/* radare - LGPL - Copyright 2009-2015 - nibble, pancake */ #include #include #include #include #include "../blob/version.c" #include "../../libr/bin/pdb/pdb_downloader.h" #define ACTION_UNK 0x000000 #define ACTION_ENTRIES 0x000001 #define ACTION_IMPORTS 0x000002 #define ACTION_SYMBOLS 0x000004 #define ACTION_SECTIONS 0x000008 #define ACTION_INFO 0x000010 #define ACTION_OPERATION 0x000020 #define ACTION_HELP 0x000040 #define ACTION_STRINGS 0x000080 #define ACTION_FIELDS 0x000100 #define ACTION_LIBS 0x000200 #define ACTION_SRCLINE 0x000400 #define ACTION_MAIN 0x000800 #define ACTION_EXTRACT 0x001000 #define ACTION_RELOCS 0x002000 #define ACTION_LISTARCHS 0x004000 #define ACTION_CREATE 0x008000 #define ACTION_CLASSES 0x010000 #define ACTION_DWARF 0x020000 #define ACTION_SIZE 0x040000 #define ACTION_PDB 0x080000 #define ACTION_PDB_DWNLD 0x100000 #define ACTION_DLOPEN 0x200000 #define ACTION_EXPORTS 0x400000 static struct r_bin_t *bin = NULL; static char* output = NULL; static char* create = NULL; static int rad = false; static ut64 laddr = UT64_MAX; static ut64 baddr = UT64_MAX; static char* file = NULL; static char *name = NULL; static int rw = false; static int va = true; static const char *do_demangle = NULL; static ut64 at = 0LL; static RLib *l; static int rabin_show_help(int v) { printf ("Usage: rabin2 [-AcdehHiIjlLMqrRsSvVxzZ] [-@ addr] [-a arch] [-b bits]\n" " [-B addr] [-C F:C:D] [-f str] [-m addr] [-n str] [-N m:M]\n" " [-o str] [-O str] [-k query] [-D lang symname] | file\n"); if (v) printf ( " -@ [addr] show section, symbol or import at addr\n" " -A list archs\n" " -a [arch] set arch (x86, arm, .. or _)\n" " -b [bits] set bits (32, 64 ...)\n" " -B [addr] override base address (pie bins)\n" " -c list classes\n" " -C [fmt:C:D] create [elf,mach0,pe] with Code and Data hexpairs (see -a)\n" " -d show debug/dwarf information\n" " -D lang name demangle symbol name (-D all for bin.demangle=true)\n" " -e entrypoint\n" " -E exports (global symbols, aka -s| grep GLOBAL)\n" " -f [str] select sub-bin named str\n" " -F [binfmt] force to use that bin plugin (ignore header check)\n" " -g same as -SMResiz (show all info)\n" " -G [addr] load address . offset to header\n" " -h this help\n" " -H header fields\n" " -i imports (symbols imported from libraries)\n" " -I binary info\n" " -j output in json\n" " -k [sdb-query] run sdb query. for example: '*'\n" " -K [algo] calculate checksums (md5, sha1, ..)\n" " -l linked libraries\n" " -L list supported bin plugins\n" " -m [addr] show source line at addr\n" " -M main (show address of main symbol)\n" " -n [str] show section, symbol or import named str\n" " -N [min:max] force min:max number of chars per string (see -z and -zz)\n" " -o [str] output file/folder for write operations (out by default)\n" " -O [str] write/extract operations (-O help)\n" " -p show physical addresses\n" " -P show debug/pdb information\n" " -PP download pdb file for binary\n" " -q be quiet, just show fewer data\n" " -Q show load address used by dlopen (non-aslr libs)\n" " -r radare output\n" " -R relocations\n" " -s symbols (exports)\n" " -S sections\n" " -u unfiltered (no rename duplicated symbols/sections)\n" " -v display version and quit\n" " -x extract bins contained in file\n" " -z strings (from data section)\n" " -zz strings (from raw bins [e bin.rawstr=1])\n" " -zzz dump raw strings to stdout (for huge files)\n" " -Z guess size of binary program\n" ); return 1; } static char *stdin_gets() { static char buf[96096]; fgets (buf, sizeof (buf)-1, stdin); if (feof (stdin)) return NULL; buf[strlen (buf)-1] = 0; return strdup (buf); } static void __sdb_prompt(Sdb *sdb) { char *line; for (;(line = stdin_gets ());) { sdb_query (sdb, line); free (line); } } static int extract_binobj (const RBinFile *bf, const RBinObject *o, int idx) { ut64 boffset = o ? o->boffset : 0; ut64 bin_size = o ? o->obj_size : 0; const ut8 *bytes; //ut64 sz = bf ? r_buf_size (bf->buf) : 0; RBinInfo *info = o ? o->info : NULL; const char *arch = info ? info->arch : "unknown"; char bits = info ? info->bits : 0; const char *filename = bf ? bf->file : NULL; char *path = NULL, *outpath = NULL, *outfile = NULL, *ptr = NULL; ut32 outfile_sz = 0, outpath_sz = 0; int res = false; if (!bf || !o || !filename ) return false; bytes = r_buf_buffer (bf->buf); if (!bytes) { eprintf ("error: BinFile buffer is empty\n"); return false; } if (!arch) arch = "unknown"; path = strdup (filename); if (!path) { return false; } // XXX: Wrong for w32 (/) ptr = strrchr (path, DIRSEP); if (ptr) { *ptr++ = '\0'; } else { ptr = path; } outpath_sz = strlen (path) + 20; if (outpath_sz > 0) outpath = malloc (outpath_sz); if (outpath) snprintf (outpath, outpath_sz, "%s.fat", ptr); if (!outpath || !r_sys_rmkdir (outpath)) { free (path); free (outpath); eprintf ("Error creating dir structure\n"); return false; } outfile_sz = outpath_sz + strlen (ptr) + strlen (arch) + 23; if (outfile_sz) outfile = malloc (outfile_sz); if (outfile) snprintf (outfile, outfile_sz, "%s/%s.%s_%i.%d", outpath, ptr, arch, bits, idx); if (boffset > r_buf_size (bf->buf)) { eprintf ("Invalid offsets\n"); res = false; } else { if (!outfile || !r_file_dump (outfile, bytes+boffset, bin_size, 0)) { eprintf ("Error extracting %s\n", outfile); res = false; } else { printf ("%s created (%"PFMT64d")\n", outfile, bin_size); res = true; } } free (outfile); free (outpath); free (path); return res; } static int rabin_extract(int all) { RBinObject *obj = NULL; int res = false; RBinFile *bf = r_bin_cur (bin); if (!bf) return res; if (all) { int idx = 0; RListIter *iter = NULL; r_list_foreach (bf->objs, iter, obj) res = extract_binobj (bf, obj, idx++); } else { obj = r_bin_cur_object (bin); if (!obj) return res; res = extract_binobj (bf, obj, 0); } return res; } static int rabin_dump_symbols(int len) { RList *symbols; RListIter *iter; RBinSymbol *symbol; ut8 *buf; char *ret; int olen = len; if ((symbols = r_bin_get_symbols (bin)) == NULL) return false; r_list_foreach (symbols, iter, symbol) { if (symbol->size != 0 && (olen > symbol->size || olen == 0)) len = symbol->size; else if (symbol->size == 0 && olen == 0) len = 32; else len = olen; if (!(buf = malloc (len))) { return false; } if (!(ret = malloc (len*2+1))) { free (buf); return false; } r_buf_read_at (bin->cur->buf, symbol->paddr, buf, len); r_hex_bin2str (buf, len, ret); printf ("%s %s\n", symbol->name, ret); free (buf); free (ret); } return true; } static int rabin_dump_sections(char *scnname) { RList *sections; RListIter *iter; RBinSection *section; ut8 *buf; char *ret; if ((sections = r_bin_get_sections (bin)) == NULL) return false; r_list_foreach (sections, iter, section) { if (!strcmp (scnname, section->name)) { if (!(buf = malloc (section->size))) return false; if (!(ret = malloc (section->size*2+1))) { free (buf); return false; } r_buf_read_at (bin->cur->buf, section->paddr, buf, section->size); if (output) { r_file_dump (output, buf, section->size, 0); } else { r_hex_bin2str (buf, section->size, ret); printf ("%s\n", ret); } free (buf); free (ret); break; } } return true; } static int rabin_do_operation(const char *op) { char *arg = NULL, *ptr = NULL, *ptr2 = NULL; /* Implement alloca with fixed-size buffer? */ if (!(arg = strdup (op))) return false; if ((ptr = strchr (arg, '/'))) { ptr[0] = '\0'; ptr++; if ((ptr2 = strchr (ptr, '/'))) { ptr2[0] = '\0'; ptr2++; } } switch (arg[0]) { case 'd': if (!ptr) goto _rabin_do_operation_error; switch (*ptr) { case 's': if (ptr2) { if (!rabin_dump_symbols (r_num_math (NULL, ptr2))) goto error; } else if (!rabin_dump_symbols (0)) goto error; break; case 'S': if (!ptr2) goto _rabin_do_operation_error; else if (!rabin_dump_sections (ptr2)) goto error; break; default: goto _rabin_do_operation_error; } break; case 'r': r_bin_wr_scn_resize (bin, ptr, r_num_math (NULL, ptr2)); if (!output) output = "out"; r_bin_wr_output (bin, output); break; default: _rabin_do_operation_error: eprintf ("Unknown operation. use -O help\n"); goto error; } free (arg); return true; error: free (arg); return false; } static int rabin_show_srcline(ut64 at) { char *srcline; if ((srcline = r_bin_addr2text (bin, at))) { printf ("%s\n", srcline); free (srcline); return true; } return false; } /* bin callback */ static int __lib_bin_cb(struct r_lib_plugin_t *pl, void *user, void *data) { struct r_bin_plugin_t *hand = (struct r_bin_plugin_t *)data; //printf(" * Added (dis)assembly plugin\n"); r_bin_add (bin, hand); return true; } static int __lib_bin_dt(struct r_lib_plugin_t *pl, void *p, void *u) { return true; } /* binxtr callback */ static int __lib_bin_xtr_cb(struct r_lib_plugin_t *pl, void *user, void *data) { struct r_bin_xtr_plugin_t *hand = (struct r_bin_xtr_plugin_t *)data; //printf(" * Added (dis)assembly plugin\n"); r_bin_xtr_add (bin, hand); return true; } static int __lib_bin_xtr_dt(struct r_lib_plugin_t *pl, void *p, void *u) { return true; } int main(int argc, char **argv) { const char *query = NULL; int c, bits = 0, actions_done = 0, actions = 0, action = ACTION_UNK; char *homeplugindir = r_str_home (R2_HOMEDIR"/plugins"); char *ptr, *arch = NULL, *arch_name = NULL; const char *op = NULL; const char *chksum = NULL; const char *forcebin = NULL; RCoreBinFilter filter; RCore core; RCoreFile *cf = NULL; int xtr_idx = 0; // load all files if extraction is necessary. int fd = -1; int rawstr = 0; r_core_init (&core); bin = core.bin; l = r_lib_new ("radare_plugin"); r_lib_add_handler (l, R_LIB_TYPE_BIN, "bin plugins", &__lib_bin_cb, &__lib_bin_dt, NULL); r_lib_add_handler (l, R_LIB_TYPE_BIN_XTR, "bin xtr plugins", &__lib_bin_xtr_cb, &__lib_bin_xtr_dt, NULL); /* load plugins everywhere */ r_lib_opendir (l, getenv ("LIBR_PLUGINS")); r_lib_opendir (l, homeplugindir); r_lib_opendir (l, LIBDIR"/radare2/"R2_VERSION); #define is_active(x) (action&x) #define set_action(x) actions++; action |= x #define unset_action(x) action &= ~x while ((c = getopt (argc, argv, "DjgqAf:F:a:B:G:b:cC:k:K:dD:Mm:n:N:@:isSIHeElRwO:o:pPrvLhuxzZ")) != -1) { switch (c) { case 'g': set_action (ACTION_CLASSES); set_action (ACTION_IMPORTS); set_action (ACTION_SYMBOLS); set_action (ACTION_SECTIONS); set_action (ACTION_STRINGS); set_action (ACTION_SIZE); set_action (ACTION_INFO); set_action (ACTION_FIELDS); set_action (ACTION_DWARF); set_action (ACTION_ENTRIES); set_action (ACTION_MAIN); set_action (ACTION_LIBS); set_action (ACTION_RELOCS); break; case 'q': rad = R_CORE_BIN_SIMPLE; break; case 'j': rad = R_CORE_BIN_JSON; break; case 'A': set_action (ACTION_LISTARCHS); break; case 'a': if (optarg) arch = optarg; break; case 'C': if (!optarg) { eprintf ("Missing argument for -C"); r_core_fini (&core); return 1; } set_action (ACTION_CREATE); create = strdup (optarg); break; case 'u': bin->filter = 0; break; case 'k': query = optarg; break; case 'K': chksum = optarg; break; case 'c': set_action (ACTION_CLASSES); break; case 'f': if (optarg) arch_name = strdup (optarg); break; case 'F': forcebin = optarg; break; case 'b': bits = r_num_math (NULL, optarg); break; case 'm': at = r_num_math (NULL, optarg); set_action (ACTION_SRCLINE); break; case 'i': set_action (ACTION_IMPORTS); break; case 's': set_action (ACTION_SYMBOLS); break; case 'S': set_action (ACTION_SECTIONS); break; case 'z': if (is_active (ACTION_STRINGS)) { if (rawstr) { /* rawstr mode 2 means that we are not going */ /* to store them just dump'm all to stdout */ rawstr = 2; } else { rawstr = true; } } else set_action (ACTION_STRINGS); break; case 'Z': set_action (ACTION_SIZE); break; case 'I': set_action (ACTION_INFO); break; case 'H': set_action (ACTION_FIELDS); break; case 'd': set_action (ACTION_DWARF); break; case 'P': if (is_active (ACTION_PDB)) { set_action (ACTION_PDB_DWNLD); } else { set_action (ACTION_PDB); } break; case 'D': if (argv[optind] && argv[optind+1] && \ (!argv[optind+1][0] || !strcmp (argv[optind+1], "all"))) { r_config_set (core.config, "bin.lang", argv[optind]); r_config_set (core.config, "bin.demangle", "true"); optind += 2; } else { do_demangle = argv[optind]; } break; case 'e': set_action (ACTION_ENTRIES); break; case 'E': set_action (ACTION_EXPORTS); break; case 'Q': set_action (ACTION_DLOPEN); break; case 'M': set_action (ACTION_MAIN); break; case 'l': set_action (ACTION_LIBS); break; case 'R': set_action (ACTION_RELOCS); break; case 'x': set_action (ACTION_EXTRACT); break; case 'w': rw = true; break; case 'O': op = optarg; set_action (ACTION_OPERATION); if (op && !strcmp (op, "help")) { printf ("Operation string:\n" " Dump symbols: d/s/1024\n" " Dump section: d/S/.text\n" " Resize section: r/.data/1024\n"); r_core_fini (&core); return 0; } if (optind==argc) { eprintf ("Missing filename\n"); r_core_fini (&core); return 1; } break; case 'o': output = optarg; break; case 'p': va = false; break; case 'r': rad = true; break; case 'v': return blob_version ("rabin2"); case 'L': r_bin_list (bin); return 1; case 'G': laddr = r_num_math (NULL, optarg); if (laddr == UT64_MAX) va = false; break; case 'B': baddr = r_num_math (NULL, optarg); break; case '@': at = r_num_math (NULL, optarg); break; case 'n': name = optarg; break; case 'N': if (optarg) { char *q, *p = strdup (optarg); q = strchr (p, ':'); if (q) { r_config_set (core.config, "bin.minstr", p); r_config_set (core.config, "bin.maxstr", q+1); } else { r_config_set (core.config, "bin.minstr", optarg); } free (p); } else { eprintf ("Missing argument for -N\n"); } break; case 'h': r_core_fini (&core); return rabin_show_help (1); default: action |= ACTION_HELP; } } if (do_demangle) { char *res = NULL; int type; if ((argc-optind)<2) { return rabin_show_help (0); } type = r_bin_demangle_type (do_demangle); file = argv[optind +1]; if (!strcmp (file, "-")) { for (;;) { file = stdin_gets(); if (!file || !*file) break; switch (type) { case R_BIN_NM_CXX: res = r_bin_demangle_cxx (file); break; case R_BIN_NM_JAVA: res = r_bin_demangle_java (file); break; case R_BIN_NM_OBJC: res = r_bin_demangle_objc (NULL, file); break; case R_BIN_NM_SWIFT: res = r_bin_demangle_swift (file); break; case R_BIN_NM_MSVC: res = r_bin_demangle_msvc(file); break; default: eprintf ("Unknown lang to demangle. Use: cxx, java, objc, swift\n"); return 1; } if (res && *res) { printf ("%s\n", res); } else if (file && *file) { printf ("%s\n", file); } R_FREE (res); R_FREE (file); } } else { switch (type) { case R_BIN_NM_CXX: res = r_bin_demangle_cxx (file); break; case R_BIN_NM_JAVA: res = r_bin_demangle_java (file); break; case R_BIN_NM_OBJC: res = r_bin_demangle_objc (NULL, file); break; case R_BIN_NM_SWIFT: res = r_bin_demangle_swift (file); break; case R_BIN_NM_MSVC: res = r_bin_demangle_msvc(file); break; default: eprintf ("Unknown lang to demangle. Use: cxx, java, objc, swift\n"); return 1; } if (res && *res) { printf ("%s\n", res); free(res); return 0; } else { printf ("%s\n", file); } } free (res); //eprintf ("%s\n", file); return 1; } file = argv[optind]; if (!query) { if (action & ACTION_HELP || action == ACTION_UNK || !file) { r_core_fini (&core); return rabin_show_help (0); } } if (arch) { ptr = strchr (arch, '_'); if (ptr) { *ptr = '\0'; bits = r_num_math (NULL, ptr+1); } } if (action & ACTION_CREATE) { // TODO: move in a function outside RBuffer *b; int datalen, codelen; ut8 *data = NULL, *code = NULL; char *p2, *p = strchr (create, ':'); if (!p) { eprintf ("Invalid format for -C flag. Use 'format:codehexpair:datahexpair'\n"); r_core_fini (&core); return 1; } *p++ = 0; p2 = strchr (p, ':'); if (p2) { // has data *p2++ = 0; data = malloc (strlen (p2)+1); datalen = r_hex_str2bin (p2, data); } else { data = NULL; datalen = 0; } code = malloc (strlen (p)+1); if (!code) { r_core_fini (&core); return 1; } codelen = r_hex_str2bin (p, code); if (!arch) arch = "x86"; if (!bits) bits = 32; if (!r_bin_use_arch (bin, arch, bits, create)) { eprintf ("Cannot set arch\n"); r_core_fini (&core); return 1; } b = r_bin_create (bin, code, codelen, data, datalen); if (b) { if (r_file_dump (file, b->buf, b->length, 0)) { eprintf ("Dumped %d bytes in '%s'\n", b->length, file); r_file_chmod (file, "+x", 0); } else eprintf ("Error dumping into a.out\n"); r_buf_free (b); } else eprintf ("Cannot create binary for this format '%s'.\n", create); r_core_fini (&core); return 0; } if (rawstr == 2) { unset_action (ACTION_STRINGS); } r_config_set_i (core.config, "bin.rawstr", rawstr); if (file && *file && action & ACTION_DLOPEN) { void *addr = r_lib_dl_open (file); if (addr) { eprintf ("%s is loaded at 0x%"PFMT64x"\n", file, (ut64)(size_t)(addr)); r_lib_dl_close (addr); } else eprintf ("Cannot open the '%s' library\n", file); return 0; } if (file && *file) { cf = r_core_file_open (&core, file, R_IO_READ, 0); fd = cf ? r_core_file_cur_fd (&core) : -1; if (!cf || fd == -1) { eprintf ("r_core: Cannot open file '%s'\n", file); r_core_fini (&core); return 1; } } bin->minstrlen = r_config_get_i (core.config, "bin.minstr"); r_bin_force_plugin (bin, forcebin); if (!r_bin_load (bin, file, baddr, laddr, xtr_idx, fd, rawstr)) { if (!r_bin_load (bin, file, baddr, laddr, xtr_idx, fd, rawstr)) { eprintf ("r_bin: Cannot open file\n"); r_core_fini (&core); return 1; } } if (baddr != UT64_MAX) { r_bin_set_baddr (bin, baddr); } if (rawstr == 2) { rawstr = false; r_bin_dump_strings (core.bin->cur, bin->minstrlen); } if (query) { if (rad) { // TODO: Should be moved into core, to load those flags and formats into r2 Sdb *db = sdb_ns (bin->cur->sdb, "info", 0); char *flagname; if (db) { SdbListIter *iter; SdbKv *kv; printf ("fs format\n"); // iterate over all keys ls_foreach (db->ht->list, iter, kv) { char *k = kv->key; char *v = kv->value; char *dup = strdup (k); if ((flagname=strstr (dup, ".offset"))) { *flagname = 0; flagname = dup; printf ("f %s @ %s\n", flagname, v); } if ((flagname=strstr (dup, ".cparse"))) { printf ("\"td %s\"\n", v); } if ((flagname=strstr (dup, ".format"))) { *flagname = 0; flagname = dup; printf ("pf.%s %s\n", flagname, v); } free (dup); } } //sdb_query (bin->cur->sdb, "info/*"); } else { if (!strcmp (query, "-")) { __sdb_prompt (bin->cur->sdb); } else sdb_query (bin->cur->sdb, query); } r_core_fini (&core); return 0; } #define isradjson (rad==R_CORE_BIN_JSON&&actions>0) #define run_action(n,x,y) {\ if (action&x) {\ if (isradjson) r_cons_printf ("%s\"%s\":",actions_done?",":"",n);\ if (!r_core_bin_info (&core, y, rad, va, &filter, chksum)) {\ if (isradjson) r_cons_printf ("false");\ };\ actions_done++;\ }\ } core.bin = bin; bin->cb_printf = r_cons_printf; filter.offset = at; filter.name = name; r_cons_new ()->is_interactive = false; if (isradjson) r_cons_printf ("{"); // List fatmach0 sub-binaries, etc if (action & ACTION_LISTARCHS || ((arch || bits || arch_name) && !r_bin_select (bin, arch, bits, arch_name))) { r_bin_list_archs (bin, (rad == R_CORE_BIN_JSON)? 'j': 1); actions_done++; free (arch_name); } if (action & ACTION_PDB_DWNLD) { int ret; char *env_pdbserver = r_sys_getenv ("PDB_SERVER"); char *env_pdbextract = r_sys_getenv("PDB_EXTRACT"); char *env_useragent = r_sys_getenv("PDB_USER_AGENT"); SPDBDownloader pdb_downloader; SPDBDownloaderOpt opt; RBinInfo *info = r_bin_get_info (core.bin); char *path; if (!info || !info->debug_file_name) { eprintf ("Can't find debug filename\n"); r_core_fini (&core); return 1; } if (info->file) { path = r_file_dirname (info->file); } else { path = strdup ("."); } if (env_pdbserver && *env_pdbserver) r_config_set (core.config, "pdb.server", env_pdbserver); if (env_useragent && *env_useragent) r_config_set (core.config, "pdb.user_agent", env_useragent); if (env_pdbextract && *env_pdbextract) r_config_set_i (core.config, "pdb.extract", !(*env_pdbextract == '0')); free (env_pdbextract); free (env_useragent); opt.dbg_file = info->debug_file_name; opt.guid = info->guid; opt.symbol_server = (char *)r_config_get (core.config, "pdb.server"); opt.user_agent = (char *)r_config_get (core.config, "pdb.user_agent"); opt.path = path; opt.extract = r_config_get_i(core.config, "pdb.extract"); init_pdb_downloader (&opt, &pdb_downloader); ret = pdb_downloader.download (&pdb_downloader); if (isradjson) { printf ("%s\"pdb\":{\"file\":\"%s\",\"download\":%s}", actions_done?",":"", opt.dbg_file, ret?"true":"false"); } else { printf ("PDB \"%s\" download %s\n", opt.dbg_file, ret? "success": "failed"); } actions_done++; deinit_pdb_downloader (&pdb_downloader); free (path); r_core_fini (&core); return 0; } run_action ("sections", ACTION_SECTIONS, R_CORE_BIN_ACC_SECTIONS); run_action ("entries", ACTION_ENTRIES, R_CORE_BIN_ACC_ENTRIES); run_action ("main", ACTION_MAIN, R_CORE_BIN_ACC_MAIN); run_action ("imports", ACTION_IMPORTS, R_CORE_BIN_ACC_IMPORTS); run_action ("classes", ACTION_CLASSES, R_CORE_BIN_ACC_CLASSES); run_action ("symbols", ACTION_SYMBOLS, R_CORE_BIN_ACC_SYMBOLS); run_action ("exports", ACTION_EXPORTS, R_CORE_BIN_ACC_EXPORTS); run_action ("strings", ACTION_STRINGS, R_CORE_BIN_ACC_STRINGS); run_action ("info", ACTION_INFO, R_CORE_BIN_ACC_INFO); run_action ("fields", ACTION_FIELDS, R_CORE_BIN_ACC_FIELDS); run_action ("libs", ACTION_LIBS, R_CORE_BIN_ACC_LIBS); run_action ("relocs", ACTION_RELOCS, R_CORE_BIN_ACC_RELOCS); run_action ("dwarf", ACTION_DWARF, R_CORE_BIN_ACC_DWARF); run_action ("pdb", ACTION_PDB, R_CORE_BIN_ACC_PDB); run_action ("size", ACTION_SIZE, R_CORE_BIN_ACC_SIZE); if (action&ACTION_SRCLINE) rabin_show_srcline (at); if (action&ACTION_EXTRACT) rabin_extract ((arch==NULL && arch_name==NULL && bits==0)); if (op != NULL && action&ACTION_OPERATION) rabin_do_operation (op); if (isradjson) printf ("}"); r_cons_flush (); r_core_fini (&core); return 0; }