/* radare - LGPL - Copyright 2009-2022 - pancake */ #include static const char *help_msg_P[] = { "Usage:", "P[?.+-*cdilnsS] [file]", "Project management", "P", " [file]", "open project (formerly Po)", "P.", "", "show current loaded project (see prj.name)", "P+", " [file]", "save project (same as Ps, but doesnt checks for changes)", "P-", " [file]", "delete project (alias for Pd)", "P*", "", "save project (same as Ps, but doesnt checks for changes)", "P!", "([cmd])", "open a shell in the project directory", "Pc", " [file]", "show project script to console", "Pd", " [N]", "diff Nth commit", "Pi", " [file]", "show project information", "Pl", "", "list all projects", "Pn", " -", "edit current loaded project notes using cfg.editor", "Pn", "[j]", "manage notes associated with the project", "Ps", " [file]", "save project (see dir.projects)", "PS", " [file]", "save script file", "Px", "-", "close the opened project", "NOTE:", "", "the 'e prj.name' evar can save/open/rename/list projects.", "NOTE:", "", "see the other 'e??prj.' evars for more options.", "NOTE:", "", "project are stored in " R_JOIN_2_PATHS ("~", R2_HOME_PROJECTS), NULL }; static const char *help_msg_Pn[] = { "Usage:", "Pn[j-?] [...]", "Project Notes", "Pn", "", "show project notes", "Pn", " -", "edit notes with cfg.editor", "Pn", " [base64]", "set notes text", "Pn-", "", "delete notes", "Pn-", "str", "delete lines matching /str/ in notes", "Pn+", "str", "append one line to the notes", "Pnj", "", "show notes in base64", "Pnj", " [base64]", "set notes in base64", "Pnx", "", "run project note commands", NULL }; static int cmd_project(void *data, const char *input) { RCore *core = (RCore *) data; const char *file; const char *fileproject = r_config_get (core->config, "prj.name"); if (!input) { return false; } char *str = strdup (fileproject); const char *arg = strchr (input, ' '); if (arg) { arg++; } else { if (*input) { arg = input + 1; if (*arg == '&') { arg++; } } } file = arg; switch (input[0]) { case 'c': // "Pc" if (input[1] == '?') { eprintf ("Usage: Pc [prjname]\n"); } else if (input[1] == '\0' && fileproject) { r_core_project_cat (core, fileproject); } else if (input[1] == ' ') { r_core_project_cat (core, input + 2); } else { eprintf ("Usage: Pc [prjname]\n"); } break; case 'o': // "Po" DEPRECATED eprintf ("TODO: Po is deprecated, use 'P [prjname]' instead\n"); // fallthru case ' ': // "P [prj]" if (input[1] == '&') { // "Po&" r_core_cmdf (core, "& Po %s", file); } else if (input[1]) { // "Po" r_core_project_open (core, file); } else { if (str && *str) { r_cons_println (file); } } break; case 'd': // "Pd" { char *pdir = r_file_new ( r_config_get (core->config, "dir.projects"), r_config_get (core->config, "prj.name"), NULL); if (r_syscmd_pushd (pdir)) { if (r_file_is_directory (".git")) { r_sys_cmdf ("git diff @~%d", atoi (input + 1)); } else { eprintf ("TODO: Not a git project. Diffing projects is WIP for now.\n"); } r_syscmd_popd (); } free (pdir); } break; case '-': // "P-" if (R_STR_ISNOTEMPTY (file)) { r_core_project_delete (core, file); } else { eprintf ("Usage: P- [prjname] # Use Pl to list the available projects.\n"); } break; case '+': // "P+" // xxx case 's': // "Ps" if (R_STR_ISEMPTY (file)) { file = str; } if (!R_STR_ISEMPTY (file)) { if (!r_core_project_save (core, file)) { r_cons_eprintf ("Cannot save project.\n"); } } else { r_cons_eprintf ("Use: Ps [projectname]\n"); } break; case '!': // "P!" if (input [1] == '?') { eprintf ("Usage: P!([cmd]) - run shell or command in project directory\n"); } else if (r_config_get_b (core->config, "scr.interactive")) { char *pdir = r_file_new ( r_config_get (core->config, "dir.projects"), r_config_get (core->config, "prj.name"), NULL); r_syscmd_pushd (pdir); free (pdir); if (R_STR_ISNOTEMPTY (r_str_trim_head_ro (input + 1))) { r_sys_cmdf ("%s", input + 1); } else { #if __WINDOWS__ r_sys_cmdf ("cmd"); #else r_sys_cmdf ("sh"); #endif } r_syscmd_popd (); } else { R_LOG_ERROR ("P! requires scr.interactive to open a shell"); } break; case '*': // "P*" r_core_project_save_script (core, "/dev/stdout", R_CORE_PRJ_ALL); break; case 'S': // "PS" if (input[1] == ' ') { r_core_project_save_script (core, input + 2, R_CORE_PRJ_ALL); } else { r_cons_eprintf ("Usage: PS [file]\n"); } break; case 'n': // "Pn" if (input[1] == '?') { r_core_cmd_help (core, help_msg_Pn); } else if (!fileproject || !*fileproject) { r_cons_eprintf ("No project\n"); } else { switch (input[1]) { case '-': // "Pn-" /* remove lines containing specific words */ { FILE *fd = r_sandbox_fopen (str, "w"); if (!fd) { eprintf ("Cannot open %s\n", str); } else { char *str = r_core_project_notes_file (core, fileproject); char *data = r_file_slurp (str, NULL); int del = 0; if (data) { char *ptr, *nl; for (ptr = data; ptr; ptr = nl) { nl = strchr (ptr, '\n'); if (nl) { *nl++ = 0; if (strstr (ptr, input + 2)) { del++; } else { fprintf (fd, "%s\n", ptr); } } } free (data); } if (del > 0) { eprintf ("Deleted %d lines\n", del); } free (str); fclose (fd); } } break; case ' ': // "Pn " if (input[2] == '-') { char *str = r_core_project_notes_file (core, fileproject); // edit with cfg.editor const char *editor = r_config_get (core->config, "cfg.editor"); if (str && *str && editor && *editor) { r_sys_cmdf ("%s %s", editor, str); } else { eprintf ("No cfg.editor configured\n"); } free (str); } else { // char *str = r_core_project_notes_file (core, fileproject); // append line to project notes char *str = r_core_project_notes_file (core, fileproject); char *data = r_file_slurp (str, NULL); FILE *fd = r_sandbox_fopen (str, "a"); if (fd) { fprintf (fd, "%s\n", input + 2); fclose (fd); } free (str); free (data); } break; case '+': // "Pn+" { char *str = r_core_project_notes_file (core, fileproject); char *data = r_file_slurp (str, NULL); data = r_str_append (data, input + 2); data = r_str_append (data, "\n"); r_file_dump (str, (const ut8*)data, strlen (data), false); free (data); free (str); } break; case 'j': // "Pnj" if (!input[2]) { size_t len = 0; /* get base64 string */ char *str = r_core_project_notes_file (core, fileproject); if (str) { char *data = r_file_slurp (str, &len); char *res = r_base64_encode_dyn (data, (int)len); if (res) { r_cons_println (res); free (res); } free (data); free (str); } } else if (input[2] == ' ') { /* set base64 string */ ut8 *data = r_base64_decode_dyn (input + 3, -1); if (data) { char *str = r_core_project_notes_file (core, fileproject); if (str) { r_file_dump (str, data, strlen ((const char *) data), 0); free (str); } free (data); } } else { eprintf ("Usage: `Pnj` or `Pnj ...`\n"); } break; case 'x': // "Pnx" r_core_project_execute_cmds (core, fileproject); break; case 0: // "Pn" { char *str = r_core_project_notes_file (core, fileproject); char *data = r_file_slurp (str, NULL); if (data) { r_cons_println (data); free (data); } free (str); } break; } } break; case 'i': // "Pi" DEPRECATE if (file && *file) { char *prj_name = r_core_project_name (core, file); if (!R_STR_ISEMPTY (prj_name)) { r_cons_println (prj_name); free (prj_name); } } else if (r_project_is_loaded (core->prj)) { r_cons_println (core->prj->name); r_cons_println (core->prj->path); } break; case '.': // "P." if (file && *file) { char *prj_name = r_core_project_name (core, file); if (R_STR_ISNOTEMPTY (prj_name)) { r_cons_println (prj_name); free (prj_name); } } break; case 'x': r_project_close (core->prj); r_config_set (core->config, "prj.name", ""); break; case 'P': case 'l': case 'j': // "Pj" r_core_project_list (core, input[0]); break; default: r_core_cmd_help (core, help_msg_P); break; } free (str); return 0; }