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| | | |----------|---------------------------------------------------------------------| | **Jenkins** | [![Build Status](http://ci.rada.re/buildStatus/icon?job=radare2)](http://ci.rada.re/job/radare2)| | **TravisCI** | [![Build Status](https://travis-ci.org/radare/radare2.svg?branch=master)](https://travis-ci.org/radare/radare2)| | **AppVeyor** | [![Build Status](https://ci.appveyor.com/api/projects/status/github/radare/radare2?branch=master&svg=true)](https://ci.appveyor.com/project/radare/radare2)| | **Coverity** | [![Build Status](https://scan.coverity.com/projects/416/badge.svg)](https://scan.coverity.com/projects/416) | # Introduction r2 is a rewrite from scratch of radare in order to provide a set of libraries and tools to work with binary files. Radare project started as a forensics tool, an scriptable commandline hexadecimal editor able to open disk files, but later support for analyzing binaries, disassembling code, debugging programs, attaching to remote gdb servers, .. radare2 is portable. * **Architectures:** * 6502, 8051, CRIS, H8/300, LH5801, T8200, arc, arm, avr, bf, blackfin, csr, dalvik, dcpu16, gameboy, i386, i4004, i8080, m68k, malbolge, mips, mips, msil, nios II, powerpc, rar, sh, snes, sparc, tms320 (c54x c55x c55+), V810, x86-64, zimg. * **File Formats:** * bios, dex, elf, elf64, filesystem, java, fatmach0, mach0, mach0-64, MZ, PE, PE+, TE, COFF, plan9, bios, dyldcache, Gameboy and Nintendo DS ROMs * **Operating Systems:** * Android, GNU/Linux, [Net|Free|Open]BSD, iOS, OSX, QNX, w32, w64, Solaris, Haiku, FirefoxOS * **Bindings:** * Vala/Genie, Python (2, 3), NodeJS, LUA, Go, Perl, Guile, php5, newlisp, Ruby, Java, OCAML, ... # Dependencies radare2 can be built without any special dependency, just use make and get a working toolchain (gcc, clang, tcc, ..) Optionally you can use libewf for loading EnCase disk images. To build the bindings you need latest valabind, g++ and swig2. # Install The easiest way to install radare2 from git is by running the following command: $ sys/install.sh # Uninstall In case of a polluted filesystem you can uninstall the current version or remove all previous installations: $ make uninstall $ make purge # Bindings All language bindings are under the r2-bindings directory. You will need to install swig and valabind in order to build the bindings for Python, LUA, etc.. APIs are defined in vapi files which are then translated to swig interfaces, nodejs-ffi or other and then compiled. The easiest way to install the python bindings is to run: $ sys/python.sh In addition there are `r2pipe` bindings, which are an API interface to interact with the prompt, passing commands and receivent the output as a string, many commands support JSON output, so it's integrated easily with many languages in order to deserialize it into native objects. $ npm install r2pipe # NodeJS $ gem install r2pipe # Ruby $ pip install r2pipe # Python And also for Go, Rust, Swift, D, .NET, Java, NewLisp, Perl, Haskell, Vala, Ocaml, and many more to come! # Regression Testsuite Running `make tests` it will fetch the radare2-regressions repository and run all the tests in order to verify that no changes break a functionality. We run those tests on every commit, and they are also executed with ASAN and valgrind on different platforms to catch other unwanted 'features'. # Documentation There is no formal documentation of r2 yet. Not all commands are compatible with radare1, so the best way to learn how to do stuff in r2 is by reading the examples from the web and appending '?' to every command you are interested in. Commands are small mnemonics of few characters and there is some extra syntax sugar that makes the shell much more pleasant for scripting and interacting with the apis. You could also checkout the [radare2 book](http://maijin.gitbooks.io/radare2book/content/). # Webserver radare2 comes with an embedded webserver that serves a pure html/js interface that sends ajax queries to the core and aims to implement an usable UI for phones, tablets and desktops. $ r2 -c=H /bin/ls To use the webserver on Windows, you require a cmd instance with administrator rights. To start the webserver use command in the project root. > radare2.exe -c=H rax2.exe # Pointers Website: http://www.radare.org/ IRC: irc.freenode.net #radare Twitter: @radareorg