/* radare - LGPL - Copyright 2013-2019 - pancake, sghctoma, xarkes */ #include #define RCOLOR_AT(i) (RColor *) (((ut8 *) &(r_cons_singleton ()->context->cpal)) + keys[i].coff) #define COLOR_AT(i) (char **) (((ut8 *) &(r_cons_singleton ()->context->pal)) + keys[i].off) static struct { const char *name; int off; // RConsPrintablePalette offset int coff; // RConsPalette offset } keys[] = { { "comment", r_offsetof (RConsPrintablePalette, comment), r_offsetof (RConsPalette, comment) }, { "usrcmt", r_offsetof (RConsPrintablePalette, usercomment), r_offsetof (RConsPalette, usercomment) }, { "args", r_offsetof (RConsPrintablePalette, args), r_offsetof (RConsPalette, args) }, { "fname", r_offsetof (RConsPrintablePalette, fname), r_offsetof (RConsPalette, fname) }, { "floc", r_offsetof (RConsPrintablePalette, floc), r_offsetof (RConsPalette, floc) }, { "fline", r_offsetof (RConsPrintablePalette, fline), r_offsetof (RConsPalette, fline) }, { "flag", r_offsetof (RConsPrintablePalette, flag), r_offsetof (RConsPalette, flag) }, { "label", r_offsetof (RConsPrintablePalette, label), r_offsetof (RConsPalette, label) }, { "help", r_offsetof (RConsPrintablePalette, help), r_offsetof (RConsPalette, help) }, { "flow", r_offsetof (RConsPrintablePalette, flow), r_offsetof (RConsPalette, flow) }, { "flow2", r_offsetof (RConsPrintablePalette, flow2), r_offsetof (RConsPalette, flow2) }, { "prompt", r_offsetof (RConsPrintablePalette, prompt), r_offsetof (RConsPalette, prompt) }, { "offset", r_offsetof (RConsPrintablePalette, offset), r_offsetof (RConsPalette, offset) }, { "input", r_offsetof (RConsPrintablePalette, input), r_offsetof (RConsPalette, input) }, { "invalid", r_offsetof (RConsPrintablePalette, invalid), r_offsetof (RConsPalette, invalid) }, { "other", r_offsetof (RConsPrintablePalette, other), r_offsetof (RConsPalette, other) }, { "b0x00", r_offsetof (RConsPrintablePalette, b0x00), r_offsetof (RConsPalette, b0x00) }, { "b0x7f", r_offsetof (RConsPrintablePalette, b0x7f), r_offsetof (RConsPalette, b0x7f) }, { "b0xff", r_offsetof (RConsPrintablePalette, b0xff), r_offsetof (RConsPalette, b0xff) }, { "math", r_offsetof (RConsPrintablePalette, math), r_offsetof (RConsPalette, math) }, { "bin", r_offsetof (RConsPrintablePalette, bin), r_offsetof (RConsPalette, bin) }, { "btext", r_offsetof (RConsPrintablePalette, btext), r_offsetof (RConsPalette, btext) }, { "push", r_offsetof (RConsPrintablePalette, push), r_offsetof (RConsPalette, push) }, { "pop", r_offsetof (RConsPrintablePalette, pop), r_offsetof (RConsPalette, pop) }, { "crypto", r_offsetof (RConsPrintablePalette, crypto), r_offsetof (RConsPalette, crypto) }, { "jmp", r_offsetof (RConsPrintablePalette, jmp), r_offsetof (RConsPalette, jmp) }, { "cjmp", r_offsetof (RConsPrintablePalette, cjmp), r_offsetof (RConsPalette, cjmp) }, { "call", r_offsetof (RConsPrintablePalette, call), r_offsetof (RConsPalette, call) }, { "nop", r_offsetof (RConsPrintablePalette, nop), r_offsetof (RConsPalette, nop) }, { "ret", r_offsetof (RConsPrintablePalette, ret), r_offsetof (RConsPalette, ret) }, { "trap", r_offsetof (RConsPrintablePalette, trap), r_offsetof (RConsPalette, trap) }, { "ucall", r_offsetof (RConsPrintablePalette, ucall), r_offsetof (RConsPalette, ucall) }, { "ujmp", r_offsetof (RConsPrintablePalette, ujmp), r_offsetof (RConsPalette, ujmp) }, { "swi", r_offsetof (RConsPrintablePalette, swi), r_offsetof (RConsPalette, swi) }, { "cmp", r_offsetof (RConsPrintablePalette, cmp), r_offsetof (RConsPalette, cmp) }, { "reg", r_offsetof (RConsPrintablePalette, reg), r_offsetof (RConsPalette, reg) }, { "creg", r_offsetof (RConsPrintablePalette, creg), r_offsetof (RConsPalette, creg) }, { "num", r_offsetof (RConsPrintablePalette, num), r_offsetof (RConsPalette, num) }, { "mov", r_offsetof (RConsPrintablePalette, mov), r_offsetof (RConsPalette, mov) }, { "func_var", r_offsetof (RConsPrintablePalette, func_var), r_offsetof (RConsPalette, func_var) }, { "func_var_type", r_offsetof (RConsPrintablePalette, func_var_type), r_offsetof (RConsPalette, func_var_type) }, { "func_var_addr", r_offsetof (RConsPrintablePalette, func_var_addr), r_offsetof (RConsPalette, func_var_addr) }, { "widget_bg", r_offsetof (RConsPrintablePalette, widget_bg), r_offsetof (RConsPalette, widget_bg) }, { "widget_sel", r_offsetof (RConsPrintablePalette, widget_sel), r_offsetof (RConsPalette, widget_sel) }, { "ai.read", r_offsetof (RConsPrintablePalette, ai_read), r_offsetof (RConsPalette, ai_read) }, { "ai.write", r_offsetof (RConsPrintablePalette, ai_write), r_offsetof (RConsPalette, ai_write) }, { "ai.exec", r_offsetof (RConsPrintablePalette, ai_exec), r_offsetof (RConsPalette, ai_exec) }, { "ai.seq", r_offsetof (RConsPrintablePalette, ai_seq), r_offsetof (RConsPalette, ai_seq) }, { "ai.ascii", r_offsetof (RConsPrintablePalette, ai_ascii), r_offsetof (RConsPalette, ai_ascii) }, { "graph.box", r_offsetof (RConsPrintablePalette, graph_box), r_offsetof (RConsPalette, graph_box) }, { "graph.box2", r_offsetof (RConsPrintablePalette, graph_box2), r_offsetof (RConsPalette, graph_box2) }, { "graph.box3", r_offsetof (RConsPrintablePalette, graph_box3), r_offsetof (RConsPalette, graph_box3) }, { "graph.box4", r_offsetof (RConsPrintablePalette, graph_box4), r_offsetof (RConsPalette, graph_box4) }, { "graph.true", r_offsetof (RConsPrintablePalette, graph_true), r_offsetof (RConsPalette, graph_true) }, { "graph.false", r_offsetof (RConsPrintablePalette, graph_false), r_offsetof (RConsPalette, graph_false) }, { "graph.trufae", r_offsetof (RConsPrintablePalette, graph_trufae), r_offsetof (RConsPalette, graph_trufae) }, { "graph.current", r_offsetof (RConsPrintablePalette, graph_current), r_offsetof (RConsPalette, graph_current) }, { "graph.traced", r_offsetof (RConsPrintablePalette, graph_traced), r_offsetof (RConsPalette, graph_traced) }, { "graph.diff.unknown", r_offsetof (RConsPrintablePalette, graph_diff_unknown), r_offsetof (RConsPalette, graph_diff_unknown) }, { "graph.diff.new", r_offsetof (RConsPrintablePalette, graph_diff_new), r_offsetof (RConsPalette, graph_diff_new) }, { "graph.diff.match", r_offsetof (RConsPrintablePalette, graph_diff_match), r_offsetof (RConsPalette, graph_diff_match) }, { "graph.diff.unmatch", r_offsetof (RConsPrintablePalette, graph_diff_unmatch), r_offsetof (RConsPalette, graph_diff_unmatch) }, { "gui.cflow", r_offsetof (RConsPrintablePalette, gui_cflow), r_offsetof (RConsPalette, gui_cflow) }, { "gui.dataoffset", r_offsetof (RConsPrintablePalette, gui_dataoffset), r_offsetof (RConsPalette, gui_dataoffset) }, { "gui.background", r_offsetof (RConsPrintablePalette, gui_background), r_offsetof (RConsPalette, gui_background) }, { "gui.alt_background", r_offsetof (RConsPrintablePalette, gui_alt_background), r_offsetof (RConsPalette, gui_alt_background) }, { "gui.border", r_offsetof (RConsPrintablePalette, gui_border), r_offsetof (RConsPalette, gui_border) }, { "wordhl", r_offsetof (RConsPrintablePalette, wordhl), r_offsetof (RConsPalette, wordhl) }, { "linehl", r_offsetof (RConsPrintablePalette, linehl), r_offsetof (RConsPalette, linehl) }, { NULL, 0, 0 } }; static const int keys_len = sizeof (keys) / sizeof (keys[0]) - 1; struct { const char *name; RColor rcolor; const char *code; const char *bgcode; } colors[] = { { "black", RColor_BLACK, Color_BLACK, Color_BGBLACK }, { "red", RColor_RED, Color_RED, Color_BGRED }, { "white", RColor_WHITE, Color_WHITE, Color_BGWHITE }, { "green", RColor_GREEN, Color_GREEN, Color_BGGREEN }, { "magenta", RColor_MAGENTA, Color_MAGENTA, Color_BGMAGENTA }, { "yellow", RColor_YELLOW, Color_YELLOW, Color_BGYELLOW }, { "cyan", RColor_CYAN, Color_CYAN, Color_BGCYAN }, { "blue", RColor_BLUE, Color_BLUE, Color_BGBLUE }, { "gray", RColor_GRAY, Color_GRAY, Color_BGGRAY }, { "bblack", RColor_BBLACK, Color_BBLACK, Color_BBGBLACK }, { "bred", RColor_BRED, Color_BRED, Color_BBGRED }, { "bwhite", RColor_BWHITE, Color_BWHITE, Color_BBGWHITE }, { "bgreen", RColor_BGREEN, Color_BGREEN, Color_BBGGREEN }, { "bmagenta", RColor_BMAGENTA, Color_BMAGENTA, Color_BBGMAGENTA }, { "byellow", RColor_BYELLOW, Color_BYELLOW, Color_BBGYELLOW }, { "bcyan", RColor_BCYAN, Color_BCYAN, Color_BBGCYAN }, { "bblue", RColor_BBLUE, Color_BBLUE, Color_BBGBLUE }, { "none", RColor_NULL, Color_RESET, Color_RESET }, { NULL, RColor_NULL, NULL, NULL } }; static inline ut8 rgbnum(const char ch1, const char ch2) { ut8 r = 0, r2 = 0; r_hex_to_byte (&r, ch1); r_hex_to_byte (&r2, ch2); return r << 4 | r2; } static void __cons_pal_update_event(RConsContext *ctx) { Sdb *db = sdb_new0 (); int i, n = 0; /* Compute cons->pal values */ for (i = 0; keys[i].name; i++) { RColor *rcolor = (RColor *) (((ut8 *) &(ctx->cpal)) + keys[i].coff); char **color = (char **) (((ut8 *) &(ctx->pal)) + keys[i].off); // Color is dynamically allocated, needs to be freed R_FREE (*color); *color = r_cons_rgb_str_mode (ctx->color_mode, NULL, 0, rcolor); const char *rgb = sdb_fmt ("rgb:%02x%02x%02x", rcolor->r, rcolor->g, rcolor->b); sdb_set (db, rgb, "1", 0); } SdbList *list = sdb_foreach_list (db, true); SdbListIter *iter; SdbKv *kv; r_cons_rainbow_free (ctx); r_cons_rainbow_new (ctx, list->length); ls_foreach (list, iter, kv) { ctx->pal.rainbow[n++] = strdup (sdbkv_key (kv)); } ctx->pal.rainbow_sz = n; ls_free (list); sdb_free (db); } R_API void r_cons_pal_init(RConsContext *ctx) { memset (&ctx->cpal, 0, sizeof (ctx->cpal)); ctx->cpal.b0x00 = (RColor) RColor_GREEN; ctx->cpal.b0x7f = (RColor) RColor_CYAN; ctx->cpal.b0xff = (RColor) RColor_RED; ctx->cpal.args = (RColor) RColor_YELLOW; ctx->cpal.bin = (RColor) RColor_CYAN; ctx->cpal.btext = (RColor) RColor_YELLOW; ctx->cpal.call = (RColor) RColor_BGREEN; ctx->cpal.call.attr = R_CONS_ATTR_BOLD; ctx->cpal.ucall = (RColor) RColor_GREEN; ctx->cpal.ujmp = (RColor) RColor_GREEN; ctx->cpal.cjmp = (RColor) RColor_GREEN; ctx->cpal.cmp = (RColor) RColor_CYAN; ctx->cpal.comment = (RColor) RColor_RED; ctx->cpal.usercomment = (RColor) RColor_WHITE; ctx->cpal.creg = (RColor) RColor_CYAN; ctx->cpal.flag = (RColor) RColor_CYAN; ctx->cpal.fline = (RColor) RColor_CYAN; ctx->cpal.floc = (RColor) RColor_CYAN; ctx->cpal.flow = (RColor) RColor_CYAN; ctx->cpal.flow2 = (RColor) RColor_BLUE; ctx->cpal.fname = (RColor) RColor_RED; ctx->cpal.help = (RColor) RColor_GREEN; ctx->cpal.input = (RColor) RColor_WHITE; ctx->cpal.invalid = (RColor) RColor_BRED; ctx->cpal.invalid.attr = R_CONS_ATTR_BOLD; ctx->cpal.jmp = (RColor) RColor_GREEN; ctx->cpal.label = (RColor) RColor_CYAN; ctx->cpal.math = (RColor) RColor_YELLOW; ctx->cpal.mov = (RColor) RColor_WHITE; ctx->cpal.nop = (RColor) RColor_BLUE; ctx->cpal.num = (RColor) RColor_YELLOW; ctx->cpal.offset = (RColor) RColor_GREEN; ctx->cpal.other = (RColor) RColor_WHITE; ctx->cpal.pop = (RColor) RColor_BMAGENTA; ctx->cpal.pop.attr = R_CONS_ATTR_BOLD; ctx->cpal.prompt = (RColor) RColor_YELLOW; ctx->cpal.push = (RColor) RColor_MAGENTA; ctx->cpal.crypto = (RColor) RColor_BGBLUE; ctx->cpal.reg = (RColor) RColor_CYAN; ctx->cpal.ret = (RColor) RColor_RED; ctx->cpal.swi = (RColor) RColor_MAGENTA; ctx->cpal.trap = (RColor) RColor_BRED; ctx->cpal.trap.attr = R_CONS_ATTR_BOLD; ctx->cpal.ai_read = (RColor) RColor_GREEN; ctx->cpal.ai_write = (RColor) RColor_BLUE; ctx->cpal.ai_exec = (RColor) RColor_RED; ctx->cpal.ai_seq = (RColor) RColor_MAGENTA; ctx->cpal.ai_ascii = (RColor) RColor_YELLOW; ctx->cpal.gui_cflow = (RColor) RColor_YELLOW; ctx->cpal.gui_dataoffset = (RColor) RColor_YELLOW; ctx->cpal.gui_background = (RColor) RColor_BLACK; ctx->cpal.gui_alt_background = (RColor) RColor_WHITE; ctx->cpal.gui_border = (RColor) RColor_BLACK; ctx->cpal.wordhl = (RColor) RColor_BGRED; // No good choice for fallback ansi16 color #if __WINDOWS__ ctx->cpal.linehl = (RColor) RCOLOR (ALPHA_BG, 0x00, 0x00, 0x50, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 4); #else ctx->cpal.linehl = (RColor) RCOLOR (ALPHA_BG, 0x00, 0x00, 0x80, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 4); #endif ctx->cpal.func_var = (RColor) RColor_WHITE; ctx->cpal.func_var_type = (RColor) RColor_BLUE; ctx->cpal.func_var_addr = (RColor) RColor_CYAN; ctx->cpal.widget_bg = (RColor) RCOLOR (ALPHA_BG, 0x30, 0x30, 0x30, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0); ctx->cpal.widget_sel = (RColor) RColor_BGRED; ctx->cpal.graph_box = (RColor) RColor_NULL; ctx->cpal.graph_box2 = (RColor) RColor_BLUE; ctx->cpal.graph_box3 = (RColor) RColor_MAGENTA; ctx->cpal.graph_box4 = (RColor) RColor_GRAY; ctx->cpal.graph_true = (RColor) RColor_GREEN; ctx->cpal.graph_false = (RColor) RColor_RED; ctx->cpal.graph_trufae = (RColor) RColor_BLUE; // single jump ctx->cpal.graph_traced = (RColor) RColor_YELLOW; ctx->cpal.graph_current = (RColor) RColor_BLUE; ctx->cpal.graph_diff_unknown = (RColor) RColor_MAGENTA; ctx->cpal.graph_diff_new = (RColor) RColor_RED; ctx->cpal.graph_diff_match = (RColor) RColor_GRAY; ctx->cpal.graph_diff_unmatch = (RColor) RColor_YELLOW; r_cons_pal_free (ctx); ctx->pal.reset = Color_RESET; // reset is not user accessible, const char* is ok __cons_pal_update_event (ctx); } R_API void r_cons_pal_free(RConsContext *ctx) { int i; for (i = 0; keys[i].name; i++) { char **color = (char **) (((ut8 *) &(ctx->pal)) + keys[i].off); if (color && *color) { R_FREE (*color); } } r_cons_rainbow_free (ctx); } R_API void r_cons_pal_copy(RConsContext *dst, RConsContext *src) { memcpy (&dst->cpal, &src->cpal, sizeof (src->cpal)); memset (&dst->pal, 0, sizeof (dst->pal)); dst->pal.rainbow = NULL; dst->pal.rainbow_sz = 0; dst->pal.reset = Color_RESET; // reset is not user accessible, const char* is ok __cons_pal_update_event (dst); } R_API void r_cons_pal_random() { int i; RColor *rcolor; for (i = 0; keys[i].name; i++) { rcolor = RCOLOR_AT (i); *rcolor = r_cons_color_random (ALPHA_FG); } r_cons_pal_update_event (); } /* Return NULL if outcol is given */ R_API char *r_cons_pal_parse(const char *str, RColor *outcol) { int i; RColor rcolor = (RColor) RColor_BLACK; rcolor.id16 = -1; char *fgcolor; char *bgcolor; char *attr = NULL; char out[128]; if (!str) { return NULL; } fgcolor = strdup (str); if (!fgcolor) { return NULL; } bgcolor = strchr (fgcolor + 1, ' '); out[0] = 0; if (bgcolor) { *bgcolor++ = '\0'; attr = strchr (bgcolor, ' '); if (attr) { *attr++ = '\0'; } } // Handle first color (fgcolor) if (!strcmp (fgcolor, "random")) { rcolor = r_cons_color_random (ALPHA_FG); if (!outcol) { r_cons_rgb_str (out, sizeof (out), &rcolor); } } else if (!strncmp (fgcolor, "#", 1)) { // "#00ff00" HTML format if (strlen (fgcolor) == 7) { i = sscanf (fgcolor + 1, "%02hhx%02hhx%02hhx", &rcolor.r, &rcolor.g, &rcolor.b); if (i != 3) { eprintf ("Error while parsing HTML color: %s\n", fgcolor); } if (!outcol) { r_cons_rgb_str (out, sizeof (out), &rcolor); } } else { eprintf ("Invalid html color code\n"); } } else if (!strncmp (fgcolor, "rgb:", 4)) { // "rgb:123" rgb format if (strlen (fgcolor) == 7) { rcolor.r = rgbnum (fgcolor[4], '0'); rcolor.g = rgbnum (fgcolor[5], '0'); rcolor.b = rgbnum (fgcolor[6], '0'); if (!outcol) { r_cons_rgb_str (out, sizeof (out), &rcolor); } } else if (strlen (fgcolor) == 10) { rcolor.r = rgbnum (fgcolor[4], fgcolor[5]); rcolor.g = rgbnum (fgcolor[6], fgcolor[7]); rcolor.b = rgbnum (fgcolor[8], fgcolor[9]); if (!outcol) { r_cons_rgb_str (out, sizeof (out), &rcolor); } } } // Handle second color (bgcolor) if (bgcolor && !strncmp (bgcolor, "rgb:", 4)) { // "rgb:123" rgb format if (strlen (bgcolor) == 7) { rcolor.a |= ALPHA_BG; rcolor.r2 = rgbnum (bgcolor[4], '0'); rcolor.g2 = rgbnum (bgcolor[5], '0'); rcolor.b2 = rgbnum (bgcolor[6], '0'); if (!outcol) { size_t len = strlen (out); r_cons_rgb_str (out + len, sizeof (out) - len, &rcolor); } } else if (strlen (bgcolor) == 10) { rcolor.a |= ALPHA_BG; rcolor.r2 = rgbnum (bgcolor[4], bgcolor[5]); rcolor.g2 = rgbnum (bgcolor[6], bgcolor[7]); rcolor.b2 = rgbnum (bgcolor[8], bgcolor[9]); if (!outcol) { size_t len = strlen (out); r_cons_rgb_str (out + len, sizeof (out) - len, &rcolor); } } } // No suitable format, checking if colors are named for (i = 0; colors[i].name; i++) { if (!strcmp (fgcolor, colors[i].name)) { rcolor.r = colors[i].rcolor.r; rcolor.g = colors[i].rcolor.g; rcolor.b = colors[i].rcolor.b; rcolor.id16 = colors[i].rcolor.id16; if (!outcol) { strncat (out, colors[i].code, sizeof (out) - strlen (out) - 1); } } if (bgcolor && !strcmp (bgcolor, colors[i].name)) { rcolor.a |= ALPHA_BG; rcolor.r2 = colors[i].rcolor.r; // Initial color doesn't rcolor.g2 = colors[i].rcolor.g; // have r2, g2, b2 rcolor.b2 = colors[i].rcolor.b; rcolor.id16 = colors[i].rcolor.id16; if (!outcol) { strncat (out, colors[i].bgcode, sizeof (out) - strlen (out) - 1); } } } if (attr) { // Parse extra attributes. const char *p = attr; while (p) { if (!strncmp(p, "bold", 4)) { rcolor.attr |= R_CONS_ATTR_BOLD; } else if (!strncmp(p, "dim", 3)) { rcolor.attr |= R_CONS_ATTR_DIM; } else if (!strncmp(p, "italic", 6)) { rcolor.attr |= R_CONS_ATTR_ITALIC; } else if (!strncmp(p, "underline", 9)) { rcolor.attr |= R_CONS_ATTR_UNDERLINE; } else if (!strncmp(p, "blink", 5)) { rcolor.attr |= R_CONS_ATTR_BLINK; } else { eprintf ("Failed to parse terminal attributes: %s\n", p); break; } p = strchr (p, ' '); if (p) { p++; } } } if (outcol) { if (outcol->a == ALPHA_BG && !bgcolor) { rcolor.a = ALPHA_BG; } *outcol = rcolor; } free (fgcolor); return (*out && !outcol) ? strdup (out) : NULL; } static void r_cons_pal_show_gs() { int i, n; r_cons_print ("\nGreyscale:\n"); RColor rcolor = RColor_BLACK; for (i = 0x08, n = 0; i <= 0xee; i += 0xa) { char fg[32], bg[32]; rcolor.r = i; rcolor.g = i; rcolor.b = i; if (i < 0x76) { strcpy (fg, Color_WHITE); } else { strcpy (fg, Color_BLACK); } r_cons_rgb_str (bg, sizeof (bg), &rcolor); r_cons_printf ("%s%s rgb:%02x%02x%02x "Color_RESET, fg, bg, i, i, i); if (n++ == 5) { n = 0; r_cons_newline (); } } } static void r_cons_pal_show_256() { RColor rc = RColor_BLACK; r_cons_print ("\n\nXTerm colors:\n"); int r = 0; int g = 0; int b = 0; for (r = 0x00; r <= 0xff; r += 0x28) { rc.r = r; if (rc.r == 0x28) { rc.r = 0x5f; } for (b = 0x00; b <= 0xff; b += 0x28) { rc.b = b; if (rc.b == 0x28) { rc.b = 0x5f; } for (g = 0x00; g <= 0xff; g += 0x28) { rc.g = g; char bg[32]; if (rc.g == 0x28) { rc.g = 0x5f; } const char *fg = ((rc.r <= 0x5f) && (rc.g <= 0x5f)) ? Color_WHITE: Color_BLACK; r_cons_rgb_str (bg, sizeof (bg), &rc); r_cons_printf ("%s%s rgb:%02x%02x%02x " Color_RESET, fg, bg, rc.r, rc.g, rc.b); } r_cons_newline (); } } } static void r_cons_pal_show_rgb() { const int inc = 3; int i, j, k, n = 0; RColor rc = RColor_BLACK; r_cons_print ("\n\nRGB:\n"); for (i = n = 0; i <= 0xf; i += inc) { for (k = 0; k <= 0xf; k += inc) { for (j = 0; j <= 0xf; j += inc) { char fg[32], bg[32]; rc.r = i * 16; rc.g = j * 16; rc.b = k * 16; strcpy (fg, ((i < 6) && (j < 5)) ? Color_WHITE: Color_BLACK); r_cons_rgb_str (bg, sizeof (bg), &rc); r_cons_printf ("%s%s rgb:%02x%02x%02x " Color_RESET, fg, bg, rc.r, rc.g, rc.b); if (n ++== 5) { n = 0; r_cons_newline (); } } } } } R_API void r_cons_pal_show() { int i; for (i = 0; colors[i].name; i++) { r_cons_printf ("%s%s__"Color_RESET" %s\n", colors[i].code, colors[i].bgcode, colors[i].name); } switch (r_cons_singleton ()->context->color_mode) { case COLOR_MODE_256: // 256 color palette r_cons_pal_show_gs (); r_cons_pal_show_256 (); break; case COLOR_MODE_16M: // 16M (truecolor) r_cons_pal_show_gs (); r_cons_pal_show_rgb (); break; default: break; } } typedef struct { int val; const char *str; } RAttrStr; R_API void r_cons_pal_list(int rad, const char *arg) { char *name, **color; const char *hasnext; int i; if (rad == 'j') { r_cons_print ("{"); } for (i = 0; keys[i].name; i++) { RColor *rcolor = RCOLOR_AT (i); color = COLOR_AT (i); switch (rad) { case 'j': hasnext = (keys[i + 1].name) ? "," : ""; r_cons_printf ("\"%s\":[%d,%d,%d]%s", keys[i].name, rcolor->r, rcolor->g, rcolor->b, hasnext); break; case 'c': { const char *prefix = r_str_trim_ro (arg); if (!prefix) { prefix = ""; } hasnext = (keys[i + 1].name) ? "\n" : ""; // TODO Need to replace the '.' char because this is not valid CSS char *name = strdup (keys[i].name); int j, len = strlen (name); for (j = 0; j < len; j++) { if (name[j] == '.') { name[j] = '_'; } } r_cons_printf (".%s%s { color: rgb(%d, %d, %d); }%s", prefix, name, rcolor->r, rcolor->g, rcolor->b, hasnext); free (name); } break; case 'h': name = strdup (keys[i].name); r_str_replace_char (name, '.', '_'); r_cons_printf (".%s { color:#%02x%02x%02x }\n", name, rcolor->r, rcolor->g, rcolor->b); free (name); break; case '*': case 'r': case 1: r_cons_printf ("ec %s rgb:%02x%02x%02x", keys[i].name, rcolor->r, rcolor->g, rcolor->b); if (rcolor->a == ALPHA_FGBG) { r_cons_printf (" rgb:%02x%02x%02x", rcolor->r2, rcolor->g2, rcolor->b2); } if (rcolor->attr) { const RAttrStr attrs[] = { { R_CONS_ATTR_BOLD, "bold" }, { R_CONS_ATTR_DIM, "dim" }, { R_CONS_ATTR_ITALIC, "italic" }, { R_CONS_ATTR_UNDERLINE, "underline" }, { R_CONS_ATTR_BLINK, "blink" } }; int j; if (rcolor->a != ALPHA_FGBG) { r_cons_strcat (" ."); } for (j = 0; j < R_ARRAY_SIZE (attrs); j++) { if (rcolor->attr & attrs[j].val) { r_cons_printf (" %s", attrs[j].str); } } } r_cons_newline (); break; default: r_cons_printf (" %s##"Color_RESET" %s\n", *color, keys[i].name); } } if (rad == 'j') { r_cons_print ("}\n"); } } /* Modify the palette to set a color value. * r_cons_pal_update_event () must be called after this function * so the changes take effect. */ R_API int r_cons_pal_set(const char *key, const char *val) { int i; RColor *rcolor; for (i = 0; keys[i].name; i++) { if (!strcmp (key, keys[i].name)) { rcolor = RCOLOR_AT (i); r_cons_pal_parse (val, rcolor); return true; } } eprintf ("r_cons_pal_set: Invalid color %s\n", key); return false; } /* Get the named RColor */ R_API RColor r_cons_pal_get(const char *key) { int i; RColor *rcolor; for (i = 0; keys[i].name; i++) { if (!strcmp (key, keys[i].name)) { rcolor = RCOLOR_AT (i); return rcolor? *rcolor: (RColor) RColor_NULL; } } return (RColor) RColor_NULL; } /* Get the RColor at specified index */ R_API RColor r_cons_pal_get_i(int index) { return *(RCOLOR_AT (index)); } /* Get color name at index */ R_API const char *r_cons_pal_get_name(int index) { return (index >= 0 && index < keys_len) ? keys[index].name : NULL; } R_API int r_cons_pal_len() { return keys_len; } R_API void r_cons_pal_update_event() { __cons_pal_update_event (r_cons_singleton ()->context); } R_API void r_cons_rainbow_new(RConsContext *ctx, int sz) { ctx->pal.rainbow_sz = sz; free (ctx->pal.rainbow); ctx->pal.rainbow = calloc (sizeof (char *), sz); } R_API void r_cons_rainbow_free(RConsContext *ctx) { int i, sz = ctx->pal.rainbow_sz; if (ctx->pal.rainbow) { for (i = 0; i < sz; i++) { free (ctx->pal.rainbow[i]); } } ctx->pal.rainbow_sz = 0; R_FREE (ctx->pal.rainbow); } R_API char *r_cons_rainbow_get(int idx, int last, bool bg) { RCons *cons = r_cons_singleton (); if (last < 0) { last = cons->context->pal.rainbow_sz; } if (idx < 0 || idx >= last || !cons->context->pal.rainbow) { return NULL; } int x = (last == cons->context->pal.rainbow_sz) ? idx : (cons->context->pal.rainbow_sz * idx) / (last + 1); const char *a = cons->context->pal.rainbow[x]; if (bg) { char *dup = r_str_newf ("%s %s", a, a); char *res = r_cons_pal_parse (dup, NULL); free (dup); return res; } return r_cons_pal_parse (a, NULL); }