/* radare2 - LGPL - Copyright 2009-2017 - pancake */ #include #include #include "r_core.h" static const char *help_msg_e[] = { "Usage:", "e [var[=value]]", "Evaluable vars", "e","?asm.bytes", "show description", "e", "??", "list config vars with description", "e", " a", "get value of var 'a'", "e", " a=b", "set var 'a' the 'b' value", "e var=?", "", "print all valid values of var", "e-", "", "reset config vars", "e*", "", "dump config vars in r commands", "e!", "a", "invert the boolean value of 'a' var", "ec", " [k] [color]", "set color for given key (prompt, offset, ...)", "ee", "var", "open editor to change the value of var", "ej", "", "list config vars in JSON", "env", " [k[=v]]", "get/set environment variable", "er", " [key]", "set config key as readonly. no way back", "et", " [key]", "show type of given config variable", "ev", " [key]", "list config vars in verbose format", "evj", " [key]", "list config vars in verbose format in JSON", NULL }; static char *curtheme = NULL; static bool getNext = false; static void cmd_eval_init(void) { DEFINE_CMD_DESCRIPTOR (e); } static bool load_theme(RCore *core, const char *path) { if (!r_file_exists (path)) { return false; } core->cmdfilter = "ec "; bool res = r_core_cmd_file (core, path); if (res) { r_cons_pal_update_event (); } core->cmdfilter = NULL; return res; } static bool nextpal_item(RCore *core, int mode, const char *file, int ctr) { const char *fn = r_str_lchr (file, '/'); if (!fn) fn = file; switch (mode) { case 'j': // json r_cons_printf ("%s\"%s\"", ctr?",":"", fn); break; case 'l': // list r_cons_println (fn); break; case 'p': // previous // TODO: move logic here break; case 'n': // next if (getNext) { curtheme = r_str_dup (curtheme, fn); getNext = false; return false; } else if (curtheme) { if (!strcmp (curtheme, fn)) { getNext = true; } } else { curtheme = r_str_dup (curtheme, fn); return false; } break; } return true; } R_API RList *r_core_list_themes(RCore *core) { RList *files = NULL; RListIter *iter; const char *fn; char *home = r_str_home (".config/radare2/cons/"); RList *list = r_list_new (); getNext = false; if (home) { files = r_sys_dir (home); r_list_foreach (files, iter, fn) { if (*fn && *fn != '.') { r_list_append (list, strdup (fn)); } } r_list_free (files); R_FREE (home); } files = r_sys_dir (R2_DATDIR"/radare2/"R2_VERSION"/cons/"); r_list_foreach (files, iter, fn) { if (*fn && *fn != '.') { r_list_append (list, strdup (fn)); } } r_list_free (files); files = NULL; return list; } static void nextpal(RCore *core, int mode) { // TODO: use r_core_list_themes() here instead of rewalking all the time RList *files = NULL; RListIter *iter; const char *fn; int ctr = 0; char *home = r_str_home (".config/radare2/cons/"); getNext = false; if (mode == 'j') { r_cons_printf ("["); } if (home) { files = r_sys_dir (home); r_list_foreach (files, iter, fn) { if (*fn && *fn != '.') { if (mode == 'p') { const char *nfn = iter->n? iter->n->data: NULL; if (!curtheme) { free (home); r_list_free (files); return; } eprintf ("%s %s %s\n", nfn, curtheme, fn); if (nfn && !strcmp (nfn, curtheme)) { r_list_free (files); files = NULL; free (curtheme); curtheme = strdup (fn); R_FREE (home); goto done; } } else { if (!nextpal_item (core, mode, fn, ctr++)) { r_list_free (files); files = NULL; R_FREE (home); goto done; } } } } r_list_free (files); R_FREE (home); } files = r_sys_dir (R2_DATDIR"/radare2/"R2_VERSION"/cons/"); r_list_foreach (files, iter, fn) { if (*fn && *fn != '.') { if (mode == 'p') { const char *nfn = iter->n? iter->n->data: NULL; if (!curtheme) { free (home); r_list_free (files); return; } eprintf ("%s %s %s\n", nfn, curtheme, fn); if (nfn && !strcmp (nfn, curtheme)) { free (curtheme); curtheme = strdup (fn); goto done; } } else { if (!nextpal_item (core, mode, fn, ctr++)) { goto done; } } } } done: if (getNext) { R_FREE (curtheme); nextpal (core, mode); return; } if (mode == 'l' && !curtheme && !r_list_empty (files)) { //nextpal (core, mode); } else { if (curtheme) { r_core_cmdf (core, "eco %s", curtheme); } } r_list_free (files); files = NULL; if (mode == 'j') { r_cons_printf ("]\n"); } } static int cmd_eval(void *data, const char *input) { char *p; RCore *core = (RCore *)data; switch (input[0]) { case 't': // env if (input[1] == 'a') { r_cons_printf ("%s\n", (r_num_rand (10) % 2)? "wen": "son"); } else if (input[1]==' ' && input[2]) { RConfigNode *node = r_config_node_get (core->config, input+2); if (node) { const char *type = r_config_node_type (node); if (type && *type) { r_cons_println (type); } } } else { eprintf ("Usage: et [varname] ; show type of eval var\n"); } break; case 'n': // env if (!strchr (input, '=')) { char *var, *p; var = strchr (input, ' '); if (var) while (*var==' ') var++; p = r_sys_getenv (var); if (p) { r_cons_println (p); free (p); } else { char **e = r_sys_get_environ (); while (e && *e) { r_cons_println (*e); e++; } } } else if (strlen (input)>3) { char *v, *k = strdup (input+3); if (!k) break; v = strchr (k, '='); if (v) { *v++ = 0; r_sys_setenv (k, v); } free (k); } return true; case 'x': // exit // XXX we need headers for the cmd_xxx files. return cmd_quit (data, ""); case 'j': // json r_config_list (core->config, NULL, 'j'); break; case 'v': // verbose r_config_list (core->config, input + 1, 'v'); break; case 'q': // quiet list of eval keys r_config_list (core->config, NULL, 'q'); break; case '\0': // "e" r_config_list (core->config, NULL, 0); break; case 'c': // "ec" switch (input[1]) { case 'd': r_cons_pal_init (NULL); break; case '?': { const char *helpmsg[] = { "Usage ec[s?] [key][[=| ]fg] [bg]","","", "ec","","list all color keys", "ec*","","same as above, but using r2 commands", "ecd","","set default palette", "ecr","","set random palette", "ecs","","show a colorful palette", "ecj","","show palette in JSON", "ecc"," [prefix]","show palette in CSS", "eco"," dark|white","load white color scheme template", "ecp","","load previous color theme", "ecn","","load next color theme", "ecH","[?]","highlight word or instruction", "ec"," prompt red","change color of prompt", "ec"," prompt red blue","change color and background of prompt", ""," ","", "colors:","","rgb:000, red, green, blue, ...", "e scr.rgbcolor","=1|0","for 256 color cube (boolean)", "e scr.truecolor","=1|0","for 256*256*256 colors (boolean)", "$DATADIR/radare2/cons","","~/.config/radare2/cons ./", NULL}; r_core_cmd_help (core, helpmsg); } break; case 'o': // "eco" if (input[2] == 'j') { nextpal (core, 'j'); } else if (input[2] == ' ') { bool failed = false; char *home, path[512]; snprintf (path, sizeof (path), ".config/radare2/cons/%s", input + 3); home = r_str_home (path); snprintf (path, sizeof (path), R2_DATDIR"/radare2/" R2_VERSION"/cons/%s", input + 3); if (!load_theme (core, home)) { if (load_theme (core, path)) { //curtheme = r_str_dup (curtheme, path); curtheme = r_str_dup (curtheme, input + 3); } else { if (load_theme (core, input + 3)) { curtheme = r_str_dup (curtheme, input + 3); } else { char *absfile = r_file_abspath (input + 3); eprintf ("eco: cannot open colorscheme profile (%s)\n", absfile); free (absfile); failed = true; } } } free (home); if (failed) { eprintf ("Something went wrong\n"); } } else if (input[2] == '?') { eprintf ("Usage: eco [themename] ;load theme from "R2_DATDIR"/radare2/"R2_VERSION"/cons/\n"); } else { nextpal (core, 'l'); } break; case 's': r_cons_pal_show (); break; // "ecs" case '*': r_cons_pal_list (1, NULL); break; // "ec*" case 'h': // echo if (( p = strchr (input, ' ') )) { r_cons_strcat (p+1); r_cons_newline (); } else { // "ech" r_cons_pal_list ('h', NULL); } break; case 'j': // "ecj" r_cons_pal_list ('j', NULL); break; case 'c': // "ecc" r_cons_pal_list ('c', input + 2); break; case '\0': // "ec" r_cons_pal_list (0, NULL); break; case 'r': // "ecr" r_cons_pal_random (); break; case 'n': // "ecn" nextpal (core, 'n'); break; case 'p': // "ecp" nextpal (core, 'p'); break; case 'H': { // "ecH" char *color_code = NULL; char *word = NULL; int argc = 0; char** argv = r_str_argv (input + 4, &argc); switch (input[2]) { case '?': { const char *helpmsg[] = { "Usage ecH[iw-?]","","", "ecHi","[color]","highlight current instruction with 'color' background", "ecHw","[word] [color]","highlight 'word ' in current instruction with 'color' background", "ecH-","","remove all highlights on current instruction", NULL }; r_core_cmd_help (core, helpmsg); } break; case '-': r_meta_set_string (core->anal, R_META_TYPE_HIGHLIGHT, core->offset, ""); return false; case '\0': case 'i': // "ecHi if (argc) { char *dup = r_str_newf ("bgonly %s", argv[0]); color_code = r_cons_pal_parse (dup); R_FREE (dup); } break; case 'w': // "ecHw" if (!argc) { eprintf ("Usage: echw word [color]\n"); r_str_argv_free (argv); return true; } word = strdup (argv[0]); if (argc > 1) { char *dup = r_str_newf ("bgonly %s", argv[1]); color_code = r_cons_pal_parse (dup); if (!color_code) { eprintf ("Unknown color %s\n", argv[1]); r_str_argv_free (argv); free (dup); free (word); return true; } R_FREE (dup); } break; default: eprintf ("See ecH?\n"); r_str_argv_free (argv); return true; } char *str = r_meta_get_string (core->anal, R_META_TYPE_HIGHLIGHT, core->offset); char *dup = r_str_newf ("%s \"%s%s\"", str?str:"", word?word:"", color_code?color_code:r_cons_pal_get ("highlight")); r_meta_set_string (core->anal, R_META_TYPE_HIGHLIGHT, core->offset, dup); r_str_argv_free (argv); R_FREE (word); R_FREE (dup); break; } default: { char *p = strdup (input + 2); char *q = strchr (p, '='); if (!q) { q = strchr (p, ' '); } if (q) { // set *q++ = 0; r_cons_pal_set (p, q); } else { const char *k = r_cons_pal_get (p); if (k) { eprintf ("(%s)(%sCOLOR"Color_RESET")\n", p, k); } } free (p); } } break; case 'e': if (input[1] == ' ') { char *p; const char *val, *input2 = strchr (input+2, ' '); if (input2) input2++; else input2 = input+2; val = r_config_get (core->config, input2); p = r_core_editor (core, NULL, val); if (p) { r_str_replace_char (p, '\n', ';'); r_config_set (core->config, input2, p); } } else { eprintf ("Usage: ee varname\n"); } break; case '!': input = r_str_chop_ro (input+1); if (!r_config_toggle (core->config, input)) eprintf ("r_config: '%s' is not a boolean variable.\n", input); break; case '-': r_core_config_init (core); //eprintf ("BUG: 'e-' command locks the eval hashtable. patches are welcome :)\n"); break; case '*': r_config_list (core->config, NULL, 1); break; case '?': switch (input[1]) { case '?': r_config_list (core->config, input+2, 2); break; default: r_config_list (core->config, input+1, 2); break; case 0: r_core_cmd_help (core, help_msg_e); } break; case 'r': if (input[1]) { const char *key = input+((input[1]==' ')?2:1); if (!r_config_readonly (core->config, key)) eprintf ("cannot find key '%s'\n", key); } else eprintf ("Usage: er [key]\n"); break; case ' ': r_config_eval (core->config, input+1); break; default: r_config_eval (core->config, input); break; } return 0; }