# This template is meant for bug reports, if you have a feature request, please be as descriptive as possible and delete the template Make sure you are testing using the latest git version of radare2 before submitting any issue. *If you would like to report a bug, please fill the template bellow* ### Work environment | Questions | Answers |------------------------------------------------------|-------------------- | OS/arch/bits (mandatory) | Debian arm 64, Ubuntu x86 32 | File format of the file you reverse (mandatory) | PE, ELF etc. | Architecture/bits of the file (mandatory) | PPC, x86/32, x86/64 etc. | r2 -v full output, **not truncated** (mandatory) | radare2 2.4.0-git 17284 @ darwin-x86-64 git.2.2.0-476-gf8cf84e06 commit: f8cf84e0653642d9ad34e760e0e56dd81860e799 build: 2018-02-17__11:08:27 ### Expected behavior ### Actual behavior ### Steps to reproduce the behavior - Please share the binary if it is shareable by drag and dropping it here in a zip archive (mandatory) - Use asciinema to describe the issue and share the link here (mandatory if u can't share the binary) - Use code markdown `CODE` to make your code visible - Or even better, create a Pull-Request for the https://github.com/radare/radare2-regressions containing the test case examples can be found in the t/ folder see for example https://github.com/radare/radare2-regressions/blob/master/t/cmd_search#L7 ### Additional Logs, screenshots, source-code, configuration dump, ... Drag and drop zip archives containing the Additional info here, don't use external services or link.