#!/bin/sh # # This script parses the commit messages between the last 2 git tags # if the last commit contains the word "Release", otherwise it shows # all the changes between the last tag and HEAD. # # Commits are grouped in different sections specified in the commit # message with the middle-dot character '·'. The section names are # arbitrary and we may be careful to use them properly but having # in mind that this may change. # # Commits without any middle·dot in the message are discarted and # displayed in the "to review" section. # # The tool prints Markdown, no plans to support other formats. # # --pancake if [ -n "`git log -n 1 | grep Release`" ]; then VERS=`git tag --sort=committerdate | tail -n 1` PREV=`git tag --sort=committerdate | tail -n 2 | head -n1` else VERS=HEAD PREV=`git tag --sort=committerdate | tail -n 1` fi git log ${PREV}..${VERS} > .l cat .l | grep ^Author | cut -d : -f 2- | sed -e 's,radare,pancake,' | sort -u > .A echo "Release Notes" echo "-------------" echo echo "Version: ${VERS}" echo "From: ${PREV}" echo "To: ${VERS}" printf "Commits: " cat .l |grep ^commit |wc -l |xargs echo echo "Contributors: `wc -l .A | awk '{print $1}'`" echo echo "Authors" echo "-------" echo cat .A | perl -ne 'print "*$_"' # | xargs echo '*' echo echo "Changes" echo "-------" echo cat .l | grep -v ^commit | grep -v ^Author | grep -v ^Date > .x cat .x | grep '##' | perl -ne '/##([^ ]*)/; if ($1) {print "$1\n";}' | sort -u > .y for a in `cat .y` ; do echo "**$a**" echo cat .x | grep "##$a" | sed -e 's/##.*//g' | perl -ne '{ s/^\s+//; print "* $_"; }' echo done echo "To Review" echo "---------" cat .x | grep -v '##' | sed -e 's,^ *,,g' | grep -v "^$" | \ perl -ne 'if (/^\*/) { print "$_"; } else { print "* $_";}' echo rm -f .x .y .l .A