.Dd Sep 30, 2014 .Dt RAFIND2 1 .Sh NAME .Nm rafind2 .Nd Advanced commandline hexadecimal editor .Sh SYNOPSIS .Nm rafind2 .Op Fl zZXnrhv .Op Fl b Ar size .Op Fl f Ar from .Op Fl t Ar to .Op Fl [m|s|e] Ar str .Op Fl x Ar hex .Ar file .Sh DESCRIPTION rafind2 is a program to find byte patterns into files .Pp The options are: .Bl -tag -width Fl .It Fl z Search for zero-terminated strings .It Fl s Ar str Search for a specific string .It Fl e Ar regex Search for a regular expression string matches .It Fl x Ar hex Search for an hexpair string .It Fl m Ar mask Set binary mask to be applied .It Fl f Ar from Specify the source adddress .It Fl t Ar to Specify the target adddress .It Fl X Display hexdump of search results .It Fl Z Display zero-terminated strings results .It Fl n Do not stop the search when a read error occurs .It Fl r Show output in radare commands .It Fl b Ar size Define block size .It Fl h Show help message .It Fl v Print version and exit .El .Sh SEE ALSO .Pp .Xr radare2(1) , .Xr rahash2(1) , .Xr rabin2(1) , .Xr radiff2(1) , .Xr rasm2(1) , .Xr ragg2(1) , .Xr rarun2(1) , .Xr rax2(1) , .Sh AUTHORS .Pp pancake