/* radare - LGPL - Copyright 2010-2018 - nibble, pancake */ #include #include #include // This file contains the reversed api for querying xrefs.c which // is implemented on top of sdb. Anyway, the sdbization is not // complete because there's still r_anal_ref_new() which doesnt // serializes with sdb_native R_API RAnalRef *r_anal_ref_new() { RAnalRef *ref = R_NEW0 (RAnalRef); if (ref) { ref->addr = -1; ref->at = -1; ref->type = R_ANAL_REF_TYPE_CODE; } return ref; } R_API RList *r_anal_ref_list_new() { RList *list = r_list_new (); if (!list) return NULL; list->free = &r_anal_ref_free; return list; } R_API void r_anal_ref_free(void *ref) { free (ref); } R_API int r_anal_ref_add(RAnal *anal, ut64 addr, ut64 at, int type) { r_anal_xrefs_set (anal, type, at, addr); return true; } R_API const char *r_anal_ref_to_string(int type) { switch (type) { case R_ANAL_REF_TYPE_NULL: return "null"; case R_ANAL_REF_TYPE_CODE: return "code"; case R_ANAL_REF_TYPE_CALL: return "call"; case R_ANAL_REF_TYPE_DATA: return "data"; case R_ANAL_REF_TYPE_STRING: return "strg"; } return "unk"; } R_API int r_anal_ref_del(RAnal *anal, ut64 from, ut64 to) { #if USE_MHT // TODO Must delete from mht_refs too mht *m = anal->mht_xrefs; mhtkv *kv = mht_getr (m, from); if (kv) { mht *ht = kv->u; if (ht) { mht_del (ht, to); } } #else r_anal_xrefs_deln (anal, R_ANAL_REF_TYPE_NULL, from, to); r_anal_xrefs_deln (anal, R_ANAL_REF_TYPE_CODE, from, to); r_anal_xrefs_deln (anal, R_ANAL_REF_TYPE_CALL, from, to); r_anal_xrefs_deln (anal, R_ANAL_REF_TYPE_DATA, from, to); r_anal_xrefs_deln (anal, R_ANAL_REF_TYPE_STRING, from, to); #endif return true; } R_API RList *r_anal_xref_get(RAnal *anal, ut64 addr) { return r_anal_xrefs_get (anal, addr); }