Quentin Santos 138ce88681 Fix visual assembler
The altered section of code is supposed to update the assembly code displayed
when enter new opcodes. This is done gy giving the hexadecimal representation
of the new binary to the the "pd" command. The corresponding flag is "@x:" and
not "@b:" (the later is used to temporarily set asm.bits).
2015-05-05 14:06:44 +02:00

64 lines
1.8 KiB

/* radare - LGPL - Copyright 2009-2014 - pancake */
#include <r_core.h>
typedef struct {
RCore *core;
char blockbuf[1024];
char codebuf[1024];
int oplen;
ut8 buf[128];
RAsmCode *acode;
int blocklen;
ut64 off;
} RCoreVisualAsm;
static int readline_callback(void *_a, const char *str) {
RCoreVisualAsm *a = _a;
int xlen;
r_cons_clear00 ();
r_cons_printf ("Write your favourite %s-%d opcode...\n\n",
r_config_get (a->core->config, "asm.arch"),
r_config_get_i (a->core->config, "asm.bits"));
if (*str == '?') {
r_cons_printf ("0> ?\n\n"
"Visual assembler help:\n\n"
" assemble input while typing using asm.arch, asm.bits and cfg.bigendian\n"
" press enter to quit (prompt if there are bytes to be written)\n"
" this assembler supports various directives like .hex ...\n"
} else {
r_asm_code_free (a->acode);
a->acode = r_asm_massemble (a->core->assembler, str);
r_cons_printf ("%d> %s\n", a->acode? a->acode->len: 0, str);
if (a->acode && a->acode->len)
r_cons_printf ("* %s\n\n", a->acode->buf_hex);
else r_cons_printf ("\n\n");
if (a->acode) {
xlen = strlen (a->acode->buf_hex);
strcpy (a->codebuf, a->blockbuf);
memcpy (a->codebuf, a->acode->buf_hex, xlen);
r_core_cmdf (a->core, "pd 7@x:%s @0x%"PFMT64x, a->codebuf, a->off);
r_cons_flush ();
return 1;
R_API void r_core_visual_asm(RCore *core, ut64 off) {
RCoreVisualAsm cva = {0};
cva.core = core;
cva.off = off;
r_io_read_at (core->io, off, cva.buf, sizeof (cva.buf));
cva.blocklen = r_hex_bin2str (cva.buf, sizeof (cva.buf), cva.blockbuf);
r_line_readline_cb (readline_callback, &cva);
if (cva.acode && cva.acode->len>0)
if (r_cons_yesno ('y', "Save changes? (Y/n)"))
r_core_cmdf (core, "wx %s @ 0x%"PFMT64x,
cva.acode->buf_hex, off);
r_asm_code_free (cva.acode);