add comment	?i Comment;CC `?y`
list comments	CC;?ik
change block size	?i block size;b `?y`
analyze all	aa
analyze function	af
analyze preludes	ap
continue process execution	dc;?i
disable colors	e scr.color=0
enable colors	e scr.color=1
randomize colors	ecr
hide bytes in disassembly	e asm.bytes=false
show bytes in disassembly	e asm.bytes=true
list imports 	ii;?ik
list sections	iS;?ik
list symbols	is;?ik
list processes	dp*;?ik
run command	?i cmd;`?y`;?ik
seek to entrypoint	s entry0
seek to main	s main
set breakpoint	db;?i new breakpoint address;db `?y`
remove breakpoint ?i delete breakpoint at given address;db-`?y`
show backtrace	dbt;?ik
show bytes in disassembly	e asm.bytes=1
show debugger register values	dr;?ik
show process memory maps	dm;?ik
step instruction	sr pc;pd 1;ds;?ik
step over call	sr pc;pd 1;dso;?ik
write string	?i string;w `?y`
write hexadecimal data in current offset	?i hexpairs;wx `?y`
xor current block with hexpair key	?i hexpair key;wox `?y`
edit eval configuration	Veq
calculator	?i enter math expression;? `?y`;?ik
disassemble 1024 bytes and pipe to less(1)	b 1024;pd|less -R
rename function	?i New name;afr `?y`
set flag	?i Flag name;f `?y`
unset flag	?i Flag name to delete;f-`?y`