/* radare - LGPL - Copyright 2010-2022 - pancake, rhl */ #define USE_R2 1 #define PROJECT_EXPERIMENTAL 0 #include #include #include // project apis to be used from cmd_project.c static bool is_valid_project_name(const char *name) { if (r_str_len_utf8 (name) >= 64) { return false; } const char *extention = r_str_endswith (name, ".zip")? r_str_last (name, ".zip"): NULL; for (; *name && name != extention; name++) { if (IS_DIGIT (*name) || IS_LOWER (*name) || *name == '_') { continue; } return false; } return true; } static char *get_project_script_path(RCore *core, const char *file) { r_return_val_if_fail (core && file, NULL); if (!*file) { return NULL; } const char *magic = "# r2 rdb project file"; char *data, *prjfile; if (r_file_is_abspath (file)) { prjfile = strdup (file); } else { if (!is_valid_project_name (file)) { return NULL; } prjfile = r_file_abspath (r_config_get (core->config, "dir.projects")); prjfile = r_str_append (prjfile, R_SYS_DIR); prjfile = r_str_append (prjfile, file); if (!r_file_exists (prjfile) || r_file_is_directory (prjfile)) { prjfile = r_str_append (prjfile, R_SYS_DIR "rc.r2"); } } data = r_file_slurp (prjfile, NULL); if (data) { if (strncmp (data, magic, strlen (magic))) { R_FREE (prjfile); } } free (data); return prjfile; } static int make_projects_directory(RCore *core) { char *prjdir = r_file_abspath (r_config_get (core->config, "dir.projects")); int ret = r_sys_mkdirp (prjdir); if (!ret) { R_LOG_ERROR ("Cannot mkdir dir.projects"); } free (prjdir); return ret; } R_API bool r_core_is_project(RCore *core, const char *name) { bool ret = false; if (R_STR_ISNOTEMPTY (name) && *name != '.') { char *path = get_project_script_path (core, name); if (!path) { return false; } if (r_str_endswith (path, R_SYS_DIR "rc.r2") && r_file_exists (path)) { ret = true; } else { path = r_str_append (path, ".d"); if (r_file_is_directory (path)) { ret = true; } } free (path); } return ret; } R_API void r_core_project_cat(RCore *core, const char *name) { r_core_return_value (core, R_CMD_RC_FAILURE); char *path = get_project_script_path (core, name); if (path) { char *data = r_file_slurp (path, NULL); if (data) { r_cons_println (data); free (data); r_core_return_value (core, R_CMD_RC_SUCCESS); } free (path); } } R_API int r_core_project_list(RCore *core, int mode) { PJ *pj = NULL; RListIter *iter; RList *list; char *foo, *path = r_file_abspath (r_config_get (core->config, "dir.projects")); if (!path) { return 0; } list = r_sys_dir (path); switch (mode) { case 'j': pj = pj_new (); if (!pj) { break; } pj_a (pj); r_list_foreach (list, iter, foo) { // todo. escape string if (r_core_is_project (core, foo)) { pj_s (pj, foo); } } pj_end (pj); r_cons_printf ("%s\n", pj_string (pj)); pj_free (pj); break; default: r_list_foreach (list, iter, foo) { if (r_core_is_project (core, foo)) { r_cons_println (foo); } } break; } r_list_free (list); free (path); return 0; } R_API int r_core_project_delete(RCore *core, const char *prjfile) { if (r_sandbox_enable (0)) { R_LOG_ERROR ("Cannot delete project in sandbox mode"); return 0; } char *path = get_project_script_path (core, prjfile); if (!path) { R_LOG_ERROR ("Invalid project name '%s'", prjfile); return false; } if (r_core_is_project (core, prjfile)) { char *prj_dir = r_file_dirname (path); if (!prj_dir) { R_LOG_ERROR ("Cannot resolve directory"); free (path); return false; } bool must_rm = true; if (r_config_get_b (core->config, "scr.interactive")) { must_rm = r_cons_yesno ('y', "Confirm project deletion? (Y/n)"); } if (must_rm) { r_file_rm_rf (prj_dir); } free (prj_dir); } free (path); return 0; } static bool load_project_rop(RCore *core, const char *prjfile) { r_return_val_if_fail (core && !R_STR_ISEMPTY (prjfile), false); char *path, *db = NULL, *path_ns; bool found = 0; SdbListIter *it; SdbNs *ns; Sdb *rop_db = sdb_ns (core->sdb, "rop", false); Sdb *nop_db = sdb_ns (rop_db, "nop", false); Sdb *mov_db = sdb_ns (rop_db, "mov", false); Sdb *const_db = sdb_ns (rop_db, "const", false); Sdb *arithm_db = sdb_ns (rop_db, "arithm", false); Sdb *arithmct_db = sdb_ns (rop_db, "arithm_ct", false); char *rc_path = get_project_script_path (core, prjfile); char *prj_dir = r_file_dirname (rc_path); R_FREE (rc_path); if (r_str_endswith (prjfile, R_SYS_DIR "rc.r2")) { path = strdup (prjfile); path[strlen (path) - 3] = 0; } else if (r_file_fexists ("%s%s%src.r2", R_SYS_DIR, prj_dir, prjfile)) { path = r_str_newf ("%s%s%s", R_SYS_DIR, prj_dir, prjfile); } else { if (*prjfile == R_SYS_DIR[0]) { db = r_str_newf ("%s.d", prjfile); if (!db) { free (prj_dir); return false; } path = strdup (db); } else { db = r_str_newf ("%s" R_SYS_DIR "%s.d", prj_dir, prjfile); if (!db) { free (prj_dir); return false; } path = r_file_abspath (db); } } if (!path) { free (db); free (prj_dir); return false; } if (rop_db) { ls_foreach (core->sdb->ns, it, ns) { if (ns->sdb == rop_db) { ls_delete (core->sdb->ns, it); found = true; break; } } } if (!found) { sdb_free (rop_db); } rop_db = sdb_new (path, "rop", 0); if (!rop_db) { free (db); free (path); free (prj_dir); return false; } sdb_ns_set (core->sdb, "rop", rop_db); path_ns = r_str_newf ("%s" R_SYS_DIR "rop", prj_dir); if (!r_file_exists (path_ns)) { path_ns = r_str_append (path_ns, ".sdb"); } nop_db = sdb_new (path_ns, "nop", 0); sdb_ns_set (rop_db, "nop", nop_db); mov_db = sdb_new (path_ns, "mov", 0); sdb_ns_set (rop_db, "mov", mov_db); const_db = sdb_new (path_ns, "const", 0); sdb_ns_set (rop_db, "const", const_db); arithm_db = sdb_new (path_ns, "arithm", 0); sdb_ns_set (rop_db, "arithm", arithm_db); arithmct_db = sdb_new (path_ns, "arithm_ct", 0); sdb_ns_set (rop_db, "arithm_ct", arithmct_db); free (path); free (path_ns); free (db); free (prj_dir); return true; } R_API void r_core_project_execute_cmds(RCore *core, const char *prjfile) { char *str = r_core_project_notes_file (core, prjfile); char *data = r_file_slurp (str, NULL); free (str); r_return_if_fail (data); Output out; out.fout = NULL; out.cout = r_strbuf_new (NULL); r_strbuf_init (out.cout); struct Proc proc; spp_proc_set (&proc, "spp", 1); spp_eval (data, &out); free (data); data = strdup (r_strbuf_get (out.cout)); char *bol = strtok (data, "\n"); while (bol) { if (bol[0] == ':') { r_core_cmd0 (core, bol + 1); } bol = strtok (NULL, "\n"); } free (data); } typedef struct { RCore *core; char *prj_name; char *rc_path; } projectState; static bool r_core_project_load(RCore *core, const char *prj_name, const char *rcpath) { if (R_STR_ISEMPTY (prj_name)) { prj_name = r_core_project_name (core, rcpath); } if (r_project_is_loaded (core->prj)) { eprintf ("o--;e prj.name=\n"); // return false; } if (!r_project_open (core->prj, prj_name, rcpath)) { return false; } const bool cfg_fortunes = r_config_get_b (core->config, "cfg.fortunes"); const bool scr_interactive = r_cons_is_interactive (); const bool scr_prompt = r_config_get_b (core->config, "scr.prompt"); (void) load_project_rop (core, prj_name); const bool sandy = r_config_get_b (core->config, "prj.sandbox"); bool ret = false; if (sandy) { // enable sandbox (only allow file access, no network or program exec) // projects can also tweak the cmd. eval vars to run code after the project is loaded // users must be careful on that. int oldgrain = r_sandbox_grain (R_SANDBOX_GRAIN_DISK | R_SANDBOX_GRAIN_FILES); r_sandbox_enable (true); ret = r_core_cmd_file (core, rcpath); r_sandbox_disable (true); r_sandbox_grain (oldgrain); } else { ret = r_core_cmd_file (core, rcpath); } char *prj_path = r_file_dirname(rcpath); if (prj_path) { //check if the project uses git Rvc *vc = rvc_open (prj_path, RVC_TYPE_GIT); core->prj->rvc = vc; free (prj_path); } else { R_LOG_ERROR ("Failed to load rvc"); } r_config_set_b (core->config, "cfg.fortunes", cfg_fortunes); r_config_set_b (core->config, "scr.interactive", scr_interactive); r_config_set_b (core->config, "scr.prompt", scr_prompt); r_config_bump (core->config, "asm.arch"); r_config_set (core->config, "prj.name", prj_name); return ret; } static RThreadFunctionRet project_load_background(RThread *th) { projectState *ps = th->user; r_core_project_load (ps->core, ps->prj_name, ps->rc_path); free (ps->prj_name); free (ps->rc_path); free (ps); return R_TH_STOP; } R_API RThread *r_core_project_load_bg(RCore *core, const char *prj_name, const char *rc_path) { projectState *ps = R_NEW0 (projectState); ps->core = core; ps->prj_name = strdup (prj_name); ps->rc_path = strdup (rc_path); RThread *th = r_th_new (project_load_background, ps, false); if (th) { r_th_start (th, false); char thname[32] = {0}; size_t thlen = R_MIN (strlen (prj_name), sizeof (thname) - 1); r_str_ncpy (thname, prj_name, thlen); r_th_setname (th, thname); } return th; } R_API bool r_core_project_open(RCore *core, const char *prj_path) { r_return_val_if_fail (core && !R_STR_ISEMPTY (prj_path), false); bool interactive = r_config_get_b (core->config, "scr.interactive"); bool close_current_session = true; bool ask_for_closing = true; if (r_project_is_loaded (core->prj)) { R_LOG_ERROR ("There's a project already opened"); ask_for_closing = false; bool ccs = interactive? r_cons_yesno ('y', "Close current session? (Y/n)"): true; if (ccs) { r_core_cmd0 (core, "o--"); r_core_cmd0 (core, "P-"); } else { R_LOG_ERROR ("Project not loaded"); return false; } } char *prj_name = r_core_project_name (core, prj_path); char *prj_script = get_project_script_path (core, prj_path); if (!prj_script) { R_LOG_ERROR ("Invalid project name '%s'", prj_path); return false; } if (ask_for_closing && r_project_is_loaded (core->prj)) { if (r_cons_is_interactive ()) { close_current_session = interactive ? r_cons_yesno ('y', "Close current session? (Y/n)") : true; } } if (close_current_session) { r_config_set (core->config, "prj.name", ""); r_core_cmd0 (core, "o--"); } /* load sdb stuff in here */ bool ret = r_core_project_load (core, prj_name, prj_script); free (prj_name); free (prj_script); if (ret) { r_core_project_undirty (core); } return ret; } static char *get_project_name(const char *prj_script) { char buf[1024]; char *file = NULL; FILE *fd = r_sandbox_fopen (prj_script, "r"); if (fd) { for (;;) { if (!fgets (buf, sizeof (buf), fd)) { break; } if (feof (fd)) { break; } if (!strncmp (buf, "\"e prj.name = ", 14)) { buf[strlen (buf) - 2] = 0; file = r_str_new (buf + 14); break; } } fclose (fd); } else { R_LOG_ERROR ("Cannot open project info (%s)", prj_script); } return file; } R_API char *r_core_project_name(RCore *core, const char *prjfile) { if (*prjfile != '/') { return strdup (prjfile); } char *prj = get_project_script_path (core, prjfile); if (!prj) { R_LOG_ERROR ("Invalid project name '%s'", prjfile); return NULL; } char *file = get_project_name (prj); free (prj); if (R_STR_ISEMPTY (file)) { free (file); file = strdup (prjfile); char *slash = (char *)r_str_lchr (file, R_SYS_DIR[0]); if (slash) { *slash = 0; slash = (char *)r_str_lchr (file, R_SYS_DIR[0]); if (slash) { char *res = strdup (slash + 1); free (file); file = res; } else { R_FREE (file); } } else { R_FREE (file); } } return file; } #if PROJECT_EXPERIMENTAL static int fdc; // TODO: move into a struct passed to the foreach instead of global static bool store_files_and_maps(RCore *core, RIODesc *desc, ut32 id) { RList *maps = NULL; RListIter *iter; RIOMap *map; if (desc) { // reload bin info r_cons_printf ("\"obf %s\"\n", desc->uri); r_cons_printf ("\"of \\\"%s\\\" %s\"\n", desc->uri, r_str_rwx_i (desc->perm)); if ((maps = r_io_map_get_by_fd (core->io, id))) { //wtf r_list_foreach (maps, iter, map) { r_cons_printf ("om %d 0x%" PFMT64x " 0x%" PFMT64x " 0x%" PFMT64x " %s%s%s\n", fdc, r_io_map_begin (map), r_io_map_size (map), map->delta, r_str_rwx_i (map->perm), map->name? " " : "", r_str_get (map->name)); } r_list_free (maps); } fdc++; } return true; } #endif static void flush(RStrBuf *sb) { char * s = r_cons_drain (); if (s) { r_strbuf_append (sb, s); free (s); } } R_API bool r_core_project_save_script(RCore *core, const char *file, int opts) { char *hl, *ohl = NULL; if (R_STR_ISEMPTY (file)) { return false; } char *filename = r_str_word_get_first (file); hl = r_cons_singleton ()->highlight; if (hl) { ohl = strdup (hl); r_cons_highlight (NULL); } RStrBuf *sb = r_strbuf_new (""); r_cons_singleton ()->context->is_interactive = false; r_cons_printf ("# r2 rdb project file\n"); // new behaviour to project load routine (see io maps below). if (opts & R_CORE_PRJ_EVAL) { r_cons_printf ("# eval\n"); r_config_list (core->config, NULL, 'r'); flush (sb); } r_core_cmd (core, "o*", 0); r_core_cmd (core, "om*", 0); r_core_cmd0 (core, "tcc*"); if (opts & R_CORE_PRJ_FCNS) { r_cons_printf ("# functions\n"); r_cons_printf ("fs functions\n"); r_core_cmd (core, "afl*", 0); flush (sb); } { r_cons_printf ("# registers\n"); r_core_cmd (core, "ar*", 0); flush (sb); r_core_cmd (core, "arR", 0); flush (sb); } if (opts & R_CORE_PRJ_FLAGS) { r_cons_printf ("# flags\n"); r_flag_space_push (core->flags, NULL); r_flag_list (core->flags, true, NULL); r_flag_space_pop (core->flags); flush (sb); } #if PROJECT_EXPERIMENTAL if (opts & R_CORE_PRJ_IO_MAPS && core->io && core->io->files) { fdc = 3; r_id_storage_foreach (core->io->files, (RIDStorageForeachCb)store_files_and_maps, core); flush (sb); } #endif { r_core_cmd (core, "fz*", 0); flush (sb); } if (opts & R_CORE_PRJ_META) { r_cons_printf ("# meta\n"); r_meta_print_list_all (core->anal, R_META_TYPE_ANY, 1, NULL); flush (sb); r_core_cmd (core, "fV*", 0); flush (sb); } if (opts & R_CORE_PRJ_XREFS) { r_core_cmd (core, "ax*", 0); flush (sb); } if (opts & R_CORE_PRJ_FLAGS) { r_core_cmd (core, "f.**", 0); flush (sb); } if (opts & R_CORE_PRJ_DBG_BREAK) { r_core_cmd (core, "db*", 0); flush (sb); } if (opts & R_CORE_PRJ_ANAL_HINTS) { r_core_cmd (core, "ah*", 0); flush (sb); } if (opts & R_CORE_PRJ_ANAL_TYPES) { r_cons_printf ("# types\n"); r_core_cmd (core, "t*", 0); flush (sb); } if (opts & R_CORE_PRJ_ANAL_MACROS) { r_cons_printf ("# macros\n"); r_core_cmd (core, "(*", 0); r_cons_printf ("# aliases\n"); r_core_cmd (core, "$*", 0); flush (sb); } r_core_cmd (core, "wc*", 0); if (opts & R_CORE_PRJ_ANAL_SEEK) { r_cons_printf ("# seek\n" "s 0x%08" PFMT64x "\n", core->offset); flush (sb); } r_cons_singleton ()->context->is_interactive = true; flush (sb); char *s = r_strbuf_drain (sb); if (!strcmp (filename, "/dev/stdout")) { r_cons_printf ("%s\n", s); } else { if (!r_file_dump (filename, (const ut8*)s, strlen (s), 0)) { R_LOG_ERROR ("Cannot save file"); } } free (s); if (ohl) { r_cons_highlight (ohl); free (ohl); } free (filename); return true; } R_API bool r_core_project_save(RCore *core, const char *prj_name) { bool scr_null = false; bool ret = true; SdbListIter *it; SdbNs *ns; r_return_val_if_fail (prj_name && *prj_name, false); if (r_config_get_b (core->config, "cfg.debug")) { R_LOG_ERROR ("radare2 does not support projects on debugged bins"); return false; } char *script_path = get_project_script_path (core, prj_name); if (!script_path) { R_LOG_ERROR ("Invalid project name '%s'", prj_name); return false; } char *prj_dir = r_str_endswith (script_path, R_SYS_DIR "rc.r2") ? r_file_dirname (script_path) : r_str_newf ("%s.d", script_path); if (r_file_exists (script_path)) { if (r_file_is_directory (script_path)) { R_LOG_ERROR ("Structural error: rc.r2 shouldnt be a directory"); } } if (!prj_dir) { prj_dir = strdup (prj_name); } if (r_core_is_project (core, prj_name) && strcmp (prj_name, r_config_get (core->config, "prj.name"))) { R_LOG_ERROR ("A project with this name already exists. Use P-%s to delete it", prj_name); free (script_path); free (prj_dir); return false; } if (!r_file_is_directory (prj_dir)) { r_sys_mkdirp (prj_dir); } if (r_config_get_b (core->config, "scr.null")) { r_config_set_b (core->config, "scr.null", false); scr_null = true; } make_projects_directory (core); Sdb *rop_db = sdb_ns (core->sdb, "rop", false); if (rop_db) { /* set filepath for all the rop sub-dbs */ ls_foreach (rop_db->ns, it, ns) { char *rop_path = r_str_newf ("%s" R_SYS_DIR "rop.d" R_SYS_DIR "%s", prj_dir, ns->name); sdb_file (ns->sdb, rop_path); sdb_sync (ns->sdb); free (rop_path); } } r_config_set (core->config, "prj.name", prj_name); if (!r_core_project_save_script (core, script_path, R_CORE_PRJ_ALL)) { R_LOG_ERROR ("Cannot open '%s' for writing", prj_name); ret = false; r_config_set (core->config, "prj.name", ""); } if (r_config_get_b (core->config, "prj.files")) { char *bin_file = r_core_project_name (core, prj_name); const char *bin_filename = r_file_basename (bin_file); char *prj_bin_dir = r_str_newf ("%s" R_SYS_DIR "bin", prj_dir); char *prj_bin_file = r_str_newf ("%s" R_SYS_DIR "%s", prj_bin_dir, bin_filename); r_sys_mkdirp (prj_bin_dir); if (!r_file_copy (bin_file, prj_bin_file)) { R_LOG_WARN ("Cannot copy '%s' into '%s'", bin_file, prj_bin_file); } free (prj_bin_file); free (prj_bin_dir); free (bin_file); } if (core->prj->rvc || r_config_get_b (core->config, "prj.vc")) { // assume that if the repo is not loaded, the repo doesn't exist if (!core->prj->rvc) { core->prj->rvc = rvc_open (prj_dir, RVC_TYPE_GIT); if (!core->prj->rvc) { R_LOG_WARN ("Cannot initialize git repositorty"); free (prj_dir); free (script_path); return false; } } RList *paths = r_list_new (); if (paths) { if (r_list_append (paths, prj_dir)) { const char *author = r_config_get (core->config, "cfg.user"); const char *message = r_config_get (core->config, "prj.vc.message"); if (!rvc_commit (core->prj->rvc, message, author, paths)) { r_list_free (paths); free (prj_dir); free (script_path); return false; } rvc_save (core->prj->rvc); } else { r_list_free (paths); free (prj_dir); free (script_path); return false; } } else { free (prj_dir); free (script_path); return false; } } if (r_config_get_i (core->config, "prj.zip")) { char *cwd = r_sys_getdir (); const char *prj_name = r_file_basename (prj_dir); if (r_sys_chdir (prj_dir)) { if (!strchr (prj_name, '\'')) { r_sys_chdir (".."); r_sys_cmdf ("rm -f '%s.zip'; zip -r '%s'.zip '%s'", prj_name, prj_name, prj_name); } else { R_LOG_WARN ("Command injection attempt?"); } } else { R_LOG_ERROR ("Cannot chdir %s", prj_dir); } r_sys_chdir (cwd); free (cwd); } // LEAK : not always in heap free (prj_name); free (core->prj->path); core->prj->path = prj_dir; if (scr_null) { r_config_set_b (core->config, "scr.null", true); } free (script_path); r_config_set (core->config, "prj.name", prj_name); r_core_project_undirty (core); return ret; } // dirty bits R_API char *r_core_project_notes_file(RCore *core, const char *prj_name) { const char *prjdir = r_config_get (core->config, "dir.projects"); char *prjpath = r_file_abspath (prjdir); char *notes_txt = r_file_new (prjpath, prj_name, "notes.txt", NULL); free (prjpath); return notes_txt; } R_API bool r_core_project_is_dirty(RCore *core) { return !R_IS_DIRTY (core->config) && !R_IS_DIRTY (core->anal) && !R_IS_DIRTY (core->flags); } R_API void r_core_project_undirty(RCore *core) { R_CRITICAL_ENTER (core); core->config->is_dirty = false; core->anal->is_dirty = false; core->flags->is_dirty = false; R_CRITICAL_LEAVE (core); }