/* radare - LGPL - Copyright 2009-2014 - pancake */ #include #include R_LIB_VERSION(r_lang); #include "p/vala.c" // hardcoded #include "p/c.c" // hardcoded static RLang *__lang = NULL; R_API void r_lang_plugin_free (RLangPlugin *p) { if (p && p->fini) p->fini (__lang); } R_API RLang *r_lang_new() { RLang *lang = R_NEW (RLang); if (lang) { lang->user = NULL; lang->langs = r_list_new (); lang->langs->free = (RListFree)r_lang_plugin_free; lang->defs = r_list_new (); lang->defs->free = (RListFree)r_lang_def_free; r_lang_add (lang, &r_lang_plugin_c); r_lang_add (lang, &r_lang_plugin_vala); } return lang; } R_API void *r_lang_free(RLang *lang) { if (!lang) return NULL; __lang = NULL; r_lang_undef (lang, NULL); r_list_free (lang->langs); r_list_free (lang->defs); // TODO: remove langs plugins free (lang); return NULL; } // XXX: This is only used actually to pass 'core' structure // TODO: when language bindings are done we will need an api to // define symbols from C to the language namespace // XXX: Depcreate!! R_API void r_lang_set_user_ptr(RLang *lang, void *user) { lang->user = user; } R_API int r_lang_define(RLang *lang, const char *type, const char *name, void *value) { RLangDef *def; RListIter *iter; r_list_foreach (lang->defs, iter, def) { if (!strcasecmp (name, def->name)) { def->value = value; return R_TRUE; } } def = R_NEW (RLangDef); if (def != NULL) { def->type = strdup (type); def->name = strdup (name); def->value = value; r_list_append (lang->defs, def); return R_TRUE; } return R_FALSE; } R_API void r_lang_def_free (RLangDef *def) { free (def->name); free (def->type); free (def); } R_API void r_lang_undef(RLang *lang, const char *name) { if (name && *name) { RLangDef *def; RListIter *iter; /* No _safe loop necessary because we return immediately after the delete. */ r_list_foreach (lang->defs, iter, def) { if (!name || !strcasecmp (name, def->name)) { r_list_delete (lang->defs, iter); break; } } } else { r_list_purge (lang->defs); lang->defs = NULL; } } R_API int r_lang_setup(RLang *lang) { if (lang->cur && lang->cur->setup) return lang->cur->setup (lang); return R_FALSE; } R_API int r_lang_add(RLang *lang, RLangPlugin *foo) { if (foo && (!r_lang_get_by_name (lang, foo->name))) { if (foo->init) foo->init (lang); r_list_append (lang->langs, foo); } return R_TRUE; } /* TODO: deprecate all list methods */ R_API int r_lang_list(RLang *lang) { RListIter *iter; RLangPlugin *h; r_list_foreach (lang->langs, iter, h) { printf (" %s: %s\n", h->name, h->desc); } return R_FALSE; } R_API RLangPlugin *r_lang_get_by_extension (RLang *lang, const char *ext) { RListIter *iter; RLangPlugin *h; const char *p = r_str_lchr (ext, '.'); if (p) ext = p+1; r_list_foreach (lang->langs, iter, h) { if (!strcasecmp (h->ext, ext)) return h; } return NULL; } R_API RLangPlugin *r_lang_get_by_name (RLang *lang, const char *name) { RListIter *iter; RLangPlugin *h; r_list_foreach (lang->langs, iter, h) { if (!strcasecmp (h->name, name)) return h; } return NULL; } R_API int r_lang_use(RLang *lang, const char *name) { RLangPlugin *h = r_lang_get_by_name (lang, name); if (h) { lang->cur = h; return R_TRUE; } return R_FALSE; } // TODO: store in r_lang and use it from the plugin? R_API int r_lang_set_argv(RLang *lang, int argc, char **argv) { if (lang->cur && lang->cur->set_argv) return lang->cur->set_argv (lang, argc, argv); return R_FALSE; } R_API int r_lang_run(RLang *lang, const char *code, int len) { if (lang->cur && lang->cur->run) return lang->cur->run (lang, code, len); return R_FALSE; } R_API int r_lang_run_string(RLang *lang, const char *code) { return r_lang_run (lang, code, strlen (code)); } R_API int r_lang_run_file(RLang *lang, const char *file) { int len, ret = R_FALSE; if (lang->cur) { if (lang->cur->run_file == NULL) { if (lang->cur->run != NULL) { char *code = r_file_slurp (file, &len); ret = lang->cur->run (lang, code, len); free (code); } } else ret = lang->cur->run_file (lang, file); } return ret; } /* TODO: deprecate or make it more modular .. reading from stdin in a lib?!? wtf */ R_API int r_lang_prompt(RLang *lang) { char buf[1024]; if (lang->cur == NULL) return R_FALSE; if (lang->cur->prompt) if (lang->cur->prompt (lang) == R_TRUE) return R_TRUE; /* init line */ RLine *line = r_line_singleton (); RLineHistory hist = line->history; RLineHistory histnull = {0}; RLineCompletion oc = line->completion; RLineCompletion ocnull = {0}; char *prompt = strdup (line->prompt); line->completion = ocnull; line->history = histnull; /* foo */ for (;;) { snprintf (buf, sizeof (buf)-1, "%s> ", lang->cur->name); r_line_set_prompt (buf); #if 0 printf ("%s> ", lang->cur->name); fflush (stdout); fgets (buf, sizeof (buf)-1, stdin); if (feof (stdin)) break; if (*buf) buf[strlen (buf)-1]='\0'; #endif char *p = r_line_readline (); if (!p) break; r_line_hist_add (p); strncpy (buf, p, sizeof(buf) - 1); if (*buf == '!') { r_sandbox_system (buf+1, 1); continue; } if (!memcmp (buf, ". ", 2)) { char *file = r_file_abspath (buf+2); if (file) { r_lang_run_file (lang, file); free (file); } continue; } if (!strcmp (buf, "q")) { free (prompt); return R_TRUE; } if (!strcmp (buf, "?")) { RLangDef *def; RListIter *iter; eprintf(" ? - show this help message\n" " !command - run system command\n" " . file - interpret file\n" " q - quit prompt\n"); eprintf ("%s example:\n", lang->cur->name); if (lang->cur->help) eprintf ("%s", *lang->cur->help); if (!r_list_empty (lang->defs)) eprintf ("variables:\n"); r_list_foreach (lang->defs, iter, def) { eprintf (" %s %s\n", def->type, def->name); } } else r_lang_run (lang, buf, strlen (buf)); } // XXX: leaking history r_line_set_prompt (prompt); line->completion = oc; line->history = hist; clearerr (stdin); printf ("\n"); free(prompt); return R_TRUE; }