/* radare - LGPL - Copyright 2007-2012 - pancake */ #include enum { WHITE_COLOR = 0, GRAY_COLOR, BLACK_COLOR }; static RGraphNode *r_graph_node_new (void *data) { RGraphNode *p = R_NEW0 (RGraphNode); if (!p) { return NULL; } p->data = data; p->free = NULL; p->out_nodes = r_list_new (); p->in_nodes = r_list_new (); p->all_neighbours = r_list_new (); return p; } static void r_graph_node_free (RGraphNode *n) { if (!n) { return; } if (n->free) { n->free (n->data); } r_list_free (n->out_nodes); r_list_free (n->in_nodes); r_list_free (n->all_neighbours); free (n); } static int node_cmp (unsigned int idx, RGraphNode *b) { return idx == b->idx ? 0 : -1; } static void dfs_node (RGraph *g, RGraphNode *n, RGraphVisitor *vis, int color[]) { RGraphEdge *edg; RStack *s = r_stack_new (2 * g->n_edges + 1); if (!s) { return; } edg = R_NEW0 (RGraphEdge); if (!edg) { r_stack_free (s); return; } edg->from = NULL; edg->to = n; r_stack_push (s, edg); while (!r_stack_is_empty (s)) { RGraphEdge *cur_edge = (RGraphEdge *)r_stack_pop (s); RGraphNode *v, *cur = cur_edge->to, *from = cur_edge->from; const RList *neighbours; RListIter *it; int i; if (from && cur) { if (color[cur->idx] == WHITE_COLOR && vis->tree_edge) vis->tree_edge (cur_edge, vis); else if (color[cur->idx] == GRAY_COLOR && vis->back_edge) vis->back_edge (cur_edge, vis); else if (color[cur->idx] == BLACK_COLOR && vis->fcross_edge) vis->fcross_edge (cur_edge, vis); } else if (!cur && from) { if (color[from->idx] != BLACK_COLOR && vis->finish_node) vis->finish_node (from, vis); color[from->idx] = BLACK_COLOR; } free (cur_edge); if (!cur || color[cur->idx] != WHITE_COLOR) { continue; } if (color[cur->idx] == WHITE_COLOR && vis->discover_node) { vis->discover_node (cur, vis); } color[cur->idx] = GRAY_COLOR; edg = R_NEW0 (RGraphEdge); edg->from = cur; r_stack_push (s, edg); i = 0; neighbours = r_graph_get_neighbours (g, cur); r_list_foreach (neighbours, it, v) { edg = R_NEW (RGraphEdge); edg->from = cur; edg->to = v; edg->nth = i++; r_stack_push (s, edg); } } r_stack_free (s); } R_API RGraph *r_graph_new () { RGraph *t = R_NEW0 (RGraph); if (!t) return NULL; t->nodes = r_list_new (); if (!t->nodes) { r_graph_free(t); return NULL; } t->nodes->free = (RListFree)r_graph_node_free; t->n_nodes = 0; t->last_index = 0; return t; } R_API void r_graph_free (RGraph* t) { r_list_free (t->nodes); free (t); } R_API RGraphNode *r_graph_get_node (const RGraph *t, unsigned int idx) { RListIter *it = r_list_find (t->nodes, (void *)(size_t)idx, (RListComparator)node_cmp); if (!it) { return NULL; } return (RGraphNode *)it->data; } R_API RListIter *r_graph_node_iter (const RGraph *t, unsigned int idx) { return r_list_find (t->nodes, (void *)(size_t)idx, (RListComparator)node_cmp); } R_API void r_graph_reset (RGraph *t) { r_list_free (t->nodes); t->nodes = r_list_new (); if (!t->nodes) { return; } t->nodes->free = (RListFree)r_graph_node_free; t->n_nodes = 0; t->n_edges = 0; t->last_index = 0; } R_API RGraphNode *r_graph_add_node (RGraph *t, void *data) { RGraphNode *n = r_graph_node_new (data); if (!n) { return NULL; } n->idx = t->last_index++; r_list_append (t->nodes, n); t->n_nodes++; return n; } /* remove the node from the graph and free the node */ /* users of this function should be aware they can't access n anymore */ R_API void r_graph_del_node(RGraph *t, RGraphNode *n) { RGraphNode *gn; RListIter *it; if (!n) { return; } r_list_foreach (n->in_nodes, it, gn) { r_list_delete_data (gn->out_nodes, n); r_list_delete_data (gn->all_neighbours, n); t->n_edges--; } r_list_foreach (n->out_nodes, it, gn) { r_list_delete_data (gn->in_nodes, n); r_list_delete_data (gn->all_neighbours, n); t->n_edges--; } r_list_delete_data (t->nodes, n); t->n_nodes--; } R_API void r_graph_add_edge (RGraph *t, RGraphNode *from, RGraphNode *to) { r_graph_add_edge_at (t, from, to, -1); } R_API void r_graph_add_edge_at (RGraph *t, RGraphNode *from, RGraphNode *to, int nth) { if (from && to) { r_list_insert (from->out_nodes, nth, to); r_list_append (from->all_neighbours, to); r_list_append (to->in_nodes, from); r_list_append (to->all_neighbours, from); t->n_edges++; } } R_API void r_graph_del_edge (RGraph *t, RGraphNode *from, RGraphNode *to) { if (!from || !to || !r_graph_adjacent (t, from, to)) return; r_list_delete_data (from->out_nodes, to); r_list_delete_data (from->all_neighbours, to); r_list_delete_data (to->in_nodes, from); r_list_delete_data (to->all_neighbours, from); t->n_edges--; } /* returns the list of nodes reachable from `n` */ R_API const RList *r_graph_get_neighbours (const RGraph *g, const RGraphNode *n) { if (!n) return NULL; return n->out_nodes; } /* returns the n-th nodes reachable from the give node `n`. * This, of course, depends on the order of the nodes. */ R_API RGraphNode *r_graph_nth_neighbour (const RGraph *g, const RGraphNode *n, int nth) { if (!n) return NULL; return (RGraphNode *)r_list_get_n (n->out_nodes, nth); } /* returns the list of nodes that can reach `n` */ R_API const RList *r_graph_innodes (const RGraph *g, const RGraphNode *n) { return n? n->in_nodes: NULL; } /* returns the list of nodes reachable from `n` and that can reach `n`. */ R_API const RList *r_graph_all_neighbours (const RGraph *g, const RGraphNode *n) { return n? n->all_neighbours: NULL; } R_API const RList *r_graph_get_nodes (const RGraph *g) { return g? g->nodes: NULL; } /* true if there is an edge from the node `from` to the node `to` */ R_API int r_graph_adjacent (const RGraph *g, const RGraphNode *from, const RGraphNode *to) { if (!g || !from) return false; return r_list_contains (from->out_nodes, to) ? true : false; } R_API void r_graph_dfs_node (RGraph *g, RGraphNode *n, RGraphVisitor *vis) { int *color; if (!g || !n || !vis) { return; } color = R_NEWS0 (int, g->last_index); if (color) { dfs_node (g, n, vis, color); free (color); } } R_API void r_graph_dfs (RGraph *g, RGraphVisitor *vis) { RGraphNode *n; RListIter *it; int *color; if (!g || !vis) { return; } color = R_NEWS0 (int, g->last_index); if (!color) { return; } r_list_foreach (g->nodes, it, n) { if (color[n->idx] == WHITE_COLOR) { dfs_node (g, n, vis, color); } } free (color); }