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synced 2025-02-03 20:22:38 +00:00
* Fix segfaults caused by read buffer overflow in x86im - use a 16 byte delta buffer in function and basic block analysis * Fix r_list_delete segfault caused by an use-after-free bug - Thanks Edd Barrett for notifying :) * Clean up many warnings reported by OpenBSD's gcc * Reduce analysis depth to 50 * Fix OpenBSD syscall definitions and fix generator python script
140 lines
3.9 KiB
140 lines
3.9 KiB
/* radare - LGPL - Copyright 2011 pancake<nopcode.org> */
#include <r_types.h>
#include <r_util.h>
#include <r_lib.h>
#include <r_bin.h>
#include "dex/dex.h"
static int load(RBinArch *arch) {
if(!(arch->bin_obj = r_bin_dex_new_buf(arch->buf)))
return R_FALSE;
return R_TRUE;
static ut64 baddr(RBinArch *arch) {
return 0;
static int check(RBinArch *arch) {
if (!memcmp (arch->buf->buf, "dex\n035\0", 8))
return R_TRUE;
else if (!memcmp (arch->buf->buf, "dex\n009\0", 8)) // M3 (Nov-Dec 07)
return R_TRUE;
else if (!memcmp (arch->buf->buf, "dex\n009\0", 8)) // M5 (Feb-Mar 08)
return R_TRUE;
return R_FALSE;
static RBinInfo * info(RBinArch *arch) {
RBinInfo *ret = NULL;
char *version;
if (!(ret = R_NEW (RBinInfo)))
return NULL;
memset (ret, '\0', sizeof (RBinInfo));
strncpy (ret->file, arch->file, R_BIN_SIZEOF_STRINGS);
strncpy (ret->rpath, "NONE", R_BIN_SIZEOF_STRINGS);
strncpy (ret->type, "DEX CLASS", R_BIN_SIZEOF_STRINGS);
version = r_bin_dex_get_version (arch->bin_obj);
strncpy (ret->bclass, version, R_BIN_SIZEOF_STRINGS);
free (version);
strncpy (ret->rclass, "class", R_BIN_SIZEOF_STRINGS);
strncpy (ret->os, "linux", R_BIN_SIZEOF_STRINGS);
strncpy (ret->subsystem, "any", R_BIN_SIZEOF_STRINGS);
strncpy (ret->machine, "Dalvik VM", R_BIN_SIZEOF_STRINGS);
strncpy (ret->arch, "dalvik", R_BIN_SIZEOF_STRINGS);
ret->bits = 32;
ret->big_endian= 0;
ret->dbg_info = 4 | 8; /* LineNums | Syms */
return ret;
static RList* strings(RBinArch *arch) {
RList *ret = NULL;
RBinString *ptr = NULL;
struct r_bin_dex_obj_t *bin = (struct r_bin_dex_obj_t *) arch->bin_obj;
ut32 i, *string;
char buf[6];
int len;
string = (ut32 *) malloc (bin->header.strings_size * sizeof (ut32));
r_buf_read_at(bin->b, bin->header.strings_offset, (ut8*)string,
bin->header.strings_size * sizeof (ut32));
if (!(ret = r_list_new ()))
return NULL;
ret->free = free;
for (i = 0; i < bin->header.strings_size; i++) {
if (!(ptr = R_NEW (RBinString)))
r_buf_read_at (bin->b, string[i], (ut8*)&buf, 6);
len = dex_read_uleb128 (buf);
if (len>0 && len < R_BIN_SIZEOF_STRINGS) {
r_buf_read_at(bin->b, string[i]+1, (ut8*)&ptr->string, len);
ptr->string[(int) len]='\0';
ptr->rva = ptr->offset = string[i]+1;
ptr->size = len;
ptr->ordinal = i+1;
r_list_append (ret, ptr);
} else eprintf ("dex_read_uleb128: invalid read\n");
free (string);
return ret;
static RList* classes (RBinArch *arch) {
RList *ret = NULL;
struct r_bin_dex_obj_t *bin = (struct r_bin_dex_obj_t *) arch->bin_obj;
struct dex_class_t entry;
int i;
if (!(ret = r_list_new ()))
return NULL;
ret->free = free;
for (i = 0; i < bin->header.class_size; i++) {
r_buf_read_at(bin->b, bin->header.class_offset, (ut8*)&entry,
bin->header.class_size * sizeof (struct dex_class_t));
eprintf ("ut32 class_id = %08x;\n", entry.class_id);
eprintf ("ut32 access_flags = %08x;\n", entry.access_flags);
eprintf ("ut32 super_class = %08x;\n", entry.super_class);
eprintf ("ut32 interfaces_offset = %08x;\n", entry.interfaces_offset);
eprintf ("ut32 source_file = %08x;\n", entry.source_file);
eprintf ("ut32 anotations_offset = %08x;\n", entry.anotations_offset);
eprintf ("ut32 class_data_offset = %08x;\n", entry.class_data_offset);
eprintf ("ut32 static_values_offset = %08x;\n", entry.static_values_offset);
return ret;
struct r_bin_plugin_t r_bin_plugin_dex = {
.name = "dex",
.desc = "dex format bin plugin",
.init = NULL,
.fini = NULL,
.load = &load,
.destroy = NULL,
.check = &check,
.baddr = &baddr,
.binsym = NULL,
.entries = &classes,
.sections = NULL,
.symbols = NULL,
.imports = NULL,
.strings = &strings,
.info = &info,
.fields = NULL,
.libs = NULL,
.relocs = NULL,
.meta = NULL,
.write = NULL,
#ifndef CORELIB
struct r_lib_struct_t radare_plugin = {
.type = R_LIB_TYPE_BIN,
.data = &r_bin_plugin_dex