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synced 2025-03-05 21:13:27 +00:00
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166 lines
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/* radare - LGPL - Copyright 2008-2016 - pancake */
#include <r_userconf.h>
#include <r_io.h>
#include <r_lib.h>
#include <r_cons.h>
#include <r_util.h>
#if __WINDOWS__
#include <windows.h>
#include <tlhelp32.h>
typedef struct {
int pid;
int tid;
} RIOW32Dbg;
#define RIOW32DBG_PID(x) (((RIOW32Dbg*)x->data)->pid)
#undef R_IO_NFDS
#define R_IO_NFDS 2
static int debug_os_read_at(RIOW32Dbg *dbg, void *buf, int len, ut64 addr) {
SIZE_T ret;
ReadProcessMemory (dbg->pi.hProcess, (void*)(size_t)addr, buf, len, &ret);
// if (len != ret)
// eprintf ("Cannot read 0x%08llx\n", addr);
return len; // XXX: Handle read correctly and not break r2 shell
//return (int)ret; //(int)len; //ret;
static int __read(RIO *io, RIODesc *fd, ut8 *buf, int len) {
memset (buf, '\xff', len); // TODO: only memset the non-readed bytes
return debug_os_read_at (fd->data, buf, len, io->off);
static int w32dbg_write_at(RIOW32Dbg *dbg, const ut8 *buf, int len, ut64 addr) {
SIZE_T ret;
return 0 != WriteProcessMemory (dbg->pi.hProcess, (void *)(size_t)addr, buf, len, &ret)? len: 0;
static int __write(RIO *io, RIODesc *fd, const ut8 *buf, int len) {
return w32dbg_write_at (fd->data, buf, len, io->off);
static bool __plugin_open(RIO *io, const char *file, bool many) {
if (!strncmp (file, "attach://", 9)) {
return true;
return !strncmp (file, "w32dbg://", 9);
static int __attach (RIOW32Dbg *dbg) {
dbg->pi.hProcess = OpenProcess (PROCESS_ALL_ACCESS, FALSE, dbg->pid);
if (!dbg->pi.hProcess) {
return -1;
return dbg->pid;
static RIODesc *__open(RIO *io, const char *file, int rw, int mode) {
if (__plugin_open (io, file, 0)) {
char *pidpath;
RIODesc *ret
RIOW32Dbg *dbg = R_NEW0 (RIOW32Dbg);
if (!dbg) {
return NULL;
dbg->pid = atoi (file + 9);
if (__attach (dbg) == -1) {
free (dbg);
return NULL;
pidpath = r_sys_pid_to_path (dbg->pid);
ret = r_io_desc_new (io, &r_io_plugin_w32dbg,
file, rw | R_IO_EXEC, mode, dbg);
ret->name = pidpath;
return ret;
return NULL;
static ut64 __lseek(RIO *io, RIODesc *fd, ut64 offset, int whence) {
return (!whence)
? offset
: (whence == 1)
? io->off + offset
: UT64_MAX;
static int __close(RIODesc *fd) {
// TODO: detach
return true;
static int __system(RIO *io, RIODesc *fd, const char *cmd) {
RIOW32Dbg *iop = fd->data;
//printf("w32dbg io command (%s)\n", cmd);
/* XXX ugly hack for testing purposes */
if (!strncmp (cmd, "pid", 3)) {
if (cmd[3] == ' ') {
int pid = atoi (cmd + 3);
if (pid > 0 && pid != iop->pid) {
iop->pi.hProcess = OpenProcess (PROCESS_ALL_ACCESS, false, pid);
if (iop->pi.hProcess) {
iop->pid = iop->tid = pid;
} else {
eprintf ("Cannot attach to %d\n", pid);
/* TODO: Implement child attach */
return -1;
} else {
io->cb_printf ("%d\n", iop->pid);
return iop->pid;
} else {
eprintf ("Try: '=!pid'\n");
return -1;
static int __getpid (RIODesc *fd) {
RIOW32Dbg *iow = (RIOW32Dbg *)(fd ? fd->data : NULL);
if (!iow) {
return -1;
return iow->pid;
static int __gettid (RIODesc *fd) {
RIOW32Dbg *iow = (RIOW32Dbg *)(fd ? fd->data : NULL);
return iow? iow->tid: -1;
RIOPlugin r_io_plugin_w32dbg = {
.name = "w32dbg",
.desc = "w32dbg io",
.license = "LGPL3",
.open = __open,
.close = __close,
.read = __read,
.check = __plugin_open,
.lseek = __lseek,
.system = __system,
.write = __write,
.getpid = __getpid,
.gettid = __gettid,
.isdbg = true
RIOPlugin r_io_plugin_w32dbg = {
.name = NULL
#ifndef CORELIB
RLibStruct radare_plugin = {
.type = R_LIB_TYPE_IO,
.data = &r_io_plugin_w32dbg,
.version = R2_VERSION