.Dd May 11, 2014 .Dt RADIFF2 1 .Sh NAME .Nm RADIFF2 .Nd unified binary diffing utility .Sh SYNOPSIS .Nm radiff2 .Op Fl abcCOdrspvh .Op Fl t Ar 0-100 .Op Fl g Ar sym .Ar file1 .Ar file2 .Sh DESCRIPTION radiff2 implements many binary diffing algorithms for data and code. .Pp .Bl -tag -width Fl .It Fl a Specify architecture (x86, arm, ..) .It Fl b Select register size bits for given arch .It Fl c Count number of differences. .It Fl C Code diffing using graphdiff algorithm. Output columns are: file-a-address, percentatge of most similar function in B file | file-b-address. .It Fl d Use delta diffing (slower). .It Fl g Ar sym | off1,off2 Graph diff output of given symbol, or between two functions, at given offsets: one for each binary. .It Fl h Show usage help message. .It Fl n Suppress address names (show only addresses) when code diffing. .It Fl O Do code diffing with all bytes instead of just the fixed opcode bytes .It Fl p Use physical addressing (io.va=0) .It Fl r Output in radare commands as a binary patch. .It Fl s Calculate text distance from two files. .It Fl t Ar 0\-100 Choose matching threshold for binary code diffing .It Fl v Show version information. .El .Sh SEE ALSO .Pp .Xr radare2(1) , .Xr rafind2(1) , .Xr rahash2(1) , .Xr rabin2(1) , .Xr rasm2(1) , .Xr ragg2(1) , .Xr rarun2(1) , .Xr rax2(1) , .Sh AUTHORS .Pp pancake