@echo off setlocal enabledelayedexpansion rem Allow to choose paths rem but set to default - if not rem ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------- if not [%MINGW_PATH%] NEQ [] ( set "MINGW_PATH=C:\MinGW" ) set "MSYS_VER=1.0" set "MINGW_MSYS_PATH=%MINGW_PATH%\msys\%MSYS_VER%\bin" set "MINGW_BIN_PATH=%MINGW_PATH%\bin" rem ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------- if not [%GIT_PATH%] NEQ [] ( rem Prefer 64 bit version of installed Git if not exist "C:\Program Files\Git\nul" ( set "GIT_PATH=C:\Program Files (x86)\Git" ) else ( set "GIT_PATH=C:\Program Files\Git" ) ) set "GIT_BIN_PATH=%GIT_PATH%\bin" rem ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------- SET PATH=%MINGW_BIN_PATH%;%GIT_BIN_PATH%;%MINGW_MSYS_PATH%;%PATH% echo Using PATH = %PATH% ... rem Read configure.acr and find a version string for /F "tokens=1,2" %%i in (configure.acr) do ( set VAR1=%%i set VAR2=%%j if "!VAR1!" == "VERSION" ( echo "Read version from configure.acr: !VAR2!" set ENV_R2_VER=!VAR2! goto :start_build ) ) :start_build call :convert_mingw MINGW_BIN_PATH call :convert_mingw MINGW_MSYS_PATH call :convert_mingw GIT_BIN_PATH set EXPAND_PATH=export PATH="${MINGW_BIN_PATH}:${MINGW_MSYS_PATH}:${GIT_BIN_PATH}:${PATH}" sh.exe -c "%EXPAND_PATH% ; gcc -v" sh.exe -c "uname | tr 'A-Z' 'a-z'" sh.exe -c "echo CC=${CC}" sh.exe -c "sed -i '/xtensa/d' plugins.def.cfg" sh.exe -c "%EXPAND_PATH% ; ./configure --with-ostype=mingw32 --build=i686-unknown-windows-gnu && make -j1 CC='gcc -static-libgcc'" if %ERRORLEVEL% GEQ 1 EXIT /B %ERRORLEVEL% if NOT "%APPVEYOR%" == "True" ( sh.exe -c "%EXPAND_PATH% ; make w32dist USE_ZIP=NO" ) goto :end rem -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- rem Convert to MinGW paths: rem 1. reverse slashes rem 2. remove colon rem 3. escape spaces rem 4. escape brackets :convert_mingw var set "%1=/!%1:\=/!" set "%1=!%1::=!" set "%1=!%1: =\ !" set "%1=!%1:(=\(!" set "%1=!%1:)=\)!" exit /B :end