/* radare - LGPL - Copyright 2009-2014 - pancake, nibble, dso */ // TODO: dlopen library and show address #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include "../config.h" R_LIB_VERSION(r_bin); #define DB a->sdb; #define RBINLISTFREE(x) if(x){r_list_free(x);x=NULL;} #define ARCHS_KEY "archs" static RBinPlugin *bin_static_plugins[] = { R_BIN_STATIC_PLUGINS }; static RBinXtrPlugin *bin_xtr_static_plugins[] = { R_BIN_XTR_STATIC_PLUGINS }; static void get_strings_range(RBinFile *arch, RList *list, int min, ut64 from, ut64 to, ut64 scnrva); static int is_data_section(RBinFile *a, RBinSection *s); static RList* get_strings(RBinFile *a, int min); static void r_bin_object_delete_items (RBinObject *o); static void r_bin_object_free (void /*RBinObject*/ *o_); static int r_bin_object_set_items(RBinFile *binfile, RBinObject *o); static int r_bin_file_set_bytes (RBinFile *binfile, const ut8 * bytes, ut64 sz); //static int remove_bin_file_by_binfile (RBin *bin, RBinFile * binfile); //static void r_bin_free_bin_files (RBin *bin); static void r_bin_file_free (void /*RBinFile*/ *bf_); static RBinFile * r_bin_file_create_append (RBin *bin, const char *file, const ut8 * bytes, ut64 sz, ut64 file_sz, int rawstr, int fd, const char *xtrname); static int r_bin_file_object_new_from_xtr_data (RBin *bin, RBinFile *bf, ut64 baseaddr, ut64 loadaddr, RBinXtrData *xtr_data); static int r_bin_files_populate_from_xtrlist (RBin *bin, RBinFile *binfile, ut64 baseaddr, ut64 loadaddr, RList *xtr_data_list); static RBinFile * r_bin_file_xtr_load_bytes (RBin *bin, RBinXtrPlugin *xtr, const char *filename, const ut8 *bytes, ut64 sz, ut64 file_sz, ut64 baseaddr, ut64 loadaddr, int idx, int fd, int rawstr); int r_bin_load_io_at_offset_as_sz(RBin *bin, RIODesc *desc, ut64 baseaddr, ut64 loadaddr, int xtr_idx, ut64 offset, const char *name, ut64 sz); static RBinPlugin * r_bin_get_binplugin_by_name (RBin *bin, const char *name); static RBinPlugin * r_bin_get_binplugin_by_bytes (RBin *bin, const ut8* bytes, ut64 sz); static RBinXtrPlugin * r_bin_get_xtrplugin_by_name (RBin *bin, const char *name); static RBinPlugin * r_bin_get_binplugin_any (RBin *bin); static RBinObject * r_bin_object_new (RBinFile *binfile, RBinPlugin *plugin, ut64 baseaddr, ut64 loadaddr, ut64 offset, ut64 sz); static RBinFile * r_bin_file_new (RBin *bin, const char *file, const ut8 * bytes, ut64 sz, ut64 file_sz, int rawstr, int fd, const char *xtrname, Sdb *sdb); static RBinFile * r_bin_file_new_from_bytes (RBin *bin, const char *file, const ut8 * bytes, ut64 sz, ut64 file_sz, int rawstr, ut64 baseaddr, ut64 loadaddr, int fd, const char *pluginname, const char *xtrname, ut64 offset); static int getoffset (RBin *bin, int type, int idx); static const char *getname (RBin *bin, int off); static int r_bin_file_object_add (RBinFile *binfile, RBinObject *o); R_API void r_bin_iobind(RBin *bin, RIO *io) { r_io_bind (io, &bin->iob); } // TODO: move these two function do a different file R_API RBinXtrData * r_bin_xtrdata_new (void *xtr_obj, FREE_XTR free_xtr, RBuffer *buf, ut64 offset, ut64 size, ut32 file_count) { RBinXtrData *data = NULL; RBuffer *tb = buf ? r_buf_new () : NULL; if (!tb) return data; if (!r_buf_append_buf (tb, buf)) { r_buf_free (tb); return data; } data = R_NEW0 (RBinXtrData); data->xtr_obj = xtr_obj; data->free_xtr = free_xtr; data->buf = tb; data->offset = offset; data->size = size; data->file_count = file_count; return data; } R_API void r_bin_xtrdata_free (void /*RBinXtrData*/ *data_) { RBinXtrData *data = data_; if (data) { if (data->free_xtr) data->free_xtr (data->xtr_obj); free (data->file); r_buf_free (data->buf); free (data); } } R_API RBinObject * r_bin_file_object_get_cur (RBinFile *binfile) { return binfile ? binfile->o : NULL; } R_API RBinObject * r_bin_object_get_cur (RBin *bin) { return r_bin_file_object_get_cur (r_bin_cur (bin)); } R_API RBinPlugin * r_bin_file_cur_plugin (RBinFile *binfile) { return binfile && binfile->o ? binfile->o->plugin : NULL; } R_API int r_bin_file_cur_set_plugin (RBinFile *binfile, RBinPlugin *plugin) { if (binfile && binfile->o) { binfile->o->plugin = plugin; return R_TRUE; } return R_FALSE; } static void get_strings_range(RBinFile *arch, RList *list, int min, ut64 from, ut64 to, ut64 scnrva) { char str[R_BIN_SIZEOF_STRINGS]; int i, matches = 0, ctr = 0; RBinString *ptr = NULL; char type = 'A'; RBinPlugin *plugin = r_bin_file_cur_plugin (arch); if (!arch) return; if (!arch->rawstr) if (!plugin || !plugin->info) return; if (plugin && min==0) min = plugin->minstrlen; if (min==0) min = 4; // defaults if (min <= 0) return; if (arch->buf && (!to || to > arch->buf->length)) to = arch->buf->length; if (to != 0 && (to<1 || to > 0xf00000)) { eprintf ("WARNING: bin_strings buffer is too big at 0x%08"PFMT64x"\n", from); return; } if (!arch->buf) return; if (to == 0 && arch->buf) to = arch->buf->length; if (arch->buf && arch->buf->buf) for (i = from; i < to; i++) { if ((IS_PRINTABLE (arch->buf->buf[i])) && \ matches < R_BIN_SIZEOF_STRINGS-1) { str[matches] = arch->buf->buf[i]; /* add support for wide char strings */ if (arch->buf->buf[i+1]==0) { if (IS_PRINTABLE (arch->buf->buf[i+2])) { if (arch->buf->buf[i+3]==0) { i++; type = 'W'; } } } matches++; continue; } /* check if the length fits in our request */ if (matches >= min) { if (!(ptr = R_NEW (RBinString))) { eprintf ("Error allocating string\n"); break; } str[matches] = '\0'; ptr->paddr = i-matches; if (scnrva) { ptr->vaddr = (ptr->paddr+scnrva-from); } else { ptr->vaddr = ptr->paddr; } //HACK if (scnrva) ptr->rva = ptr->offset-from+scnrva; else ptr->rva = ptr->offset; ptr->size = matches+1; ptr->length = ptr->size << ((type=='W')? 1:0); ptr->type = type; type = 'A'; ptr->ordinal = ctr; // copying so many bytes here.. memcpy (ptr->string, str, R_BIN_SIZEOF_STRINGS); ptr->string[R_BIN_SIZEOF_STRINGS-1] = '\0'; //r_name_filter (ptr->string, R_BIN_SIZEOF_STRINGS-1); r_list_append (list, ptr); //if (!sdb_add (DB, ctr++; } matches = 0; } } static int is_data_section(RBinFile *a, RBinSection *s) { RBinObject *o = a->o; if (strstr (o->info->bclass, "MACH0") && strstr (s->name, "_cstring")) // OSX return 1; if (strstr (o->info->bclass, "ELF") && strstr (s->name, "data") && !strstr (s->name, "rel")) // LINUX return 1; #define X 1 #define ROW (4|2) if (strstr (o->info->bclass, "PE") && s->srwx & ROW && !(s->srwx&X) && s->size>0 ) return 1; if (strstr (s->name, "_const")) // Rust return 1; return 0; } static RList* get_strings(RBinFile *a, int min) { int count = 0; RListIter *iter; RBinSection *section; RBinObject *o = a? a->o : NULL; RList *ret = r_list_new (); if (!ret) { eprintf ("Error allocating array\n"); return NULL; } else if (!o) { eprintf ("Error bin object unitialized\n"); return ret; } ret->free = free; if (o->sections && !a->rawstr) { r_list_foreach (o->sections, iter, section) { if (is_data_section (a, section)) { count++; get_strings_range (a, ret, min, section->paddr, section->paddr+section->size, section->vaddr); } } if (r_list_empty (o->sections)) { int i, next = 0, from = 0, funn = 0, to = 0; ut8 *buf = a->buf->buf; for (i=0; ibuf->length; i++) { if (!buf[i] || IS_PRINTABLE (buf[i])) { if (buf[i]) { if (!from) from = i; funn++; next = 0; } } else { next++; if (next>5) from = 0; if (!to) to = i; to = i; if (from && next==5 && funn>16) { get_strings_range (a, ret, min, from, to, 0); //eprintf ("FUNN %d\n", funn); //eprintf ("MIN %d %d\n", from, to); funn = 0; from = 0; to = 0; } } } } } else { get_strings_range (a, ret, min, 0, a->size, 0); } return ret; } R_API int r_bin_load_languages(RBinFile *binfile) { if (r_bin_lang_objc (binfile)) return R_BIN_NM_OBJC; if (r_bin_lang_cxx (binfile)) return R_BIN_NM_CXX; return R_BIN_NM_NONE; } static void r_bin_object_delete_items (RBinObject *o) { ut32 i = 0; if (!o) return; r_list_free (o->entries); r_list_free (o->fields); r_list_free (o->imports); r_list_free (o->libs); r_list_free (o->relocs); r_list_free (o->sections); r_list_free (o->strings); r_list_free (o->symbols); r_list_free (o->classes); r_list_free (o->lines); o->entries = NULL; o->fields = NULL; o->imports = NULL; o->libs = NULL; o->relocs = NULL; o->sections = NULL; o->strings = NULL; o->symbols = NULL; o->classes = NULL; o->lines = NULL; o->info = NULL; for (i=0; ibinsym[i]); o->binsym[i] = NULL; } } static void r_bin_object_free (void /*RBinObject*/ *o_) { RBinObject* o = o_; if (!o) return; r_bin_object_delete_items (o); free (o); } // XXX - change this to RBinObject instead of RBinFile // makes no sense to pass in a binfile and set the RBinObject // kinda a clunky functions static int r_bin_object_set_items(RBinFile *binfile, RBinObject *o) { RBinObject *old_o = binfile ? binfile->o : NULL; int i, minlen; RBinPlugin *cp = NULL; if (!binfile || !o || !o->plugin) return R_FALSE; cp = o->plugin; minlen = cp->minstrlen; binfile->o = o; if (cp->baddr) o->baddr = cp->baddr (binfile); binfile->loadaddr = o->baddr; if (cp->boffset) o->boffset = cp->boffset (binfile); // XXX: no way to get info from xtr pluginz? // Note, object size can not be set from here due to potential inconsistencies //if (cp->size) o->size = cp->size (binfile); if (cp->binsym) for (i=0; ibinsym[i] = cp->binsym (binfile, i); if (cp->entries) o->entries = cp->entries (binfile); if (cp->fields) o->fields = cp->fields (binfile); if (cp->imports) o->imports = cp->imports (binfile); o->info = cp->info? cp->info (binfile): NULL; if (cp->libs) o->libs = cp->libs (binfile); if (cp->relocs) o->relocs = cp->relocs (binfile); if (cp->sections) o->sections = cp->sections (binfile); if (cp->strings) o->strings = cp->strings (binfile); else o->strings = get_strings (binfile, minlen); if (cp->symbols) o->symbols = cp->symbols (binfile); if (cp->classes) o->classes = cp->classes (binfile); if (cp->lines) o->lines = cp->lines (binfile); if (cp->get_sdb) o->kv = cp->get_sdb (o); o->lang = r_bin_load_languages (binfile); binfile->o = old_o; return R_TRUE; } // XXX - this is a rather hacky way to do things, there may need to be a better way. R_API int r_bin_load(RBin *bin, const char *file, ut64 baseaddr, ut64 loadaddr, int xtr_idx, int fd, int rawstr) { // ALIAS? return r_bin_load_as (bin, file, baseaddr, loadaddr, xtr_idx, fd, rawstr, 0, file); RIOBind *iob = &(bin->iob); RIO *io; RIODesc *desc = NULL; io = (iob&&iob->get_io) ? iob->get_io(iob) : NULL; if (!io) return R_FALSE; bin->rawstr = rawstr; desc = fd == -1 ? iob->desc_open (io, file, O_RDONLY, 0644) : iob->desc_get_by_fd (io, fd); if (!desc) return R_FALSE; return r_bin_load_io (bin, desc, baseaddr, loadaddr, xtr_idx); } R_API int r_bin_load_as(RBin *bin, const char *file, ut64 baseaddr, ut64 loadaddr, int xtr_idx, int fd, int rawstr, int fileoffset, const char *name) { RIOBind *iob = &(bin->iob); RIO *io = iob ? iob->get_io(iob) : NULL; RIODesc *desc = NULL; if (!io) return R_FALSE; desc = fd == -1 ? iob->desc_open (io, file, O_RDONLY, 0644) : iob->desc_get_by_fd (io, fd); if (!desc) return R_FALSE; return r_bin_load_io_at_offset_as (bin, desc, baseaddr, loadaddr, xtr_idx, fileoffset, name); } R_API int r_bin_reload(RBin *bin, RIODesc *desc, ut64 baseaddr) { RIOBind *iob = &(bin->iob); RIO *io = iob ? iob->get_io(iob) : NULL; RBinFile *bf = NULL; ut8* buf_bytes = NULL; ut64 len_bytes, sz = UT64_MAX; if (!io) return R_FALSE; RList *the_obj_list; int res = R_FALSE; if (!desc || !io) return R_FALSE; bf = r_bin_file_find_by_name (bin, desc->name); if (!bf) return R_FALSE; the_obj_list = bf->objs; bf->objs = r_list_newf ((RListFree)r_bin_object_free); // XXX - this needs to be reimplemented to account for // performance impacts. buf_bytes = NULL; sz = iob->desc_size (io, desc); if (sz == UT64_MAX && desc->plugin && desc->plugin->debug ) { // attempt a local open and read // This happens when a plugin like debugger does not have a fixed size. // if there is no fixed size or its MAXED, there is no way to definitively // load the bin-properly. Many of the plugins require all content and are not // stream based loaders RIODesc *tdesc = iob->desc_open (io, desc->name, desc->flags, R_IO_READ); if (!tdesc) return R_FALSE; sz = iob->desc_size (io, tdesc); if (sz == UT64_MAX) { iob->desc_close (io, tdesc); return R_FALSE; } buf_bytes = iob->desc_read (io, tdesc, &len_bytes); iob->desc_close (io, tdesc); } else if (sz == UT64_MAX || sz>(64*1024*1024)) {// too big, probably wrong return R_FALSE; } else { buf_bytes = iob->desc_read (io, desc, &len_bytes); } buf_bytes = iob->desc_read (io, desc, &sz); if (!buf_bytes) { free (buf_bytes); return R_FALSE; } r_bin_file_set_bytes (bf, buf_bytes, sz); free (buf_bytes); if (r_list_length (the_obj_list) == 1) { RBinObject *old_o = (RBinObject *) r_list_get_n (the_obj_list, 0); res = r_bin_load_io_at_offset_as (bin, desc, baseaddr, old_o->loadaddr, 0, old_o->boffset, NULL); } else { RListIter *iter = NULL; RBinObject *old_o; r_list_foreach (the_obj_list, iter, old_o) { // XXX - naive. do we need a way to prevent multiple "anys" from being opened? res = r_bin_load_io_at_offset_as (bin, desc, baseaddr, old_o->loadaddr, 0, old_o->boffset, old_o->plugin->name); } } r_list_free (the_obj_list); return res; } R_API int r_bin_load_io(RBin *bin, RIODesc *desc, ut64 baseaddr, ut64 loadaddr, int xtr_idx) { return r_bin_load_io_at_offset_as (bin, desc, baseaddr, loadaddr, xtr_idx, 0, NULL); } int r_bin_load_io_at_offset_as_sz(RBin *bin, RIODesc *desc, ut64 baseaddr, ut64 loadaddr, int xtr_idx, ut64 offset, const char *name, ut64 sz) { RIOBind *iob = &(bin->iob); RIO *io = iob ? iob->get_io(iob) : NULL; RListIter *it; ut8* buf_bytes; RBinXtrPlugin *xtr; ut64 file_sz = UT64_MAX; RBinFile *binfile = NULL; ut8 is_debugger = desc && desc->plugin && desc->plugin->debug; if (!io || !desc) return R_FALSE; buf_bytes = NULL; file_sz = iob->desc_size (io, desc); if ((file_sz == 0 || file_sz == UT64_MAX) && is_debugger) { // attempt a local open and read // This happens when a plugin like debugger does not have a fixed size. // if there is no fixed size or its MAXED, there is no way to definitively // load the bin-properly. Many of the plugins require all content and are not // stream based loaders RIODesc *tdesc = iob->desc_open (io, desc->name, desc->flags, R_IO_READ); if (!tdesc) return R_FALSE; file_sz = iob->desc_size (io, tdesc); if (file_sz == UT64_MAX) { iob->desc_close (io, tdesc); return R_FALSE; } sz = R_MIN (file_sz, sz); buf_bytes = iob->desc_read (io, tdesc, &sz); iob->desc_close (io, tdesc); } else if (sz != UT64_MAX) { sz = R_MIN (file_sz, sz); buf_bytes = iob->desc_read (io, desc, &sz); } else { return R_FALSE; } if (!name) { // XXX - for the time being this is fine, but we may want to change the name to something like // : r_list_foreach (bin->binxtrs, it, xtr) { if (xtr->check && xtr->check_bytes (buf_bytes, sz)) { if (xtr && (xtr->extract_from_bytes || xtr->extractall_from_bytes)) { if (is_debugger && sz != file_sz) { free (buf_bytes); RIODesc *tdesc = iob->desc_open (io, desc->name, desc->flags, R_IO_READ); if (!tdesc) return R_FALSE; sz = iob->desc_size (io, tdesc); if (sz == UT64_MAX) { iob->desc_close (io, tdesc); return R_FALSE; } buf_bytes = iob->desc_read (io, tdesc, &sz); iob->desc_close (io, tdesc); } else if (sz != file_sz) { free (buf_bytes); buf_bytes = iob->desc_read (io, desc, &sz); } binfile = r_bin_file_xtr_load_bytes (bin, xtr, desc->name, buf_bytes, sz, file_sz, baseaddr, loadaddr, xtr_idx, desc->fd, bin->rawstr); } xtr = NULL; } } } if (!binfile) { binfile = r_bin_file_new_from_bytes (bin, desc->name, buf_bytes, sz, file_sz, bin->rawstr, baseaddr, loadaddr, desc->fd, name, NULL, offset); } if (binfile) return r_bin_file_set_cur_binfile (bin, binfile); return R_FALSE; } R_API int r_bin_load_io_at_offset_as(RBin *bin, RIODesc *desc, ut64 baseaddr, ut64 loadaddr, int xtr_idx, ut64 offset, const char *name) { #if 1 // adding file_sz to help reduce the performance impact on the system // in this case the number of bytes read will be limited to 2MB (MIN_LOAD_SIZE) // if it fails, the whole file is loaded. const ut64 MAX_LOAD_SIZE = 128 * (1 << 10 << 10); int res = r_bin_load_io_at_offset_as_sz (bin, desc, baseaddr, loadaddr, xtr_idx, offset, name, MAX_LOAD_SIZE); if (res) return res; #endif return r_bin_load_io_at_offset_as_sz (bin, desc, baseaddr, loadaddr, xtr_idx, offset, name, UT64_MAX); } #if 0 static int remove_bin_file_by_binfile (RBin *bin, RBinFile * binfile) { RListIter *iter; RBinFile *tmp_binfile = NULL; int found_bin = R_FALSE; r_list_foreach (bin->binfiles, iter, tmp_binfile) { if (tmp_binfile == binfile) { r_list_delete (bin->binfiles, iter); found_bin = R_TRUE; break; } } return found_bin; } static void r_bin_free_bin_files (RBin *bin) { RListIter *iter, *t_iter; RBinFile *a; r_list_foreach_safe (bin->binfiles, iter, t_iter, a) { r_bin_file_free (a); r_list_delete(bin->binfiles,iter); } } #endif R_API int r_bin_file_deref_by_bind (RBinBind * binb) { RBin *bin = binb ? binb->bin : NULL; RBinFile *a = r_bin_cur (bin); return r_bin_file_deref (bin, a); } R_API int r_bin_file_deref (RBin *bin, RBinFile * a) { RBinObject *o = r_bin_cur_object (bin); int res = R_FALSE; if (a && !o) { //r_list_delete_data (bin->binfiles, a); res = R_TRUE; } else if (a && o->referenced-1 < 1) { //r_list_delete_data (bin->binfiles, a); res = R_TRUE; // not thread safe } else if (o) o->referenced--; // it is possible for a file not // to be bound to RBin and RBinFiles // XXX - is this an ok assumption? if (bin) bin->cur = NULL; return res; } R_API int r_bin_file_ref_by_bind (RBinBind * binb) { RBin *bin = binb ? binb->bin : NULL; RBinFile *a = r_bin_cur (bin); return r_bin_file_ref (bin, a); } R_API int r_bin_file_ref (RBin *bin, RBinFile * a) { RBinObject *o = r_bin_cur_object (bin); int res = R_FALSE; if (!a) return R_FALSE; if (o) { o->referenced--; res = R_TRUE; } return res; } static void r_bin_file_free (void /*RBinFile*/ *bf_) { RBinFile* a = bf_; RBinPlugin *plugin = r_bin_file_cur_plugin (a); if (!a) return; // Binary format objects are connected to the // RBinObject, so the plugin must destroy the // format data first if (plugin && plugin->destroy) plugin->destroy (a); if (a->curxtr && a->curxtr->destroy) a->curxtr->free_xtr ((void *) (a->xtr_obj)); r_list_free (a->objs); a->o = NULL; r_buf_free (a->buf); // TODO: unset related sdb namespaces if (a && a->sdb_addrinfo) { sdb_free (a->sdb_addrinfo); a->sdb_addrinfo = NULL; } free (a->file); memset (a, 0, sizeof (RBinFile)); } static int r_bin_file_object_add (RBinFile *binfile, RBinObject *o) { if (!o) return R_FALSE; r_list_append (binfile->objs, o); r_bin_file_set_cur_binfile_obj (binfile->rbin, binfile, o); return R_TRUE; } static RBinFile * r_bin_file_create_append (RBin *bin, const char *file, const ut8 * bytes, ut64 sz, ut64 file_sz, int rawstr, int fd, const char *xtrname) { RBinFile *bf = NULL; bf = r_bin_file_new (bin, file, bytes, sz, file_sz, rawstr, fd, xtrname, bin->sdb); if (bf) r_list_append (bin->binfiles, bf); return bf; } static int r_bin_files_populate_from_xtrlist (RBin *bin, RBinFile *binfile, ut64 baseaddr, ut64 loadaddr, RList *xtr_data_list) { RListIter *iter = NULL; RBinXtrData *data = NULL; int res = R_TRUE; r_list_foreach (xtr_data_list, iter, data) { res = r_bin_file_object_new_from_xtr_data (bin, binfile, baseaddr, loadaddr, data); if (!res) break; } return res; } static RBinFile * r_bin_file_xtr_load_bytes (RBin *bin, RBinXtrPlugin *xtr, const char *filename, const ut8 *bytes, ut64 sz, ut64 file_sz, ut64 baseaddr, ut64 loadaddr, int idx, int fd, int rawstr) { RBinFile * bf = bin? r_bin_file_find_by_name (bin, filename) : NULL; if (!bf) { if (!bin) return NULL; bf = r_bin_file_create_append (bin, filename, bytes, sz, file_sz, rawstr, fd, xtr->name); if (!bf) return bf; } if (idx == 0 && xtr && xtr && bytes) { RList *xtr_data_list = xtr->extractall_from_bytes (bytes, sz); if (xtr_data_list){ if (!r_bin_files_populate_from_xtrlist (bin, bf, baseaddr, loadaddr, xtr_data_list)) eprintf ("Error: failed to load the Extracted Objects with %s for %s.", xtr->name, bf->file); } r_list_free (xtr_data_list); } else if (xtr && xtr->extract_from_bytes) { if (idx == 0) idx = 1; RBinXtrData *xtr_data = xtr->extract_from_bytes (bytes, sz, idx); if (xtr_data){ if (r_bin_file_object_new_from_xtr_data (bin, bf, baseaddr, loadaddr, xtr_data)) eprintf ("Error: failed to load the Extracted Objects with %s for %s.", xtr->name, bf->file); } r_bin_xtrdata_free (xtr_data); } if (bf && bf->narch > 1) { RBinObject *obj = r_list_get_n (bf->objs, 0); r_bin_file_set_cur_binfile_obj (bf->rbin, bf, obj); } return bf; } static RBinPlugin * r_bin_get_binplugin_by_name (RBin *bin, const char *name) { RBinPlugin *plugin; RListIter *it; if (!bin || !name) return NULL; r_list_foreach (bin->plugins, it, plugin) { if (!strcmp (plugin->name, name)) return plugin; // must be set to null plugin = NULL; } return NULL; } static RBinPlugin * r_bin_get_binplugin_by_bytes (RBin *bin, const ut8* bytes, ut64 sz) { RBinPlugin *plugin; RListIter *it; if (!bin || !bytes) return NULL; r_list_foreach (bin->plugins, it, plugin) { if (plugin->check_bytes && plugin->check_bytes (bytes, sz) ) return plugin; // must be set to null plugin = NULL; } return NULL; } static RBinXtrPlugin * r_bin_get_xtrplugin_by_name (RBin *bin, const char *name) { RBinXtrPlugin *xtr; RListIter *it; if (!bin || !name) return NULL; r_list_foreach (bin->binxtrs, it, xtr) { if (!strcmp (xtr->name, name)) return xtr; // must be set to null xtr = NULL; } return NULL; } static RBinPlugin * r_bin_get_binplugin_any (RBin *bin) { static RBinPlugin *any = NULL; if (!bin) return NULL; if (!any) any = r_bin_get_binplugin_by_name (bin, "any"); return any; } static int r_bin_object_set_sections (RBinFile *bf, RBinObject *obj) { RBinInfo *info = obj ? obj->info : NULL; //RBinSection *s; //RListIter *s_iter = NULL; RIOBind *iob = bf ? &(bf->rbin->iob) : NULL; RIO *io = iob ? iob->get_io(iob) : NULL; if (!io || !info) return R_FALSE; #if 0 // clear loaded sections //r_io_section_clear (io); r_list_free (io->sections); io->sections = r_list_new (); r_list_foreach (obj->sections, s_iter, s) { iob->section_add (io, s->paddr, s->vaddr, s->size, s->vsize, s->srwx, s->name, obj->id, bf->fd); iob->section_set_arch_bin_id (io, s->paddr, info->arch, info->bits, bf->id); } #endif return R_TRUE; } static RBinObject * r_bin_object_new (RBinFile *binfile, RBinPlugin *plugin, ut64 baseaddr, ut64 loadaddr, ut64 offset, ut64 sz) { const ut8 *bytes = binfile ? r_buf_buffer (binfile->buf) : NULL; ut64 bytes_sz = binfile ? r_buf_size (binfile->buf): 0; RBinObject *o; Sdb *sdb = binfile ? binfile->sdb : NULL; if (sz == 0 || sz > bytes_sz) return NULL; o = R_NEW0 (RBinObject); o->obj_size = bytes && (bytes_sz >= sz+offset) ? sz : 0; o->kv = sdb_new0 (); o->boffset = offset; o->id = r_num_rand (0xfffff000); o->kv = sdb_new0 (); o->baddr = baseaddr; // XXX more checking will be needed here if (bytes && plugin && plugin->load_bytes && (bytes_sz >= sz + offset) ) { o->bin_obj = plugin->load_bytes (bytes+offset, sz, loadaddr, sdb); } else if (binfile && plugin && plugin->load) { // XXX - haha, this is a hack. // switching out the current object for the new // one to be processed RBinObject *old_o = binfile->o; binfile->o = o; if (plugin->load (binfile)) { binfile->sdb_info = o->kv; sdb_ns_set (binfile->sdb, "info", o->kv); } else binfile->o = old_o; o->obj_size = sz; } else { free (o); return NULL; } o->plugin = plugin; o->loadaddr = loadaddr; o->baddr = baseaddr; // XXX - binfile could be null here meaning an improper load // XXX - object size cant be set here and needs to be set where // where the object is created from. The reason for this is to prevent // mis-reporting when the file is loaded from impartial bytes or is extracted // from a set of bytes in the file r_bin_object_set_items (binfile, o); r_bin_file_object_add (binfile, o); // XXX this is a very hacky alternative to rewriting the // RIO stuff, as discussed here: if (o->sections) { r_bin_object_set_sections (binfile, o); } return o; } static int r_bin_file_set_bytes (RBinFile *binfile, const ut8 * bytes, ut64 sz) { if (!bytes) return R_FALSE; if (binfile->buf) r_buf_free (binfile->buf); binfile->buf = r_buf_new (); r_buf_set_bytes (binfile->buf, bytes, sz); binfile->size = sz; return R_TRUE; } static RBinFile * r_bin_file_new (RBin *bin, const char *file, const ut8 * bytes, ut64 sz, ut64 file_sz, int rawstr, int fd, const char *xtrname, Sdb *sdb) { RBinFile *binfile = R_NEW0 (RBinFile); r_bin_file_set_bytes (binfile, bytes, sz); binfile->rbin = bin; binfile->file = strdup (file); binfile->rawstr = rawstr; binfile->fd = fd; binfile->id = r_num_rand (0xfffff000); binfile->curxtr = r_bin_get_xtrplugin_by_name (bin, xtrname); binfile->sdb = sdb; binfile->size = file_sz; binfile->objs = r_list_newf ((RListFree)r_bin_object_free); if (!binfile->buf) { r_bin_file_free (binfile); return NULL; } if (sdb) { char fdkey[128]; snprintf (fdkey, sizeof (fdkey)-1, "fd.%i", fd); binfile->sdb = sdb_ns (sdb, fdkey); binfile->sdb_addrinfo = sdb_ns (binfile->sdb, "addrinfo"); sdb_set (binfile->sdb, "archs", "0:0:x86:32", 0); sdb_ns_set (sdb, "cur", binfile->sdb); } return binfile; } static int r_bin_file_object_new_from_xtr_data (RBin *bin, RBinFile *bf, ut64 baseaddr, ut64 loadaddr, RBinXtrData *data) { RBinObject *o = NULL; RBinPlugin *plugin = NULL; ut64 offset = data ? data->offset : 0; // for right now the bytes used will just be the offest into the binfile buffer // if the extraction requires some sort of transformation then this will need to be fixed // here. const ut8 * bytes = data ? r_buf_buffer (data->buf) : NULL; ut64 sz = data ? r_buf_size (data->buf) : 0; //if (!data || !data->buf) return bf; if (!data || !bf) return R_FALSE; plugin = r_bin_get_binplugin_by_bytes (bin, bytes, sz); if (!plugin) plugin = r_bin_get_binplugin_any (bin); o = r_bin_object_new (bf, plugin, baseaddr, loadaddr, offset, sz); // size is set here because the reported size of the object depends on if loaded from xtr plugin or partially read if (o) o->size = sz; if (!o) return R_FALSE; bf->narch = data->file_count; return R_TRUE; } static RBinFile * r_bin_file_new_from_bytes (RBin *bin, const char *file, const ut8 * bytes, ut64 sz, ut64 file_sz, int rawstr, ut64 baseaddr, ut64 loadaddr, int fd, const char *pluginname, const char *xtrname, ut64 offset) { RBinPlugin *plugin = NULL; RBinXtrPlugin *xtr = NULL; RBinFile *bf = NULL; RBinObject *o = NULL; ut8 binfile_created = R_FALSE; if (xtrname) xtr = r_bin_get_xtrplugin_by_name (bin, xtrname); if (xtr && xtr->check && xtr->check_bytes (bytes, sz)) { return r_bin_file_xtr_load_bytes (bin, xtr, file, bytes, sz, file_sz, baseaddr, loadaddr, 0, fd, rawstr); } if (!bf) { bf = r_bin_file_create_append (bin, file, bytes, sz, file_sz, rawstr, fd, xtrname); if (!bf) return NULL; binfile_created = R_TRUE; } if (pluginname) plugin = r_bin_get_binplugin_by_name (bin, pluginname); if (!plugin) plugin = r_bin_get_binplugin_by_bytes (bin, bytes, sz); if (!plugin) plugin = r_bin_get_binplugin_any (bin); o = r_bin_object_new (bf, plugin, baseaddr, loadaddr, 0, r_buf_size (bf->buf)); // size is set here because the reported size of the object depends on if loaded from xtr plugin or partially read if (o) o->size = file_sz; if (!o) { if (bf && binfile_created) r_list_delete_data (bin->binfiles, bf); return NULL; } if (strcmp (plugin->name, "any") ) bf->narch = 1; return bf; } R_API int r_bin_add(RBin *bin, RBinPlugin *foo) { RListIter *it; RBinPlugin *plugin; if (foo->init) foo->init (bin->user); r_list_foreach (bin->plugins, it, plugin) { if (!strcmp (plugin->name, foo->name)) return R_FALSE; } plugin = R_NEW0 (RBinPlugin); memcpy (plugin, foo, sizeof (RBinPlugin)); r_list_append (bin->plugins, plugin); return R_TRUE; } R_API int r_bin_xtr_add(RBin *bin, RBinXtrPlugin *foo) { RListIter *it; RBinXtrPlugin *xtr; if (foo->init) foo->init (bin->user); // avoid duplicates r_list_foreach (bin->binxtrs, it, xtr) { if (!strcmp (xtr->name, foo->name)) return R_FALSE; } r_list_append (bin->binxtrs, foo); return R_TRUE; } R_API void* r_bin_free(RBin *bin) { if (!bin) return NULL; bin->file = NULL; //r_bin_free_bin_files (bin); r_list_free (bin->binfiles); r_list_free (bin->binxtrs); r_list_free (bin->plugins); sdb_free (bin->sdb); free (bin); return NULL; } R_API int r_bin_list(RBin *bin) { RListIter *it; RBinXtrPlugin *bp; RBinXtrPlugin *bx; r_list_foreach (bin->plugins, it, bp) { printf ("bin %-11s %s (%s)\n", bp->name, bp->desc, bp->license); } r_list_foreach (bin->binxtrs, it, bx) { printf ("xtr %-11s %s (%s)\n", bx->name, bx->desc, bx->license); } return R_FALSE; } R_API ut64 r_bin_get_baddr(RBin *bin) { RBinObject *o = r_bin_cur_object (bin); if (o) return o->baddr; return 0LL; } R_API void r_bin_set_baddr(RBin *bin, ut64 baddr) { RBinObject *o = r_bin_cur_object (bin); if (o) { o->baddr = baddr; // XXX - update all the infos? } } R_API ut64 r_bin_get_boffset(RBin *bin) { RBinObject *o = r_bin_cur_object (bin); if (o) return o->boffset; return UT64_MAX; } R_API RBinAddr* r_bin_get_sym(RBin *bin, int sym) { RBinObject *o = r_bin_cur_object (bin); if (sym<0 || sym>=R_BIN_SYM_LAST) return NULL; if (o) return o->binsym[sym]; return NULL; } // XXX: those accessors are redundant R_API RList* r_bin_get_entries(RBin *bin) { RBinObject *o = r_bin_cur_object (bin); if (o) return o->entries; return NULL; } R_API RList* r_bin_get_fields(RBin *bin) { RBinObject *o = r_bin_cur_object (bin); if (o) return o->fields; return NULL; } R_API RList* r_bin_get_imports(RBin *bin) { RBinObject *o = r_bin_cur_object (bin); if (o) return o->imports; return NULL; } R_API RBinInfo* r_bin_get_info(RBin *bin) { RBinObject *o = r_bin_cur_object (bin); if (!o) return NULL; return o->info; } R_API RList* r_bin_get_libs(RBin *bin) { RBinObject *o = r_bin_cur_object (bin); if (o) return o->libs; return NULL; } R_API RList* r_bin_get_relocs(RBin *bin) { RBinObject *o = r_bin_cur_object (bin); if (o) return o->relocs; return NULL; } R_API RList* r_bin_get_sections(RBin *bin) { RBinObject *o = r_bin_cur_object (bin); if (o) return o->sections; return NULL; } // TODO: MOve into section.c and rename it to r_io_section_get_at () R_API RBinSection* r_bin_get_section_at(RBin *bin, ut64 off, int va) { RBinSection *section; RListIter *iter; ut64 from, to; RBinObject *o = r_bin_cur_object (bin); if (o) { r_list_foreach (o->sections, iter, section) { from = va ? o->baddr+section->vaddr: section->paddr; to = va ? o->baddr+section->vaddr + section->vsize : section->paddr+ section->size; if (off >= from && off < to) return section; } } return NULL; } R_API RList* r_bin_reset_strings(RBin *bin) { RBinFile *a = r_bin_cur (bin); RBinObject *o = r_bin_cur_object (bin); RBinPlugin *plugin = r_bin_file_cur_plugin (a); if (!a || !o) return NULL; if (o->strings) { r_list_purge (o->strings); o->strings = NULL; } if (bin->minstrlen <= 0) return NULL; a->rawstr = bin->rawstr; if (plugin && plugin->strings) o->strings = plugin->strings (a); else o->strings = get_strings (a, bin->minstrlen); return o->strings; } R_API RList* r_bin_get_strings(RBin *bin) { RBinObject *o = r_bin_cur_object (bin); if (o) return o->strings; return NULL; } R_API RList* r_bin_get_symbols(RBin *bin) { RBinObject *o = r_bin_cur_object (bin); if (o) return o->symbols; return NULL; } R_API int r_bin_is_big_endian (RBin *bin) { RBinObject *o = r_bin_cur_object (bin); if (o) return o->info->big_endian; return R_FALSE; } R_API int r_bin_is_stripped (RBin *bin) { RBinObject *o = r_bin_cur_object (bin); if (o) return R_BIN_DBG_STRIPPED (o->info->dbg_info); return 1; } R_API int r_bin_is_static (RBin *bin) { RBinObject *o = r_bin_cur_object (bin); if (o && r_list_length (o->libs)>0) return R_BIN_DBG_STATIC (o->info->dbg_info); return R_FALSE; } // TODO: Integrate with r_bin_dbg */ R_API int r_bin_has_dbg_linenums (RBin *bin) { RBinObject *o = r_bin_cur_object (bin); if (o) return R_BIN_DBG_LINENUMS (o->info->dbg_info); return R_FALSE; } R_API int r_bin_has_dbg_syms (RBin *bin) { RBinObject *o = r_bin_cur_object (bin); if (o) return R_BIN_DBG_SYMS (o->info->dbg_info); return R_FALSE; } R_API int r_bin_has_dbg_relocs (RBin *bin) { RBinObject *o = r_bin_cur_object (bin); if (o) return R_BIN_DBG_RELOCS (o->info->dbg_info); return R_FALSE; } R_API RBin* r_bin_new() { int i; RBinXtrPlugin *static_xtr_plugin; RBin *bin = R_NEW0 (RBin); if (!bin) return NULL; bin->sdb = sdb_new0 (); bin->printf = (PrintfCallback)printf; bin->plugins = r_list_new(); bin->plugins->free = free; bin->minstrlen = -2; bin->cur = NULL; bin->binfiles = r_list_newf ((RListFree)r_bin_file_free); for (i=0; bin_static_plugins[i]; i++) { r_bin_add (bin, bin_static_plugins[i]); } bin->binxtrs = r_list_new (); bin->binxtrs->free = free; for (i=0; bin_xtr_static_plugins[i]; i++) { static_xtr_plugin = R_NEW (RBinXtrPlugin); *static_xtr_plugin = *bin_xtr_static_plugins[i]; r_bin_xtr_add (bin, static_xtr_plugin); } return bin; } R_API int r_bin_use_arch(RBin *bin, const char *arch, int bits, const char *name) { RBinFile *binfile = r_bin_file_find_by_arch_bits (bin, arch, bits, name); RBinObject *obj = NULL; if (binfile) { obj = r_bin_object_find_by_arch_bits (binfile, arch, bits, name); } return binfile && r_bin_file_set_cur_binfile_obj (bin, binfile, obj); } R_API RBinObject * r_bin_object_find_by_arch_bits (RBinFile *binfile, const char *arch, int bits, const char *name) { RBinObject *obj = NULL; RListIter *iter = NULL; RBinInfo *info = NULL; r_list_foreach (binfile->objs, iter, obj) { info = obj ? obj->info : NULL; if ( info && (bits == info->bits) && !strcmp (info->arch, arch) && !strcmp (info->file, name)){ break; } obj = NULL; } return obj; } R_API RBinFile * r_bin_file_find_by_arch_bits(RBin *bin, const char *arch, int bits, const char *name) { RListIter *iter ; RBinFile *binfile = NULL; RBinObject *o = NULL; if (!name || !arch) return NULL; r_list_foreach (bin->binfiles, iter, binfile) { o = r_bin_object_find_by_arch_bits (binfile, arch, bits, name); if (o) break; binfile = NULL; } return binfile; } R_API int r_bin_select(RBin *bin, const char *arch, int bits, const char *name) { RBinFile *cur = r_bin_cur (bin), *binfile = NULL; RBinObject *obj = NULL; name = !name && cur ? cur->file : name; binfile = r_bin_file_find_by_arch_bits (bin, arch, bits, name); if (binfile && name) { obj = r_bin_object_find_by_arch_bits (binfile, arch, bits, name); } return binfile && r_bin_file_set_cur_binfile_obj (bin, binfile, obj); } R_API int r_bin_select_object(RBinFile *binfile, const char *arch, int bits, const char *name) { RBinObject *obj = binfile ? r_bin_object_find_by_arch_bits (binfile, arch, bits, name) : NULL; return obj && r_bin_file_set_cur_binfile_obj (binfile->rbin, binfile, obj); } static RBinObject * r_bin_file_object_find_by_id (RBinFile *binfile, ut32 binobj_id) { RBinObject *obj = NULL; RListIter *iter = NULL; if (!binfile) return obj; r_list_foreach (binfile->objs, iter, obj) { if (obj->id == binobj_id) break; obj = NULL; } return obj; } static RBinFile * r_bin_file_find_by_object_id (RBin *bin, ut32 binobj_id) { RListIter *iter = NULL; RBinFile *binfile = NULL; r_list_foreach (bin->binfiles, iter, binfile) { if (r_bin_file_object_find_by_id (binfile, binobj_id)) break; binfile = NULL; } return binfile; } #if 0 static RBinObject * r_bin_object_find_by_id (RBin *bin, ut32 binobj_id) { RBinFile *binfile = NULL; RBinObject *obj = NULL; RListIter *iter = NULL; r_list_foreach (bin->binfiles, iter, binfile) { obj = r_bin_file_object_find_by_id (binfile, binobj_id); if (obj) break; } return obj; } #endif static RBinFile * r_bin_file_find_by_id (RBin *bin, ut32 binfile_id) { RBinFile *binfile = NULL; RListIter *iter = NULL; r_list_foreach (bin->binfiles, iter, binfile) { if (binfile->id == binfile_id) break; binfile = NULL; } return binfile; } R_API int r_bin_object_delete (RBin *bin, ut32 binfile_id, ut32 binobj_id) { RBinFile *binfile = NULL;//, *cbinfile = r_bin_cur (bin); RBinObject *obj = NULL; int res = R_FALSE; if (binfile_id == UT32_MAX && binobj_id == UT32_MAX) { return R_FALSE; } if (binfile_id == -1 ) { binfile = r_bin_file_find_by_object_id (bin, binobj_id); obj = binfile ? r_bin_file_object_find_by_id (binfile, binobj_id) : NULL; } else if (binobj_id == -1) { binfile = r_bin_file_find_by_id (bin, binfile_id); obj = binfile ? binfile->o : NULL; } else { binfile = r_bin_file_find_by_id (bin, binfile_id); obj = binfile ? r_bin_file_object_find_by_id (binfile, binobj_id) : NULL; } // lazy way out, always leaving at least 1 bin object loaded if (binfile && (r_list_length (binfile->objs) > 1)) { binfile->o = NULL; r_list_delete_data (binfile->objs, obj); obj = (RBinObject *) r_list_get_n (binfile->objs, 0); res = obj && binfile && r_bin_file_set_cur_binfile_obj (bin, binfile, obj); } return res; } R_API int r_bin_select_by_ids(RBin *bin, ut32 binfile_id, ut32 binobj_id ) { RBinFile *binfile = NULL; RBinObject *obj = NULL; if (binfile_id == UT32_MAX && binobj_id == UT32_MAX) { return R_FALSE; } if (binfile_id == -1 ) { binfile = r_bin_file_find_by_object_id (bin, binobj_id); obj = binfile ? r_bin_file_object_find_by_id (binfile, binobj_id) : NULL; } else if (binobj_id == -1) { binfile = r_bin_file_find_by_id (bin, binfile_id); obj = binfile ? binfile->o : NULL; } else { binfile = r_bin_file_find_by_id (bin, binfile_id); obj = binfile ? r_bin_file_object_find_by_id (binfile, binobj_id) : NULL; } if (!binfile || !obj) return R_FALSE; return obj && binfile && r_bin_file_set_cur_binfile_obj (bin, binfile, obj); } R_API int r_bin_select_idx(RBin *bin, const char *name, int idx) { RBinFile *nbinfile = NULL, *binfile = r_bin_cur (bin); RBinObject *obj = NULL; const char *tname = !name && binfile ? binfile->file : name; int res = R_FALSE; if (!tname || !bin) return res; nbinfile = r_bin_file_find_by_name_n (bin, tname, idx); obj = nbinfile ? r_list_get_n (nbinfile->objs, idx) : NULL; return obj && nbinfile && r_bin_file_set_cur_binfile_obj (bin, nbinfile, obj); } R_API void r_bin_list_archs(RBin *bin, int mode) { RListIter *iter; int i = 0; char archline[128]; char unknown_[128]; RBinFile *binfile = r_bin_cur (bin); RBinObject *obj = NULL; const char *name = binfile ? binfile->file : NULL; int narch = binfile ? binfile->narch : 0; Sdb *binfile_sdb = binfile ? binfile->sdb : NULL; if (!binfile_sdb) { eprintf ("Cannot find SDB!\n"); return; } else if (!binfile) { eprintf ("Binary format not currently loaded!\n"); return; } sdb_unset (binfile_sdb, ARCHS_KEY, 0); RBinFile *nbinfile = r_bin_file_find_by_name_n (bin, name, i); if (!nbinfile) return; i = -1; r_list_foreach (nbinfile->objs, iter, obj){ RBinInfo *info = obj ? obj->info : NULL; char bits = info ? info->bits : 0; ut64 boffset = obj ? obj->boffset : 0; ut32 obj_size = obj ? obj->obj_size : 0; const char *arch = info ? info->arch : NULL; const char *machine = info ? info->machine : "unknown_machine"; ++i; if (!arch) { snprintf (unknown_, sizeof (unknown_), "unk_%d", i); arch = unknown_; } if (info && narch > 1) { if (mode) printf ("%03i 0x%08"PFMT64x" %d %s_%i %s\n", i, boffset, obj_size, arch, bits, machine); snprintf (archline, sizeof (archline)-1, "0x%08"PFMT64x":%d:%s:%d:%s", boffset, obj_size, arch, bits, machine); /// xxx machine not exported? //sdb_array_push (binfile_sdb, ARCHS_KEY, archline, 0); } else { if (info) { if (mode) printf ("%03i 0x%08"PFMT64x" %d %s_%d\n", i, boffset, obj_size, arch, bits); snprintf (archline, sizeof (archline), "0x%08"PFMT64x":%d:%s:%d", boffset, obj_size, arch, bits); } else if (nbinfile && mode) { if (mode) printf ("%03i 0x%08"PFMT64x" %d unk_0\n", i, boffset, obj_size); snprintf (archline, sizeof (archline), "0x%08"PFMT64x":%d:%s:%d", boffset, obj_size, "unk", 0); } else { eprintf ("Error: Invalid RBinFile.\n"); } //sdb_array_push (binfile_sdb, ARCHS_KEY, archline, 0); } } } R_API void r_bin_set_user_ptr(RBin *bin, void *user) { bin->user = user; } static int getoffset (RBin *bin, int type, int idx) { RBinFile *a = r_bin_cur (bin); RBinPlugin *plugin = r_bin_file_cur_plugin (a); if (plugin && plugin->get_offset) return plugin->get_offset (a, type, idx); return -1; } static const char *getname (RBin *bin, int off) { // walk symbols, find index, return name, ignore offset wtf return NULL; } R_API void r_bin_bind (RBin *bin, RBinBind *b) { if (b) { b->bin = bin; b->get_offset = getoffset; b->get_name = getname; } } R_API RBuffer *r_bin_create (RBin *bin, const ut8 *code, int codelen, const ut8 *data, int datalen) { RBinFile *a = r_bin_cur (bin); RBinPlugin *plugin = r_bin_file_cur_plugin (a); if (codelen<0) codelen = 0; if (datalen<0) datalen = 0; if (plugin && plugin->create) return plugin->create (bin, code, codelen, data, datalen); return NULL; } R_API RBinObject *r_bin_get_object(RBin *bin) { RBinObject *o = r_bin_cur_object (bin); if (o) o->referenced++; return o; } R_API RList* /**/r_bin_get_classes(RBin *bin) { RBinObject *o = r_bin_cur_object (bin); if (o) return o->classes; return NULL; } R_API RBinClass *r_bin_class_new (RBinFile *binfile, const char *name, const char *super, int view) { RBinObject *o = binfile ? binfile->o : NULL; RList *list = NULL; RBinClass *c; if (!o) return NULL; list = o->classes; if (!name) return NULL; c = r_bin_class_get (binfile, name); if (c) { if (super) { free (c->super); c->super = strdup (super); } return c; } c = R_NEW0 (RBinClass); if (!c) return NULL; c->name = strdup (name); c->super = super? strdup (super): NULL; c->index = r_list_length (list); c->methods = r_list_new (); c->fields = r_list_new (); c->visibility = view; if (!list) list = o->classes = r_list_new (); r_list_append (list, c); return c; } R_API RBinClass *r_bin_class_get (RBinFile *binfile, const char *name) { RBinObject *o = binfile ? binfile->o : NULL; RList *list = NULL; RListIter *iter; RBinClass *c; if (!o) return NULL; list = o->classes; r_list_foreach (list, iter, c) { if (!strcmp (c->name, name)) return c; } return NULL; } R_API int r_bin_class_add_method (RBinFile *binfile, const char *classname, const char *name, int nargs) { RBinClass *c = r_bin_class_get (binfile, classname); char *n = strdup (name); if (c) { r_list_append (c->methods, (void*)n); return R_TRUE; } c = r_bin_class_new (binfile, classname, NULL, 0); r_list_append (c->methods, (void*)n); return R_FALSE; } R_API void r_bin_class_add_field (RBinFile *binfile, const char *classname, const char *name) { #warning TODO: add_field into class //eprintf ("TODO add field: %s \n", name); } R_API ut64 r_bin_get_offset (RBin *bin) { RBinFile *binfile = bin ? bin->cur : NULL; if (binfile) return binfile->offset; return UT64_MAX; } R_API ut64 r_binfile_get_vaddr (RBinFile *binfile, ut64 baddr, ut64 paddr, ut64 vaddr) { #if 0 This function is not right at all, the problem appears when using a user specified baddr, when loadaddr is 0, the rebasing doesnt works in all file formats. We have to refactor this to proper define the load address from the plugin side, and check all places where laddr and baddr is used. #endif //eprintf ("LADDR %llx\tVADDR %llx\tBADDR %llx\tPADDR %llx\n", // binfile->loadaddr, vaddr, baddr, paddr); //eprintf ("BADDR %llx\n", baddr); if (baddr) { /* Load object files which have no base load address specified */ if (!binfile->loadaddr) { //return baddr+vaddr; return baddr; // XXX: vaddr ignored here?? } if (vaddrloadaddr) { vaddr += binfile->loadaddr; if (baddr != binfile->loadaddr) { return vaddr - (binfile->loadaddr-baddr); } /* other cases */ st64 delta = 0; //binfile->loadaddr-vaddr; //ut64 plus = (baddr && binfile->loadaddr == baddr)? baddr:0; // eprintf ("--> b:%llx l:%llx\n", baddr, binfile->loadaddr); return vaddr-binfile->loadaddr+baddr+delta; //binfile->loadaddr+delta; } //return vaddr+baddr; if (binfile->loadaddr == baddr) return vaddr; } // wtf case ut32 delta; RBinPlugin *cp = r_bin_file_cur_plugin (binfile); // XXX hack to recover lost baddr #if 0 if (vaddr>=baddr) return vaddr; #endif baddr = binfile->o->baddr; //baddr = 0xf00000; if (!cp) return UT64_MAX; #if 0 if (cp && cp->get_vaddr) { return cp->get_vaddr (binfile, baddr, paddr, vaddr); } #endif if (!baddr) return vaddr; delta = (paddr & 0xfffff000) | (vaddr & 0xfff); return baddr + delta; } R_API ut64 r_bin_get_vaddr (RBin *bin, ut64 baddr, ut64 paddr, ut64 vaddr) { if (!bin || !bin->cur) return UT64_MAX; return r_binfile_get_vaddr (bin->cur, baddr, paddr, vaddr); } R_API ut64 r_bin_get_size (RBin *bin) { RBinObject *o = r_bin_cur_object (bin); if (o) return o->size; return UT64_MAX; } R_API RBinFile * r_bin_file_find_by_fd (RBin *bin, ut32 bin_fd) { RListIter *iter; RBinFile *bf = NULL; if (!bin) return bf; r_list_foreach (bin->binfiles, iter, bf) { if (bf && bf->fd == bin_fd) break; bf = NULL; } return bf; } R_API RBinFile * r_bin_file_find_by_name (RBin * bin, const char * name) { RListIter *iter; RBinFile *bf = NULL; if (!bin) return bf; r_list_foreach (bin->binfiles, iter, bf) { if (bf && bf->file && !strcmp (bf->file, name)) break; bf = NULL; } return bf; } R_API RBinFile * r_bin_file_find_by_name_n (RBin * bin, const char * name, int idx) { RListIter *iter; RBinFile *bf = NULL; int i = 0; if (!bin) return bf; r_list_foreach (bin->binfiles, iter, bf) { if (bf && bf->file && !strcmp (bf->file, name)) { if (i == idx) break; i++; } bf = NULL; } return bf; } R_API int r_bin_file_set_cur_by_fd (RBin * bin, ut32 bin_fd) { RBinFile *bf = r_bin_file_find_by_fd (bin, bin_fd); return r_bin_file_set_cur_binfile (bin, bf); } R_API int r_bin_file_set_cur_binfile_obj (RBin * bin, RBinFile *bf, RBinObject *obj) { RBinPlugin *plugin = NULL; if (!bf || !obj) return R_FALSE; bin->file = bf->file; bin->cur = bf; bin->narch = bf->narch; bf->o = obj; plugin = r_bin_file_cur_plugin (bf); bin->minstrlen = plugin ? plugin->minstrlen : bin->minstrlen; r_bin_object_set_sections (bf, obj); return R_TRUE; } R_API int r_bin_file_set_cur_binfile (RBin * bin, RBinFile *bf) { RBinObject *obj = bf ? bf->o : NULL; if (!obj) return R_FALSE; return r_bin_file_set_cur_binfile_obj (bin, bf, obj); } R_API int r_bin_file_set_cur_by_name (RBin * bin, const char * name) { RBinFile *bf = r_bin_file_find_by_name (bin, name); return r_bin_file_set_cur_binfile (bin, bf); } R_API RBinFile * r_bin_cur (RBin *bin) { if (bin) return bin->cur; return NULL; } R_API RBinObject * r_bin_cur_object (RBin *bin) { RBinFile *binfile = r_bin_cur (bin); if (binfile) return binfile->o; return NULL; }