/* radare - LGPL - Copyright 2009-2016 - pancake */ #include typedef struct { RCore *core; char blockbuf[1024]; char codebuf[1024]; int oplen; ut8 buf[128]; RAsmCode *acode; int blocklen; ut64 off; } RCoreVisualAsm; static int readline_callback(void *_a, const char *str) { RCoreVisualAsm *a = _a; int xlen; r_cons_clear00 (); r_cons_printf ("Write some %s-%d assembly...\n\n", r_config_get (a->core->config, "asm.arch"), r_config_get_i (a->core->config, "asm.bits")); if (*str == '?') { r_cons_printf ("0> ?\n\n" "Visual assembler help:\n\n" " assemble input while typing using asm.arch, asm.bits and cfg.bigendian\n" " press enter to quit (prompt if there are bytes to be written)\n" " this assembler supports various directives like .hex ...\n"); } else { r_asm_code_free (a->acode); r_asm_set_pc (a->core->assembler, a->core->offset); a->acode = r_asm_massemble (a->core->assembler, str); r_cons_printf ("%d> %s\n", a->acode? a->acode->len: 0, str); if (a->acode && a->acode->len) { r_cons_printf ("* %s\n\n", a->acode->buf_hex); } else { r_cons_print ("\n\n"); } if (a->acode) { xlen = strlen (a->acode->buf_hex); strcpy (a->codebuf, a->blockbuf); memcpy (a->codebuf, a->acode->buf_hex, xlen); } r_core_cmdf (a->core, "pd 7@x:%s @0x%"PFMT64x, a->codebuf, a->off); } r_cons_flush (); return 1; } R_API void r_core_visual_asm(RCore *core, ut64 off) { RCoreVisualAsm cva = { .core = core, .off = off }; r_io_read_at (core->io, off, cva.buf, sizeof (cva.buf)); cva.blocklen = r_hex_bin2str (cva.buf, sizeof (cva.buf), cva.blockbuf); r_line_readline_cb (readline_callback, &cva); if (cva.acode && cva.acode->len > 0) { if (r_cons_yesno ('y', "Save changes? (Y/n)")) { r_core_cmdf (core, "wx %s @ 0x%"PFMT64x, cva.acode->buf_hex, off); } } r_asm_code_free (cva.acode); }