Zi Fan 0ba897f5c9
Add network support for WinDbg/KD (KDNET) ##debug (#17340)
* Add network support for WinDbg/KD (KDNET) ##debug
* Add iob_net io_backend plugin for shlr/winkd
* Add Windows 10 (May 2019 Update) build 18362 profile
* Add r_hash_do_hmac_sha256 function to r_hash
* Change r_socket_connect to bind source port for UDP connection
2020-08-26 10:24:20 +08:00

140 lines
3.1 KiB

// Copyright (c) 2014-2017, The Lemon Man, All rights reserved. LGPLv3
#include <fcntl.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <r_types.h>
#include <r_util.h>
#include "transport.h"
#if __WINDOWS__
#include <windows.h>
static void *iob_pipe_open(const char *path) {
LPTSTR path_ = r_sys_conv_utf8_to_win (path);
free (path_);
return hPipe != INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE? (void *)(HANDLE)hPipe : NULL;
static bool iob_pipe_close(void *p) {
return CloseHandle (p);
static int iob_pipe_read(void *p, uint8_t *buf, const uint64_t count, const int timeout) {
DWORD c = 0;
OVERLAPPED ov = {0};
ov.hEvent = CreateEvent (NULL, FALSE, FALSE, NULL);
if (!ov.hEvent) {
return 0;
if (!ReadFile (p, buf, count, NULL, &ov) &&
GetLastError () != ERROR_IO_PENDING) {
r_sys_perror ("ReadFile");
return -1;
if (WaitForSingleObject (ov.hEvent, timeout) == WAIT_TIMEOUT) {
CancelIo (p);
GetOverlappedResult (p, &ov, &c, TRUE);
CloseHandle (ov.hEvent);
return c;
static int iob_pipe_write(void *p, const uint8_t *buf, const uint64_t count, const int timeout) {
DWORD cbWrited = 0;
OVERLAPPED ov = {0};
if (!WriteFile (p, buf, count, NULL, &ov) &&
GetLastError () != ERROR_IO_PENDING) {
r_sys_perror ("WriteFile");
return -1;
GetOverlappedResult (p, &ov, &cbWrited, TRUE);
return cbWrited;
#include <errno.h>
#include <sys/socket.h>
#include <sys/select.h>
#include <sys/un.h>
static void *iob_pipe_open(const char *path) {
int sock;
struct sockaddr_un sa;
sock = socket (AF_UNIX, SOCK_STREAM, 0);
if (sock == -1) {
perror ("socket");
return 0;
memset (&sa, 0, sizeof (struct sockaddr_un));
sa.sun_family = AF_UNIX;
strncpy (sa.sun_path, path, sizeof(sa.sun_path));
sa.sun_path[sizeof (sa.sun_path) - 1] = 0;
if (connect (sock, (struct sockaddr *) &sa, sizeof(struct sockaddr_un)) == -1) {
perror ("connect");
close (sock);
return 0;
return (void *) (size_t) sock;
static bool iob_pipe_close(void *p) {
return close ((int)(size_t)p) == 0;
static int iob_pipe_read(void *p, uint8_t *buf, const uint64_t count, const int timeout) {
int result;
fd_set readset;
int fd = (int) (size_t) p;
struct timeval tv;
tv.tv_sec = 0;
// Convert from ms
tv.tv_usec = timeout * 1000;
for (;;) {
FD_ZERO (&readset);
FD_SET (fd, &readset);
result = select (fd + 1, &readset, NULL, NULL, &tv);
if (result < 1) {
if (errno == EINTR) {
if (result == 0) {
return 0;
return -1;
if (FD_ISSET (fd, &readset)) {
return recv ((int) (size_t) p, buf, count, 0);
return EINTR;
static int iob_pipe_write(void *p, const uint8_t *buf, const uint64_t count, const int timeout) {
int ret = send ((int) (size_t) p, buf, count, 0);
if (ret < 1) {
r_sys_perror ("iob_pipe_write, send");
if (errno == EPIPE) {
exit (1);
return ret;
io_backend_t iob_pipe = {
.name = "pipe",
.type = KD_IO_PIPE,
.init = NULL,
.deinit = NULL,
.config = NULL,
.open = &iob_pipe_open,
.close = &iob_pipe_close,
.read = &iob_pipe_read,
.write = &iob_pipe_write,