/* radare - LGPL - Copyright 2009-2019 - nibble, pancake */ #include #include #include #define IFDBG if (0) static RCoreAsmHit *find_addr(RList *hits, ut64 addr); static int prune_hits_in_hit_range(RList *hits, RCoreAsmHit *hit); static int is_hit_inrange(RCoreAsmHit *hit, ut64 start_range, ut64 end_range); static int is_addr_in_range(ut64 start, ut64 end, ut64 start_range, ut64 end_range); static void add_hit_to_sorted_hits(RList* hits, ut64 addr, int len, ut8 is_valid); static int prune_hits_in_addr_range(RList *hits, ut64 addr, ut64 len, ut8 is_valid); static int rcoreasm_address_comparator(RCoreAsmHit *a, RCoreAsmHit *b) { if (a->addr == b->addr) { return 0; } if (a->addr < b->addr) { return -1; } return 1; /* a->addr > b->addr */ } R_API RCoreAsmHit *r_core_asm_hit_new(void) { RCoreAsmHit *hit = R_NEW0 (RCoreAsmHit); if (!hit) { return NULL; } hit->addr = -1; hit->valid = false; return hit; } R_API RList *r_core_asm_hit_list_new(void) { RList *list = r_list_new (); if (list) { list->free = &r_core_asm_hit_free; } return list; } R_API void r_core_asm_hit_free(void *_hit) { RCoreAsmHit *hit = _hit; if (hit) { if (hit->code) { free (hit->code); } free (hit); } } R_API char* r_core_asm_search(RCore *core, const char *input) { RAsmCode *acode; char *ret; if (!(acode = r_asm_massemble (core->rasm, input))) { return NULL; } ret = r_asm_code_get_hex (acode); r_asm_code_free (acode); return ret; } // TODO: add support for byte-per-byte opcode search R_API RList *r_core_asm_strsearch(RCore *core, const char *input, ut64 from, ut64 to, int maxhits, int regexp, int everyByte, int mode) { RCoreAsmHit *hit; RList *hits; ut64 at, toff = core->offset; ut8 *buf; int align = core->search->align; RRegex* rx = NULL; char *tok, *tokens[1024], *code = NULL, *ptr; int idx, tidx = 0, len = 0; int tokcount, matchcount, count = 0; int matches = 0; const int addrbytes = core->io->addrbytes; ut64 first_match_addr = 0; if (!input || !*input) { return NULL; } char *inp = r_str_trim_dup (input + 1); char *inp_arg = strchr (inp, ' '); if (inp_arg) { *inp_arg++ = 0; } ut64 usrimm = r_num_math (core->num, inp); ut64 usrimm2 = inp_arg? r_num_math (core->num, inp_arg): usrimm; if (usrimm > usrimm2) { R_LOG_ERROR ("/ci : Invalid range"); return NULL; } if (core->blocksize < 8) { R_LOG_ERROR ("block size too small"); return NULL; } if (!(buf = (ut8 *)calloc (core->blocksize, 1))) { return NULL; } if (!(ptr = strdup (input))) { free (buf); return NULL; } if (!(hits = r_core_asm_hit_list_new ())) { free (buf); free (ptr); return NULL; } tokens[0] = NULL; for (tokcount = 0; tokcount < R_ARRAY_SIZE (tokens) - 1; tokcount++) { tok = strtok (tokcount? NULL: ptr, ";"); if (!tok) { break; } r_str_trim (tok); tokens[tokcount] = tok; } tokens[tokcount] = NULL; r_cons_break_push (NULL, NULL); char *opst = NULL; for (at = from; at < to; at += core->blocksize) { if (r_cons_is_breaked ()) { break; } if (!r_io_is_valid_offset (core->io, at, 0)) { break; } (void)r_io_read_at (core->io, at, buf, core->blocksize); idx = 0, matchcount = 0; while (addrbytes * (idx + 1) <= core->blocksize) { ut64 addr = at + idx; if (addr >= to) { break; } r_asm_set_pc (core->rasm, addr); if (mode == 'i') { RAnalOp analop = {0}; ut64 len = R_MIN (15, core->blocksize - idx); if (r_anal_op (core->anal, &analop, addr, buf + idx, len, R_ANAL_OP_MASK_BASIC | R_ANAL_OP_MASK_DISASM) < 1) { idx ++; // TODO: honor mininstrsz continue; } ut64 val = analop.val; // maybe chk for ptr or others? bool match = (val != UT64_MAX && val >= usrimm && val <= usrimm2); if (!match) { ut64 val = analop.disp; match = (val != UT64_MAX && val >= usrimm && val <= usrimm2); } if (!match) { ut64 val = analop.ptr; match = (val != UT64_MAX && val >= usrimm && val <= usrimm2); } if (match) { RAsmOp op; if (!(hit = r_core_asm_hit_new ())) { r_list_purge (hits); R_FREE (hits); goto beach; } hit->addr = addr; hit->len = analop.size; // idx + len - tidx; if (hit->len == -1) { r_core_asm_hit_free (hit); goto beach; } r_asm_disassemble (core->rasm, &op, buf + addrbytes * idx, core->blocksize - addrbytes * idx); hit->code = r_str_new (r_strbuf_get (&op.buf_asm)); r_asm_op_fini (&op); idx = (matchcount)? tidx + 1: idx + 1; matchcount = 0; r_list_append (hits, hit); continue; } r_anal_op_fini (&analop); idx ++; // TODO: honor mininstrsz continue; } else if (mode == 'e') { RAnalOp analop = {0}; if (r_anal_op (core->anal, &analop, addr, buf + idx, 15, R_ANAL_OP_MASK_ESIL) < 1) { idx ++; // TODO: honor mininstrsz continue; } //opsz = analop.size; opst = strdup (r_strbuf_get (&analop.esil)); r_anal_op_fini (&analop); } else { RAsmOp op; if (!(len = r_asm_disassemble ( core->rasm, &op, buf + addrbytes * idx, core->blocksize - addrbytes * idx))) { idx = (matchcount)? tidx + 1: idx + 1; matchcount = 0; r_asm_op_fini (&op); continue; } //opsz = op.size; opst = strdup (r_strbuf_get (&op.buf_asm)); r_asm_op_fini (&op); } if (opst) { matches = strcmp (opst, "invalid") && strcmp (opst, "unaligned"); } if (matches && tokens[matchcount]) { if (mode == 'a') { // check for case sensitive matches = !r_str_ncasecmp (opst, tokens[matchcount], strlen (tokens[matchcount])); } else if (!regexp) { matches = !!strstr (opst, tokens[matchcount]); } else { rx = r_regex_new (tokens[matchcount], "es"); matches = r_regex_exec (rx, opst, 0, 0, 0) == 0; r_regex_free (rx); } } if (align && align > 1) { if (addr % align) { matches = false; } } if (matches) { code = r_str_appendf (code, "%s; ", opst); if (matchcount == 0) { first_match_addr = addr; } if (matchcount == tokcount - 1) { if (tokcount == 1) { tidx = idx; } if (!(hit = r_core_asm_hit_new ())) { r_list_purge (hits); R_FREE (hits); goto beach; } hit->addr = first_match_addr; hit->len = idx + len - tidx; if (hit->len == -1) { r_core_asm_hit_free (hit); goto beach; } code[strlen (code) - 2] = 0; hit->code = strdup (code); r_list_append (hits, hit); R_FREE (code); matchcount = 0; idx = tidx + 1; if (maxhits) { count++; if (count >= maxhits) { //R_LOG_ERROR ("search.maxhits reached"); goto beach; } } } else if (!matchcount) { tidx = idx; matchcount++; idx += len; } else { matchcount++; idx += len; } } else { if (everyByte) { idx = matchcount? tidx + 1: idx + 1; } else { idx += R_MAX (1, len); } R_FREE (code); matchcount = 0; } R_FREE (opst); } } beach: r_asm_set_pc (core->rasm, toff); free (buf); free (ptr); free (code); free (inp); R_FREE (opst); r_cons_break_pop (); return hits; } static void add_hit_to_sorted_hits(RList* hits, ut64 addr, int len, ut8 is_valid) { RCoreAsmHit *hit = r_core_asm_hit_new(); if (hit) { IFDBG eprintf("*** Inserting instruction (valid?: %d): instr_addr: 0x%"PFMT64x" instr_len: %d\n", is_valid, addr, len ); hit->addr = addr; hit->len = len; hit->valid = is_valid; hit->code = NULL; r_list_add_sorted (hits, hit, ((RListComparator)rcoreasm_address_comparator)); } } static void add_hit_to_hits(RList* hits, ut64 addr, int len, ut8 is_valid) { RCoreAsmHit *hit = r_core_asm_hit_new(); if (hit) { IFDBG eprintf("*** Inserting instruction (valid?: %d): instr_addr: 0x%"PFMT64x" instr_len: %d\n", is_valid, addr, len); hit->addr = addr; hit->len = len; hit->valid = is_valid; hit->code = NULL; if (!r_list_append (hits, hit)) { free (hit); } } } static int prune_hits_in_addr_range(RList *hits, ut64 addr, ut64 len, ut8 is_valid) { RCoreAsmHit hit = {0}; hit.addr = addr; hit.len = len; hit.valid = is_valid; return prune_hits_in_hit_range(hits, &hit); } static int prune_hits_in_hit_range(RList *hits, RCoreAsmHit *hit) { RListIter *iter, *iter_tmp; RCoreAsmHit *to_check_hit; int result = 0; ut64 start_range, end_range; if (!hit || !hits) { return 0; } start_range = hit->addr; end_range = hit->addr + hit->len; r_list_foreach_safe (hits, iter, iter_tmp, to_check_hit) { if (to_check_hit && is_hit_inrange(to_check_hit, start_range, end_range)) { IFDBG eprintf ("Found hit that clashed (start: 0x%"PFMT64x " - end: 0x%"PFMT64x" ), 0x%"PFMT64x" len: %d (valid: %d 0x%"PFMT64x " - 0x%"PFMT64x")\n", start_range, end_range, to_check_hit->addr, to_check_hit->len, to_check_hit->valid, to_check_hit->addr, to_check_hit->addr+to_check_hit->len); // XXX - could this be a valid decode instruction we are deleting? r_list_delete (hits, iter); //iter->data = NULL; to_check_hit = NULL; result ++; } } return result; } static RCoreAsmHit *find_addr(RList *hits, ut64 addr) { // Find an address in the list of hits RListIter *addr_iter = NULL; RCoreAsmHit dummy_value; dummy_value.addr = addr; addr_iter = r_list_find (hits, &dummy_value, ((RListComparator)rcoreasm_address_comparator)); return r_list_iter_get_data(addr_iter); } static int handle_forward_disassemble(RCore* core, RList *hits, ut8* buf, ut64 len, ut64 current_buf_pos, ut64 current_instr_addr, ut64 end_addr) { RCoreAsmHit *hit = NULL, *found_addr = NULL; // forward disassemble from the current instruction up to the end address ut64 temp_instr_addr = current_instr_addr; ut64 tmp_current_buf_pos = current_buf_pos; ut64 start_range = current_instr_addr; ut64 end_range = end_addr; ut64 temp_instr_len = 0; ut64 start = 0, end = 0; ut8 is_valid = false; if (end_addr < current_instr_addr) { return end_addr; } r_asm_set_pc (core->rasm, current_instr_addr); while (tmp_current_buf_pos < len && temp_instr_addr < end_addr) { RAsmOp op; temp_instr_len = len - tmp_current_buf_pos; IFDBG eprintf("Current position: %"PFMT64d" instr_addr: 0x%"PFMT64x"\n", tmp_current_buf_pos, temp_instr_addr); temp_instr_len = r_asm_disassemble (core->rasm, &op, buf+tmp_current_buf_pos, temp_instr_len); if (temp_instr_len == 0) { is_valid = false; temp_instr_len = 1; } else { is_valid = true; } // check to see if addr exits found_addr = find_addr(hits, temp_instr_addr); start = temp_instr_addr; end = temp_instr_addr + temp_instr_len; if (!found_addr) { add_hit_to_sorted_hits(hits, temp_instr_addr, temp_instr_len, is_valid); } else if (is_valid && !found_addr->valid && is_addr_in_range(start, end, start_range, end_range )) { ut32 prune_results = 0; prune_results = prune_hits_in_addr_range(hits, temp_instr_addr, temp_instr_len, is_valid); add_hit_to_sorted_hits(hits, temp_instr_addr, temp_instr_len, is_valid); if (prune_results) { r_list_add_sorted (hits, hit, ((RListComparator)rcoreasm_address_comparator)); IFDBG eprintf("Pruned %u hits from list in fwd sweep.\n", prune_results); } else { R_FREE (hit); } } temp_instr_addr += temp_instr_len; tmp_current_buf_pos += temp_instr_len; r_asm_op_fini (&op); } return temp_instr_addr; } #if 0 static int handle_disassembly_overlap(RCore* core, RList *hits, ut8* buf, int len, ut64 current_buf_pos, ut64 current_instr_addr ) { // disassemble over lap means the current instruction decoded using the bytes in a previously decoded instruction ut64 next_buf_pos = current_buf_pos, end_addr = current_instr_addr + ( len - current_buf_pos - 1); /* Sub optimal method (e.g. easy) */ handle_forward_disassemble (core, hits, buf, len, current_buf_pos, current_instr_addr, end_addr ); next_buf_pos = current_buf_pos; return next_buf_pos; } #endif static int is_addr_in_range(ut64 start, ut64 end, ut64 start_range, ut64 end_range) { int result = false; if (start == start_range) { return true; } if (start < end && start_range < end_range) { // ez cases if (start_range <= start && start < end_range) { result = true; } else if (start_range < end && end < end_range) { result = true; } else if (start <= start_range && end_range < end) { result = true; } // XXX - these cases need to be tested // (long long) start_range < 0 < end_range } else if (start_range > end_range) { if (start < end) { if (start < end_range) { result = true; } else if (end <= end_range) { result = true; } else if (start_range <= start) { result = true; } else if (start_range < end) { result = true; } // (long long) start < 0 < end } else { if (end < end_range) { result = true; } else if (end <= end_range) { result = true; } else if (start_range <= start) { result = true; } } // XXX - these cases need to be tested // (long long) start < 0 < end } else if (start_range < end_range) { if (start < end_range) { result = true; } else if (start <= start_range) { result = true; } else if (start_range < end) { result = true; } } return result; } static int is_hit_inrange(RCoreAsmHit *hit, ut64 start_range, ut64 end_range) { int result = false; if (hit) { result = is_addr_in_range (hit->addr, hit->addr + hit->len, start_range, end_range); } return result; } R_API RList *r_core_asm_bwdisassemble(RCore *core, ut64 addr, int n, int len) { // if (n > core->blocksize) n = core->blocksize; ut64 at; ut32 idx = 0, hit_count; int numinstr, asmlen, ii; const int addrbytes = core->io->addrbytes; RAsmCode *c; RList *hits = r_core_asm_hit_list_new (); if (!hits) { return NULL; } len = R_MIN (len - len % addrbytes, addrbytes * addr); if (len < 1) { r_list_free (hits); return NULL; } ut8 *buf = (ut8 *)malloc (len); if (!buf) { r_list_free (hits); return NULL; } else if (!hits) { free (buf); return NULL; } if (!r_io_read_at (core->io, addr - len / addrbytes, buf, len)) { r_list_free (hits); free (buf); return NULL; } for (idx = addrbytes; idx < len; idx += addrbytes) { if (r_cons_is_breaked ()) { break; } c = r_asm_mdisassemble (core->rasm, buf + len - idx, idx); if (strstr (c->assembly, "invalid") || strstr (c->assembly, ".byte")) { r_asm_code_free (c); continue; } numinstr = 0; asmlen = strlen (c->assembly); for (ii = 0; ii < asmlen; ii++) { if (c->assembly[ii] == '\n') { ++numinstr; } } r_asm_code_free (c); if (numinstr >= n || idx > 16 * n) { // assume average instruction length <= 16 break; } } at = addr - idx / addrbytes; r_asm_set_pc (core->rasm, at); for (hit_count = 0; hit_count < n; hit_count++) { RAsmOp op; int instrlen = r_asm_disassemble (core->rasm, &op, buf + len - addrbytes * (addr - at), addrbytes * (addr - at)); add_hit_to_hits (hits, at, instrlen, true); at += instrlen; r_asm_op_fini (&op); } free (buf); return hits; } static RList *r_core_asm_back_disassemble_all(RCore *core, ut64 addr, ut64 len, ut64 max_hit_count, ut32 extra_padding) { RList *hits = r_core_asm_hit_list_new (); RCoreAsmHit dummy_value; RCoreAsmHit *hit = NULL; ut8 *buf = (ut8 *)malloc (len + extra_padding); int current_instr_len = 0; ut64 current_instr_addr = addr, current_buf_pos = len - 1, hit_count = 0; memset (&dummy_value, 0, sizeof (RCoreAsmHit)); if (!hits || !buf ) { if (hits) { r_list_purge (hits); free (hits); } free (buf); return NULL; } if (!r_io_read_at (core->io, addr-(len+extra_padding), buf, len + extra_padding)) { r_list_purge (hits); free (hits); free (buf); return NULL; } if (len == 0) { return hits; } do { RAsmOp op; if (r_cons_is_breaked ()) { break; } // reset assembler r_asm_set_pc (core->rasm, current_instr_addr); current_instr_len = len - current_buf_pos + extra_padding; IFDBG eprintf("current_buf_pos: 0x%"PFMT64x", current_instr_len: %d\n", current_buf_pos, current_instr_len); current_instr_len = r_asm_disassemble (core->rasm, &op, buf+current_buf_pos, current_instr_len); hit = r_core_asm_hit_new (); hit->addr = current_instr_addr; hit->len = current_instr_len; hit->code = NULL; r_list_add_sorted (hits, hit, ((RListComparator)rcoreasm_address_comparator)); current_buf_pos--; current_instr_addr--; hit_count++; r_asm_op_fini (&op); } while ( ((int) current_buf_pos >= 0) && (int)(len - current_buf_pos) >= 0 && hit_count <= max_hit_count); free (buf); return hits; } static RList *r_core_asm_back_disassemble(RCore *core, ut64 addr, int len, ut64 max_hit_count, ut8 disassmble_each_addr, ut32 extra_padding) { RList *hits; ut8 *buf = NULL; ut8 max_invalid_b4_exit = 4, last_num_invalid = 0; int current_instr_len = 0; ut64 current_instr_addr = addr, current_buf_pos = 0, next_buf_pos = len; RCoreAsmHit dummy_value; ut32 hit_count = 0; if (disassmble_each_addr) { return r_core_asm_back_disassemble_all(core, addr, len, max_hit_count, extra_padding+1); } hits = r_core_asm_hit_list_new (); buf = malloc (len + extra_padding); if (!hits || !buf) { if (hits) { r_list_purge (hits); free (hits); } free (buf); return NULL; } if (!r_io_read_at (core->io, (addr + extra_padding) - len, buf, len + extra_padding)) { r_list_purge (hits); free (hits); free (buf); return NULL; } // // XXX - This is a heavy handed approach without a // an appropriate btree or hash table for storing // hits, because are using: // 1) Sorted RList with many inserts and searches // 2) Pruning hits to find the most optimal disassembly // greedy approach // 1) Consume previous bytes // 1a) Instruction is invalid (incr current_instr_addr) // 1b) Disasm is perfect // 1c) Disasm is underlap (disasm(current_instr_addr, next_instr_addr - current_instr_addr) short some bytes) // 1d) Disasm is overlap (disasm(current_instr_addr, next_instr_addr - current_instr_addr) over some bytes) memset (&dummy_value, 0, sizeof (RCoreAsmHit)); // disassemble instructions previous to current address, extra_padding can move the location of addr // so we need to account for that with current_buf_pos current_buf_pos = len - extra_padding - 1; next_buf_pos = len + extra_padding - 1; current_instr_addr = addr - 1; do { RAsmOp op; if (r_cons_is_breaked ()) { break; } // reset assembler r_asm_set_pc (core->rasm, current_instr_addr); current_instr_len = next_buf_pos - current_buf_pos; current_instr_len = r_asm_disassemble (core->rasm, &op, buf+current_buf_pos, current_instr_len); IFDBG { ut32 byte_cnt = current_instr_len ? current_instr_len : 1; eprintf("current_instr_addr: 0x%"PFMT64x", current_buf_pos: 0x%"PFMT64x", current_instr_len: %d \n", current_instr_addr, current_buf_pos, current_instr_len); ut8 *hex_str = (ut8*)r_hex_bin2strdup(buf+current_buf_pos, byte_cnt); eprintf ("==== current_instr_bytes: %s ",hex_str); if (current_instr_len > 0) { eprintf("op.buf_asm: %s\n", r_strbuf_get (&op.buf_asm)); } else { eprintf("op.buf_asm: \n"); } free (hex_str); } // disassembly invalid if (current_instr_len == 0 || strstr (r_strbuf_get (&op.buf_asm), "invalid")) { if (current_instr_len == 0) { current_instr_len = 1; } add_hit_to_sorted_hits(hits, current_instr_addr, current_instr_len, /* is_valid */ false); hit_count ++; last_num_invalid ++; // disassembly perfect } else if (current_buf_pos + current_instr_len == next_buf_pos) { // i think this may be the only case where an invalid instruction will be // added because handle_forward_disassemble and handle_disassembly_overlap // are only called in cases where a valid instruction has been found. // and they are lazy, since they purge the hit list ut32 purge_results = 0; ut8 is_valid = true; IFDBG eprintf(" handling underlap case: current_instr_addr: 0x%"PFMT64x".\n", current_instr_addr); purge_results = prune_hits_in_addr_range(hits, current_instr_addr, current_instr_len, /* is_valid */ true); if (purge_results) { handle_forward_disassemble(core, hits, buf, len, current_buf_pos+current_instr_len, current_instr_addr+current_instr_len, addr); hit_count = r_list_length(hits); } add_hit_to_sorted_hits(hits, current_instr_addr, current_instr_len, is_valid); //handle_forward_disassemble(core, hits, buf, len, current_buf_pos+current_instr_len, current_instr_addr+current_instr_len, addr/*end_addr*/); hit_count ++; next_buf_pos = current_buf_pos; last_num_invalid = 0; // disassembly underlap } else if (current_buf_pos + current_instr_len < next_buf_pos) { ut32 purge_results = 0; ut8 is_valid = true; purge_results = prune_hits_in_addr_range(hits, current_instr_addr, current_instr_len, /* is_valid */ true); add_hit_to_sorted_hits(hits, current_instr_addr, current_instr_len, is_valid); if (hit_count < purge_results) { hit_count = 0; // WTF?? } else { hit_count -= purge_results; } next_buf_pos = current_buf_pos; handle_forward_disassemble(core, hits, buf, len - extra_padding, current_buf_pos+current_instr_len, current_instr_addr+current_instr_len, addr); hit_count = r_list_length(hits); last_num_invalid = 0; // disassembly overlap } else if (current_buf_pos + current_instr_len > next_buf_pos) { //ut64 value = handle_disassembly_overlap(core, hits, buf, len, current_buf_pos, current_instr_addr); next_buf_pos = current_buf_pos; hit_count = r_list_length (hits); last_num_invalid = 0; } // walk backwards by one instruction IFDBG eprintf(" current_instr_addr: 0x%"PFMT64x" current_instr_len: %d next_instr_addr: 0x%04"PFMT64x"\n", current_instr_addr, current_instr_len, next_buf_pos); IFDBG eprintf(" hit count: %d \n", hit_count ); current_instr_addr -= 1; current_buf_pos -= 1; r_asm_op_fini (&op); if (hit_count >= max_hit_count && (last_num_invalid >= max_invalid_b4_exit || last_num_invalid == 0)) { break; } } while (((int) current_buf_pos >= 0) && (int)(len - current_buf_pos) >= 0); r_asm_set_pc (core->rasm, addr); free (buf); return hits; } R_API RList *r_core_asm_back_disassemble_instr(RCore *core, ut64 addr, int len, ut32 hit_count, ut32 extra_padding) { // extra padding to allow for additional disassembly on border buffer cases ut8 disassmble_each_addr = false; return r_core_asm_back_disassemble (core, addr, len, hit_count, disassmble_each_addr, extra_padding); } R_API RList *r_core_asm_back_disassemble_byte(RCore *core, ut64 addr, int len, ut32 hit_count, ut32 extra_padding) { // extra padding to allow for additional disassembly on border buffer cases ut8 disassmble_each_addr = true; return r_core_asm_back_disassemble (core, addr, len, hit_count, disassmble_each_addr, extra_padding); } /* Compute the len and the starting address * when disassembling `nb` opcodes backward. */ R_API ut32 r_core_asm_bwdis_len(RCore* core, int* instr_len, ut64* start_addr, ut32 nb) { ut32 instr_run = 0; RCoreAsmHit *hit; RListIter *iter = NULL; // TODO if length of nb instructions is larger than blocksize RList* hits = r_core_asm_bwdisassemble (core, core->offset, nb, core->blocksize); if (instr_len) { *instr_len = 0; } if (hits && r_list_length (hits) > 0) { hit = r_list_get_bottom (hits); if (start_addr) { *start_addr = hit->addr; } r_list_foreach (hits, iter, hit) { instr_run += hit->len; } if (instr_len) { *instr_len = instr_run; } } r_list_free (hits); return instr_run; }