/* radare2 - LGPL - Copyright 2019 - thestr4ng3r */ #include #include #define unwrap(rbnode) container_of (rbnode, RIntervalNode, node) static void node_max(RBNode *node) { RIntervalNode *intervalnode = unwrap (node); intervalnode->max_end = intervalnode->end; int i; for (i = 0; i < 2; i++) { if (node->child[i]) { ut64 end = unwrap (node->child[i])->max_end; if (end > intervalnode->max_end) { intervalnode->max_end = end; } } } } static int cmp(const void *incoming, const RBNode *in_tree, void *user) { ut64 incoming_start = *(ut64 *)incoming; ut64 other_start = container_of (in_tree, const RIntervalNode, node)->start; if (incoming_start < other_start) { return -1; } if (incoming_start > other_start) { return 1; } return 0; } // like cmp, but handles searches for an exact RIntervalNode * in the tree instead of only comparing the start values static int cmp_exact_node(const void *incoming, const RBNode *in_tree, void *user) { RIntervalNode *incoming_node = (RIntervalNode *)incoming; const RIntervalNode *node = container_of (in_tree, const RIntervalNode, node); if (node == incoming_node) { return 0; } if (incoming_node->start < node->start) { return -1; } if (incoming_node->start > node->start) { return 1; } // Here we have the same start value, but a different pointer. // This means we need to guide the caller into the direction where the actual node is. // Since we have nothing to compare anymore, we have to iterate through all the same-start children to find the correct path. RBIter *path_cache = user; if (!path_cache->len) { RBNode *cur = (RBNode *)&node->node; // go down to the leftmost child that has the same start while (cur) { path_cache->path[path_cache->len++] = cur; if (incoming_node->start <= unwrap (cur)->start) { cur = cur->child[0]; } else { cur = cur->child[1]; } } // iterate through all children with the same start and stop when the pointer is identical // The RBIter works a bit different than normal here. We store each node in the path, including right-descended ones // because we want to get the full path in the end. while (r_rbtree_iter_has (path_cache)) { RIntervalNode *intervalnode = r_rbtree_iter_get (path_cache, RIntervalNode, node); if (intervalnode == incoming_node || intervalnode->start > incoming_node->start) { break; } // r_rbtree_iter_next does not work here RBNode *rbnode = &intervalnode->node; if (rbnode->child[1]) { // next node after the current is always the leftmost in the right branch for (rbnode = rbnode->child[1]; rbnode; rbnode = rbnode->child[0]) { path_cache->path[path_cache->len++] = rbnode; } } else { // if there is no right branch, go up do { rbnode = path_cache->path[--path_cache->len]; } while (path_cache->len && path_cache->path[path_cache->len - 1]->child[1] == rbnode); } } } RBNode *next_child = NULL; // Go through the path to find the next node one step down size_t i; for (i = 0; i < path_cache->len - 1; i++) { if (unwrap (path_cache->path[i]) == node) { next_child = path_cache->path[i + 1]; break; } } // Determine the direction from the next child node return (next_child && node->node.child[0] == next_child) ? -1 : 1; } R_API void r_interval_tree_init(RIntervalTree *tree, RIntervalNodeFree free) { tree->root = NULL; tree->free = free; } static void interval_node_free(RBNode *node, void *user) { RIntervalNode *ragenode /* >:-O */ = unwrap (node); if (user) { ((RContRBFree)user) (ragenode->data); } free (ragenode); } R_API void r_interval_tree_fini(RIntervalTree *tree) { if (!tree || !tree->root) { return; } r_rbtree_free (&tree->root->node, interval_node_free, tree->free); } R_API bool r_interval_tree_insert(RIntervalTree *tree, ut64 start, ut64 end, void *data) { r_return_val_if_fail (end >= start, false); RIntervalNode *node = R_NEW0 (RIntervalNode); if (!node) { return false; } node->start = start; node->end = end; node->data = data; RBNode *root = tree->root ? &tree->root->node : NULL; bool r = r_rbtree_aug_insert (&root, &start, &node->node, cmp, NULL, node_max); tree->root = unwrap (root); if (!r) { free (node); } return r; } R_API bool r_interval_tree_delete(RIntervalTree *tree, RIntervalNode *node, bool free) { RBNode *root = &tree->root->node; RBIter path_cache = { 0 }; bool r = r_rbtree_aug_delete (&root, node, cmp_exact_node, &path_cache, interval_node_free, free ? tree->free : NULL, node_max); tree->root = root ? unwrap (root) : NULL; return r; } R_API bool r_interval_tree_resize(RIntervalTree *tree, RIntervalNode *node, ut64 new_start, ut64 new_end) { r_return_val_if_fail (new_end >= new_start, false); if (node->start != new_start) { // Start change means the tree needs a different structure void *data = node->data; if (!r_interval_tree_delete (tree, node, false)) { return false; } return r_interval_tree_insert (tree, new_start, new_end, data); } if (node->end != new_end) { // Only end change just needs the updated augmented max value to be propagated upwards node->end = new_end; RBIter path_cache = { 0 }; return r_rbtree_aug_update_sum (&tree->root->node, node, &node->node, cmp_exact_node, &path_cache, node_max); } // no change return true; } // This must always return the topmost node that matches start! // Otherwise r_interval_tree_first_at will break!!! R_API RIntervalNode *r_interval_tree_node_at(RIntervalTree *tree, ut64 start) { RIntervalNode *node = tree->root; while (node) { if (start < node->start) { node = unwrap (node->node.child[0]); } else if (start > node->start) { node = unwrap (node->node.child[1]); } else { return node; } } return NULL; } R_API RBIter r_interval_tree_first_at(RIntervalTree *tree, ut64 start) { RBIter it = { 0 }; // Find the topmost node matching start so we have a sub-tree with all entries that we want to find. RIntervalNode *top_intervalnode = r_interval_tree_node_at (tree, start); if (!top_intervalnode) { return it; } // If there are more nodes with the same key, they can be in both children. RBNode *node = &top_intervalnode->node; while (node) { if (start <= unwrap (node)->start) { it.path[it.len++] = node; node = node->child[0]; } else { node = node->child[1]; } } return it; } R_API RIntervalNode *r_interval_tree_node_at_data(RIntervalTree *tree, ut64 start, void *data) { RBIter it = r_interval_tree_first_at (tree, start); while (r_rbtree_iter_has (&it)) { RIntervalNode *intervalnode = r_rbtree_iter_get (&it, RIntervalNode, node); if (intervalnode->start != start) { break; } if (intervalnode->data == data) { return intervalnode; } r_rbtree_iter_next (&it); } return NULL; } R_API bool r_interval_tree_all_at(RIntervalTree *tree, ut64 start, RIntervalIterCb cb, void *user) { RBIter it = r_interval_tree_first_at (tree, start); bool ret = true; while (r_rbtree_iter_has (&it)) { RIntervalNode *intervalnode = r_rbtree_iter_get (&it, RIntervalNode, node); if (intervalnode->start != start) { break; } ret = cb (intervalnode, user); if (!ret) { break; } r_rbtree_iter_next (&it); } return ret; } R_API bool r_interval_node_all_in(RIntervalNode *node, ut64 value, bool end_inclusive, RIntervalIterCb cb, void *user) { while (node && value < node->start) { // less than the current node, but might still be contained further down node = unwrap (node->node.child[0]); } if (!node) { return true; } if (end_inclusive ? value > node->max_end : value >= node->max_end) { return true; } if (end_inclusive ? value <= node->end : value < node->end) { if (!cb (node, user)) { return false; } } // This can be done more efficiently by building the stack manually bool ret = r_interval_node_all_in (unwrap (node->node.child[0]), value, end_inclusive, cb, user); if (!ret) { return false; } return r_interval_node_all_in (unwrap (node->node.child[1]), value, end_inclusive, cb, user); } R_API bool r_interval_tree_all_in(RIntervalTree *tree, ut64 value, bool end_inclusive, RIntervalIterCb cb, void *user) { // all in! 🂡 return r_interval_node_all_in (tree->root, value, end_inclusive, cb, user); } static bool r_interval_node_all_intersect(RIntervalNode *node, ut64 start, ut64 end, bool end_inclusive, RIntervalIterCb cb, void *user) { r_return_val_if_fail (end >= start, true); while (node && (end_inclusive ? end < node->start : end <= node->start)) { // less than the current node, but might still be contained further down node = unwrap (node->node.child[0]); } if (!node) { return true; } if (end_inclusive ? start > node->max_end : start >= node->max_end) { return true; } if (end_inclusive ? start <= node->end : start < node->end) { if (!cb (node, user)) { return false; } } // This can be done more efficiently by building the stack manually if (!r_interval_node_all_intersect (unwrap (node->node.child[0]), start, end, end_inclusive, cb, user)) { return false; } return r_interval_node_all_intersect (unwrap (node->node.child[1]), start, end, end_inclusive, cb, user); } R_API bool r_interval_tree_all_intersect(RIntervalTree *tree, ut64 start, ut64 end, bool end_inclusive, RIntervalIterCb cb, void *user) { return r_interval_node_all_intersect (tree->root, start, end, end_inclusive, cb, user); }