/* radare - LGPL - Copyright 2007-2023 - pancake */ #include /* int c; ret = hex_to_byte(&c, 'c'); */ R_API bool r_hex_to_byte(ut8 *val, ut8 c) { if (isdigit (c)) { *val = (ut8)(*val) * 16 + (c - '0'); } else if (c >= 'A' && c <= 'F') { *val = (ut8)(*val) * 16 + (c - 'A' + 10); } else if (c >= 'a' && c <= 'f') { *val = (ut8)(*val) * 16 + (c - 'a' + 10); } else { return true; } return false; } // takes 'c' byte and fills 2 bytes in the val string R_API void r_hex_from_byte(char *val, ut8 c) { const char abc[] = "0123456789abcdef"; val[0] = abc[(c >> 4) & 0xf]; val[1] = abc[c & 0xf]; } R_API char *r_hex_from_py_str(char *out, const char *code) { if (!strncmp (code, "'''", 3)) { const char *s = code + 2; return r_hex_from_c_str (out, &s); } return r_hex_from_c_str (out, &code); } static const char *skip_comment_py(const char *code) { if (*code != '#') { return code; } char *end = strchr (code, '\n'); if (end) { code = end; } return code + 1; } R_API char *r_hex_from_py_array(char *out, const char *code) { const char abc[] = "0123456789abcdef"; if (*code != '[' || !strchr (code, ']')) { return NULL; } code++; for (; *code; code++) { char *comma = strchr (code, ','); if (!comma) { comma = strchr (code, ']'); } if (!comma) { break; } char * _word = r_str_ndup (code, comma - code); const char *word = _word; while (*word == ' ' || *word == '\t' || *word == '\n') { word++; word = skip_comment_py (word); } if (isdigit (*word)) { ut8 n = (ut8)r_num_math (NULL, word); *out++ = abc[(n >> 4) & 0xf]; *out++ = abc[n & 0xf]; } free (_word); code = comma; if (*code == ']') { break; } } return out; } R_API char* r_hex_from_py(const char *code) { if (!code) { return NULL; } char * const ret = malloc (strlen (code) * 3); if (!ret) { return NULL; } *ret = '\0'; char *out = ret; const char *tmp_code = strchr (code, '='); if (tmp_code) { code = tmp_code; } for (; *code && *code != '[' && *code != '\'' && *code != '"'; code++) { code = skip_comment_py (code); } if (*code == '[') { out = r_hex_from_py_array (out, code); } else if (*code == '"' || *code == '\'') { out = r_hex_from_py_str (out, code); } if (!out) { free (ret); return NULL; } *out = '\0'; return ret; } R_API char *r_hex_from_c_str(char *out, const char **code) { const char abc[] = "0123456789abcdefABCDEF"; const char *iter = *code; if (*iter != '\'' && *iter != '"') { return NULL; } const char end_char = *iter; iter++; for (; *iter && *iter != end_char; iter++) { if (*iter == '\\') { iter++; switch (iter[0]) { case 'e': *out++ = '1'; *out++ = 'b'; break; case 'r': *out++ = '0'; *out++ = 'd'; break; case 'n': *out++ = '0'; *out++ = 'a'; break; case 'x': { ut8 c1 = iter[1]; ut8 c2 = iter[2]; iter += 2; if (c1 == '\0' || c2 == '\0') { return NULL; } if (strchr (abc, c1) && strchr (abc, c2)) { *out++ = tolower (c1); *out++ = tolower (c2); } else { return NULL; } break; } default: if (iter[0] == end_char) { *out++ = abc[*iter >> 4]; *out++ = abc[*iter & 0xf]; } return NULL; } } else { *out++ = abc[*iter >> 4]; *out++ = abc[*iter & 0xf]; } } *code = iter; return out; } const char *skip_comment_c(const char *code) { if (!strncmp (code, "/*", 2)) { char *end = strstr (code, "*/"); if (end) { code = end + 2; } else { R_LOG_ERROR ("Missing closing comment"); } } else if (!strncmp (code, "//", 2)) { char *end = strchr (code, '\n'); if (end) { code = end + 2; } } return code; } R_API char *r_hex_from_c_array(char *out, const char *code) { const char abc[] = "0123456789abcdef"; if (*code != '{' || !strchr (code, '}')) { return NULL; } code++; for (; *code; code++) { const char *comma = strchr (code, ','); if (!comma) { comma = strchr (code, '}'); } char * _word = r_str_ndup (code, comma - code); const char *word = _word; word = skip_comment_c (word); while (*word == ' ' || *word == '\t' || *word == '\n') { word++; word = skip_comment_c (word); } if (isdigit (*word)) { ut8 n = (ut8)r_num_math (NULL, word); *out++ = abc[(n >> 4) & 0xf]; *out++ = abc[n & 0xf]; } free (_word); code = comma; if (*code == '}') { break; } } return out; } /* convert: * char *foo = "\x41\x23\x42\x1b"; * into: * 4123421b */ R_API char *r_hex_from_c(const char *code) { if (!code) { return NULL; } char * const ret = malloc (strlen (code) * 3); if (!ret) { return NULL; } *ret = '\0'; char *out = ret; const char *tmp_code = strchr (code, '='); if (tmp_code) { code = tmp_code; } for (; *code != '\0' && *code != '{' && *code != '"'; code++) { code = skip_comment_c (code); } if (*code == '{') { out = r_hex_from_c_array (out, code); } else if (*code == '"') { const char *s1, *s2; s1 = code; do { code = s1; out = r_hex_from_c_str (out, &code); if (!out) { break; } s1 = strchr (code + 1, '"'); s2 = strchr (code + 1, ';'); } while (s1 && s2 && (s1 <= s2)); } if (!out) { free (ret); return NULL; } *out = '\0'; return ret; } R_API char *r_hex_from_js(const char *code) { char * s1 = strchr (code, '\''); char * s2 = strchr (code, '"'); /* there are no strings in the input */ if (!(s1 || s2)) { return NULL; } char * start, * end; if (s1 < s2) { start = s1; end = strchr (start + 1, '\''); } else { start = s2; end = strchr (start + 1, '"'); } /* the string isn't properly terminated */ if (!end) { return NULL; } size_t slen = end - start; char *str = r_str_ndup (start + 1, slen - 1); /* assuming base64 input, output will always be shorter */ ut8 *b64d = malloc (slen); if (!b64d) { free (str); return NULL; } int olen = r_base64_decode (b64d, str, slen - 1); free (str); if (!b64d) { free (b64d); return NULL; } char *out = r_hex_bin2strdup (b64d, olen); free (b64d); return out; } /* convert * "\x41\x23\x42\x1b" * "\x41\x23\x42\x1b" * into * 4123421b4123421b */ R_API char *r_hex_no_code(const char *code) { if (!code) { return NULL; } char * const ret = calloc (1, strlen (code) * 3); if (!ret) { return NULL; } *ret = '\0'; char *out = ret; out = r_hex_from_c_str (out, &code); code = strchr (code + 1, '"'); if (!out) { free (ret); return NULL; } *out = '\0'; while (out && code) { *out = '\0'; out = r_hex_from_c_str (out, &code); code = strchr (code + 1, '"'); } return ret; } R_API char *r_hex_from_code(const char *code) { if (!strchr (code, '=')) { return r_hex_no_code (code); } /* C language */ if (strstr (code, "char") || strstr (code, "int")) { return r_hex_from_c (code); } /* JavaScript */ if (strstr (code, "var")) { return r_hex_from_js (code); } /* Python */ return r_hex_from_py (code); } /* int byte = r_hex_pair2bin("A0"); */ // (0A) => 10 || -1 (on error) R_API int r_hex_pair2bin(const char *arg) { ut8 *ptr, c = 0, d = 0; ut32 j = 0; for (ptr = (ut8*)arg; ;ptr = ptr + 1) { if (!*ptr || *ptr == ' ' || j == 2) { break; } d = c; if (*ptr != '.' && r_hex_to_byte (&c, *ptr)) { R_LOG_ERROR ("Invalid hexa string at char '%c' (%s)", *ptr, arg); return -1; } c |= d; if (j++ == 0) { c <<= 4; } } return (int)c; } R_API int r_hex_bin2str(const ut8 *in, int len, char *out) { if (!in || len < 1) { return 0; } int i, idx; char tmp[8]; for (idx = i = 0; i < len; i++, idx += 2) { r_hex_from_byte (tmp, in[i]); memcpy (out + idx, tmp, 2); } out[idx] = 0; return len; } R_API char *r_hex_bin2strdup(const ut8 *in, int len) { if (!in || len < 1) { return strdup (""); } int i, idx; if ((len + 1) * 2 < len) { return NULL; } char *out = malloc ((len + 1) * 2); if (!out) { return NULL; } char tmp[5]; for (i = idx = 0; i < len; i++, idx += 2) { r_hex_from_byte (tmp, in[i]); memcpy (out+idx, tmp, 2); } out[idx] = 0; return out; } R_API int r_hex_str2bin(const char *in, ut8 *out) { R_RETURN_VAL_IF_FAIL (in, 0); long nibbles = 0; while (in && *in) { ut8 tmp; /* skip hex prefix */ if (*in == '0' && in[1] == 'x') { in += 2; } /* read hex digits */ while (!r_hex_to_byte (out ? &out[nibbles/2] : &tmp, *in)) { nibbles++; in++; } if (*in == '\0') { break; } /* comments */ if (*in == '#' || (*in == '/' && in[1] == '/')) { if ((in = strchr (in, '\n'))) { in++; } continue; } else if (*in == '/' && in[1] == '*') { if ((in = strstr (in, "*/"))) { in += 2; } continue; } else if (!IS_WHITESPACE (*in) && *in != '\n') { /* this is not a valid string */ return 0; } /* ignore character */ in++; } if (nibbles % 2) { if (out) { r_hex_to_byte (&out[nibbles / 2], '0'); } return -((nibbles + 1) / 2); } return nibbles / 2; } // get the hex chars from start of string, until first non-hex char, as a heap // allocated ut8* buffer R_API int r_hex_str2bin_until_new(const char *in, ut8 **out) { // R_RETURN_VAL_IF_FAIL (in && out, -1); if (!in || !out) { return -1; } size_t len = strlen (in); if (len <= 1) { return 0; } len = (len + 1) / 2; int ret = -1; size_t nibbles = 0; ut8 *buf = calloc (1, len); if (buf) { while (!r_hex_to_byte (buf + (nibbles / 2), *in)) { nibbles++; in++; } if (!nibbles || nibbles % 2) { ret = 0; } else { ret = nibbles / 2; *out = (ut8*)realloc (buf, ret); if (!*out) { ret = -1; } } if (ret <= 0) { free (buf); } } return ret; } R_API int r_hex_str2binmask(const char *in, ut8 *out, ut8 *mask) { ut8 *ptr; int ilen = strlen (in) + 1; memcpy (out, in, ilen); for (ptr = out; *ptr; ptr++) { if (*ptr == '.') { *ptr = '0'; } } int len = r_hex_str2bin ((char*)out, out); bool has_nibble = false; if (len < 0) { has_nibble = true; len = -(len + 1); } if (len != -1) { memcpy (mask, in, ilen); if (has_nibble) { memcpy (mask + ilen, "f0", 3); } for (ptr = mask; *ptr; ptr++) { if (IS_HEXCHAR (*ptr)) { *ptr = 'f'; } else if (*ptr == '.') { *ptr = '0'; } } len = r_hex_str2bin ((char*)mask, mask); if (len < 0) { len++; } } return len; } R_API st64 r_hex_bin_truncate(ut64 in, int n) { switch (n) { case 1: if ((in & UT8_GT0)) { return UT64_8U | in; } return in&UT8_MAX; case 2: if ((in & UT16_GT0)) { return UT64_16U | in; } return in&UT16_MAX; case 4: if ((in & UT32_GT0)) { return UT64_32U | in; } return in&UT32_MAX; case 8: return in&UT64_MAX; } return in; } // Check if str contains only hexadecimal characters and return length of bytes R_API int r_hex_str_is_valid(const char* str) { int i; int len = 0; if (!strncmp (str, "0x", 2)) { str += 2; } for (i = 0; str[i] != '\0'; i++) { if (IS_HEXCHAR (str[i])) { len++; } if (IS_HEXCHAR (str[i]) || IS_WHITESPACE (str[i])) { continue; } return -1; //if we're here, then str isn't valid } return len; }