_insert(RHashTable64 *ht, ut64 hash, void *data); R_API void r_hashtable64_remove(RHashTable64 *ht, ut64 hash); /* uleb */ R_API const ut8 *r_uleb128 (const ut8 *data, ut32 *v); R_API const ut8 *r_leb128 (const ut8 *data, st32 *v); #endif #endif