2017-03-17 03:52:43 +01:00

214 lines
5.9 KiB

/* radare - LGPL - Copyright 2014-2015 - pancake */
#include <r_types.h>
#include <r_util.h>
#include <r_lib.h>
#include <r_bin.h>
// Taken from https://pebbledev.org/wiki/Applications
#define APP_NAME_BYTES 32
typedef struct __attribute__((__packed__)) {
ut8 major; //!< "compatibility" version number
ut8 minor;
} Version;
typedef struct __attribute__((__packed__)) {
char header[8]; //!< Sentinal value, should always be 'PBLAPP\0\0'
Version struct_version; //!< version of this structure's format
Version sdk_version; //!< version of the SDK used to build this app
Version app_version; //!< version of the app
ut16 size; //!< size of the app binary, including this metadata but not the reloc table
ut32 offset; //!< The entry point of this executable
ut32 crc; //!< CRC of the app data only, ie, not including this struct or the reloc table at the end
char name[APP_NAME_BYTES]; //!< Name to display on the menu
char company[COMPANY_NAME_BYTES]; //!< Name of the maker of this app
ut32 icon_resource_id; //!< Resource ID within this app's bank to use as a 32x32 icon
ut32 sym_table_addr; //!< The system will poke the sdk's symbol table address into this field on load
ut32 flags; //!< Bitwise OR of PebbleAppFlags
ut32 reloc_list_start; //!< The offset of the address relocation list
ut32 num_reloc_entries; //!< The number of entries in the address relocation list
ut8 uuid[16];
} PebbleAppInfo;
static bool check_bytes(const ut8 *buf, ut64 length) {
return (length > 7 && !memcmp (buf, "PBLAPP\x00\x00", 8));
static bool check(RBinFile *arch) {
const ut8 *bytes = arch ? r_buf_buffer (arch->buf) : NULL;
ut64 sz = arch ? r_buf_size (arch->buf): 0;
return check_bytes (bytes, sz);
static void * load_bytes(RBinFile *arch, const ut8 *buf, ut64 sz, ut64 loadaddr, Sdb *sdb){
check_bytes (buf, sz);
// XXX: this may be wrong if check_bytes is true
return R_NOTNULL;
static bool load(RBinFile *arch) {
const ut8 *bytes = arch ? r_buf_buffer (arch->buf) : NULL;
ut64 sz = arch ? r_buf_size (arch->buf): 0;
return check_bytes (bytes, sz);
static int destroy(RBinFile *arch) {
//r_bin_pebble_free ((struct r_bin_pebble_obj_t*)arch->o->bin_obj);
return true;
static ut64 baddr(RBinFile *arch) {
return 0LL;
/* accelerate binary load */
static RList *strings(RBinFile *arch) {
return NULL;
static RBinInfo* info(RBinFile *arch) {
RBinInfo *ret = NULL;
PebbleAppInfo pai;
memset (&pai, 0, sizeof (pai));
int reat = r_buf_read_at (arch->buf, 0, (ut8*)&pai, sizeof (pai));
if (reat != sizeof (pai)) {
eprintf ("Truncated Header\n");
return NULL;
if (!(ret = R_NEW0 (RBinInfo)))
return NULL;
ret->lang = NULL;
ret->file = strdup (arch->file);
ret->type = strdup ("pebble");
ret->bclass = r_str_ndup (pai.name, 32);
ret->rclass = r_str_ndup (pai.company, 32);
ret->os = strdup ("rtos");
ret->subsystem = strdup ("pebble");
ret->machine = strdup ("watch");
ret->arch = strdup ("arm"); // thumb only
ret->has_va = 1;
ret->bits = 16;
ret->big_endian = 0;
ret->dbg_info = 0;
return ret;
static RList* sections(RBinFile *arch) {
ut64 textsize = UT64_MAX;
RList *ret = NULL;
RBinSection *ptr = NULL;
PebbleAppInfo pai;
memset (&pai, 0, sizeof (pai));
if (!r_buf_read_at (arch->buf, 0, (ut8*)&pai, sizeof(pai))) {
eprintf ("Truncated Header\n");
return NULL;
if (!(ret = r_list_new ()))
return NULL;
ret->free = free;
// TODO: load all relocs
if (!(ptr = R_NEW0 (RBinSection)))
return ret;
strcpy (ptr->name, "relocs");
ptr->vsize = ptr->size = pai.num_reloc_entries * sizeof (ut32);
ptr->vaddr = ptr->paddr = pai.reloc_list_start;
ptr->add = true;
r_list_append (ret, ptr);
if (ptr->vaddr<textsize)
textsize = ptr->vaddr;
// imho this must be a symbol
if (!(ptr = R_NEW0 (RBinSection)))
return ret;
strcpy (ptr->name, "symtab");
ptr->vsize = ptr->size = 0;
ptr->vaddr = ptr->paddr = pai.sym_table_addr;
ptr->add = true;
r_list_append (ret, ptr);
if (ptr->vaddr<textsize)
textsize = ptr->vaddr;
if (!(ptr = R_NEW0 (RBinSection)))
return ret;
strcpy (ptr->name, "text");
ptr->vaddr = ptr->paddr = 0x80;
ptr->vsize = ptr->size = textsize - ptr->paddr;
ptr->add = true;
r_list_append (ret, ptr);
if (!(ptr = R_NEW0 (RBinSection)))
return ret;
strcpy (ptr->name, "header");
ptr->vsize = ptr->size = sizeof (PebbleAppInfo);
ptr->vaddr = ptr->paddr = 0;
ptr->add = true;
r_list_append (ret, ptr);
return ret;
#if 0
static RList* relocs(RBinFile *arch) {
RList *ret = NULL;
RBinReloc *ptr = NULL;
ut64 got_addr;
int i;
if (!(ret = r_list_new ()))
return NULL;
ret->free = free;
return ret;
static RList* entries(RBinFile *arch) {
RBinAddr *ptr = NULL;
RList *ret;
PebbleAppInfo pai;
if (!r_buf_read_at (arch->buf, 0, (ut8*)&pai, sizeof(pai))) {
eprintf ("Truncated Header\n");
return NULL;
if (!(ret = r_list_new ()))
return NULL;
ret->free = free;
if (!(ptr = R_NEW0 (RBinAddr)))
return ret;
ptr->paddr = pai.offset;
ptr->vaddr = pai.offset;
r_list_append (ret, ptr);
return ret;
struct r_bin_plugin_t r_bin_plugin_pebble = {
.name = "pebble",
.desc = "Pebble Watch App",
.license = "LGPL",
.load = &load,
.load_bytes = &load_bytes,
.destroy = &destroy,
.check = &check,
.check_bytes = &check_bytes,
.baddr = &baddr,
.entries = entries,
.sections = sections,
.strings = &strings,
.info = &info,
//.relocs = &relocs
#ifndef CORELIB
struct r_lib_struct_t radare_plugin = {
.type = R_LIB_TYPE_BIN,
.data = &r_bin_plugin_pebble,
.version = R2_VERSION