/* radare - LGPL - Copyright 2021 - RHL120, pancake */ #include "r_config.h" #include "r_core.h" #include "types.h" #include #include #include #define FIRST_BRANCH "branches.master" #define NOT_SPECIAL(c) IS_DIGIT (c) || IS_LOWER (c) || c == '_' #define COMMIT_BLOB_SEP "----" #define DBNAME "branches.sdb" #define CURRENTB "current_branch" #define IGNORE_NAME ".rvc_ignore" #define MAX_MESSAGE_LEN 80 #define NULLVAL "-" //copies src to dst and creates the parent dirs if they do not exist. static bool file_copyp(const char *src, const char *dst) { if (r_file_is_directory (dst)) { return r_file_copy (src, dst); } const char *d = r_str_rchr (dst, dst + r_str_len_utf8 (dst) - 1, *R_SYS_DIR); if (!d) { return false; } char *dir = r_str_ndup (dst, d - dst); if (!dir) { return false; } if (!r_file_is_directory (dir)) { if (!r_sys_mkdirp (dir)) { free (dir); return false; } } bool res = r_file_copy (src, dst); free (dir); return res; } //should I move to file.c? bool file_copyrf(const char *src, const char *dst) { if (r_file_exists (src)) { return file_copyp (src, dst); } RList *fl = r_file_lsrf (src); if (!fl) { return false; } RListIter *iter; const char *path; bool ret = true; r_list_foreach (fl, iter, path) { //strlen(src) should always be less than strlen(path) so //I think this is ok?? char *dstp = r_file_new (dst, path + strlen (src), NULL); if (dstp) { if (r_file_is_directory (path)) { r_sys_mkdirp (dstp); } else { if (!file_copyp (path, dstp)) { eprintf ("Failed to copy the file: %s to %s\n", path, dstp); ret = false; //continue copying files don't break } } free (dstp); } else { ret = false; eprintf ("Failed to copy the file: %s\n", path); } } return ret; } static char *strip_sys_dir(const char *path) { char *res = strdup (path); char *ptr = res; while (*ptr) { if (*ptr == *R_SYS_DIR) { if (ptr[1] == *R_SYS_DIR) { char *ptr2 = ptr + 1; while (*ptr2 == *R_SYS_DIR) { ptr2++; } memmove (ptr + 1, ptr2, strlen (ptr2) + 1); } } ptr++; } return res; } static Sdb *vcdb_open(const char *rp) { char *frp = r_file_new (rp, ".rvc", DBNAME, NULL); if (!frp) { return NULL; } Sdb *db = sdb_new0 (); if (!db) { free (frp); return NULL; } if (sdb_open (db, frp) < 0) { free (frp); sdb_free (db); return NULL; } free (frp); return db; } static bool repo_exists(const char *path) { char *rp = r_file_new (path, ".rvc", NULL); if (!rp) { return false; } if (!r_file_is_directory (rp)) { free (rp); return false; } bool r = true; char *files[3] = {r_file_new (rp, DBNAME, NULL), r_file_new (rp, "commits", NULL), r_file_new (rp, "blobs", NULL) }; free (rp); size_t i; for (i = 0; i < 3; i++) { if (!files[i]) { r = false; break; } if (!r_file_is_directory (files[i]) && !r_file_exists (files[i])) { R_LOG_ERROR ("Corrupt repo: %s doesn't exist", files[i]); r = false; break; } } free (files[0]); free (files[1]); free (files[2]); return r; } static bool is_valid_branch_name(const char *name) { if (r_str_len_utf8 (name) >= 16) { return false; } for (; *name; name++) { if (NOT_SPECIAL (*name)) { continue; } return false; } return true; } static char *find_sha256(const ut8 *block, int len) { RHash *ctx = r_hash_new (true, R_HASH_SHA256); if (!ctx) { return NULL; } const ut8 *c = r_hash_do_sha256 (ctx, block, len); char *ret = r_hex_bin2strdup (c, R_HASH_SIZE_SHA256); r_hash_free (ctx); return ret; } static inline char *sha256_file(const char *fname) { size_t content_length = 0; char *res = NULL; char *content = r_file_slurp (fname, &content_length); if (content) { res = find_sha256 ((const ut8 *)content, content_length); free (content); } return res; } static void free_blobs(RList *blobs) { RListIter *iter; RvcBlob *blob; r_list_foreach (blobs, iter, blob) { free (blob->fhash); free (blob->fname); } r_list_free (blobs); } static char *absp2rp(Rvc *rvc, const char *absp) { char *p; char *arp = r_file_abspath (rvc->path); if (!arp) { return NULL; } if (r_str_len_utf8 (arp) < r_str_len_utf8 (rvc->path)) { free (arp); return NULL; } p = r_str_new (absp + r_str_len_utf8 (arp)); free (arp); if (!p) { return NULL; } char *ret = strip_sys_dir (p); free (p); return ret; } char *rp2absp(Rvc *rvc, const char *path) { char *arp = r_file_abspath (rvc->path); if (!arp) { return NULL; } char *appended = r_file_new (arp, path, NULL); free (arp); if (!appended) { return NULL; } char *stripped = strip_sys_dir (appended); free (appended); return stripped; } //TODO:Make the tree related functions abit cleaner & more efficient static RList *get_commits(Rvc *rvc, const size_t max_num) { char *i; RList *ret = r_list_new (); if (!ret) { return NULL; } i = sdb_get (rvc->db, sdb_const_get (rvc->db, CURRENTB, 0), 0); if (!i) { r_list_free (ret); ret = NULL; goto ret; } if (!strcmp (i, NULLVAL)) { goto ret; } while (true) { if (!r_list_prepend (ret, i)) { r_list_free (ret); ret = NULL; break; } i = sdb_get (rvc->db, i, 0); if (!i) { r_list_free (ret); ret = NULL; break; } if (!strcmp (i, NULLVAL) || (max_num && ret->length >= max_num)) { break; } } ret: return ret; } // check if rpf is in the ignore file. if ignore is NULL it just returns false static bool in_rvc_ignore(const RList *ignore, const char *rpf) { RListIter *iter; char *p; bool ret = false; r_list_foreach (ignore, iter, p) { char *stripped = strip_sys_dir (p); if (stripped) { if (!strcmp (stripped, rpf)) { free (stripped); ret = true; break; } free (stripped); } } return ret; } static bool update_blobs(const RList *ignore, RList *blobs, const RList *nh) { RListIter *iter; RvcBlob *blob; if (in_rvc_ignore (ignore, nh->head->data)) { return true; } r_list_foreach (blobs, iter, blob) { if (strcmp (nh->head->data, blob->fname)) { continue; } blob->fhash = r_str_new (nh->tail->data); return (bool) blob->fhash; } blob = R_NEW (RvcBlob); if (!blob) { return false; } blob->fhash = r_str_new (nh->tail->data); blob->fname = r_str_new (nh->head->data); if (!blob->fhash || !blob->fname) { goto fail_ret; } if (!r_list_append (blobs, blob)) { goto fail_ret; } return true; fail_ret: free (blob->fhash); free (blob->fname); free (blob); return false; } static int branch_exists(Rvc *rvc, const char *bname) { RList *branches = r_vc_get_branches (rvc); if (!branches) { return -1; } RListIter *iter; char *branch; bool ret = 0; r_list_foreach (branches, iter, branch) { branch = branch + r_str_len_utf8 (BPREFIX); if (!strcmp (branch, bname)) { ret = 1; break; } } r_list_free (branches); return ret; } static RList *get_blobs(Rvc *rvc, RList *ignore) { RList *commits = get_commits (rvc, 0); if (!commits) { return NULL; } RList *ret = r_list_new (); if (!ret) { goto ret; } RListIter *i; char *hash; r_list_foreach (commits, i, hash) { char *commit_path = r_file_new (rvc->path, ".rvc", "commits", hash, NULL); if (!commit_path) { goto fail_ret; } char *content = r_file_slurp (commit_path, 0); free (commit_path); if (!content) { goto fail_ret; } RList *lines = r_str_split_duplist (content, "\n", true); free (content); if (!lines) { goto fail_ret; } RListIter *j; char *ln; bool found = false; r_list_foreach (lines, j, ln) { if (!found) { found = !r_str_cmp (ln, COMMIT_BLOB_SEP, r_str_len_utf8 (COMMIT_BLOB_SEP)); continue; } RList *kv = r_str_split_list (ln, "=", 2); if (!kv) { free_blobs (ret); ret = NULL; break; } if (!update_blobs (ignore, ret, kv)) { free_blobs (ret); ret = NULL; free (kv); break; } } r_list_free (lines); } ret: r_list_free (commits); return ret; fail_ret: free_blobs(ret); return NULL; } static bool rm_empty_dir(Rvc *rvc) { char *path = r_file_new (rvc->path, ".rvc", NULL); if (!path) { return false; } RList *files = r_file_lsrf (rvc->path); RListIter *iter; const char *f; r_list_foreach (files, iter, f) { if (r_str_cmp (f, path, r_str_len_utf8 (path))) { rmdir (f); } } free (path); r_list_free (files); return true; } static bool traverse_files(RList *dst, const char *dir) { char *name; RListIter *iter; bool ret = true; RList *files = r_sys_dir (dir); if (!r_list_empty (dst)) { char *vcp = r_file_new (dir, ".rvc", NULL); if (!vcp) { r_list_free (files); return false; } if (r_file_is_directory (vcp)) { r_list_free (files); free (vcp); return true; } free (vcp); } if (!files) { r_list_free (files); return false; } r_list_foreach (files, iter, name) { char *path; if (!strcmp (name, "..") || !strcmp (name, ".")) { continue; } if (!strcmp (name, ".rvc")) { continue; } path = r_file_new (dir, name, NULL); if (!path) { ret = false; break; } if (r_file_is_directory (path)) { if (!traverse_files (dst, path)) { ret = false; break; } free (path); continue; } if (!r_list_append (dst, path)) { ret = false; free (path); break; } } r_list_free (files); return ret; } static RList *repo_files(const char *dir) { RList *ret = r_list_newf (free); if (ret) { if (!traverse_files (ret, dir)) { r_list_free (ret); ret = NULL; } } return ret; } static RList *load_rvc_ignore(Rvc *rvc) { RList *ignore = NULL; char *path = r_file_new (rvc->path, IGNORE_NAME, NULL); if (!path) { return false; } char *c = r_file_slurp (path, 0); // skip if contnet is not readable if (c) { ignore = r_str_split_duplist (c, "\n", true); free (c); } free (path); return ignore; } //shit function: R_API RList *r_vc_get_uncommitted(Rvc *rvc) { RList *ignore = load_rvc_ignore (rvc); if (!repo_exists (rvc->path)) { eprintf ("No valid repo in %s\n", rvc->path); return false; } RList *blobs = get_blobs(rvc, ignore); if (!blobs) { return NULL; } RList *files = repo_files (rvc->path); if (!files) { free_blobs (blobs); return NULL; } RList *ret = r_list_new (); if (!ret) { free_blobs (blobs); r_list_free (files); return NULL; } RListIter *iter; RvcBlob *blob; r_list_foreach (blobs, iter, blob) { char *blob_absp = rp2absp (rvc, blob->fname); if (!blob_absp) { goto fail_ret; } char *file; RListIter *j, *tmp; bool found = false; r_list_foreach_safe (files, j, tmp, file) { if (strcmp (blob_absp, file)) { continue; } found = true; r_list_delete (files, j); char *file_hash = sha256_file (blob_absp); if (!file_hash) { free (blob_absp); goto fail_ret; } if (!strcmp (file_hash, blob->fhash)) { free (file_hash); break; } free (file_hash); char *append = r_str_new (blob_absp); if (!append) { free (blob_absp); goto fail_ret; } if (!r_list_append (ret, blob_absp)) { free (blob_absp); goto fail_ret; } } if (!found) { if (!strcmp (NULLVAL, blob->fhash)) { free (blob_absp); continue; } if (!r_list_append (ret, blob_absp)) { free (blob_absp); goto fail_ret; } } } char *file; free_blobs (blobs); blobs = NULL; r_list_foreach (files, iter, file) { char *rfp = absp2rp (rvc, file); if (!rfp) { goto fail_ret; } if (in_rvc_ignore (ignore, rfp)) { free (rfp); continue; } free (rfp); char *append = r_str_new (file); if (!append) { goto fail_ret; } if (!r_list_append (ret, append)) { free (append); goto fail_ret; } } r_list_free (files); return ret; fail_ret: r_list_free (files); r_list_free (ret); free_blobs (blobs); return NULL; } static char *find_blob_hash(Rvc *rvc, const char *fname) { RList *blobs = get_blobs (rvc, load_rvc_ignore(rvc)); if (blobs) { RListIter *i; RvcBlob *b; r_list_foreach_prev (blobs, i, b) { if (!strcmp (b->fname, fname)) { char *bhash = r_str_new (b->fhash); free_blobs (blobs); return bhash; } } } return NULL; } static char *write_commit(Rvc *rvc, const char *message, const char *author, RList *blobs) { RvcBlob *blob; RListIter *iter; char *content = r_str_newf ("message=%s\nauthor=%s\ntime=%" PFMT64x "\n" COMMIT_BLOB_SEP, message, author, (ut64) r_time_now ()); if (!content) { return false; } r_list_foreach (blobs, iter, blob) { content = r_str_appendf (content, "\n%s=%s", blob->fname, blob->fhash); if (!content) { return false; } } char *commit_hash = find_sha256 ((unsigned char *) content, r_str_len_utf8 (content)); if (!commit_hash) { free (content); return false; } char *commit_path = r_file_new (rvc->path, ".rvc","commits", commit_hash, NULL); if (!commit_path || !r_file_dump (commit_path, (const ut8*)content, -1, false)) { free (content); free (commit_hash); return false; } free (content); return commit_hash; } static RvcBlob *bfadd(Rvc *rvc, const char *fname) { RvcBlob *ret = R_NEW (RvcBlob); if (!ret) { return NULL; } char *absp = r_file_abspath (fname); if (!absp) { free (ret); return NULL; } ret->fname = absp2rp (rvc, absp); if (!ret->fname) { free (ret); free (absp); return NULL; } if (!r_file_exists (absp)) { ret->fhash = r_str_new (NULLVAL); free (absp); if (!ret->fhash) { goto fail_ret; } return ret; } ret->fhash = sha256_file (absp); if (!ret->fhash) { free (absp); goto fail_ret; } char *bpath = r_file_new (rvc->path, ".rvc", "blobs", ret->fhash, NULL); if (!bpath) { goto fail_ret; } if (!r_file_copy (absp, bpath)) { free (ret->fhash); free (ret->fname); free (ret); ret = NULL; } free (absp); free (bpath); return ret; fail_ret: free (ret->fhash); free (ret->fname); free (ret); return NULL; } static RList *blobs_add(Rvc *rvc, const RList *files) { RList *ret = r_list_new (); if (!ret) { return NULL; } RList *uncommitted = r_vc_get_uncommitted (rvc); if (!uncommitted) { free (ret); return NULL; } RListIter *i; char *path; r_list_foreach (files, i, path) { char *absp = r_file_abspath (path); if (!absp) { break; } RListIter *j; char *ucp; bool found = false; RListIter *tmp; //problamatic iterates even after finding the file but needed for directires. r_list_foreach_safe (uncommitted, j, tmp, ucp) { if (r_str_cmp (ucp, absp, r_str_len_utf8 (absp))) { continue; } found = true; RvcBlob *b = bfadd (rvc, ucp); if (!b) { free (absp); goto fail_ret; } if (!r_list_append (ret, b)) { free (absp); free (b->fhash); free (b->fname); free (b); goto fail_ret; } r_list_delete (uncommitted, j); } if (!found) { eprintf ("File %s is already committed\n", path); } free (absp); } return ret; fail_ret: r_list_free (uncommitted); free (ret); return NULL; } R_API bool r_vc_commit(Rvc *rvc, const char *message, const char *author, const RList *files) { char *commit_hash; if (!repo_exists (rvc->path)) { eprintf ("No valid repo in %s\n", rvc->path); return false; } if (R_STR_ISEMPTY (message)) { char *path = NULL; (void)r_file_mkstemp ("rvc", &path); if (path) { free (r_cons_editor (path, NULL)); message = r_file_slurp (path, NULL); if (!message) { free (path); return false; } } else { return false; } } if (message && r_str_len_utf8 (message) > MAX_MESSAGE_LEN) { eprintf ("Commit message is too long\n"); return false; } const char *m; for (m = message; *m; m++) { if (*m < ' ' && *m != '\n') { eprintf ("commit messages must not contain unprintable charecters %c\n", *m); return false; } } RList *blobs = blobs_add (rvc, files); if (!blobs) { return false; } if (r_list_empty (blobs)) { r_list_free (blobs); eprintf ("Nothing to commit\n"); return false; } commit_hash = write_commit (rvc, message, author, blobs); if (!commit_hash) { free_blobs (blobs); return false; } { const char *current_branch; current_branch = sdb_const_get (rvc->db, CURRENTB, 0); if (sdb_set (rvc->db, commit_hash, sdb_const_get (rvc->db, current_branch, 0), 0) < 0) { free_blobs (blobs); free (commit_hash); return false; } if (sdb_set (rvc->db, current_branch, commit_hash, 0) < 0) { free_blobs (blobs); free (commit_hash); return false; } } free (commit_hash); free_blobs (blobs); return true; } R_API RList *r_vc_get_branches(Rvc *rvc) { if (!repo_exists (rvc->path)) { eprintf ("No valid repo in %s\n", rvc->path); return NULL; } RList *ret = r_list_new (); if (!ret) { return NULL; } SdbList *keys = sdb_foreach_list (rvc->db, false); if (!keys) { r_list_free (ret); return NULL; } SdbListIter *i; SdbKv *kv; ls_foreach (keys, i, kv) { if (r_str_cmp ((char *)kv->base.key, BPREFIX, r_str_len_utf8 (BPREFIX))) { continue; } if (!r_list_append (ret, r_str_new (kv->base.key)) && !ret->head->data) { r_list_free (ret); ret = NULL; break; } } ls_free (keys); return ret; } R_API bool r_vc_branch(Rvc *rvc, const char *bname) { const char *current_branch; const char *commits; if (!repo_exists (rvc->path)) { eprintf ("No valid repo in %s\n", rvc->path); return false; } if (!is_valid_branch_name (bname)) { eprintf ("The branch name %s is invalid\n", bname); return false; } { int ret = branch_exists (rvc, bname); if (ret < 0) { return false; } else if (ret) { eprintf ("The branch %s already exists\n", bname); return false; } } current_branch = sdb_const_get (rvc->db, CURRENTB, 0); if (!current_branch) { return false; } commits = sdb_const_get (rvc->db, current_branch, 0); char *nbn = r_str_newf (BPREFIX "%s", bname); if (!nbn) { return false; } sdb_set (rvc->db, nbn, commits, 0); free (nbn); return true; } R_API Rvc *r_vc_new(const char *path) { char *commitp, *blobsp; if (repo_exists (path)) { eprintf("A repo already exists in %s", path); return NULL; } Rvc *rvc = R_NEW(Rvc); if (!rvc) { eprintf("Failed to create repo\n"); return NULL; } rvc->path = r_str_new (path); if (!rvc->path) { free (rvc); return NULL; } commitp = r_file_new (rvc->path, ".rvc", "commits", NULL); blobsp = r_file_new (rvc->path, ".rvc","blobs", NULL); if (!commitp || !blobsp) { free (commitp); free (blobsp); free (rvc->path); free (rvc); return false; } if (!r_sys_mkdirp (commitp) || !r_sys_mkdir (blobsp)) { eprintf ("Can't create The RVC repo directory\n"); free (commitp); free (rvc->path); free (rvc); free (blobsp); return false; } free (commitp); free (blobsp); rvc->db = sdb_new (rvc->path, "/.rvc/" DBNAME, 0); if (!rvc->db) { eprintf ("Can't create The RVC branches database"); free (rvc->path); free (rvc); return false; } if (!sdb_set (rvc->db, FIRST_BRANCH, NULLVAL, 0)) { sdb_unlink (rvc->db); sdb_free (rvc->db); free (rvc->path); free (rvc); return false; } if (!sdb_set (rvc->db, CURRENTB, FIRST_BRANCH, 0)) { sdb_unlink (rvc->db); sdb_free (rvc->db); return false; } return rvc; } R_API bool r_vc_checkout(Rvc *rvc, const char *bname) { if (!repo_exists (rvc->path)) { eprintf ("No valid repo in %s\n", rvc->path); return false; } { int ret = branch_exists (rvc, bname); if (ret < 0) { return false; } if (ret == 0) { eprintf ("The branch %s doesn't exist.\n", bname); return false; } } RList *uncommitted = r_vc_get_uncommitted (rvc); RListIter *i; char *file; if (!uncommitted) { return false; } if (!r_list_empty (uncommitted)) { eprintf ("The following files:\n"); r_list_foreach (uncommitted, i, file) { eprintf ("%s\n", file); } eprintf ("Are uncommitted.\nCommit them before checkout\n"); r_list_free (uncommitted); return false; } r_list_free (uncommitted); //Must set to NULL to avoid double r_list_free on fail_ret uncommitted = NULL; const char *oldb; { char *fbname = r_str_newf (BPREFIX "%s", bname); if (!fbname) { return false; } oldb = sdb_const_get (rvc->db, CURRENTB, 0); sdb_set (rvc->db, CURRENTB, fbname, 0); free (fbname); if (!sdb_sync (rvc->db)) { return false; } } if (!r_vc_reset (rvc)) { goto fail_ret; } if (!rm_empty_dir (rvc)) { goto fail_ret; } sdb_sync (rvc->db); return true; fail_ret: r_list_free (uncommitted); sdb_set (rvc->db, CURRENTB, oldb, 0); sdb_sync (rvc->db); return false; } R_API RList *r_vc_log(Rvc *rvc) { if (!repo_exists (rvc->path)) { eprintf ("No valid repo in %s\n", rvc->path); return false; } RList *commits = get_commits (rvc, 0); if (!commits) { return NULL; } RListIter *iter; char *ch; r_list_foreach_prev (commits, iter, ch) { char *cp = r_file_new (rvc->path, ".rvc", "commits", ch, NULL); if (!cp) { goto fail_ret; } char *contnet = r_file_slurp (cp, 0); free (cp); if (!contnet) { goto fail_ret; } iter->data = r_str_newf ("hash=%s", (char *) iter->data); if (!iter->data) { free (contnet); goto fail_ret; } free (ch); iter->data = r_str_appendf (iter->data, "\n%s", contnet); free (contnet); if (!iter->data) { goto fail_ret; } } return commits; fail_ret: r_list_free (commits); return NULL; } R_API char *r_vc_current_branch(Rvc *rvc) { if (!repo_exists (rvc->path)) { eprintf ("No valid repo in %s\n", rvc->path); return false; } if (!rvc->db) { return NULL; } //TODO: return consistently either BPREFIX.bname or bname char *ret = r_str_new (sdb_const_get (rvc->db, CURRENTB, 0) + r_str_len_utf8 (BPREFIX)); return ret; } R_API bool r_vc_clone(const char *src, const char *dst) { char *drp = r_file_new (dst, ".rvc", NULL); bool ret = false; if (drp) { char *srp = r_file_new (src, ".rvc", NULL); if (srp) { if (file_copyrf (srp, drp)) { Rvc *dst_repo = r_vc_open (dst); if (dst_repo) { if (r_vc_reset (dst_repo)) { ret = true; } else { eprintf("Failed to reset\n"); } } } else { eprintf ("Failed to copy files\n"); } free (srp); } free (drp); } return ret; } // GIT commands as APIs //TODO: unify the rvc and git apis R_API Rvc *r_vc_git_open(const char *path) { char *git_path = r_file_new (path, ".git", NULL); if (!git_path || !r_file_is_directory (git_path)) { free (git_path); return NULL; } free (git_path); Rvc *vc = R_NEW (Rvc); if (!vc) { return NULL; } vc->path = r_str_new (path); if (!vc->path) { free (vc); return NULL; } vc->db = NULL; vc->type = VC_GIT; return vc; } R_API Rvc *r_vc_git_init(const char *path) { char *escpath = r_str_escape (path); int ret = r_sys_cmdf ("git init \"%s\"", escpath); free (escpath); return !ret? r_vc_git_open (path) : NULL; } R_API bool r_vc_git_branch(const char *path, const char *name) { char *escpath = r_str_escape (path); if (!escpath) { return false; } char *escname = r_str_escape (name); if (!escname) { free (escpath); return false; } int ret = r_sys_cmdf ("git -C \"%s\" branch \"%s\"", escpath, escname); free (escpath); free (escname); return !ret; } R_API bool r_vc_git_checkout(const char *path, const char *name) { char *escpath = r_str_escape (path); char *escname = r_str_escape (name); int ret = r_sys_cmdf ("git -C \"%s\" checkout \"%s\"", escpath, escname); free (escname); free (escpath); return !ret; } R_API bool r_vc_git_add(const char *path, const char *fname) { char *cwd = r_sys_getdir (); if (!cwd) { return false; } if (!r_sys_chdir (path)) { free (cwd); return false; } char *escfname = r_str_escape (fname); int ret = r_sys_cmdf ("git add \"%s\"", escfname); free (escfname); if (!r_sys_chdir (cwd)) { free (cwd); return false; } free (cwd); return ret == 0; } R_API bool r_vc_git_commit(const char *path, const char *message) { if (R_STR_ISEMPTY (message)) { char *epath = r_str_escape (path); int res = r_sys_cmdf ("git -C \"%s\" commit", epath); free (epath); return res == 0; } char *epath = r_str_escape (path); char *emsg = r_str_escape (message); int res = r_sys_cmdf ("git -C %s commit -m %s", epath, emsg); free (epath); free (emsg); return res == 0; } R_API bool r_vc_reset(Rvc *rvc) { if (!repo_exists (rvc->path)) { return false; } bool ret = true; RList *uncommitted = r_vc_get_uncommitted (rvc); if (!uncommitted) { return false; } RListIter *iter; const char *fp; r_list_foreach (uncommitted, iter, fp) { char *blobp; { char *p = absp2rp (rvc, fp); if (!p) { ret = false; break; } char *b = find_blob_hash (rvc, p); if (!b || !strcmp (b, "-")) { free (p); if (!r_file_rm (fp)) { ret = false; break; } continue; } blobp = r_file_new (rvc->path, ".rvc", "blobs", b, NULL); free (b); } if (!blobp) { ret = false; break; } if (!file_copyp (blobp, fp)) { free (blobp); ret = false; break; } } r_list_free (uncommitted); return ret; } //Access both git and rvc functionality from one set of functions R_API Rvc *rvc_git_init(const RCore *core, const char *path) { if (!strcmp (r_config_get (core->config, "prj.vc.type"), "git")) { return r_vc_git_init (path); } printf ("rvc is just for testing please don't use it\n"); Rvc *rvc = r_vc_new (path); if (!rvc || !r_vc_save (rvc)) { return NULL; } return rvc; } R_API bool rvc_git_commit(RCore *core, Rvc *rvc, const char *message, const char *author, const RList *files) { const char *m = r_config_get (core->config, "prj.vc.message"); if (!*m) { if (!r_cons_is_interactive ()) { r_config_set (core->config, "prj.vc.message", "test"); m = r_config_get (core->config, "prj.vc.message"); } } message = R_STR_ISEMPTY (message)? m : message; if (rvc->type == VC_RVC) { author = author? author : r_config_get (core->config, "cfg.user"); eprintf ("rvc is just for testing please don't use it\n"); r_vc_commit (rvc, message, author, files); return r_vc_save (rvc); } char *path; RListIter *iter; r_list_foreach (files, iter, path) { if (!r_vc_git_add (rvc->path, path)) { return false; } } return r_vc_git_commit (rvc->path, message); } R_API bool rvc_git_branch(Rvc *rvc, const char *bname) { if (rvc->type == VC_RVC) { eprintf ("rvc is just for testing please don't use it\n"); r_vc_branch (rvc, bname); return r_vc_save(rvc); } return !r_vc_git_branch (rvc->path, bname); } R_API bool rvc_git_checkout(const RCore *core, Rvc *rvc, const char *bname) { if (rvc->type == VC_GIT) { eprintf ("rvc is just for testing please don't use it\n"); r_vc_checkout (rvc, bname); return r_vc_save(rvc); } return r_vc_git_checkout (rvc->path, bname); } R_API bool rvc_git_repo_exists(const RCore *core, const char *path) { char *frp = !strcmp (r_config_get (core->config, "prj.vc.type"), "rvc")? r_file_new (path, ".rvc", NULL): r_file_new (path, ".git", NULL); if (frp) { bool ret = r_file_is_directory (frp); free (frp); return ret; } return false; } R_API Rvc *r_vc_open(const char *rp) { Rvc *repo = R_NEW(Rvc); if (repo) { repo->path = r_str_new (rp); if (repo->path) { repo->db = vcdb_open (rp) ; if (repo->db) { return repo; } free (repo->path); } free(repo); } return NULL; } R_API bool r_vc_save(Rvc *vc) { sdb_sync(vc->db); return true; } R_API void r_vc_close(Rvc *vc, bool save) { if (vc) { if (save) { r_vc_save(vc); } sdb_close (vc->db); free (vc->path); free (vc); } }