#!/bin/sh # Build script for radare2 - pancake [ -z "${MAKEFLAGS}" ] && MAKEFLAGS="-j4" [ -z "${MAKE}" ] && MAKE=make [ -z "${NAME}" ] && NAME=radare2 [ -z "${DIR}" ] && DIR=radare2.build [ -z "${URL}" ] && URL=http://radare.org/hg/${NAME} WD=${PWD}/${DIR} NOW=$(date +%Y%m%d-%H%M%S) if [ -z "$1" ]; then LOGFILE=${WD}/build.log.${NOW} else LOGFILE="$1" fi PREFIX=/usr DESTDIR=${WD}/prefix DONTFIND="" CONFIGUREFLAGS="--prefix=${PREFIX}" DOLOG="2>&1 | tee -a ${LOGFILE}" # verbose build DOLOG="2>&1 | tee -a ${LOGFILE} > /dev/null" testcc() { eval type $1 > /dev/null 2>&1 if [ $? = 0 ]; then log "[==] Found $1" cc=$1 else log "[==] Cannot find $1" fi } log() { echo $@ ; echo $@ >> ${LOGFILE} } logchk() { if [ $1 = 0 ]; then log "[==] RESULT: ok" else log "[==] RESULT: Shit happens" fi } logcmd() { eval "( $@ ; logchk $? ) ${DOLOG}" } registerpurge() { if [ -z "`grep purge ~/.hgrc 2>/dev/null`" ]; then echo '[extensions]' >> ~/.hgrc echo 'purge=' >> ~/.hgrc fi } r2deinstall() { cd radare2 make deinstall DESTDIR=${DESTDIR} } installdeps() { VALA=vala-0.9.2 echo "I am going to install ${VALA} and valaswig..." sleep 2 wget -c http://download.gnome.org/sources/vala/0.9/${VALA}.tar.bz2 tar xjvf ${VALA}.tar.bz2 cd ${VALA} ./configure --prefix=/usr make make install cd .. echo ${VALA} > ${WD}/version.vala type swig > /dev/null 2>&1 if [ $? = 1 ]; then # TODO: install swig from svn! echo "Cannot find 'swig'. apt-get install swig or get it from svn" echo "svn co https://swig.svn.sourceforge.net/svnroot/swig/trunk swig" else if [ -d valaswig ]; then cd valaswig registerpurge hg purge --all hg pull -u else hg clone http://hg.youterm.com/valaswig cd valaswig fi chmod +x configure ./configure --prefix=/usr ${MAKE} ${MAKEFLAGS} ${MAKE} install DESTDIR=${DESTDIR} cd .. fi } deinstalldeps() { VALA=`cat ${WD}/version.vala` cd ${VALA} ${MAKE} deinstall DESTDIR=${DESTDIR} cd .. rm -rf ${VALA} ${VALA}.tar.bz2 cd valaswig ${MAKE} deinstall DESTDIR=${DESTDIR} } mkdir -p ${DIR} cd ${DIR} # TODO: clean spaguettis case "$1" in "-i") if [ -z "$2" ]; then echo "Usage: build.sh -i [path]" exit 1 fi DONTFIND=1 DESTDIR="$2" ;; "-I") if [ -z "$2" ]; then echo "Usage: build.sh -I [path]" exit 1 fi DESTDIR="$2" r2deinstall exit 0 ;; "-d") if [ -z "$2" ]; then echo "Usage: build.sh -d [path]" exit 1 fi DESTDIR="$2" installdeps exit 0 ;; "-D") if [ -z "$2" ]; then echo "Usage: build.sh -D [path]" exit 1 fi DESTDIR="$2" deinstalldeps exit 0 ;; "-c") rm -f ${WD}/build.* rm -rf ${WD}/prefix rm -rf ${WD}/vala* ;; "-h") cat< ${LOGFILE} ln -fs ${LOGFILE} ${WD}/build.log log "[==] Retrieving system information" date >> ${LOGFILE} uname -a >> ${LOGFILE} cat /proc/cpuinfo >> ${LOGFILE} type hg > /dev/null 2>&1 if [ ! $? = 0 ]; then cat <&1 | tee -a ${LOGFILE} cd ${NAME} fi if [ -e "config-user.mk" ]; then log "[==] Running clean and mrproper..." ${MAKE} clean > /dev/null 2>&1 ${MAKE} mrproper > /dev/null 2>&1 fi log "[==] Running configure..." logcmd time ./configure ${CONFIGUREFLAGS} log "[==] Running make ${MAKEFLAGS}" logcmd time ${MAKE} ${MAKEFLAGS} log "[==] Symbolic installation... " ${MAKE} symstall DESTDIR="${DESTDIR}" > /dev/null 2>&1 if [ -z "${DONTFIND}" ]; then log "[==] List of symbollically installed files" logcmd "(cd ${DESTDIR} && find *)" fi log "[==] Running some tests..." export PATH=${DESTDIR}/${PREFIX}/bin:$PATH export PKG_CONFIG_PATH=${DESTDIR}/${PREFIX}/lib/pkgconfig export LD_LIBRARY_PATH=${DESTDIR}/${PREFIX}/lib logcmd type r2 logcmd type rasm2 logcmd type rabin2 logcmd radare2 -V if [ -z "${DONTFIND}" ]; then log "[==] List of installed files" logcmd "(cd ${DESTDIR} && find *)" log "[==] Uninstalling.." logcmd time ${MAKE} uninstall DESTDIR="${DESTDIR}" log "[==] List of residual files" logcmd "(cd ${DESTDIR} && find *)" fi log "[==] Installing in ${PREFIX}" logcmd time ${MAKE} install DESTDIR="${DESTDIR}" log "[==] Configuring valaswig bindings..." cd swig logcmd time ./configure --prefix=${PREFIX} log "[==] Compiling swig/..." logcmd time ${MAKE} ${MAKEFLAGS} log "[==] Installing valaswig bindings..." logcmd time ${MAKE} install DESTDIR=${DESTDIR} log "[==] Testing bindings.." export PYTHONPATH=${DESTDIR}/${PREFIX}/lib/python2.5/site-packages/ logcmd python -c "'from r2.r_util import *;b=RBuffer()'" logcmd python -c "'from r2.r_asm import *;a=RAsm()'" logcmd python -c "'from r2.r_core import *;c=RCore()'" # TODO. add more tests here # back to root dir cd .. log "[==] Looking for mingw32 crosscompilers.." cc="" for a in i486-mingw32-gcc i586-mingw32msvc-gcc ; do testcc $a [ -n "$cc" ] && break done if [ -n "$cc" ]; then log "[==] mingw32 build using $cc" if [ -e "config-user.mk" ]; then ${MAKE} clean > /dev/null 2>&1 ${MAKE} mrproper >/dev/null 2>&1 fi rm -f *.zip log "[==] mingw32 configure" logcmd ./configure --without-gmp --with-ostype=windows --with-compiler=$cc --host=i586-unknown-windows log "[==] mingw32 make" logcmd ${MAKE} ${MAKEFLAGS} log "[==] mingw32 w32dist" logcmd ${MAKE} w32dist cp radare2-w32*.zip ${WD} # build bindings cd swig log "[==] mingw32 swig: configure" logcmd ./configure --without-gmp --with-ostype=windows --with-compiler=$cc --host=i586-unknown-windows log "[==] mingw32 swig: make" logcmd ${MAKE} ${MAKEFLAGS} w32 log "[==] mingw32 swig: w32dist" logcmd ${MAKE} w32dist cd .. else log "[==] Cannot find any compatible w32 crosscompiler. Report if not true" fi echo "[==] Please report ${LOGFILE}"