pancake 936db0db87 * Fix LIBDIR path issue for r_bin
- Properly load all LIBR_PLUGINS from rabin2 too
  - Maybe we will have to add a common stub for this
* Add r_bin_plugin_elf in the STATIC_PLUGINS list
* Add ii, iI, ie, is, iS, iz commands (accepts a * at the end)
  - Wrappers to run rabin2 over the opened file
* Add -l flag to radiff2 (line diffing)
  - Added -s flag to radiff2 (string distance)
  - Move linediff test program into the test.c
  - Use R_API for r_diff
  - Use double for buffers_distance
  - Fix -c flag (now we have modes and 'showcount' toggles)
2009-04-01 10:41:42 +00:00

244 lines
4.7 KiB

/* radare - LGPL - Copyright 2009 pancake<nopcode.org> */
#include <r_diff.h>
R_API struct r_diff_t *r_diff_new(u64 off_a, u64 off_b)
struct r_diff_t *d = MALLOC_STRUCT(struct r_diff_t);
r_diff_init(d, off_a, off_b);
return d;
R_API int r_diff_init(struct r_diff_t *d, u64 off_a, u64 off_b)
d->delta = 1;
d->user = NULL;
d->off_a = off_a;
d->off_b = off_b;
return 1;
R_API struct r_diff_t *r_diff_free(struct r_diff_t *d)
return NULL;
R_API int r_diff_set_callback(struct r_diff_t *d,
int (*callback)(struct r_diff_t *d, void *user, struct r_diff_op_t *op),
void *user)
d->callback = callback;
d->user = user;
return 1;
R_API int r_diff_set_delta(struct r_diff_t *d, int delta)
d->delta = delta;
return 1;
R_API int r_diff_buffers_static(struct r_diff_t *d, const u8 *a, int la, const u8 *b, int lb)
int i, len;
int hit = 0;
la = R_ABS(la);
lb = R_ABS(lb);
if (la != lb) {
len = R_MIN(la, lb);
"Buffer truncated to %d bytes (%d not compared)\n",
len, R_ABS(lb-la));
} else len = la;
for(i = 0; i<len; i++) {
if (a[i]!=b[i]) {
} else {
if (hit>0) {
struct r_diff_op_t o = {
.a_off = d->off_a+i-hit, .a_buf = a+i-hit, .a_len = hit,
.b_off = d->off_b+i-hit, .b_buf = b+i-hit, .b_len = hit
d->callback(d, d->user, &o);
hit = 0;
if (hit>0) {
struct r_diff_op_t o = {
.a_off = d->off_a+i-hit, .a_buf = a+i-hit, .a_len = hit,
.b_off = d->off_b+i-hit, .b_buf = b+i-hit, .b_len = hit
d->callback(d, d->user, &o);
hit = 0;
return 0;
R_API int r_diff_buffers_delta(struct r_diff_t *d, const u8 *a, int la, const u8 *b, int lb)
char buf[64];
char *ptr;
char *str;
FILE *fd;
char oop = 0;
int atl, btl, hit;
u8 at[128];
u8 bt[128];
u64 ooa, oob;
hit = atl = btl = 0;
ooa = oob = 0LL;
oop = -1;
r_file_dump(".a", a, la);
r_file_dump(".b", b, lb);
system("radiff -d .a .b | rsc uncolor > .d");
fd = fopen(".d", "r");
while(!feof(fd)) {
u64 oa, ob; // offset
int ba, bb; // byte
char op; // operation
oa = ob = 0LL;
fgets(buf, 63, fd);
if (feof(fd))
str = buf;
ptr = strchr(buf, ' ');
if (!ptr) continue;
sscanf(str, "0x%08llx", &oa);
str = r_str_ichr(ptr+1, ' ');
if (*str!='|'&&*str!='>'&&*str!='<') {
ptr = strchr(str, ' ');
if (!ptr) continue;
sscanf(str, "%02x", &ba);
} else ba = 0;
str = r_str_ichr(ptr+1, ' ');
ptr = strchr(str, ' ');
if (!ptr) continue;
sscanf(str, "%c", &op);
str = r_str_ichr(ptr+1, ' ');
if (str[0]!='0'||str[1]!='x') {
ptr = strchr(str, ' ');
if (!ptr) continue;
sscanf(str, "%02x", &bb);
str = ptr+1;
ptr = strchr(str, '\n');
if (!ptr) continue;
sscanf(str, "0x%08llx", &ob);
if (oop == op || oop==-1) {
if (hit == 0) {
ooa = oa;
oob = ob;
switch(op) {
case '|':
case '>':
case '<':
} else {
if (hit>0) {
struct r_diff_op_t o = {
.a_off = ooa, .a_buf = at, .a_len = atl,
.b_off = oob, .b_buf = bt, .b_len = btl
/* run callback */
d->callback(d, d->user, &o);
atl = btl = 0;
hit = 0;
oop = op;
if (hit>0) {
struct r_diff_op_t o = {
.a_off = ooa, .a_buf = at, .a_len = atl,
.b_off = oob, .b_buf = bt, .b_len = btl
/* run callback */
d->callback(d, d->user, &o);
atl = btl = 0;
hit = 0;
return 0;
R_API int r_diff_buffers(struct r_diff_t *d, const u8 *a, u32 la, const u8 *b, u32 lb)
int ret;
if (d->delta) {
fprintf(stderr, "Cannot diff different size buffers yet\n");
ret = r_diff_buffers_delta(d, a, la, b, lb);
} else ret = r_diff_buffers_static(d, a, la, b, lb);
return ret;
/* TODO: Move into r_util maybe? */
R_API int r_diff_buffers_distance(struct r_diff_t *d, const u8 *a, u32 la, const u8 *b, u32 lb, u32 *distance, double *similarity)
int i, j, cost, tmin, **m;
if (la < 1 || lb < 1)
return R_FALSE;
if ((m = alloca(la * sizeof(int*))) == NULL)
return R_FALSE;
for(i = 0; i <= la; i++)
if ((m[i] = alloca(lb * sizeof(int))) == NULL)
return R_FALSE;
for (i = 0; i <= la; i++)
m[i][0] = i;
for (j = 0; j <= lb; j++)
m[0][j] = j;
for (i = 1; i <= la; i++) {
for (j = 1; j <= lb; j++) {
if (a[i-1] == b[j-1])
cost = 0;
else cost = 1;
tmin = R_MIN(m[i-1][j] + 1, m[i][j-1] + 1);
m[i][j] = R_MIN(tmin, m[i-1][j-1] + cost);
if (distance != NULL)
*distance = m[la][lb];
if (similarity != NULL)
*similarity = 1.0/(1.0+m[la][lb]);
return R_TRUE;